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Latest revision as of 12:55, 24 October 2009

(24/10/09 07:32:22) Ziyad: *The Central Manse: Several Hours after the Council Meeting*
(24/10/09 07:34:49) Ziyad: Ziyad shows D'e'aneir'a, Antonee, and Anshu into a nice looking office
(24/10/09 07:35:10) Ziyad sitting down the desk sighs
(24/10/09 07:35:16) De`aneir`a looks at the nice looking office with a small curious frown.
(24/10/09 07:35:39) Ziyad: "I have asked you all here to help me finish organising and arming this new Denandsor Navy."
(24/10/09 07:35:42) Starcc Antonee raises an eyebrow, but takes one of the chairs.
(24/10/09 07:36:26) Ziyad: "Both Anshu and De'aneir'a are here as they are to be part of it's high command. You are here Antonee as you are in charge of production facilities within the city
(24/10/09 07:36:45) Starcc Antonee: "Ah. I see."
(24/10/09 07:36:47) De`aneir`a: "Oh," De`aneir`a says as she sits down. "What are you thinking of?"
(24/10/09 07:36:47) Anshu takes a chair also and nods.
(24/10/09 07:41:06) Ziyad: "Well first of all, last week Anshu and I found that First Age Skyreme in the south side of the city."
(24/10/09 07:41:54) Ziyad: "I suggest along with attempting to reverse engineer what we can while using that. Should be pulled together with our current knowledge to build our own fleet of skyships."
(24/10/09 07:42:40) De`aneir`a eyes twinkle.
(24/10/09 07:43:07) De`aneir`a: "A fleet? How much time are we looking out here?"
(24/10/09 07:44:14) Ziyad: "We have the production capital intact, at our disposal and are likely to have it remain in our hands for the foreseeable future."
(24/10/09 07:44:35) Ziyad: "I suggest we put the facilities on full war production considering the state of creation"
(24/10/09 07:44:53) Starcc Antonee nods. "Agreed."
(24/10/09 07:45:09) Anshu: "I don't see how we could justify doing anything else."
(24/10/09 07:45:49) De`aneir`a is thoughtful for a moment.
(24/10/09 07:46:01) Ziyad: "Now if Lookshy has shown us anything it is that few if any beings in Creation have much available in the way of skypower."
(24/10/09 07:47:20) Anshu nods
(24/10/09 07:47:21) Starcc Antonee: "Hmmm. I believe the Air Folk, in the North, have some, but I can't remember ever seeing one."
(24/10/09 07:47:36) Anshu: "It could give us a decisive advantage."
(24/10/09 07:48:07) Ziyad: "If we set out not just to rival but to surpass them with designs of this age. It as Anshu just said could claim us a very powerful advantage."
(24/10/09 07:48:30) Ziyad is ruffling through a file now. Looking for something.
(24/10/09 07:48:56) De`aneir`a: "Definitely, I will not be outdone by anyone else," she says with a determined look.
(24/10/09 07:49:05) Starcc Antonee snickers.
(24/10/09 07:49:27) Ziyad: "I'm glad you said that. For I suggest for the moment we start with something like this"
(24/10/09 07:49:29) Starcc Antonee: "Sounding a bit like dear young Solitary there, aren't you?"
(24/10/09 07:49:43) De`aneir`a winces
(24/10/09 07:50:16) Ziyad places the drawing from the Council meeting in front of him. An image of the thing appearing behind him on the glass.
(24/10/09 07:50:39) De`aneir`a: "Though perhaps I see nothing wrong with that." She says looking to Ziyad and his drawing.
(24/10/09 07:51:19) Ziyad: "This was an idea I had during the boring moments of the council meeting."
(24/10/09 07:51:40) Starcc Antonee inspects the image carefully. "Check the structural integrity of the Jade piping ... Reverse the polarity of the Essence Flow ... That looks like it should be workable."
(24/10/09 07:51:51) De`aneir`a: "So you wish these built?"
(24/10/09 07:52:18) Anshu: "Just the one, I would think."
(24/10/09 07:52:36) Ziyad pulls out a couple of other drawings.
(24/10/09 07:52:37) Ziyad: "This vessel and these smaller vessels and warstriders that I thought up this afternoon"
(24/10/09 07:53:12) Ziyad: "The warstriders are variations of several designs scattered in various states of disrepair around the city"
(24/10/09 07:54:18) De`aneir`a: "Impressive, I applaud your work during those moments," she praises honestly. Sadly she still had yet to get around her first issues with Infinite Star Saber.
(24/10/09 07:55:20) Starcc Antonee nods. "Quite impressive, for a poet."
