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Beyond the Tomb of Five Corners - Session 25[edit]

Kuros: ok, we'll say Nyara has...gone off an urgent errand for the Gold Faction, and promised to return soon..

Alyssa leaves the restaurant, heading for the group's inn and her bed there.

Silk: "Ah, wait a moment, Alyssa."

Silk: "Our first order of business should be to find a different place to stay. Evidently we were found once by our enemies, we don't have to make it easier for them."

Alyssa pauses.

Alyssa: "Very well, but you will have to guide me there. I am confident I can find our inn without my sight, but another would be beyond me."

Alyssa: "Would you prefer that I disguise myself also?"

Silk: "Yes, that would be good for the same reason."

Alyssa pauses a moment and then the visage of an old woman, blinded by age and not injury replaces her usual appearance. "Will you guide me then, young man?" she asks in a creaky voice.

Silk: "Certainly, mother," Silk replies seriously.

Silk: As they walk Silk thinks aloud: "A suite of rooms, no more than two access ways, easy to secure. In a district where we can come and go without problems, but a group of assailants would find trouble."

SonoftheMetalFlame gives a slight chuckle and shakes hiis head, following after them.

Kuros: (You can find a place that meets your criteria, sure...)

Kuros: (Do you want it near the Cinnabar District?)

Silk: (Cinnabar sounds good. Upscale but not too much so)

Kuros: (It is also the mercenary district of Nexus. =P)

Silk will then go back under cover of Charms and retrieve all our stuff from the Gordian Knot.

Alyssa curls up on a bed in the new rooms and hides her face against a pillow so that no one sees her crying.

Silk will change his appearance and obscure himself from all memory, employing a Charm he has been thinking about many times, but only brought to completion after hearing about the Arcane Fate from Nyara. He will then start investigating how the Abyssals found them and where they are now.

Silk: To that end he will inquire with several people, including the ones back at the Gordian Knot but also in other places the Circle has been in Nexus, whether they have noticed a certain someone (denoted by his drawing of Rose Blossom's appearance).

Silk: If that brings no results he will return to the plaza of the fight and try to follow either the way the Abyssals arrived by or the on by which they left, again asking possible witnesses in the area.

Silk: Frustrated Silk will then turn to the professionals in that business and seek out a bounty hunter or professional investigator. Or several.

Silk: He will give descriptions and drawings, spread some advances around and promise a reward for any helpful information found. Under no circumstances are they to approach her or otherwise risk her attention.

Alyssa: Unless otherwise interupted, Alyssa will go to sleep and not wake until the next morning.

Silk will be gone until late in the evening. When he arrives he secures the remaining door (the other ways of access he had already covered in this way) with chimes to wake him if someone opens it. He also spends an hour in a strange ritual, attacking paper strips with warding signs to walls and doorframes.

Alyssa: (so. next morning?)

Silk bows to Alyssa in greeting in the morning. "Alyssa. Your powers of healing are impressive."

Alyssa: "There's a trick to it. Given how often I've been cut up since I exalted, it's come in handy."

Alyssa: "So, did you find anything out about those two?"

Silk: "Not yet. Following tracks in a city is a lost cause, unless one employs powerful Charms - which I do not have - or demons." He looks to Son. "Which we have not yet tried."

SonoftheMetalFlame grins. "Yet."

Silk: "And maybe shouldn't. Keeping a low profile might serve us better for the moment."

Silk: "At least until we can say that we have the Emissary on our side."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Right. I think that should be our primary focus at the moment."

Alyssa: "True. I believe we planned to discuss the matter with an officer of the Iron League?"

Silk: "Either way, I have a few sub-contractors looking for them. Maybe that will lead to something, or maybe not. Right now I agree, that we should focus on the matter of the Emissary, yes."

Silk: "Praxin Gault."

Alyssa: "Yes, that was the one."

Alyssa: "I imagine he could be found in the Nighthammer District."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "That sounds like as good a place to start looking as any. Shall we?"

Alyssa: "Perhaps we should consider how to approach Gault. As a prospective employers possibly?"

Silk: "We can easily claim to act in the Emissary's interest in this."

Silk: "It is the truth after all:"

Silk: "That should help make him cooperative and hopefully silent as well."

Alyssa nods. "I would hope so. Very well, that seems quite reasonable. Shall we go now, or later?"

Silk: "No time like the present. Although ... Son, do you have the means to conceal your identity yourself? If not I can help you create an adequate disguise."

