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(29/10/09 07:37:35) Splendor approaches Cael one night. "Could we talk, kid?"
(29/10/09 07:40:35) Cael is playing with little orichalcum figurines Antonee's craftsmen had begun making. The production versions likely wouldn't be orichalcum, but this ensures Cael's are durable. Looking up, he asks uncomfortably, "What about, Mr. Splendor? Did I do somethin' wrong?"
(29/10/09 07:42:20) Splendor shakes his head. "Nah. I just thought we should probably get to know each other better, if we're going to be raiding the Imperial Manse as a team." The Elder looks down at the figurines. "What are those supposed to be of?"
(29/10/09 07:45:02) Cael holds up one. "This one's a warstrider. It's based on Daddy's power armor. The other one's what I'm hopin' to be able to make a Yeddim into. I'm studyin' sorcery, an' I think I can make somethin' t' help protect the city an' fight the Mask's armies. This one was s'posed to be Moonsilver, 'cause it's gonna transform from a warstrider into a flying ship thing, but they said it kept turnin' into quicksilver."
(29/10/09 07:46:34) Cael puts them aside and stands up "So, um..." looks away "You're wrong 'bout Miss Dancing Wraith, still. But I un'erstan' why you're mad. 'm sorry I called you a bully. You don' mean it, I don' think." He babbles out the apology real fast; it'd obviously been building up in him for a while, which might explain why he'd avoided the older Lunar since the trial.
(29/10/09 07:50:35) Splendor crouches to look Cael in his red eyes. "It's okay, kid. That's not what I came to talk about." He pauses. "Is there anything you learnt in my memories that you want to talk about?"
(29/10/09 07:52:49) Cael squirms. "Most've 'em have faded, with all the stuff that happened after..." he dithers, then swallows. "Um. What're Sidereals? Why'd they kill all the Solars? An' why'd that one, Tyrise or somethin' - why were you gonna hafta kill her?" He's clearly gotten some of them muddled in his memory of remembering them.
(29/10/09 08:00:17) Cael warms to the questions, almost forgetting to give Splendor a chance to answer. "...an' why'd she wanna do somethin' for Soon? He was your bondmate, right? Who's Bounteous Pudding? Was she gonna be killed for somethin' that wasn' her fault?"
(29/10/09 08:05:30) Splendor looks away slightly, blinking back tears. "Soon... Soon was my bondmate, yes. We cared for each other deeply. But he and Tyrise loved each other." The Elder swallows. "They were so pretty in their wedding outfits..."
(29/10/09 08:09:09) Cael's throat hitches, too, sympathetically. "oh. 'm sorry. An'--" he swallows. "...why'd she let 'em kill 'im?"
(29/10/09 08:09:18) Cael isn't trying to be mean, but he really doesn't understand.
(29/10/09 08:10:43) Cael: "...an' bon'mates don' marry?" sounds rather relieved.
(29/10/09 08:10:58) Splendor moves to hug the young Lunar. "I... I don't think she had much of a choice, kid."
(29/10/09 08:11:23) Splendor: "And no, bondmates don't always marry. A lot of them do, but not all."
(29/10/09 08:12:04) Cael: Oh. *hugs back, somewhat uncertainly* I don' hafta become a girl, then? I wasn' sure how I was gonna marry Rowan -an'- Daddy.
(29/10/09 08:12:51) Splendor: "Not if you don't want to, kid." Splendor replies, chuckling slightly.
(29/10/09 08:13:50) Cael: "An' Bounteous Pudding...? Was she your wife?"
(29/10/09 08:16:38) Splendor: "No, ah..." Splendor looks somewhat guilty. "What kind of bird is that, do you think?" He points.
(29/10/09 08:17:48) Cael pouts. "Tasty. I've caught 'em before. You're changin' the subjec', jus' like Daddy does. Were the other guys gonna hurt her?"
(29/10/09 08:19:12) Splendor: "...Yes. In a very grown-up way, which your Daddy would not be happy with me for talking about."
