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Beyond the Tomb of Five Corners - Session 27[edit]

Silk: Anyway, Silk will mention that he is going to try and talk to Falcon, find out some more about him ... if he's being called Anathema, maybe he could be an ally worth having.

Silk: Does anyone want to come along and talk to Falcon?

Alyssa: Alyssa may as well. Might be able to avert the talk turning into a fight.

Kuros: so it is a night between installing the new Emissary, and leaving

Kuros: Where are you guys, and what are you doing?

Nyara_Sunswept: After the mess of things everyone's Essence discharges made of the local threads of Fate, there's that Essence-Wielder Incident Assessment to fill out...

Nyara_Sunswept sighs.

Silk has once more assumed the appearance of Kriid, the northern woman of noble bearing

Kuros: As you wander down a deserted street, you see a familiar figure leaning casually against the wall a few dozen yards ahead of you.

Silk: (Falcon, I assume?)

Kuros: It does resemble him, but you'll have to get closer.

Silk continues to walk down the street, his gait unchanged

Kuros: As you get closer, you can see it is Falcon. He stands away from the wall, looking at all three of you. "You called?"

Alyssa pulls out a flask of liquor and takes a sip as she walkes after Kriid.

Alyssa offers the flask to Silk.

Silk: "Thank you, no," Kriid politely declines. "Later maybe."

Alyssa then offers it to Nyara and Falcon as well.

Silk: Nodding toward Falcon she nods. "So we did. You have sharp ears."

Kuros: "You lot caused quite a stir."

Silk: "It seems to be our curse. Whom have we stirred up this time?"

Kuros: Falcon smirks. "Gee, I wonder who you could have pissed of by installing a new Emissary? Could it be the people you didn't consult?"

Alyssa: "Now, now. We gave them the opportunity to suggest candidates. Not our fault they waited too long."

Kuros: "I don't particularly care, myself. What do you want from me?"

Silk: "I ... we were curious. A powerful Exalt, and likely not a Dragonblooded by the way you've been called 'Anathema', in the service of the Council."

Kuros: He smiles. "They pay me well."

Alyssa: "Your talents no doubt make you valuable to them."

Silk: "Within the limits of what you may tell us, what do they pay you for?"

Kuros: He shrugs. "Whatever they tell me to do."

Silk: "And what payment could they give that is valuable to one such as us?"

Kuros: He raises an eyebrow. "Why the personal interest?"

Silk: Kriid smiles. "You don't have to tell me. I won't pry. I'm merely curious why someone with such power and potential has aligned himself with a group such as the Council."

Kuros: "Security and wealth are things I value." He shrugs. "They keep the Hunt at bay."

Alyssa: "I've heard of worse circumstances," Alyssa agrees mildly.

Silk nods. "Understandable. And beyond that, do you have greater ambitions? Surely you won't do this forever."

Kuros: "I think that is my own business. Now, is there some relevant business you want to discuss?"

Silk: She spreads her hands. "Forgive me if I seem nosy."

Alyssa: "You are nosy," Alyssa tells Silk. She turns back to Falcon. "Thank you for your assistance in the matter of the Emissary."

Kuros: He inclines his head briefly. "I'd be careful, if I were you. The Emissary has ordered you all be left alone, but that may not last."

Silk: "Most people of consequence seem to desire our death, so it is nice to meet someone who doesn't. I was hoping that at some point in the future we could be allies against common enemies."

Kuros: He shrugs. "If you're paying, we can talk."

Silk: "We might get back to you about that. I assume your ears will be as sharp then as they were today?"

Kuros: He chuckles. "Always are."

Kuros: With that, he turns and heads down the street

Silk smiles and resist the urge to test Falcon's powers of perception

Alyssa takes another sip of her drink. "Well that was productive."

Silk: "Mmh. It has been said that diplomacy is not my strength. Tell me, Alyssa, how bad was that?"

Alyssa: "I don't think you caused us any harm in the long run. Perhaps he suspects we're more than social climbers."