Silk: (Likely to nobody's surprise Silk is wearing a different face today. Again.)

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I do not have any supernatural means to conceal my identity, no."

Silk: If Son agrees Silk proceeds to change Son's skin tone with powders then, covers his hair with a wig (natural hair, best not to dwell on where it came from) and bulks out his clothes with pillows.

SonoftheMetalFlame agrees readily.

Silk: When he is done Son is a heavy-set pale man with entirely different hair.

Alyssa leads the way towards Nighthammer, asking directions for the Iron League's headquarters.

Silk: Silk has disguised himself - somehow - as a tall, well-muscled northern woman of noble bearing.

Silk follows Alyssa's lead. This is her field of expertise far more than it is his.

Kuros: The smell of burning metal and the sound of ringing hammers appear as you had towards Nighthammer. It is relatively easy to find directions to the offices in Nighthammer. It turns out to be a walled compound taking up half a city block. The large,open interior seems to be used as a parade/drill area, while offices and barracks surround it

Kuros: As you approach the entrance, two men in chainmail wearing swords step in front of you. "Do you have business here?"

Alyssa approaches them confidently. "Yes, we do. We are here to speak to Praxin Gault."

Kuros: They glance at each other, then the one on the right says, "Regarding?"

Alyssa smiles. "We're... well, looking for someone for a rather specialised job. He was recommended as someone who might be able to suggest suitable candidates."

Kuros: "Well, you can schedule a meeting with him. Go over to the administration building, and speak with Sehane, his secretary."

Kuros: They step aside, and wave you through, pointing towards a triple story wooden building

Alyssa: "Thank you," Alyssa says politely and heads for the indicated building.

SonoftheMetalFlame follows Alyssa.

Silk follows, a step behind. 'She' is wearing one of Silk's larger knifes at 'her' side in the manner of a short sword.

Kuros: As you enter the building, you emerge into an open room that has several desks covered in paper. A woman sits behind each desk, busily scribbling on papers. They all look up as you enter. One, an older woman with iron grey hair and wrinkled skin, says "Can I help you?"

Alyssa: "I hope so," Alyssa says. "We've come here to speak to Praxin Gault. I'm advised that he is the best person to speak to about members of the Iron League."

Kuros: "I'm Sehane, his secretary. He's in charge of personnel, yes, but his first appointment is next week."

Kuros: "If you give me your names, I can schedule you for then?"

Alyssa: "It would be preferable - not essential, but preferable, if he could make time in his schedule earlier than that. We're here on behalf of the Emissary, if you can believe it." Alyssa shrugs helplessly. "It really is important."

Kuros: She narrows her eyes.

Kuros: "You are aware of the penalty of falsely claiming the Council's name?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Very."

Alyssa: "Fully."

Silk: "Hah."

Alyssa elbows Silk.

Silk: "What? We'd be stupid not to."

Alyssa: "The Emissary did not specifically direct us here, but he did assign us this mission personally."

Kuros: "THen I will need your names, and I will send to the Council offices for confirmation, and you may see him this afternoon."

Kuros: She takes a sheet of parchment, and poises her pen over it

Alyssa: "My name is Alithiel. I doubt you'll be able to contact the Emissary today, regrettably. That is rather the crux of the issue. Is there someone I can speak to here to explain more discreetly?"

SonoftheMetalFlame puts his hand on Alyssa's shoulder, looks at her for a moment, and then approaches the secretary's desk. "Could I have a piece of paper?"

Kuros: She frowns, and then slides over a piece of paper.

Kuros: She looks at Alyssa. "I'm afraid we are the only ones here."

SonoftheMetalFlame grabs the piece of paper and writes something on it hastily. He reaches into a pocket briefly and, his hand clenched, picks up the paper and slides it over to the woman. "Perhaps this will be of interest enough to get us an appointment hastily?"

Alyssa turns slightly to looks at Son questioningly.

SonoftheMetalFlame: (( If I wink, can it be Cha+Socialize? :) ))

Kuros: (Sure. =P)

Kuros: Sehane looks at the piece of paper, and turns a bit paler. She looks around furtively at the other secreatries, then puts it in a drawer in her desk

Kuros: "I think something just opened up this afternoon."

Kuros: "Come back at 2."

SonoftheMetalFlame smiles. "Thank you very much."

Alyssa: "Thank you, you've been very helpful."

Silk looks at the others, asking 'can we go?' without words.