(29/10/09 08:19:45) Cael: "This is one of those things Miss Solitary Talon was thinkin' 'bout when she lef' council, isn' it."
(29/10/09 08:20:12) Splendor: "I honestly couldn't say one way or the other."
(29/10/09 08:27:08) Cael frowns. "...did she deserve it? Would you've killed 'em to stop 'em? Would she?"
(29/10/09 08:27:56) Splendor: "...Is that your father?"
(29/10/09 08:28:05) Splendor points.
(29/10/09 08:28:14) Cael turns to look. Is it?
(29/10/09 08:29:29) Cael shakes his head. "Nope. ...you're still changin' the subjec', aren' you."
(29/10/09 08:29:40) Splendor: "...Huh. My eyesight must be getting worse than I thought."
(29/10/09 08:30:07) Cael: "I'm eleven! I'm almost a grown-up! I really can take it. Even if it's 'bout icky stuff.
(29/10/09 08:34:28) Cael: "...I haven' actually blood-hunted any people, or I'd turn into one to prove it." *frowns*
(29/10/09 08:35:43) Cael eyes the Elder, suddenly suspicious.
(29/10/09 08:39:38) Splendor: "...Judging by your behaviour when Silveria and Solitary Talon were engaging in 'icky stuff', no, I don't think you can, actually."
(29/10/09 08:41:38) Cael: "...so they wan'ed to have sex with her. I don' know *why* grown-ups like it so much. Though Miss Solitary Talon thought it felt good, I guess. ...you were like that with Bounteous Pudding? This about that not sharin' thing?"
(29/10/09 08:43:15) Splendor winces. "So, anyway, would you be willing to grant me your memories?"
(29/10/09 08:43:33) Cael winces in return. "...I-- I woulda been..."
(29/10/09 08:45:39) Cael: "But... I don' think I can. Miss Dancing Wraith's secret..." *shrinks away, guilty*
(29/10/09 08:46:14) Splendor: "Is no longer relevant."
(29/10/09 08:48:03) Cael swallows. "...it is,"
he whispers.
(29/10/09 08:50:32) Splendor sighs. "All right. If I swear by Luna to help protect you when Orabilis arrives, will you yield her secret to me?"
(29/10/09 08:52:20) Cael shakes his head. "It's not me I'm scared for."
(29/10/09 08:52:53) Splendor raises an eyebrow. "Then who are you scared for, kid? I can protect myself."
(29/10/09 08:54:19) Cael: It's... it's jus' not mine t' share. I can't share it without her permission. Hers or...hers. *apparently was about to say something else before the second 'hers.'*
(29/10/09 08:54:59) Splendor raises his other eyebrow. "And the second 'her' would be?"
(29/10/09 08:55:08) Cael: "...the secret."
(29/10/09 08:56:14) Splendor blinks. "You can't tell me who forbade the secret without revealing the secret? That sounds rather implausible."
(29/10/09 08:59:26) Cael shakes his head. "'m sorry. 'm not tryin' t' be bad."
(29/10/09 09:01:04) Cael: "I don' -wan'- help fightin' 'rabilis, 'nyway. I don' wan' 'im after anyone else.
(29/10/09 09:04:19) Splendor sighs. "I'm not saying that you are being bad." The Elder looks thoughtful. "How about this: I, Ulriltis Argenbet, known as Sun and Moon United in Splendor, swear that by my faith in Luna and hope of reincarnation, I will not act on Dancing Wraith's secret nor reveal it to anyone else, and will protect the Lunar known as Starcc Cael from any threats he may face?"
(29/10/09 09:04:59) Cael: "...don' swear the las' part. ...does it make it okay for *me* to break a promise?"
(29/10/09 09:06:44) Splendor: "Why not, kid? I want to help you."
(29/10/09 09:07:04) Cael: "If you'd promised Soon or sumthin', an' I promised not to tell anybody, coul' you break that promise?"
(29/10/09 09:07:49) Cael: "I don' -wan'- help! Not like that. I--" voice hitches. "It's my danger. An' if I tol' you, he'd be after you, too. You wouldn' need to protec' me to fight 'im."