(24/10/09 07:55:39) Ziyad: "One to start with I think and test the concept. I am not an engineer and have little idea of how any of this works. I had a moment of inspiration and possess some artistic talent. It would be up to you, De'aneir'a and you, Antonee to make this thing work."
(24/10/09 07:55:51) De`aneir`a: "Warstriders, Carrier, and Escort Craft?" She once again gets thoughtful. She waves a hand dismissively, "Eagle's Nest can assuredly help. Its large enough assuredly."
(24/10/09 07:56:45) De`aneir`a: "Prototypes are always first. What say you Antonee? I think it can fly."
(24/10/09 07:57:01) Anshu: "I take it I am to be of assistance in training and enlightening the people who are going to be crewing these things?"
(24/10/09 07:57:36) Ziyad turns to Anshu
(24/10/09 07:57:39) Starcc Antonee nods. "Say a 1/350th model to start with, check that it works at that level before we scale up."
(24/10/09 07:57:50) Ziyad: "Yes my friend. As you know I have already begun."
(24/10/09 07:58:13) Ziyad turning back to Antonee
(24/10/09 07:58:15) Anshu nods.
(24/10/09 07:58:46) Ziyad: "Would a 1/350th version work, or just be a test?"
(24/10/09 07:59:27) De`aneir`a: "It would be a working model, using similar techniques on a smaller scale. Once the flaws are found in the small version we can make the big ones."
(24/10/09 07:59:41) Starcc Antonee nods. "De`aneir`a's right."
(24/10/09 07:59:56) De`aneir`a: "Or in the case of entire design failure a new model will be built until we are successful."
(24/10/09 07:59:59) Anshu: "How long would it take?"
(24/10/09 08:00:29) Starcc Antonee: "For the model? The Invincible Starfall should be able to make it in a day, at most."
(24/10/09 08:01:27) Ziyad: "Excellent and for the vessel itself?"
(24/10/09 08:02:05) De`aneir`a: "I believe the same can be said with Eagle's Nest, but I would rely on the nest for the final productions. I would hope no more than 2 weeks, I've not actually made things in quantity before. Infinte Star Saber took years of careful work."
(24/10/09 08:02:11) Starcc Antonee: "A few days. No more than four each, I would say."
(24/10/09 08:02:21) De`aneir`a frowns.
(24/10/09 08:02:46) Starcc Antonee: "Although the Eagle's Nest has far different powers. The builders of the Infinite Starfall focused merely on speed."
(24/10/09 08:03:00) De`aneir`a nods.
(24/10/09 08:03:32) De`aneir`a: "Quality. We dare not have things fall from the sky needlessly. With that said if the Model is successful maybe four days is all is needed."
(24/10/09 08:04:17) De`aneir`a: "We could Mass Produce if we've the materials if the Prototype exceeds its expectations."
(24/10/09 08:06:25) Ziyad: "Also most of these are likely to require hearthstones. Hearthstones I do not want to strip unnecessarily from the city.
(24/10/09 08:06:44) Ziyad: "Do either of you have any idea what we could use in their stead?"
(24/10/09 08:07:08) Starcc Antonee: "Hmmm. I can always build more Proto-Shinmaic Vortices, if need be."
(24/10/09 08:07:46) De`aneir`a: "Eh... I... I've a thus far... have installed in Infinite Star Saber, an Essence Reactor. But its flawed and hasn't produced more than I can expend. I do believe I'm on my way to a breakthrough."
(24/10/09 08:08:05) De`aneir`a: "I would agree with the PSVs... they are more... or less stable than my reactors."
(24/10/09 08:08:09) Starcc Antonee: "Essence Reactor? I'm not sure I recall that term."
(24/10/09 08:08:31) De`aneir`a: "Of course not. I doubt anyone had one. Not while I was awake..."
(24/10/09 08:08:41) De`aneir`a chuckles.
(24/10/09 08:08:51) Anshu: "Proto-Shinmaic Vortices sound a bit extravagant for what we're going to be using them for..."
(24/10/09 08:09:38) Starcc Antonee shrugs. "Well, I should be able to make miniature versions."
(24/10/09 08:09:57) Ziyad: "Exactly Anshu! A PSV seems like a valid use for the big vessels but the 'striders and whatever weapon system it is armed with will require lesser far safer power sources."
(24/10/09 08:10:18) Anshu nods.
(24/10/09 08:10:43) Starcc Antonee frowns. "A PSV is perfectly safe, as long as nobody is foolish enough to tamper with it."