SonoftheMetalFlame gives a very slight nod and heads for the door.

Silk follows closely behind, a certain source of sound fixed closely in his mental map of his surroundings

Alyssa takes the rear, feigning ignorance of the sound.

Kuros: As you all exit the building, you see a man leaning against the outside wall enxt to the door. He's shirtless, and has a large shadow of a bird tattooed on his chest. He's close to 7 feet tall, dark skin, and has short brown hair.

Kuros: He's close to 260lbs, and extremely muscled.

Kuros: He doesn't move as you walk past him.

Kuros: You guys want to do anything until the meeting?

Silk looks at him in passing only, apparently paying him no more attention than to the path ahead.

SonoftheMetalFlame: (( Does the tattoo look familiar at all? ))

Kuros: (Nope.)

Silk: Once outside the compound Silk quietly asks Son: "What did you show her?"

Alyssa: (buy lunch)

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Oh, I just let some scrip do the convincing."

Silk: "Ahh, Nexus. If you will excuse me for a moment, I will rejoin you later."

Silk: With that Silk ducks into a small side alley and reemerges clothed in concealing clothes and with a mask before his face. A small exertion of essence blots out his image and any sounds his silent feet might make out of anyone's perception. So covered he backtracks the small distance back to the Iron League compound, tracking down a certain man by the distinctive sound of his heartbeat.

Kuros: You find a nice, open air restaraunt nearby that seems to cater to the workers in the area

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Be safe."

Alyssa: "Bribery?" Alyssa closes her eyes and a pained expression crosses her face.

Alyssa: "Well I'm hardly going to argue with success."

SonoftheMetalFlame shrugs. "I figure that this is important enough that any harm that could possibly be done by supplying a secretary with extra money will be mitigated by restoring the Emissary."

Silk: If possible he tries to find a roof overlooking the mercenary company's place.

Silk: !roll 9

ExBot: Silk rolled 9 dice and achieved 6 successes. [ 10 1 5 10 4 1 4 10 2 ]

Alyssa: "I'm hardly going to claim the moral high ground. But that's a tactic that can backfire dramatically."

SonoftheMetalFlame: nods. "True enough."

Alyssa: "Still, it seems to have worked."

Silk: Assuming they have told Silk where they were going, he rejoins Alyssa and Son perhaps five minutes later.

Alyssa: "What did you find out?" Alyssa asks, pushing a platter of chicken legs towards him.

Silk: "Nothing, which is quite curious in itself."

Alyssa: "You lost him?"

Silk inclines his head. "Either he left very quickly after we did or he is an Essence user of considerable skill."

Alyssa: "Well, I suppose it isn't surprising that there would be others of skill in Nexus."

Silk: "No. In any case, the process of verification of our claim has begun. What is your plan, how do we proceed?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I have no new ideas. As long as we find someone who will be faithful to us, I am content."

Alyssa: "We have the Mask of the Emissary. That should suffice for bona fides if challenged. In general, there will be no benefit to lying. We were appointed by the Emissary to select his successor. We have chosen to look within the Iron League."

Silk: "I could do without the official attention." He grins. "But Pluto, seeing through time, should have made sure that a request for verification will return as validated if she was serious about seeing Nexus with a new Emissary."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Well, we shall see shortly."

Alyssa: "I'm not going to count on the benevolence of a God."

Silk: "I will see shortly. If someone has decided to make an issue out of it we will have to drop that appointment."

Silk: "I'm not counting on the benevolence of a group whose base of power we might possibly shake up."

Kuros: (2pm, to the meeting?)

Alyssa: (indeed)

Silk: Silk arrives nice and early, though his Hidden Sun Prana means nobody is likely to see him. If he reports no nasty surprises, the others will follow ... probably.

Alyssa goes back into the compound and heads towards the same building as before.

Kuros: Sehane looks up as you enter, and gestures through a door behind her. "He's waiting for you."

Alyssa: "Thank you, Sehane," Alyssa says politely and goes through the door.

SonoftheMetalFlame follows after Alyssa.

Kuros: You enter a large room, with a large table in the middle. It is stuffed with stacks of paper and knick knacks. Behind it sits an older, grey haired man who is still in shape. He looks up as you enter.

Alyssa: "Praxin Gault?"

Kuros: "Yes, and you are...?"

Alyssa: "Alithiel." Alyssa approaches him. "And I'm here because I've been asked to find someone to fill an important role. I'm hoping that you can make some recommendations."