Silk: "I was assuming that he would be aware of our nature."

Silk: "What mortals deal with beings such as the Incarna, or defy the Council in their own city?"

Alyssa: "The very bold and the very foolish, if there is a difference. Nexus does not lack for either trait."

Silk nods. "True. Maybe we should have been more explicit in talking to him from Exalt to Exalt."

Alyssa: "Our kind are not so common that we will be assumed to be more than mortal without evidence."

Alyssa: "It is possible that that would have helped, or he could have seen us as rivals."

Silk: "Perhaps. So long as he does not become another enemy to us I will be glad. We have enough of those."

Alyssa: "Well we learned something of him, perhaps."

Silk: "Indeed. He is careful, and probably pursuing some plan that requires safety and financial resources. Or possibly the access to and the backing of the Council."

Alyssa: "Possibly he merely wishes a layer of security as he grows into his power. In a year, two years, ten years, he may find he has outgrown his role, but a patron such as the Council might ensure he lives that long."

Silk: "We will meet again and learn more about him then. But for now we have our own tasks to attend to."

Silk: Back at the (name of the place where we are staying) Silk brings up something he has been thinking about for a while with Alyssa and Son. "We will have to think about what we do once we have found Shebeth. While searching for the fragments we see only what is in front of us, but we must consider the big picture."

Silk: "What do we do with a First Age city of unknown properties but likely containing enormous powers of some sort?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I have thought on this as well. Unfortunately, I have not come to any conclusions."

Silk nods. "I have. More an idea than a conclusion perhaps."

Alyssa: "Our options will presumably depend upon the nature of the city's properties."

Alyssa: "What is your idea, Silk?"

Silk: "We have previously gained some power over the city of Lanterntown and that is an example that we might do well to follow. Building a base of power to support us and be supported by us. Not an empire like the Bull intends to create, but a protectorate. An alliance of free cities and nations, united by treaties and a common protector - us."

Alyssa: "It will take more than a handful of Exalted to protect such an alliance. We would need an organisation - an army."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "Perhaps with Shebeth under our control and the Emissary as an ally, we could form a strong alliance with Nexus. Certainly they could supply the army."

Silk: "That is the beauty of it. Those cities and nations within the alliance have their own armies, right? They can defend themselves against smaller threats and through treaties of mutual support they can face bigger ones as well."

Silk: "We only need to help them direct their common efforts and add our power to theirs."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "If I could get my previous incarnation's factory cathedral operating again, we could easily furnish an army with the finest weapons and armor of any army in creation."

Alyssa: "It is an attractive idea."

Silk: "Yes, eventually we might need to raise forces of our own, but they should not be independent of the client states but drawn from it. A defence force to protect all within the alliance."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "Fair enough."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "What do we intend to do with this group of nations?"

Alyssa: "We would have to fight the Bull. Likely head on, with armies. Do either of you feel able to do so? Nothing less would be likely to dissuade him from seeking conquest. Little else could confirm our worth so clearly."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I have been assuming that we would need to confront the Bull head-on merely to get his piece of the key for Shebeth."

Silk: "The reason I bring this up now is that we will have to lay the foundations for such a thing now. Once it becomes known that we have Shebeth we will no doubt be assailed and it will be to late to do such then."

Alyssa: "What foundations do you have in mind?"

Silk: "As we have begun with Lanterntown, so we can continue with other places, if hopefully less heavy-handedly. Preparing the terms of the treaties and bonds of alliance we want to propose is an important matter - they will need to be clearly and well written without loopholes or backdoors."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Sounds like we could use an ally of the Eclipse."

Silk: "Commerce must be considered - Alyssa, that is probably your area of expertise. I myself am already working on - slow progress though it is - on what may one day become an intelligence service to the Lawgiver Protectorate."

Alyssa: "And likely we could use an ally skilled in the leadership of troops: I ask again, do either of you have such experience?"

SonoftheMetalFlame shakes his head. "I do not."

Silk: "Is not diplomacy a part of Venus's purview as well? If Nyara truly means to be our ally, maybe she can help."