(29/10/09 09:08:57) Splendor snickers. "I've faced down far worse threats than just some third circle demon, kid."
(29/10/09 09:09:59) Cael: "An' I'll fin' a way to fight 'im. Or t' wrest it away from 'im. Then it'll be mine t' protect."
(29/10/09 09:10:09) Cael: "...if I don' jus' eat 'im."
(29/10/09 09:11:12) Splendor swallows. "...I'd advise against trying to eat Orabilis, kid. That would give *you* his destiny."
(29/10/09 09:11:29) Cael giggles. "Tha'd be int'restin'."
(29/10/09 09:12:57) Cael: "...I hope Cecylene'd be okay. I think so...huh."
(29/10/09 09:13:08) Cael's three eyes stare thoughtfully into space.
(29/10/09 09:13:14) Splendor: "It might be interesting for *you*, but I'm rather sure your Daddy would disagree."
(29/10/09 09:14:04) Cael shrugs. "So I'd hafta guard the secrets of the Yozis. I thin' I can do that."
(29/10/09 09:21:21) Cael: "An' isn' it my choice whether to obey that destiny?
(29/10/09 09:27:00) Splendor: "I rather doubt destiny works like that, kid. But it might be the kind of thing you'd be better off talking to Crimson Meteor or Joyous Blade about." The Elder pauses. "Anyway, I don't see how spreading Forbidden Knowledge is a bad thing. They can't kill all of us, you know."
(29/10/09 09:31:02) Cael: "Tha's only part of it. It's... it's jus' somethin' they have the righ' to keep secret, if they wan'."
(29/10/09 09:34:21) Splendor sighs. "Cael. Who would you rather trust, somebody who's willing to die to protect you, or someone who doesn't even have the courage to stand trial without attempting to flee?"
(29/10/09 09:39:03) Cael straightens up defiantly. "Tha' wasn' a trial; tha' was a lynch mob. She woulda been killed no matter what. She ran for the same reason she had t'--" he sobs, remembering the pain from both sides. "She had to do wha' she did." The boy is shaking, trying to not look weak in front of the big man.
(29/10/09 09:42:50) Splendor: "...Your memories don't seem to match mine. In what way were we lynching her in Denandsor?" The Elder seems honestly curious.
(29/10/09 09:48:40) Cael looks apologetically up at the older Lunar. "You an' the others... it didn' matter what was said. You were gonna kill her no matter what. Jus' like the Silver Pac' was gonna, which is why she had t' run. They jus' wouln' let 'er live, 'cause they hated 'er secret, or they wan'ed revenge." By the end, he's choking back little hiccupping sobs.
(29/10/09 09:53:06) Splendor holds the young Lunar gently. "Cael. You have my memories. Do you really believe I was going to kill her either way?"
(29/10/09 10:02:25) Cael: "Yes."
(29/10/09 10:02:32) Cael nods firmly.
(29/10/09 10:02:54) Splendor: "Really? You can taste them again, if you want?"
(29/10/09 10:13:02) Cael: "...why? Would you let her live, now? Will you forgive'er?"
(29/10/09 10:25:36) Cael shakes his head. "I mean... I won' letcha taste mine, so why would you wanna let me?" he sniffles.
(29/10/09 10:25:45) Cael will vehemently deny sniffling, of course.
(29/10/09 10:26:06) Splendor sighs. "Because I want you to trust me, kid."
(29/10/09 10:30:05) Cael: C"ould you trus' me if I tol' you I'd keep a secret, then tol' it to someone else?"
(29/10/09 10:30:49) Cael is really torn up with this. He wants to let Splendor have *his* memories, but he now has things that aren't his to share.
(29/10/09 10:31:02) Splendor: "If you had good reason to do so, then yes."
(29/10/09 10:31:37) Cael looks down. "I don' think 'I wanna' is a good reason."
(29/10/09 10:33:01) Splendor cups the eleven year old's chin in one hand, looking into his eyes. "That depends on why you want to, Cael."
