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Latest revision as of 05:29, 1 August 2005


PL: 12, Identity: Eric Draven INIT: +13, DEF: 19/15 (Dodge not included) SPEED: 45/90/180 Att: MELEE +7, RANGED +8, MENTAL +6 SV: DMG +5, FORT +3, REF +11, WILL +2 STR 16(+6), DEX 18(+9), CON 16(+3), INT 10(0), WIS 14(+2), CHA 16(+3)

Skills: Acrobatics* +10/1, Balance +10/1, Drive* +10/1, Hide +14/2, Intimidate +8/5, Jump +8/2, Move Silent +14/2, Perform +5/2

Feats: Dodge, Durability (Super), Heroic Surge, Skill Focus (Hide), Improve Grapple, Rapid Healing Improve Initiative, Improve Pin, Two-Weapon Fighting, Instant Stand, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Move-By Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Focus (Move silent), Startle, Power Attack

POWERS: REGENERATION [+10] [SOURCE: MYSTICAL] Extra- Immunities- all listed on pg. 51-52 (Energy consist of Cold and heat) [+10]

ESP [+5] [SOURCE: MYSTICAL] Flaw- limited through the crow

POSTCOGNITION [+4] [SOURCE: MYSTICAL] (Note- second option) Extra- Mental Blast [+4] Extra- mental assault Flaw- range touch

SUPER-DEXTERITY [+5] [SOURCE: MYSTICAL] Running [+3] Deflection [+5] Power stunt- catch

SUPER-STRENGTH [+2] [SOURCE: MYSTICAL] Extra- Leaping [+2] Extra- Protection [+2]

HEALING [+3] [SOURCE: MYSTICAL] Flaw- others only


Weakness: Quirk (vengeance), Susceptible (vulnerable- Crow is source of power)

COST: abilities 30, combat 12, skills 16, feats 34, powers 108, weakness -20, total 180