Silk shakes his head as well. "In Caran we have not just lost a friend but also someone who could have taken that burden upon himself."

Alyssa: "Then either we will have to find an ally with such skills - or a counter to the use of armies at all - or one of us must learn the arts of war."

Silk: "Indeed. Celestials are rare, but a Dragonblooded might be found who is sympathetic to our goals - or can be convinced to be."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Sibu is a very well-connected individual. I am confident that he would know someone who is qualified and who would be glad to help us."

Alyssa: "Good. None of our plans will work unless we have the might to enforce our will - upon enemies, at least. Against those we would ally with such an approach would be counter productive of course."

Silk: "Charms of persuasion will serve us better there. I have already tested a few such means upon select groups and found the results impressive."

Silk: "Of course, in that as in all our dealings a light hand will be needed. That is the principle upon which I think the Protectorate should be based - peace and adherence to treaties will be enforced, in all other matters the members shall be entirely free."

Alyssa: "That much I can agree with. No one likes a meddler in their own backyard."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Then we all agree on that point."

Alyssa: "So, a mutual defense: agreement that an attack on one is an attack on both. Some method to mediate disputes between allies. And perhaps some commerce, although doubtless the Guild will want to decide that without our influence."

Silk: "Trade agreements between nations are not for the Guild to decide over, I would think."

Alyssa: "Try telling them that. Remember who does most of the trading? Any such agreements might affect their profits, for good or ill. An alliance that is economically powerful might cause them many concerns."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Indeed. The guild will be a hurdle."

Silk: "Disputes can be fairly settled in a court of law, which requires in turn a written law of the Protectorate which binds its members and a common forum in which such laws and matters of common policy can be discussed agreed upon."

Alyssa: "Some form of council then, with representatives of all members?"

Silk nods. "That is what I thought. We would sit on that council as well."

Silk: "In that way we can wield influence but are not tyrants."

Alyssa: "Except via... what did you call them? Charms of persuasion?" Alyssa asks drily.

Silk: "True," Silk concedes. "Who watches the watchmen? We will have to watch each other."

Alyssa: "Do any of you have memories of Shebeth to suggest what we might find there?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Only one. I am standing at the top of a pyramid and Caran - or rather, his past incarnation - says to me that 'the cleansing is complete.'"

Silk: Silk stares into the distance for a minute before shaking his head. "I don't think so. I suppose I could try certain methods and see whether they shake any memories loose, though."

Silk: "Anyway. For the moment, as we have discussed yesterday, the time is auspicious to retrieve the key fragment in Yu-Shan. But after that and as we continue the search we should begin working on preparations. Accurate maps, information about relations between prospective members and the problems and threats they face, will need to be gathered."

Silk: "The beginnings of armed forces, diplomats and intelligence workers, all loyal to us and what we represent, need to be laid. The influence of other great forces such as the Guild, the Realm, Lookshy, and perhaps most vitally the Immaculate Order need to be assessed and especially in the latter case countered."

Alyssa: "Alright. So we keep our eyes and ears open for opportunities to further this plan. That sounds more than reasonable to me."

SonoftheMetalFlame simply nods.

Silk: "Very well. Tomorrow morning we will leave for Yu-Shan then."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Actually, I have a request."

Alyssa: "Of whom?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "The group as a whole."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I would very much like to return to my manse to attend to a few organizational matters. I have also instructed Sibu and my students to prepare materials in my absence for the construction of an artifact. Ideally, I would create said artifact while I am there, but it could take anywhere from two weeks to a month to do so. At the very least, I could take the materials with me to Yu-Shan and attempt to find some facilities to use for its construction."

Alyssa: "We're a long way from the manses. Do we really have the time for such a journey?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "We are but a week from my university."

Silk frowns. "According to Nyara the confusion caused by Pluto's return will likely make our task easier and less risky. But that advantage comes with a time limit."

