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Conversation with sunrunnernowchat200 at Sun 13 Sep 2009 13:01:28 NZST on Andrensath (aim) (13/09/09 13:01:29) Sunrunner entered the room. (13/09/09 13:01:29) Andrensath entered the room. (13/09/09 13:03:33) Sunrunner: And it appears to not want Segev invited. (13/09/09 13:03:58) Andrensath: Weird. Switch to the IRC chatroom? (13/09/09 13:04:07) Segev entered the room. (13/09/09 13:04:12) Sunrunner: There he is. (13/09/09 13:04:33) Segev: Who? Where? >_> <_< (13/09/09 13:04:38) Segev: I don't see me! (13/09/09 13:04:42) Sunrunner: Zacktly. (13/09/09 13:04:46) ***Segev runs around in circles! (13/09/09 13:04:52) ***Andrensath chuckles. (13/09/09 13:05:29) Sunrunner: Ok. How do we want to set the stage? Continue from the wagon, with cael eating food and throwing food at the other two, with Cael's gang securing privacy? (13/09/09 13:05:54) Andrensath: That works for me. Segev? (13/09/09 13:06:10) Segev: Works for me, too! (13/09/09 13:06:59) ***Sunrunner volunteers Andrensath to go first. =p (13/09/09 13:07:47) Andrensath: (Okay.) "Cael! Stop chucking food around!" Antonee shouts, perfectly dodging the edible missiles. (13/09/09 13:08:35) ***Sunrunner (Rowan) catches as much of the food and drink as he can, though Cael's estimation of the other's hunger is a bit on the high side. Hard to carry, too. (13/09/09 13:08:42) Segev: * Cael pauses mid-throw, a turkey leg in his one wooden claw. "Why?" he asks around a piece of bread he's cramming down his throat. (13/09/09 13:09:15) Sunrunner: Rowna looks at Cael, "Because we can't eat all this." (13/09/09 13:09:23) ***Sunrunner (Rowan, even. ;;) (13/09/09 13:09:47) Andrensath: "What the kid said, kid." Antonee says, before pausing. "You know what I mean." (13/09/09 13:09:47) Segev: (Cael) Oh. Um...sorry. Got enough, then? (13/09/09 13:11:12) Sunrunner: "Yes, thank you." Rowan moves around to the side of the wagon, finding a clear and clean-ish place to sit down ... and starts organizing everything so that the three of them can eat what they wish. (13/09/09 13:13:40) Andrensath: "Better." Good to see him being useful, too. (13/09/09 13:13:46) ***Segev (Cael) scrambles over the side of the wagon on which Rowan's sitting, and leaps out with his four arms full of stuff, does a small flip, and lands lightly with his bare back to the younger of his two bondmates. Doing a small pirrouette (though he'd vehemently deny doing anything so dainty), he spins about and plops down, cross-legged. (13/09/09 13:14:22) Segev: Siddown, Mr. Antonee! *cheerful and encouragingly; totally not considering that it might be hard in that armor* (13/09/09 13:15:38) Andrensath: Antonee crouches next to Cael, being sure to make it hard for Rowan to get to the eleven year old without getting past him first. (13/09/09 13:17:53) ***Segev (Cael) finishes stuffing enough food in his mouth, chewing, and swallowing it, for the gnawing void in his belly to be somewhat quieted. "So, um..." he tries, thinking over-loudly as he once did to Antonee, [i][bold]CAN YOU HEAR ME LIKE THIS?[/i][/b] he projects at Rowan. (13/09/09 13:18:08) Sunrunner: Raising an eyebrow at Antonee's antics, smiling at Cael's acrobatics, Rowan gets irritated. "You are protecting him from me. Or you think you are." (13/09/09 13:18:22) Sunrunner: Yes, I can. You are very loud. (13/09/09 13:18:28) Segev: (Cael) Huh? I'm s'posed to protect him! (13/09/09 13:18:36) Segev: Sorry... (13/09/09 13:18:42) Sunrunner: Much better. (13/09/09 13:18:46) ***Segev (Cael) looks sheepish. (13/09/09 13:19:15) Sunrunner: Will you answer my charge, Mr Antonee? (13/09/09 13:19:37) Andrensath: "Yes, actually: I'm protecting my eleven-year-old bondmate from an overly aggressive teenager." Antonee says firmly. "Do you have a problem with that?" (13/09/09 13:19:49) Segev: (Cael) Why're you two fighting? Why can I hear both of you in my head? (13/09/09 13:20:36) Segev: (Cael) I know I'm s'possed to protect a Solar an' stuff, but now I can't tell which one... *looks between them, honest curiosity in his red, vertical-slit eyes* (13/09/09 13:20:36) Andrensath: (Er. Was that meant to be speech?) (13/09/09 13:21:22) Sunrunner: Rowan glares at Antonee, "Because he doesn't trust me." Turning towards Cael, "And if you are bonded to both of us, and you think of the bond as protection, then you would protect both. Even from the other." (13/09/09 