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(14/10/09 10:29:04) ***Solitary Talon walks into the room, the naked Lilijana following two paces behind on a leash.
(14/10/09 10:30:07) ***Silveria is curled up and dozing lightly 'around' a pillow.
(14/10/09 10:32:24) ***sunrunnersfire (Aesin) raises her head on her elbow to look at the newcomer, curled up and around Silveria Arc.
(14/10/09 10:33:00) ***sunrunnersfire (Sakura and Li) continue to rest after earlier exertions, both smiling at Solitary when she comes in.
(14/10/09 10:33:26) Solitary Talon: "New toy, everyone! She should prove most ...interesting." Solitary smirks.
(14/10/09 10:33:50) ***Lilijana looks to Solitary waiting for her lead.
(14/10/09 10:34:07) sunrunnersfire: (Li) "Oh?"
(14/10/09 10:35:29) Solitary Talon: "Yes, apparently they have this custom of giving yourself into 'Virtjahood' when you dishonour youself where toy comes from."
(14/10/09 10:36:37) Silveria: Silveria perks up slightly and looks to Lilijana with sleepy eyes. "Virtja? Why?"
(14/10/09 10:36:48) ***Lilijana's eyes flash as Solitary refers to her as a toy, but looks at the ground.
(14/10/09 10:39:00) Lilijana: "I spoke in a way that was disrespectful without cause. Among my people it is a loss of face to speak so. In order to make amends I offered to serve my time." Lili answers keeping her gaze on the ground.
(14/10/09 10:41:06) Silveria: Silveria looks to Solitary then Lilijana, "Hmmm, mostly everyone speaks harshly to Solitary, they've never done something like this, yes? Is this a custom where you are from? If so, I hope you understand what you ... gave yourself to." She shrugs and curls up tighter around her pillow, "Not that it is my business, no?"
(14/10/09 10:43:14) Lilijana: "The actions of other matter little to me. One can only look after ones own honor." A slight edge creeps into Lilijana's voice
(14/10/09 10:43:33) Solitary Talon: "I think it is your business, light of my life. She is under orders to obey the four of you, after all."
(14/10/09 10:44:31) ***Solitary Talon motions for Toy to kneel.
(14/10/09 10:45:25) ***Lilijana kneels beside Solitary.
(14/10/09 10:45:33) Lilijana: "Yes, Mistress?"
(14/10/09 10:45:35) Silveria: "B, but she doesn't seem like she might ... -it-." She glances up at Solitary.
(14/10/09 10:45:54) Solitary Talon: "Good toy."
(14/10/09 10:46:04) ***Solitary Talon pats Toy on the head.
(14/10/09 10:46:30) Solitary Talon: "Might what, dearest Silveria?"
(14/10/09 10:47:08) Silveria: "... not... like it...perhaps," she says with a slight frown.
(14/10/09 10:47:18) ***Solitary Talon shrugs.
(14/10/09 10:47:34) Solitary Talon: "Toy's likes and dislikes are of no concern to me."
(14/10/09 10:48:29) ***Lilijana muscles grow taunt under the skin but she shows no other reaction to Solitary's words
(14/10/09 10:48:41) sunrunnersfire: (Sakura) (Thoughts and emotions over the bond) She has fire within her, love. She might break if you are too unkind.
(14/10/09 10:49:00) Lilijana: "As mistress says a Virtja does not judge her mistress's order she only obeys"
(14/10/09 10:50:51) sunrunnersfire: (Li) "A Virtja is something like a slave? Property? Or something more respected?"
(14/10/09 10:51:59) Lilijana: "More than a slave. A Virtja would best translate as Bondsmen. We can own property, we can not be killed or tortured without premisson from the ruling body and when are time is served we are freemen."
(14/10/09 10:52:33) Solitary Talon: (Solitary shrugs over the bond) At present, I am not worried about that, angel.
(14/10/09 10:52:50) Solitary Talon: "So. Who wants first use?"
(14/10/09 10:53:47) sunrunnersfire: (Li) "I'm worn out for the day. Unless she spars, she is safe from my attentions."