Alyssa: "That's a week that we might not have. What artifact do you plan?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "One that would make me far more effective in a combat situation. But if we cannot spare a week, then I will simply have to wait until there is indeed a week to spare."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Then, we also do not know where the nearest access to Yu-Shan is."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "So that is a factor that must be considered - we may already have to head in the direction of the university, or we may have to head in a completely opposite direction."

Silk: "Actually, we do."

Alyssa: "So we could be looking at a two week round trip. I regret that that sounds too long for us to delay."

Silk: "There is a gate right here in Nexus."

SonoftheMetalFlame chuckles. "Okay, so we do."

Silk: "And others closer to the university, the precise locations of which are known to Nyara. So we might even be spared part of the return journey."

Alyssa: "Perhaps we should ask our guide then. Nyara, would such a diversion delay us significantly?"

Nyara_Sunswept: "If we head to Yu-Shan now, things will certainly be more confused than they usually are."

Nyara_Sunswept: "That said, a returned Incarna isn't the kind of an event that just settles itself out after a few weeks."

Nyara_Sunswept: "We're talking about Heaven, where the head of one of the Bureaus still hasn't quite realized that the Usurpation ever happened."

Nyara_Sunswept: She smiles a little wanly and says, "You may find it fascinating or very disillusioning but Heaven, and the Gods, work on their own timetable. If it's important to delay a few weeks, I don't think you cost yourselves much."

Nyara_Sunswept: "I will say if you want to build an artifact, right now, you're better off doing it in Creation."

Nyara_Sunswept: "Heaven *does* have workshops the likes no one in Creation has ever seen before. But access could be...politically problematic."

Alyssa: "Events here may outpace us though," Alyssa argues. "Is there a gate to Yu Shan anywhere along the River of Tears?"

Nyara_Sunswept: "Well, there's a Gate in Sijan..."

Nyara_Sunswept: "That's the nearest one from the River of Tears, anyway."

SonoftheMetalFlame waves a hand. "If it is going to cause trouble, we needn't worry about it. I will simply make my way to Yu-Shan once I have finished up at my university."

Alyssa: "That is closer to your university, Son. Perhaps we could return through that gate and you can construct your artifact then?"

Nyara_Sunswept: "There's a Gate here, there's one up in Sijan but if you're heading north, well, there's one in Icewalker territory and otherwise the next nearest is sort of near Halta."

Alyssa: "We might find ourselves arriving there sooner than if we go their directly, from what has been said of travel in Heaven."

Nyara_Sunswept: Nyara chuckles. "Quicksilver canal travel is faster than anything in Creation, that's for sure."

Nyara_Sunswept: "What are you trying to build?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "That would certainly work for me."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I have been working for some time on a way to improve my current weapon."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "You will recall that I currently use a common sorcery to transform my hands into deadly claws."

Alyssa: "Of course."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I have devised a set of synergistic cesti that would transform along with the claws to essentially plate them in orichalcum, affording me a great advantage."

Nyara_Sunswept nods. "Well, if you have the means to build it yourself, I can see why you'd want to. You might find Yu-Shan an interesting place for artifice, though. Ambrosia in particular makes excellent building material, since you can turn it into magical materials."

Alyssa: "Impressive. I can see why you are eager to return home and construct them."

Silk nods in approval. "The next time we meet those Abyssals we will be better prepared."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Yes, I have read of ambrosia. I will certainly like to acquire some when we visit."

Nyara_Sunswept: "When I pick up my paycheck, I'll pass you a coin for study if you want."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I would appreciate that greatly."

Alyssa: (shall we skip to departure?)

Kuros: (Skippign ahead is fine...)

Kuros: Nyara leads you to a large building, with marble sides and massive glass windows. It looks rather like a compound, beautiful but forbidding

Kuros: There are guards standing outside the large, ornate wooden doors leading into the building.

Nyara_Sunswept: "They're with me," Nyara says, glancing over the guards.

Kuros: They briefly look at everyone, then nod, and knock on the door. It swings open silently.

Nyara_Sunswept looks back at the Solars, gives them a reassuring smile and heads on into the large building.