Kuros: He leans back. "Depends on what you need. We don't work outside of Nexus, and we specialize in neighborhood and business protection. Is someone bothering you?"

Alyssa: "It's a little more esoteric than that, unfortunately. The Emissary retired yesterday."

Alyssa: (dramatic pause)

Alyssa: "We're charged to select the next Emissary."

Kuros: He is silent for a few moments, then speaks again, sounding noticeably less friendly. "I'm not sure what game you are trying to play, but the Council does not look well upon stunts like this."

Kuros: "If you have actual business to discuss, then do so. If not, leave."

Alyssa: "Since I am not suicidal, I assure you that this is no joke." She looks at Silk. "Show him."

Kuros: You hear the secretary's voice outside, "Why, hello, Falcon! Of course, go on in!"

Kuros: The door to the office suddenly opens, and the tattooed man stands in the doorway. He steps in, and closes the door behind him.

Silk: 'Griid' makes no move, waiting until 'Falcon' is there.

Kuros: Praxin stands up as the man enters. Falcon looks at all of you, smiling faintly, then says, "I heard a disturbing report. A report that a group of people were claiming the Council's authority."

Alyssa: "More precisely, that we are acting on the instruction of the Emissary. The opinion or wishes of the rest of the Council are not known to me."

Kuros: Praxin swallows. "I assure you, sir, I just met them. I have no idea who they even are. They have some insane tale..."

Silk: Out of sight behind her back she contorts her fingers into a curious arrangement.

Kuros: Falcon leans against the door casually, folding his arms. "How strange that he did not mention it to the rest of the Council?"

Kuros: "Do you have proof of your claim?"

Silk affects an arrogant expression. "And who are you to ask?"

Alyssa: "I do not believe that we have been introduced. I take it that you are at least associated with the Council?"

SonoftheMetalFlame just stands silently.

Kuros: He smiles. "My name is Falcon, and unlike you, I do have the Council's blessing."

Silk: Idly Griid lets the hand sign for 'caution' fall among her natural movements.

Kuros: "Now, do you have proof, or don't you?"

Silk: (Alyssa should check whether he is lying)

Alyssa: (sagacious reading of intent)

Alyssa: "I take it that his credentials are known to you Gault-san."

Alyssa: "I specified precisely the extent and limit of my authority," Alyssa tells him. "As for proof, please show him what we have Griid."

Alyssa: (also activating Judge's Ear Technique)

Kuros: "Yes, quite. He and a few others like him work for the Council."

Kuros: Praxin looks somewhat shaken.

Kuros: Falcon uncrosses his arms, and sighs. "For the last time, show me your proof, or I will place you all under arrest."

Silk: Griid looks sharply at Falcon. "You will make no sudden movements." Then she reaches into her clothes, which unseen from the outside transform under her touch, opening a hole in the small, lead-lined compartment within them from which she produces the mask in two suddenly gloved hands.

Kuros: Falcon raises one eyebrow as he looks at it. "A mask? That is your proof?"

Kuros: "Any metalsmith could make this."

Kuros: He turns to Alyssa, and says, "You are saying that you believe you are operating under the authority of the Emissary?"

Alyssa: "With the extent of limited instructions, yes."

Kuros: He leans back. "Hmm. I believe you."

Silk: As if by magic the mask disappears again.

Kuros: "But I'm afraid you'll still have to come with me. This is a matter for the Council to decide."

Silk: "Why?"

Alyssa: "I presume that if the Emissary wanted the Council to handle this he would have asked them to."

Kuros: He turns to Silk and narrows his eyes. "Because I say so, and if you do not comply, I will take you to them in chains."

Alyssa: "I do not object to accompanying you, however, the opinion of the Council is not my paramount concern in this matter. I would not wish to be misunderstood."

Kuros: He turns back to Alyssa and smiles. "That is something you can discuss with the council. I have no say in their choices."

Silk: "Interesting reason, that."

Kuros: Gault says somewhat shakily, "I would listen to him. He, and the others the council has retained, are what the Empire call the Anathema."

Alyssa: "Remarkable," Alyssa says.

SonoftheMetalFlame finally displays emotions with a grin across his face.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Such an ugly word. Anathema."

Kuros: Falcon gives a quick bow, a mocking smile on his face. "Now, are we going to be civil about this, or must we make a big production of it?"

Alyssa: "I don't believe that that will be necessary."

Kuros: He smiles at Alyssa. "Excellent, I do like it when people are reasonable."