(14/10/09 10:54:53) Silveria: Silveria looks to Aesin and the then the others before returning to curling around her pillow and sighs.
(14/10/09 10:55:34) sunrunnersfire: (Sakura) "She looks to make an excellent pillow, as Li is leaving me for his practice." She smiles, "Yet I wouldn't push my claim for all of that. The pillows here work almost as well as the living."
(14/10/09 10:56:25) sunrunnersfire: (Aesin looks back to Silveria) "It has been a long day. I would rather rest. No offense intended."
(14/10/09 10:58:09) Silveria: *mumbles into the pillow* "Yes, n, no offense."
(14/10/09 10:58:35) Solitary Talon: "Silveria? Is there a reason you're talking to the pillow, light of my life?"
(14/10/09 11:00:53) Silveria: Silveria winces for a moment, "N, no." she says face still buried. "Its... nice, and soft, and well not as warm as some other people," she says drawing her knees up against the pillow pressing it against her.
(14/10/09 11:01:30) ***Solitary Talon nods in understanding, going and hugging the Lunar.
(14/10/09 11:01:46) Solitary Talon: "Am I warm enough for you, dearest Silveria?"
(14/10/09 11:02:58) ***Lilijana watches and waits quietly.
(14/10/09 11:03:22) Solitary Talon: "Or would you like toy to come warm you as well?"
(14/10/09 11:04:30) ***Solitary Talon smirks at the kneeling Lilijana over Silveria's shoulder.
(14/10/09 11:05:05) ***Lilijana meets Solitary's gaze and holds it making no other move or comment

(14/10/09 11:05:35) Silveria: Silveria nods and sighs gently a tad bit happily but pokes her head from the pillow to Lilijana and then Aesin. Her cheeks reddening slightly. "Well... if... she wouldn't ... maybe... mind. If, not... Aesin is always nice and wonderfully warm." She says with a gentle smile.
(14/10/09 11:06:26) Lilijana: "Is that a request, Mistress Silveria?" Lilijana asks softly.
(14/10/09 11:06:39) Solitary Talon: "You misunderstand, light of my life. What toy desires is not relevant. Only the desires of her betters."
(14/10/09 11:08:17) ***Silveria frowns and once again hides her face. "A... request, yes. If that makes her content in her decision, then okay."
(14/10/09 11:13:15) Lilijana: "As you wish mistress." Lilijana slinks across the room slowly on all fours to where Silveria and Solitary are moving to enfold the larger women with her body as she can. "You have but to ask." She whispers in Silveria ear.
(14/10/09 11:14:33) ***Silveria mumbles very softly into her pillow.
(14/10/09 11:14:59) Solitary Talon: "Is there something wrong, dearest Silveria?"
(14/10/09 11:18:33) ***Silveria shakes her head her bare toes curling and straightening every other half a minute.
(14/10/09 11:22:24) Lilijana: "Are you warm enough now mistress?"
(14/10/09 11:23:23) ***Silveria nods, "Mmmhmmm."
(14/10/09 11:23:35) ***Solitary Talon raises an eyebrow at toy's daring to ask her mistresses a question.
(14/10/09 11:25:54) Lilijana: "A virtja needs to know her Mistress needs. Mistress Solitary. Sometimes one needs prompting to realize that they wish for something." Lilijana explains carefully.
(14/10/09 11:26:37) Solitary Talon: "I see."
(14/10/09 11:28:02) ***Solitary Talon is somewhat mollified by toy's response.
(14/10/09 11:30:13) Solitary Talon: "So, light of my life, now that toy has warmed you, do you want her to please you in other ways?"
(14/10/09 11:30:19) ***Solitary Talon asks inquisitively.
(14/10/09 11:31:34) Silveria: Silveria raises her head slightly a little debate, "N, no." then she curls up tighter.
(14/10/09 11:32:06) ***Solitary Talon shrugs.
(14/10/09 11:33:25) ***Lilijana eyes Solitary carefully as she enjoys the heat of another person against her skin.
(14/10/09 11:34:39) Solitary Talon: "Fair enough. Toy, I believe you need to practise your fellatio?"
(14/10/09 11:35:36) Silveria: "Fellatio?" Silveria asks glancing over the pillow.