13:21:43) Sunrunner: (Yes, that ws meant to be outside speach. I forgot the " and the " characters.) (13/09/09 13:22:13) Segev: (Cael) ...um, yeah? *as if that were so obvious it didn't need to be said* ...wait, you two aren't gonna fight, are you? I don' wanna hafta send you to your beds without supper! (13/09/09 13:22:31) Sunrunner: Rowan laughs. "That might be fun." (13/09/09 13:22:35) Andrensath: (That was towards both of you, actually.) Antonee rolls his eyes. "I'd like to see you try." (13/09/09 13:23:07) Sunrunner: (The italics are mindspeech, the regular isn't. I think.) (13/09/09 13:23:16) Segev: ((Er, sorry. If I start a line with (Cael), and it's not an action, I mean it to be him saying it.)) (13/09/09 13:23:25) Andrensath: (That's how I've been doing it.) (13/09/09 13:23:29) Segev: ((And yeah, itallics == mindspeak)) (13/09/09 13:24:45) Andrensath: (Right. Cael's up next, I guess?) (13/09/09 13:25:31) Segev: (Cael) Try what? *baffled* (13/09/09 13:27:00) Andrensath: "What?" Antonee also sounds confused now. (13/09/09 13:27:14) Sunrunner: "To try putting you to bed." (13/09/09 13:28:20) Segev: (Cael) "I'm not tired! And 'sides, it's not bed time!" (13/09/09 13:28:38) ***Sunrunner (Rowan) grins. (13/09/09 13:28:42) Andrensath: "Ah, yes it is kid." (13/09/09 13:29:05) Sunrunner: "You threatened to put us both to bed, Cael. Mr Antonee wanted to see you try putting him to bed." (13/09/09 13:29:34) Segev: (Cael) "Is not! 'Sides, you're jus' dodgin' the question. How'm I bonded to two of you?" ... "Oh. Well, if I hafta to keep you from fightin', I do have my gang t' back me up." (13/09/09 13:29:55) ***Segev (Cael's) gang is actually keeping its distance; Antonee's armor has them a bit overawed. (13/09/09 13:29:57) Andrensath: "And, for the record, the two of you are not going anywhere near a bed together for several years." (13/09/09 13:32:14) Segev: (Cael) "Huh? I may not be tired now, but I'm gonna sleep eventually. Maybe not inna bed tonight, but it'd be nice sometimes..." *pouts* (13/09/09 13:32:54) Sunrunner: "Oh. Thats what this is about. Mr Antonee? If he invites me to his bed, and I wish to join him, the only way you are stopping me is by killing me. You helped rescue me from chains. I appreciate that. I will not allow you to put me in chains again." (13/09/09 13:33:48) Andrensath: "That is not what I said, kid. And as for you, Rowan: that is fine, if he invites you. But you are to stop the advances. Understood?" (13/09/09 13:34:06) Segev: (Cael) "...what are you TALKING about? I figured Rowan was rich enough to have his own bed, but if he wants to join my gang an' I when we bundle together...why can't he? I mean, it's awful cold at night sometimes." (13/09/09 13:34:33) ***Andrensath facepalms. (13/09/09 13:34:52) Sunrunner: "Because Mr Antonee thinks I will do something he finds objectionable." (13/09/09 13:34:58) Andrensath: (Poor Antonee, having to talk around the problem he has with Rowan.) (13/09/09 13:35:32) Sunrunner: (Poor Antonee, having to deal with two kids. =p) (13/09/09 13:35:48) Segev: (Rowan's hardly talking about a childish matter.) (13/09/09 13:36:13) Andrensath: (Nah, the two kids would be easy enough. If Rowan didn't have True Love enabled. *That's* the problem.) (13/09/09 13:36:13) Sunrunner: (Very true. But is doing the verbal dance almost as well as Antonee is.) (13/09/09 13:36:39) Segev: (Cael) "Oh. Um..." *thinks, and then makes a face* "EWWW! Why would'e think THAT!? Geeze, grown-ups're so gross." (13/09/09 13:36:52) Segev: (Cael isn't STUPIDly naive, just naive.) (13/09/09 13:37:25) Segev: (He knows what prostitutes mean when they speak of "sleeping together" and "sharing a bed." Well, he thinks he does. He knows it's not actually sleeping.) (13/09/09 13:37:42) Andrensath: "I wonder why." Antonee says, extremely po-faced. (13/09/09 13:38:43) Sunrunner: "Because, in a few years, when you're my age, you will be a very handsome young man. And then I will be tempted to do all those things Mr Antonee is objecting to. But that's in the future." (13/09/09 13:39:48) Segev: (Cael) *stops, blinks, turns red. Squirms* "Oh. ...um, thanks?" *blinks some more* (13/09/09 13:40:20) Andrensath: "Just be sure to *keep* it in the future, and stop it in the *present*, Rowan." (13/09/09 13:41:50) Sunrunner: Rowan looks at Antonee, "Maybe something is wrong with your ears, Mr Antonee. I will not be chained again. Chains