Kuros: "You can meet with the Council, and hopefully have all this cleared up by dinner time!"

Silk: "Please, by all means, let us be civil. And not make threats ..."

Alyssa turns to Gault. "My apologies for disturbing you this afternoon, to what appears to have been no productive outcome."

Kuros: He smiles weakly. "Well, it was interesting at least..."

Alyssa: "We live in... interesting times, it seems."

Kuros: Falcon says to Silk, "Heed your own advice, and next time, do not presume to tell me what movements I can and cannot make."

Kuros: Falcon opens the door, and gestures for you all to walk through it.

SonoftheMetalFlame rolls his eyes and walks out the door.

Alyssa walks through quietly.

Silk: shrugs. "I thought that was perfectly reasonable."

Kuros: (OK, that is it for this week.)

Kuros: (I have to go to work, I'm afraid.)

SonoftheMetalFlame: (( Awwww. ))

Alyssa: (same time next week?)

Kuros: (yeah, that should be ok

Kuros: 6xp

Silk: Mmhh. That didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped.

Silk: I'd have liked to put a fair accompli to the Council.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Indeed. :/

Silk: *fait

Alyssa: remind me not to let Silk speak to anyone, ever.

Silk: Heh.

Silk: Silk is thinking quite the similar thing ;)

Silk: I meant to turn this into a legal matter, but then I realized that wouldn't necessarily be to our advantage.

Alyssa: yeah. still, should divert Alyssa from her little crisis of faith

Alyssa: other than grabbing someone at random though, I still think this was a feasible plan

Silk: Except for the actually telling them what we were doing part?

Silk: Granted, once the stone had begun rolling there was no stopping it, save by not appearing and looking for a different point to start the search.

Alyssa: honesty is always the best policy (although, by elimination, what does that leave as the second-best?)

Silk: You can be perfectly honest while saying exactly nothing :p

Kuros: If you hadn't claimed the council's name, you actually would have gotten away with it

Kuros: since he didn't penetrate your disguises

Silk: I'm half considering doing this by myself.

Silk: Might not be good for group play and Circle cohesion, though.

Kuros: ok, shower time

Kuros: adios you guys

Alyssa: Alyssa is going to be firm about this. Never ONCE claimed the Council's authority

Alyssa: cya

Silk: waves

Kuros: ok, after I reply to this

Kuros: you said you were working for the Emissary, yes?

Silk: The thing is, they will all want to get their hands on this. And legally speaking they absolutely can since newer edicts trump old ones, even if there was an official edict.

Alyssa: yep. I know she's being picky about semantics

Kuros: The Emissary is a Council Member. =)

Silk: And we really don't want to let them.

Alyssa: doing a favor for him is not the same as acting under his authority

Silk: So maybe it would be for the best if everyone just forgot who has the mask, and who this 'Silk' guy is :p

Kuros: sneaky

Alyssa: that's her story and she's sticking to it

Kuros: we'll see how it turns out. =)

Kuros: ok, shower time

Alyssa: bye

Alyssa has signed off IRC (Exit: ).

Silk: Ess 4 Exalt. Grrr.

Silk: Too bad capturing and rewriting his mind would probably be somewhat difficult.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Haha

Silk: Son could Threefold Binding of the Heart him, if he had that spell. Much quicker than protracted social combat and repeated combo use.

Silk: Which still only solves the immediate problem, though :(

SonoftheMetalFlame: Yeah. :/

SonoftheMetalFlame: I'm sure we'd have to deal with the council at some point.

SonoftheMetalFlame: So we may as well do it now.

Silk: I'd have liked to do it from a position of strenght.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Ah well.

Silk: Mmh, We can claim to be on a mission from god, without necessarily making the connection to the Emissary.

Silk: "This is our task, given to us by the old Emissary as well as the Incarna Pluto"

Silk: "You must have noticed the new star in the sky?"

Silk: *sigh* I'll have to think about how we can get out of this one without losing this chance or making the Council as enemies. Or both.

Silk: Make a new Emissary, kill everyone who has a problem with us. I like that plan.

Kuros: You could talk to the God of Nexus...

Kuros: She could verify Pluto is back

Silk: Probably easier to reach than the Incarna herself :p

Kuros: probably

Silk: I might just invest my XP into combat Charms after all :s

Kuros: I'm going to show Nyara some combat charms if she drops out

Kuros: so frustrating having to deal with PCs who constantly disappear

Silk: :(