(14/10/09 11:36:27) ***Lilijana's eyes look shocked. "If Mistress wishes it." Her voice carries a undercurrent of color
(14/10/09 11:37:19) Solitary Talon: "Orally pleasuring a male, dearest Silveria."
(14/10/09 11:37:25) ***Solitary Talon ponders for a moment.
(14/10/09 11:38:33) Solitary Talon: "Actually, I've changed my mind. Go and kneel at the foot of the bed, toy."
(14/10/09 11:39:14) ***Solitary Talon snuggles up to Silveria, bare breasts brushing the Lunar's back.
(14/10/09 11:39:23) ***Lilijana looks relived as she moves to the indicated postion. "Yes, mistress."
(14/10/09 11:40:31) ***Lilijana's mask drops as she moves away a look of disdain briefly crossing it, but quickly disappears.
(14/10/09 11:41:38) ***Silveria sighs a moment and raises her head.
(14/10/09 11:41:51) Solitary Talon: "On third thoughts, you need to be punished for that look I caught. Come and bend over the bed, toy."
(14/10/09 11:42:15) ***Silveria blinks and glances to Lilijana with a frown.
(14/10/09 11:44:33) ***Lilijana Lilijana moves to the bed and leans over it. "Yes, Mistress. This Virtja regrets her lapse."
(14/10/09 11:46:16) ***Solitary Talon stands, before moving over to one wall to retrieve a whip. "You will, toy."
(14/10/09 11:47:11) ***Lilijana eyes widen but she says nothing, steeling her self against the coming blows
(14/10/09 11:49:35) ***Silveria looks up at the Lunar then over to the whip and frowns bitting at a lip with indecision.
(14/10/09 11:50:02) ***Solitary Talon delivers a series of ten strikes to toy's back, before replacing the whip in it's compartment.
(14/10/09 11:50:48) Solitary Talon: "And what does toy say after being punished?"
(14/10/09 11:51:43) Lilijana: "Thank you for punishing me Mistress. This Virtja will act properly in the future." Lilijana answers.
(14/10/09 11:52:23) Silveria: "How long is your term?" Silveria inquires suddenly.
(14/10/09 11:53:08) Solitary Talon: "You'd better, toy. Your next punishment will be harsher."
(14/10/09 11:53:14) Lilijana: "I am bound to serve 4 months Mistress Silveria."
(14/10/09 11:55:06) Silveria: Silveria nods, not so bad. "Has... your Bondmate learned of this yet?"
(14/10/09 11:59:12) Lilijana: "Not yet. I will explain to him when Mistress allows me to leave." Lilijana answers. "I don't think he will understand. But I have made my decision no matter what happens. Even if he asks me I will not break my word, as much as to refuse him will hurt me."
(14/10/09 12:00:53) ***Silveria looks to Solitary.
(14/10/09 12:01:07) Silveria: "Is she not allowed to meet with her bondmate daily?"
(14/10/09 12:02:17) ***Solitary Talon looks surprised. "No, of course not. Toy is only allowed to meet with her bondmate when I wish it."
(14/10/09 12:04:18) Silveria: Silveria nods solemnly. "He will be angry." She nods more.
(14/10/09 12:06:29) Lilijana: "He will not act, he wil be upset at my choice. But I will tell him to do nothing" Lilijana answers just as solemnly.
(14/10/09 12:07:15) Silveria: "He is a solar though, a Solar Sorcerer, I would hope he listens but..." She says with a frown.
(14/10/09 12:08:15) ***Solitary Talon shrugs. "Antonee is a reasonably good friend of mine, and he is also a Solar Sorcerer."
(14/10/09 12:08:27) Lilijana: "If he cares for me like he claims he will listen." Lilijana interjects.
(14/10/09 12:09:12) ***Silveria nods then and lays on her back.
(14/10/09 12:14:18) Solitary Talon: "Anyway. Less talking, more pleasuring your mistresses, toy."
(14/10/09 12:17:32) Lilijana: "As you wish Mistress." Lilijana moves over to where Solitary is laid out.
(14/10/09 12:26:27) Solitary Talon: "Good toy."