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Latest revision as of 19:33, 2 August 2005

Batman PL: 9, Dark Knight, Name: Bruce Wayne, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +8, DEF 21/16; SPEED 30, SWINGING 45; MELEE +9(Punch +6 S, ), RANGED +10(Batarang +2 S, ), MENTAL +9, SV: DMG +8, FORT +3, REF +8, WILL +5; STR 14, DEX 18, CON 16, INT 14, WIS 16, CHA 14.

SKILLS: Acrobatics* +7, Balance +7, Bluff +5, Computers* +5, Diplomacy +5, Disable Dev* +5, Disguise +5, Drive* +7, Escape Artist +7, Gather Info +5, Hide +9, Intimidate +8, Jump +5, Listen +6, Move Silent +9, Pilot* +7, Science: +5, Search +5, Sense Motive +6, Sleight/Hand* +7, Spot +6, Swim +5, Taunt +5.

FEATS: Attack Focus ( +1 attack Unarmed), Connected (knows people who can help), Dodge (+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent), Expertise ((- attack), (+ def), 5 max), Headquarters (base of operations), Imp. Disarm (target cannot disarm you), Imp. Initiative (+4 to initiative), Iron Will (+2 will saves), Power Attack ((- attack), (+ dmg bonus), 5 max), Rapid Strike (extra melee attack @ -2), Startle (intimidate target, loses dodge bonus), Surprise Strike ( +1 dmg/2 pls if target flat), Talented (+2 to Hide & Movesilently).

POWERS: INTENSE TRAINING, Amazing Save (Damage) [+5], Extra: Reflexes [+4], Extra: Strike [+4], GADGETS [+9], GRAPPLING GUN, Swinging [+9], BATARANG, Weapon [+2].

WEAK: Quirk (Obsessed).

COST: abilities 32, combat 30, skills 24, feats 26, powers 33, weakness -10, total 135.