of words are still chains. I will do as I feel comfortable. I will try not to make Cael uncomfortable. But until you stop trying to control me, we are going to have issues." (13/09/09 13:42:43) Sunrunner: (Antonee has a point. Rowan is arguing that it is his choice, not Antonee's choice, as to what Rowan does.) (13/09/09 13:43:09) Sunrunner: (Typical teenage babble there. Just on a topic that gets unconfortable.) (13/09/09 13:44:03) Segev: (Cael) "..." (13/09/09 13:44:03) Andrensath: (You don't have to remind me. Antonee doesn't actually care what Rowan does, as long as he stops trying to come on to Cael.) (13/09/09 13:46:12) Segev: (Cael) "Um, so. I thought - I know - that I'm s'posed to only have one bondmate. ...I don't remember her - his - er, whatever - Caste, but I know I only had one before..." (13/09/09 13:46:20) Segev: (Cael) "At least, I think I know that?" (13/09/09 13:47:14) Sunrunner: "Then the Heavens gave you two of us. Maybe they though one was too easy on ya?" (13/09/09 13:47:33) Andrensath: "Hmm. This raises an interesting question. How long ago were you Exalted, Rowan?" (13/09/09 13:48:01) Segev: (Cael) "...yeah! An' how'd you get captured? Were you a prisoner long? I'm sorry I didn' come sooner, I didn' know you were there..." (13/09/09 13:48:04) Sunrunner: "Two years. About a year and a half of that in the prisons of the Mask." (13/09/09 13:48:39) Andrensath: "And where were you before the Mask's prisons?" (13/09/09 13:48:43) Sunrunner: "Because anyone can be taken down with enough numbers, even if they try to run. Even if I tried to run." (13/09/09 13:49:02) Segev: (Cael) "Sorry." (13/09/09 13:49:31) Segev: (Cael) "Two years? That's... I was nine when I Exalted. So same here." (13/09/09 13:50:05) Andrensath: "Hmmm. I don't suppose you ever found out how long Shofei had been an Exalt?" (13/09/09 13:50:29) Segev: (Cael) *looks ashamed* Nuh-uh. (13/09/09 13:50:39) Sunrunner: (Whats the name of the fire-tree people again? (13/09/09 13:50:51) Andrensath: (Haltans?) (13/09/09 13:50:53) Sunrunner: (Chaya? (13/09/09 13:51:34) Sunrunner: (Haltans are the green-haired redwood living people. The ones that have the Fire Season and the trees and their own gods and stuff.) (13/09/09 13:52:42) Sunrunner: ((Yep, Chaya. Cool.) (13/09/09 13:52:57) Andrensath: (Going and checking, Shofei was from An Teng originally.) (13/09/09 13:53:27) Sunrunner: "Before I was captured, I was one of the Chaya. Before I exalted even. And then Fire Season came and everyone ... everyone went insane." (13/09/09 13:54:01) Andrensath: Antonee looks sympathetic. "I'm sorry to hear that." (13/09/09 13:54:27) ***Segev (Cael) looks sad, and reaches out a human hand to squeeze Rowan's comfortingly. (13/09/09 13:55:49) Sunrunner: "It happens every year, so I should have been surprised ... but it didn't happen to me. And so they banished me from my home; and then I ran into a Deathknight and all the assorted evil attached to such a thing ... " He shrugs, taking the offered comfort and squeezing back. "But that doesn't matter anymore. I'm here; not there." (13/09/09 13:55:57) Sunrunner: "And thats' my sob story." (13/09/09 13:56:11) Sunrunner: (*shouldn't have been surprised, even.) (13/09/09 13:56:50) Segev: (Cael) "Yeah. You're here now!" (13/09/09 13:57:06) Segev: (Cael) "I'll keep you safe from now on. I promise!" (13/09/09 13:59:00) Andrensath: "And I will keep him safe from you." Antonee says in an undertone. (13/09/09 13:59:29) Segev: (Cael) "Mr. Antonee? I'm a big kid... I'm glad you wanna be my friend, an' I will keep you safe, too." *trails off* (13/09/09 14:00:05) ***Segev (Cael) is fairly clearly torn, not wanting to take a side between his bondmates. (13/09/09 14:00:55) Andrensath: (The him and you are Cael and Rowan respectively, by the way. Also, that was under his breath. Cael probably wouldn't have been able to hear it, and Rowan definitely couldn't have.) (13/09/09 14:01:45) Sunrunner: (And here I had a big screed all written up. =p) (13/09/09 14:02:35) Segev: (That's okay, Cael was more saying that because he knows Antonee's upset about something, and doesn't want him to think Cael's mad at him or upset with him or siding against him or anything) (13/09/09 14:03:25) Andrensath: (You can always give Rowan the Acute Hearing Merit if you want him to have heard Antonee anyway.) (13/09/09 14:04:29) Sunrunner: "Sounds like a plan. We all keep