(29/10/09 10:37:05) Cael's three eyes look away, but he doesn't pull out of the grip. "You lemme taste yours. I should letcha taste mine. But I can't without tellin' somethin' tha's not mine t' tell."
(29/10/09 10:42:17) Cael: "I can try t' tell you, though. Anythin' but other people's secrets?"
(29/10/09 10:44:27) Splendor sighs. "Look. Dancing Wraith is not here. She will never know if you give me her secret, unless you plan on telling her yourself."
(29/10/09 10:46:43) Cael: "But I'd still have *told*!"
(29/10/09 10:47:09) Splendor: "And you won't be hurting anyone."
(29/10/09 10:52:22) Cael: "I'll be breaking a promise..."
(29/10/09 10:53:47) Splendor: "To somebody who serves the Yozis? That's not exactly a promise worth keeping." Splendor replies. "And you won't suffer for it, as it didn't get sanctified."
(29/10/09 10:55:43) Cael looks angry, now. "So my word's no good if it's given t' people like my demon frien's? An' she *doesn' serve the Yozis*. I *know* she doesn'. Her whole goal is t' save her bon'mate from 'em!"
(29/10/09 10:57:13) Splendor: "...It is?"
(29/10/09 10:58:54) Cael: "Yes!" *stamping his foot* "Or d'ya think I'm lyin'?"
(29/10/09 10:59:46) Cael: "'Cause you know I know! I know 'er as well as I know you, maybe better, 'cause she's not got a thousan' an' more years t' sort through!"
(29/10/09 11:01:31) Splendor: "No. I don't, Cael." Splendor replies. "However, you must admit that it seems rather unlikely that she would truly want to save her bondmate from the Yozis when she didn't do or say anything about that during her trial."
(29/10/09 11:03:26) Cael: "She didn' do or say much of anythin'. But tha's her goal. I's what she lives for. I dunno Mr. Mendican's goals, 'cause I didn' taste his blood, but I know hers. She's not a bad person. Jus' scared, an' determined."
(29/10/09 11:05:16) Splendor: "...I see." Splendor looks troubled. "...That changes things." The Elder sighs. "I really wish you'd mentioned that when she was on trial."
(29/10/09 11:09:22) Cael looks down, unable to do more than cast his eyes that direction with Splendor holding his chin. "...'m sorry. Tha's not what she was bein' tried for, though. If it was, I'd've said somethin'. ...I think." He starts to cry.
(29/10/09 11:09:32) Cael: I'm sorry!
(29/10/09 11:10:07) Splendor hugs the crying boy. "It's okay, Cael. I'm not unhappy with you."
(29/10/09 11:11:16) Cael: "I- if I'da done it right-- If I'd not been dumb, this woulda been okay. I screwed e-everythin' up!"
(29/10/09 11:13:07) Splendor pats Cael's shoulder. "It's okay, Cael. I'm not blaming you for forgetting. I should have asked earlier."
(29/10/09 11:14:15) Cael: "I-- is tha'why they wan'ed t' kill 'er? They thought, jus' 'cause-- ... 'cause of the secret, tha' she--?"
(29/10/09 11:14:42) Cael: "She doesn' wanna know her own secret! It scares'er! She doesn' wanna know, 'cause she isn' workin' for 'em!"
(29/10/09 11:15:08) Splendor: "...I don't know, Cael. I can't know, unless I know what the secret is."
(29/10/09 11:15:48) Splendor looks troubled. What *did* you find out, my friends?
(29/10/09 11:18:55) Cael swallows, and wipes his face viciously with his wooden arm, healing the scratches as he makes them. "I know. I's not fair f'r me t' ask, 'cause I won' tell. I'm so sorry. ...I'm sorry they died. But I'd've had t' kill 'em, too... they wouldn've ever let'er go." He's no longer sobbing, but he's still fighting a losing battle against tears.
(29/10/09 11:25:55) Splendor pulls Cael into a tight hug. "Cael, please, trust me on this. Celoris and Marsenfir would have let her go if she'd been willing to stand trial, instead of just attacking them. Much less kill them, which she shouldn't have been able to do." (29/10/09 11:37:49) Cael doesn't return the hug, but he accepts it. He's more or less letting Splendor hold him up at this point.