Kuros: The foyer is beatifully appointed, with rich carpeting, spiraling stairs, and hallways leading around the building.

Alyssa: follows, apparently uninterested in her surroundings, but actually taking everything in.

Silk has assumed the appearance in which Nyara first met him, Alraune the small man in severe clothes looking like an accountant.

Kuros: She further leads you down a hallway to another set of stairs, past another set of guards, and into a finished basement that is spartan, but functinoal

Kuros: In the center of stone room, you see a large door standing in the middle of the air. THe twisting frame resembles vines, and are made of all five magical materials. THe door itself is made of what looks like wood, and has no handle on it.

Nyara_Sunswept: "So, just be mindful that Heaven is...different."

Nyara_Sunswept: "Whatever you do, don't gawk or people will know you haven't been there and that'll just make you more obvious."

Alyssa: "We'll try not to look like your dim cousins from the country."

SonoftheMetalFlame just silently observes

Silk cleans his glasses. "I do not 'gawk'," he states dispassionately.

Nyara_Sunswept blushes slightly and says, "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to come off as superior or anything. I just remember my first time in Heaven and...well, it wasn't a good experience and I actually belong there."

Nyara_Sunswept: "The fewer people who notice you, or notice you as Solars, the better."

Alyssa: "On that, I promise that there is no disagreement."

Silk: 'Alraune' answers in a slightly different voice: "Do not take all things I say seriously, when I affect a different persona."

Silk: "They may just be part of the disguise."

Nyara_Sunswept: "I'll keep it in mind, Silk," Nyara says, chuckling slightly. "Sidereals understand something of being someone you aren't."

Silk: "'Alraune', please. Never that other name in a false appearance."

Nyara_Sunswept: "Alraune then."

Nyara_Sunswept places her hand against the door.

Silk: He finishes cleaning his glasses and puts them back on. His manner returns to that of the Alraune persona. "Lead on then, Mrs. Sunswept."

Nyara_Sunswept's hand against the wood settles against, then somehow pushes through as if the wood turned into surface tension on a lake. Her hand submerges inside the door. And the rest of her goes through without further hesitation.

Alyssa blinks. "Not quite what I expected," she admits and then steps into the door herself.

Silk raises one eyebrow, then follows without comment.

Nyara_Sunswept: After a moment that passes through every color in existence as well as eight others, Nyara and her companions step out on the other side. Likely facing a dozen or so Celestial Lions.

SonoftheMetalFlame stops to look at the door a bit, but then follows through.

Kuros: As you pass through the door, there is a flash of white light, and you emerge onto a stone balcony. The sky is a beautiful blue without a cloud in the sky. On the balcony, looking at you, are two giant lions, made of golden orichalcum, gleaming in the sun. They are massive, over eight feet tall at the shoulders.

Kuros: They step forward as you emerge, their huge noses sniffing.

Kuros: "Welcome back, Nyara Sunswept."

Alyssa blinks at the sudden change in light levels but manages to maintain her sang-froid.

Kuros: The voice is low and rumbling, and emerges from one of the lions.

Nyara_Sunswept: "Thanks, gentlemen, it's a pleasure to be back."

Nyara_Sunswept stands a little straighter, looking at them respectfully but speaking with a little more authority than she usually does.

Kuros: They sit back on their haunches. "You have brought guests."

Nyara_Sunswept: "Yes. Convention of Wood business. You're welcome to check them but you won't find anything improper. We are in a bit of a hurry though."

Nyara_Sunswept: "I don't want my Sifu waiting too long, you understand?"

Kuros: "Exalted no less." The other one chuckles and says, "Well, go on ahead. Mind you fill them in on the rules."

Kuros: One gestures towards a jade door set into the back wall of the balcony

Nyara_Sunswept: "Thank you, gentlemen. Always a pleasure," she says, nodding gracefully to them and walking forward with swift steps like someone on a mission.

Kuros: (OK, we'll have to end here.)

Kuros: (6xp)