each other safe. And if that means I have to knock Mr Antonee unconcious to get him to stop sniping at me, then so be it. I'll do it gently." He smiles, joking. Or at least mostly joking. (13/09/09 14:04:50) Sunrunner: (But that would be unfair.) (13/09/09 14:06:19) Andrensath: "Stop paying Cael the wrong kind of attention and I'll stop sniping at you." Antonee says dryly. (13/09/09 14:07:37) ***Segev (Cael) just stuffs another haunch of meat in his mouth. (13/09/09 14:08:21) Sunrunner: "What have I done? I hugged him. I kissed him; which he wiped off. He saved me. You did too. But I've not kissed you. Is that the problem? You want me to hug and kiss you too? Oh. And I've squeezed his hand when he offered it to me." Gestures lightly with the grasped hand, before letting it go. (13/09/09 14:09:08) ***Segev (Cael) squirms, and swallows his mouthful without chewing. (13/09/09 14:10:29) Segev: (Cael) "Twining Vines liked kissing girls. Sometimes, he stayed at older ones' places insteada comin' home. I'm not sure what the big deal is." (13/09/09 14:11:11) Andrensath: "Cael. Chew your food first." Antonee says, sounding oddly like an tired parent. (13/09/09 14:11:21) Sunrunner: "Something you're not old enough for. It'll kick in as you get older." (13/09/09 14:12:10) Andrensath: "Which is why Rowan needs to stop what he's trying to do until it's kicked in for you." (13/09/09 14:12:40) Sunrunner: "You get hair in all kinds of spots, your voice changes, you get an adams apple, girls and boys start looking interesting for things you want to do with them, you get taller even faster ... its' pretty gross. But kinda neat too." (13/09/09 14:13:09) Segev: (Cael) "But you're not any older'n me, Rowan! Not by much..." (13/09/09 14:13:39) Andrensath: "Those few years can make all the difference, kid." Antonee says. (13/09/09 14:13:56) Sunrunner: "A few years. I'm 14. I'm still working on all those changes. Mr Antonee can probably give us a better explaination of what happens." (13/09/09 14:14:03) Segev: (Cael) *sigh* "Y'know, Emari an' Vik say the same thing." (13/09/09 14:14:20) Sunrunner: "And Mr Antonee needs to stop sniping." He grins at the man in power armor. (13/09/09 14:14:54) Segev: ((Ironically, if Rowan kisses Cael again, he might get a VERY unpleasent surprise.)) (13/09/09 14:15:17) Sunrunner: (Especially if Cael takes a bite, yes.) (13/09/09 14:15:27) Segev: ((He might not wound him more than a little, but tasting human flesh and blood is now ... enticing ... to our young cannibal)) (13/09/09 14:15:47) Andrensath: "Shall we come to an agreement, then? You stop doing what I'm objecting to you doing, and I stop sniping at you?" Antonee says, finding himself starting to like Rowan despite himself. (13/09/09 14:16:10) Andrensath: (And Antonee would be frogmarching Cael off to see Nuwa at that point.) (13/09/09 14:16:34) Andrensath: (Cos Nuwa has Medicine, and Antonee doesn't.) (13/09/09 14:17:25) ***Segev (Cael) looks between his bondmates, not even realizing how pleading his wide, puppy-eyed look is. (13/09/09 14:17:29) Sunrunner: "No, no. I've not done anything wrong. You just have a suspicious mind. You stop sniping until I do something wrong; wrong being defined as hurting Cael or against Cael's will ... that I'll agree with." (13/09/09 14:18:27) Sunrunner: (Rowan has medicine too. =p But Nuwa would be a better choice at the time as Rowan would be dealing with his own injuries.) (13/09/09 14:18:47) Andrensath: Antonee raises an eyebrow. "You're a teenager. If you're anything like I was at that age, you're *always* doing something wrong." (13/09/09 14:19:04) Segev: (Mercifully, Cael is unlikely to actually injure somebody to sate this craving. Just take advantage of...opportunity.) (13/09/09 14:19:22) Segev: (Cael) Hey! I'm almost a teenager, too! I'm not doin' anything wrong! (13/09/09 14:20:02) Sunrunner: "Not anything you can prove, Mr Antonee. And I have done nothing wrong involving Cael. I couldn't hurt him if I wanted too. The bond would eat me alive for even thinking it." (13/09/09 14:20:29) ***Segev (Cael) licks his lips for no good reason at Rowan's last statement. (13/09/09 14:21:01) Sunrunner: "Not literally. Sheesh. And Mr Antonee is considering me to have the gutter mind." (13/09/09 14:21:14) Andrensath: "Some of the stories of the First Age I've heard would disagree with you there." Antonee says, deliberately neglecting to mention