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Latest revision as of 09:27, 1 August 2005

DAGGER PL: 10 Real Name: Tandy Bowen Dual Identity: Known to the public Base of Operations: Holy Ghost Church, New York City, New York, United States of America Group Affiliation: Partner of Cloak; former Marvel Knight Nationality/ethnicity: American/white

Stats: Attributes: Strength: 9 (-1) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 9 (-1) Intelligence: 11 (+0) Wisdom: 15 (+2) Charisma: 20 (+5)

Saves: Damage +0, Fortitude +0, , Reflex +5, Will +2 Defense: 16/17 Melee attack bonus: +8 Ranged attack bonus: +8 Hero Points: 5

Skills: Acrobatics +20, Balance +10, Jump +7, Knowledge: street culture +8, Perform: dancing +13

Feats: Attack Finesse, Attractive, Blind-Fight (from her time as a blind woman), Dodge, Evasion, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Talented (Acrobatics and Perform: dancing)

Powers: Amazing Save (Damage, Fortitude, Reflex) +1 (Source: Training), Combat Sense +3 (Source: Training), Daggers of Light (Energy Control: light +7 (Extras: Dazzle, Energy Blast (stun damage only), Fatigue, Healing (Flaw: Others only), Stun; Source: Mutation), Deflection +3 (Flaw: Only against bullets; Special Effect: Is actually a form of dodging, instead of true deflection; Source: Training), Protection +2 (Source: Training), Super-Charisma +6 (Flaw: Only against those beings sexually attracted to female humans; Source: "Training")