(24/10/09 08:11:10) De`aneir`a: "Oh for the Warstriders? I suppose... some variation of the Capacitor system on the Infinite Star Saber could benefit. Perhaps, the application was used in various stuff in the First Age."
(24/10/09 08:12:03) Ziyad: "Capacitors strike me as safer. As both the striders and the warbirds will be less well armoured. There is less chance of the PSV being breeched and the entire vessel and complement being lost to the Wyld."
(24/10/09 08:13:10) De`aneir`a: "Amplifaction and Capacitance systems are what power my weapon systems now. They don't produce much for a vessel of her size but Warstriders, that is different."
(24/10/09 08:13:36) De`aneir`a: "I'll dig out the initial prints for them and donate them to the Warstrider Projects."
(24/10/09 08:15:06) De`aneir`a: "So these mortals that you've been working on, they'll be able to pilot these things?" She asks with a tone of concern.
(24/10/09 08:16:08) Starcc Antonee nods. "There's no point us building the things if we have to cannibalise Solitary Talon's troops to pilot them. Even if she'd let us, which I doubt."
(24/10/09 08:16:48) De`aneir`a: "I'd rather not weaken the ground forces," she agrees with a nod.
(24/10/09 08:17:18) Ziyad: "They should be. I found a manse on the south edge of the city. Which seems perfect for Naval Headquarters. It had several Warstriders like these and what I can only assume are training devices. I am also now capable of Enlightening a group of Mortals, though it is a slow process."
(24/10/09 08:18:16) De`aneir`a: "Hmm, as long as you have some to test them with. I don't suppose the manse records the performance data? I would like to see where I can improve the machines for use with the mortals."
(24/10/09 08:18:18) Ziyad: "The first group are likely to be trained by both Anshu and myself and have their Essence awakened via thaumaturgy. It is less safe but far quicker."
(24/10/09 08:18:45) Starcc Antonee: "Hmmm. It might be best to have the Ministry of Defense and Logistics headquartered in one location, rather than spread throughout the city."
(24/10/09 08:19:09) Ziyad shrugs. "I did not have much time to explore it but that gives me an idea..."
(24/10/09 08:20:03) Ziyad: "Manse bring up performance data from Bastion of Starlight. Display them in here."
(24/10/09 08:21:25) Anshu: "I can enlighten their Essence without the need for Thaumaturgy."
(24/10/09 08:21:57) Starcc Antonee: "Would they stay Enlightened?"
(24/10/09 08:22:08) Anshu: "Yes."
(24/10/09 08:22:25) De`aneir`a watches Ziyad more concerned with the data.
(24/10/09 08:23:13) Ziyad watches as behind him on the glass the data is displayed
(24/10/09 08:26:43) Ziyad: "I can enlighten more, he can enlighten more quickly."
(24/10/09 08:27:10) Ziyad: "Would you care for a copy of the data?"
(24/10/09 08:27:36) Starcc Antonee: "I think giving one to De`aneir`a and I would be a good idea."
(24/10/09 08:29:50) De`aneir`a nods.
(24/10/09 08:30:11) De`aneir`a: "A copy to me assuredly, If Starcc requires a copy as well even better."
(24/10/09 08:30:25) Ziyad: "Are your manses connected to the city's network as I can send it straight to your manses. Or I can create a paper copy here if that is more convienent"
(24/10/09 08:31:03) Starcc Antonee frowns. "I'm not sure. Try both ways?"
(24/10/09 08:32:54) Ziyad: <The Central Manse> "Neither of your main places of work are Starcc. De'aneir'a Sera Vestra's Eagle Nest has a connection.
(24/10/09 08:33:22) Starcc Antonee: "...Huh. Manse, would it be possible to connect one?"
(24/10/09 08:33:47) Ziyad stands in the corner playing with a slot that prints out the data
(24/10/09 08:34:19) Ziyad: <Central Manse>"Small redesigns of the features within your manse would allow reconnection"
(24/10/09 08:34:52) Starcc Antonee: "...How small, Manse?"
(24/10/09 08:35:30) Ziyad: <Central Manse> "Printing Futher Specifictions now"
(24/10/09 08:36:10) Ziyad wanders towards the print out, tears it away from the wall and hands it to Antonee
(24/10/09 08:36:43) Starcc Antonee carefully takes the printout from Ziyad. "Thanks."
(24/10/09 08:37:20) Ziyad: "Strangely enough I believe those on this network should be able to communicate with each other both vocally and visually when such connections are in place. Or at least so the Manse tells me"
(24/10/09 08:37:37) Ziyad: "I have not had an oppurtunity to check it."