what those stories contain. (13/09/09 14:21:14) Sunrunner: (Of course, Rowan means a different kind of literal. =p) (13/09/09 14:22:06) Andrensath: (Thinking of Lilith/Whoever it was, for one h (13/09/09 14:22:12) Andrensath: *thing.) (13/09/09 14:23:11) Sunrunner: "Ok. So we have a deal? You stop sniping until you can show me that I'm hurting Cael? Because I'm not going to force anything. That'd be wrong. But I'm not going to reject him if he offers." (13/09/09 14:23:57) Sunrunner: He offers his hand to the older man, "Deal?" (13/09/09 14:25:24) Andrensath: "Where hurting Cael is defined as anything that would cost him time as a child?" Antonee says, suspicious. (13/09/09 14:25:57) Andrensath: (Should have been 'including anything'. Ah well.) (13/09/09 14:27:26) Sunrunner: "I ... I can't do that. I can't garantee that he won't get older in the head than he is in body. I can try to protect against such a thing, but if I can't protect myself from it, then I can't protect him either." (13/09/09 14:27:29) ***Segev (Cael) looks gratefully - without even realizing it - at Antonee. (13/09/09 14:27:58) ***Segev (Cael) looks sadly, sorrowfully (again, without realizing it) at Rowan. (13/09/09 14:29:35) Andrensath: "All right. That's fair. In that case, I will agree to stop sniping at you if you will agree not to deliberately attempt to force Cael to mature, physically, mentally, or emotionall, sooner than he should. Does that sound reasonable to you?" (13/09/09 14:29:57) Andrensath: *emotionally. Gah. (13/09/09 14:30:46) ***Segev (Cael) blinks at that, mouthing it over as he tries to follow it. (13/09/09 14:31:07) Sunrunner: "He is an Exalt. He needs to be mature. And I don't mean physically. He needs a mature mind, a mature heart, to control the power he has. Innocence only goes so far. But I wouldn't be the one to talk to about maturity. I won't mature him. His exaltation will." (13/09/09 14:31:37) Sunrunner: "It will either mature him, or turn him into a monster." (13/09/09 14:32:27) Sunrunner: "If we account for what the exaltation will do to him as "should", then sure. I can do that." (13/09/09 14:32:47) ***Segev (Cael) looks at his two extra arms, then sticks his tongue out at Rowan. (13/09/09 14:33:07) Sunrunner: He giggles, "You're not a monster. You're just fluffy." (13/09/09 14:33:46) Segev: (Cael) "Not when I'm not in my war form! I don't even have feathers right now!" (13/09/09 14:34:17) Sunrunner: "But you have feathers. And those feathers are fluffy. Like the inside of a really good pillow." (13/09/09 14:34:40) Segev: (Cael) "An' warm. An' they make me look like I can afford clothes!" (13/09/09 14:35:07) Andrensath: "You can't afford clothes?" Antonee blurts out. (13/09/09 14:35:41) Sunrunner: "You think he wears that," pointing, "because he wants to? If I had any spare clothes I would give him a set of mine." (13/09/09 14:36:30) Andrensath: (How does this sound to you two: I, Starcc Antonee, called the Adamant Man, will agree to stop sniping at you, Rowan Marmalade, if you will agree not to deliberately attempt to force Cael to mature, physically, mentally, or emotionally, sooner than he should, where should is explicitly defined to include any effects that his Exaltation may or may not have.) (13/09/09 14:37:02) Sunrunner: (Sounds fine. I think. Still has loopholes, but everything is going to have loopholes. =p) (13/09/09 14:37:23) ***Segev (Cael) looks at Antonee, and doesn't QUITE say 'well, duh.' "Well, I don' exactly 'ave money, an' I kept outgrowin' the pants I could get my hands on. That's why..." *He gestures at the rags wrapped around his loins - they don't even make for a loincloth so much as a pseudo-diaper* "I don' go 'round naked 'cause it's fashion'ble." (13/09/09 14:38:38) Andrensath: (Yeah. I just want to get rid of as many as possible, so that neither can argue the other person isn't living up to their side of the deal.) "All right. Bugger this for a lark, you're coming with me to get some clothes, Cael." (13/09/09 14:39:19) ***Segev (Cael) snorts. "Hyeah. An' where're we gonna fin' a store out here? Or're we goin' back t' Nexus t' see if the Mask's opened a li'l boy's shop?" (13/09/09 14:39:58) Sunrunner: "He needs a bath first. There is a river over that away, "he points to the south, "there should be enough trees and riverweeds for cover. Just find a spot where it runs clear and has fine sand at the bottom rather than mud." (13/09/09 14:40:22) Andrensath: "We're getting some of what my slaves wear. It's not much, but it's better than nothing." Antonee says. "And thanks for reminding me about that, Rowan." (13/09/09 14:40:40) Segev: (Cael) "There's a river!? We can go swimmin'!" (13/09/09 14:41:12) Andrensath: "Not now, Cael." Antonee definitely sounds more like a parent than he ought to. (13/09/09 14:42:20) Sunrunner: "Bathing involves some swimming. Do we have any soap in this wagon?" He looks at, and asks, the gang of urchins and orphans. (13/09/09 14:43:06) ***Segev (Cael's) eyes widen. "Soap? Like, real soap!?" (13/09/09 14:43:36) Sunrunner: "Most people keep some kind of soap. Since this looks like salvage, it might have some." (13/09/09 14:44:50) Segev: (Cael) "Ow!" *exclaimed as a bar of the stuff - half-used - hits him in the head* "Emari! Hey!" *The girl grumbles something about boys and their being so gross* (13/09/09 14:45:48) ***Andrensath chuckles. (13/09/09 14:46:07) Sunrunner: "She has good aim. Watch out for her." He grins at Cael. (13/09/09 14:46:14) Andrensath: (She should have seen the time I got my brother to eat sand.) (13/09/09 14:47:20) Sunrunner: (Andrensath? Which of your characters had the sidereal stone that stopped people from messing with your mote pool and charms and stuff? (13/09/09 14:47:41) Andrensath: (Splendor.) (13/09/09 14:48:23) Sunrunner: (Thank you. Ziyad is requesting that he find a manse with that stone, and I figured copying the text you have up is better than having two versions of the stone running abot.) (13/09/09 14:50:06) Andrensath: (Yeah, it is a nice one, isn't it.) (13/09/09 14:50:37) Segev: (Cael) So... how DOES somebody get a last name? Or a cool long name like 'Solitary Talon of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady' or 'The Adamant Man' or the like?" *totally changing the topic now that the last one's settled* (13/09/09 14:51:21) Sunrunner: "By naming yourself that, and repeating it until other people accept it." (13/09/09 14:51:48) Andrensath: "Pretty much. Though mine came from a suit of armour I used to have." (13/09/09 14:52:17) Andrensath: (Cause Antonee's CBA is Orichalcum, not Adamant.) (13/09/09 14:53:53) Segev: (Cael) "Oh. Whaddya think I should call myself, then? An' how'd you get 'Marmalade,' Rowan?" (13/09/09 14:55:00) Sunrunner: "Family name. Its what we made and sold." (13/09/09 14:55:21) Segev: (Cael) "Awesome! You musta gotten to eat it all the time!" *practically drooling* (13/09/09 14:55:23) Andrensath: (Also, why Solitary Talon in particular? Cael's met plenty of people with flowery names. Even if most of them are Abyssals, at this point.) (13/09/09 14:56:05) Segev: ((Because I, the player, was drawing a blank.)) (13/09/09 14:56:26) Andrensath: (Fair enough.) (13/09/09 14:56:33) Segev: ((Also, he probably has reason to know where Abyssals get theirs, and he doesn't think that applies.)) (13/09/09 14:59:24) Segev: A very brief image of Rowan covered in Marmalade flashes through the bond, and Cael cracks up. (13/09/09 14:59:44) Segev: ((We're talking "jar fell on his head" here, not "something senusal")) (13/09/09 15:00:09) Sunrunner: "Hey now. That never happened." Rowan huffs, playfully glaring at Cael. (13/09/09 15:00:40) Andrensath: Antonee raises an eyebrow. (13/09/09 15:00:44) Segev: (Cael) "Sorry, sorry," he says, still snickering. (13/09/09 15:01:05) ***Segev (Cael) stuffs more food in his mouth, as he's still kinda hungry. (13/09/09 15:01:48) Sunrunner: "Why do you eat so much, Cael? How do you eat so much?" (13/09/09 15:03:19) ***Segev (Cael) blinks. "The lady at the bakery said I must be growin'," he says, somewhat proudly. "I'm jus' always hungry. Aren' mos' teenagers?" (13/09/09 15:03:54) Andrensath: "You're not a teenager." Antonee says dryly. (13/09/09 15:04:04) Sunrunner: "Ya, sorta. But you wolfed down about five, maybe six, meals in one sitting. And you're still eating." (13/09/09 15:04:44) Segev: (Cael) "I do have a dog in my forms, somewhere." *clearly playing on the 'wolfing' comment* (13/09/09 15:05:30) Andrensath: (Also, I'm still a teenager, and there's no way I could eat for two hours straight.) (13/09/09 15:06:12) Sunrunner: "You don't know, do you? Have you always eaten so much? Or is it a recent thing? When did you start?" Rowan appears honeslty curious, and honestly worried. (13/09/09 15:06:25) Segev: (Didn't know you were so young. >_> And yes, *I* know Cael eats more than any teen should. CAEL doesn't; he's never been a teenager before.) (13/09/09 15:07:15) Andrensath: (Yeah. I have exactly two months left till I hit 20, though.) (13/09/09 15:07:21) Segev: (Cael) "Well, maybe a few months or a year ago? I mean, us street kids're always hungry, but I've been eatin' more than my share for a while. My gang's nice enough to lemme 'cause I bring in a lot, too, so we all stay fed." (13/09/09 15:07:27) Sunrunner: (Heh. I'm far from young. Some of my kids are older than these PCs. =p) (13/09/09 15:07:43) Segev: (My baby sister's older than Cael, but younger than Rowan. :P ) (13/09/09 15:08:47) Andrensath: (No one in my immediate family is younger than Rowan anymore. Three years back, yeah, but not now.) (13/09/09 15:09:37) Sunrunner: "So, after you were exalted. Hmm. It just seems odd. You physically shouldn't be able to hold all the food you just ate. At least without being as round as you are tall." (13/09/09 15:10:27) Segev: (Cael) "Well, I digest fast, too. An' I'm pretty strong. I can squash the food with my tummy muscles!" *flexes his not-at-all-well-defined abs* (13/09/09 15:11:11) Andrensath: Antonee raises an eyebrow extremely high at that comment. (13/09/09 15:12:26) Sunrunner: "Heres a question. A rude one, too. How often do you go? All that food has to come out ..." (13/09/09 15:13:18) ***Segev (Cael) shrugs self-consciously, sensing his bondmates' worry and not understanding it. After thinking a bit, he says, "Um... same as anyone, I guess? 1 to 3 times a day, if I'm eating enough to not be hungry all the time?" (13/09/09 15:15:06) Sunrunner: "Mhmm. Ok. Something in the middle is taking the food, or you'd be huge, and not in a good way. May I have a look?" The question is asked to both of them, both Antonee and Cael. (13/09/09 15:15:28) Segev: (Cael) "Take a look at what?" (13/09/09 15:15:52) Segev: (Cael) "I mean, Exalts do impossible stuff all the time, right?" *starting to sound...not scared, but timid, maybe* (13/09/09 15:16:19) Andrensath: "I have no objection. This worries me, too." (13/09/09 15:16:50) ***Segev (Cael) looks between the two of them. "What're you gonna do, Rowan?" (13/09/09 15:17:23) Sunrunner: "I would be using a charm on you, one that will show me how your body works; that will show me anything wrong with you; that will let me, effectivelly, see everything about your body. Which is why I'm asking. Tis rude to do that without permission." (13/09/09 15:19:37) Sunrunner: "What I would do is put my hand on your stomach, and then use the charm. You may get a bit warm, like walking in the sun. (13/09/09 15:20:09) Segev: (Cael) "Oh. I don' mind. I mean, 'Snot like I got much ta hide." *stands up, spreading bare arms and legs wide* (13/09/09 15:21:46) ***Segev (Cael) is oddly unbalanced, with only one of his four arms a massive wooden claw. (13/09/09 15:22:03) Sunrunner: Rowan puts his right hand on Cael's stomach, fingers spread wide and .. the outline of his hand glows a soft golden color that doesn't spread and doesn't illuminate anything but the seperation between the two. (13/09/09 15:22:30) Sunrunner: (Charm: F lawless Diagnosis Technique. Charm: 2nd Medicine Excellency, buying as many succeses as he can.) (13/09/09 15:22:36) ***Segev (Cael) giggles as the older boy's touch tickles his tummy. (13/09/09 15:23:15) Sunrunner: A few minutes later, Rowan takes his hand back. (13/09/09 15:23:38) Segev: (Cael) "Anything weird?" (13/09/09 15:24:28) Sunrunner: "I don't know enough to diagnose you. You aren't sick. You aren't poisoned. You don't have any diseases. I know I'm missing something. It has something to do with your Exaltation, and yet it doesn't. Something associated with your Exaltation, maybe." (13/09/09 15:25:15) ***Segev (Cael) wrinkles his nose. "Maybe Lunars're jus' like that. We should ask Miss Silveria Arc or Dhiren or somethin'!" (13/09/09 15:25:26) Sunrunner: Do you have any Lunar friends that you would trust to ask such things?" (13/09/09 15:26:01) ***Segev (Cael) shakes his head. "If you mean other'n the ones with us, no. I hadn' met any other Lunars 'til jus' before I met Mr. Antonee, here." (13/09/09 15:26:33) Andrensath: (Don't forget that Salamander's still alive at this point.) (13/09/09 15:26:44) Sunrunner: "Hmm." Rowan's Caste Mark ignites upon his brow, his eyes pools of shining peridot. ((Charm: Sorcerer's Burning Chakra Charm | Essence SIght.)) (13/09/09 15:28:32) Sunrunner: "You have an excess of Wyld energies, dangerously so. But that appears to be controlled, or at least influenced, by your ability to change shape. Its' mixed with lunar-flavored essence." He sighs, the caste mark fading away, "I wish I knew more. Gah. I hate feeling helpless." (13/09/09 15:29:33) Segev: (Cael) "Oh, is that all? It's probably jus' from the twisty feelin' I get when I change shapes too much. I jus' gotta lay off it for a few days to make it go 'way. ...though it kinda snapped when I turned human again, earlier, so I'm good again for a while!" (13/09/09 15:29:36) Sunrunner: "You're one big mystery, Cael. Not only do you get two Solar bondmates, but you have the Wyld inside you as well." (13/09/09 15:29:55) Segev: (Cael) "I guess! ...you guys don' mind that there's only one of me, do you? I'm sorry..." (13/09/09 15:30:43) ***Sunrunner laughs. "No, Cael. I'm quite happy that you're unique. Its' just a mystery that I get to unravel over time." (13/09/09 15:30:50) ***Segev (Cael) grins impishly, and steps both to the right and left, at the same time...making two of him. "I mean," they say in unison, "I suppose I could do this..." (13/09/09 15:30:56) Sunrunner: ((Rowan laughs,even. =p) (13/09/09 15:30:57) Segev: ((Using Host of Spirits.)) (13/09/09 15:32:14) Sunrunner: "Cool. So you really could ... nevermind. Not going there." He coughs into his hand, "Thats a cool trick." (13/09/09 15:32:50) Andrensath: "No. You are not going anywhere near there, remember?" Antonee says, annoyed with Rowan. (13/09/09 15:33:08) Segev: (Cael) "Could what?" *confused, and in unison* (13/09/09 15:33:21) Sunrunner: "We'll tell you when your older." (13/09/09 15:33:24) Andrensath: "Never you mind, kid." Antonee says firmly. (13/09/09 15:33:43) Segev: (Cael) "...o...kay..." (13/09/09 15:34:44) Andrensath: "Excellent. Moving right along." (13/09/09 15:35:04) Sunrunner: ((We've pretty well wrapped up the scene, I'd say. Antonee and Rowan are at truce, Cael is confused, and we know of a mystery that both the solars want to solve. Anything else we wanted to add in?)) (13/09/09 15:35:23) Segev: ((Cael's still all for that bath.)) (13/09/09 15:35:53) Segev: ((Unlike kids raised by parents, street urchins don't necessarilly view them as horrible tortures. Rather, as something exotic and fun that rich people do!)) (13/09/09 15:36:08) ***Andrensath snickers. (13/09/09 15:36:11) Sunrunner: (Rowan would volunteer to bathe him, but Antonee would kill Rowan, so ... =p) (13/09/09 15:36:57) Segev: (Nah, clearly, that's Unspeakable Rite's job, as she has NO ulterior motives. *cough* I'm sure Antonee would be *fine* with that.) (13/09/09 15:37:06) Sunrunner: (hehe) (13/09/09 15:37:53) Segev: ((Actually, she may well not. But it would be assumed she did.)) (13/09/09 15:38:01) ***Andrensath is glad he's not on campus, cause this would be really hard to explain to mundanes. (13/09/09 15:40:29) Segev: * And so, Cael ran off with his gang to have a bath! And then...CLOTHES! ACTUAL CLOTHES THAT (almost) FIT! (13/09/09 15:41:33) Andrensath: (Heh.) (13/09/09 15:42:14) Sunrunner: (About that, yes. =p) (13/09/09 15:43:41) Segev: But yeah, Andrensath, I've always described Cael as mostly naked because he literally doesn't own any real clothes. :P (13/09/09 15:44:06) Segev: Since he can go all feathery, he doesn't need 'em to stay warm, and lets the smaller kids have any they need, first. (13/09/09 15:44:13) Segev: Off for ice cream! (13/09/09 15:44:49) Sunrunner: Enjoy. (13/09/09 15:45:05) Andrensath: Have fun. (13/09/09 15:45:41) Sunrunner: Dare I impose upon you to recap this somewhere? Or should we just leave it as a personal scene without publishing it for others to look over. (13/09/09 15:46:11) Andrensath: I'll probably just post it to the wiki again. (13/09/09 15:46:36) Sunrunner: Thank you. I mean that. You've been doing a lot of organizational work for the campaign that is greatly appreciated. (13/09/09 15:46:55) Andrensath: Do I get bonus XP? (13/09/09 15:46:58) ***Andrensath is hopeful (13/09/09 15:47:07) Sunrunner: Heh. Let me think on it. (13/09/09 15:56:56) Andrensath: Anything else you want to talk about in this room, or should we move to standard IMs? (13/09/09 15:57:56) Sunrunner: I don't think we need anything else here. Standard we go. (13/09/09 15:57:57) Sunrunner left the room.