(29/10/09 11:41:35) Cael: ...*sniffle* "...I-- I'm sorry. I -- th-this is wh-why I won' share it. It makes people wanna k-kill each other, an'... an' it's not right! It's not right that people hate her m--" *he bites his tongue*
(29/10/09 11:42:37) Cael: "She doesn' deserve this. She's jus' who she is. She's not a bad person. An' your frien's didn' deserve t' die. But they foun' out. An'-- an'--" *swallows, pulling away* "...'m sorry. I'm a big kid. I shouln' be cryin'."
(29/10/09 11:43:30) Splendor: "...'Hate her m'?" Splendor says, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Cael, is Dancing Wraith's mother a Yozi?"
(29/10/09 11:46:10) Cael looks away, suddenly very, very still.
(29/10/09 11:49:27) Cael: "..."
(30/10/09 13:33:14) Splendor looks worried. "Cael?"
(30/10/09 13:34:51) Cael isn't sure how to answer.
(30/10/09 13:35:03) Cael stands there, not looking at the adult, afraid he'll give something away.
(30/10/09 13:35:27) Splendor sighs. "I guessed right, didn't I?"
(30/10/09 13:38:53) Cael shakes his head. It's hard to tell what the gesture means, given how he's doing it.
(30/10/09 13:41:12) Cael: "...'m sorry..." *mumble mumble mumble*
(30/10/09 13:41:53) Splendor: "Cael, please. A simple yes or no will suffice. It's not like telling me that her mother was a Yozi is going to reveal the forbidden secret, is it?"
(30/10/09 13:43:29) Cael looks at the ground, tension in his body. "...you'll keep your promise not to tell?"
(30/10/09 13:43:48) Splendor: "I will."
(30/10/09 13:46:11) Cael suddenly and viciously shreds his right arm with his left claw, and flings a handfull of blood with a few scraps of flesh in Splendor's direction, before turning and sprinting off, anger and self-loathing easilly apparent in every small-but-rapid step. He moves faster than a child his size should, so the use of Essence is obvious even if not visible.
(30/10/09 13:50:24) Splendor curses in shock, catching one of the scraps of flesh in one hand, before taking off after Cael, shifting into war form as he does so. The gobbet of flesh is quickly chewed and swallowed as the Elder runs. "Cael? It's okay, kid!"
(30/10/09 13:52:14) Cael screams something incoherent and keeps running. Faster, if anything, when he glances over his shoulder and sees the war form.
(30/10/09 13:53:28) Cael is dripping an easy-to-follow trail of blood; he hasn't healed the wound yet.
(30/10/09 13:53:53) Splendor mutters under his breath, before shifting all the way into his Spirit Shape, flying after the kid easily and quickly.
(30/10/09 13:58:29) Cael sprouts feathers, and takes to the air, going marginally faster still as his blurring multicolored plumage resonates with an awkward hum. *Something* twists in him...though maybe it's just imagination.
(30/10/09 14:22:37) Splendor chases Cael, slowly gaining on the young Lunar, before eventually managing to grab his shoulders and pull him down to the ground. "It's okay, kid. Nobody is going to hurt you. I swear."
(30/10/09 14:25:15) Cael doesn't struggle, but he does slip out of the adult's grip. "NOBODY *CAN* HURT ME!" he screams in fury. "*I* broke a promise! I failed! I betrayed 'er!"
(30/10/09 14:25:33) Cael spins in place to face Splendor accusingly.
(30/10/09 14:48:19) Splendor sighs. "Look, Cael. You haven't betrayed your promise, not really." The Elder looks aside. "The reason I agreed to come on this trip is because, if I remember my lessons correctly, the Sword of Creation requires souls to function, and, well, I'm old. Really old. I'm not as fast, or as quick-witted, or as strong as I used to be. It's getting to be time I passed on and let you youngsters have a turn at ruling."
(30/10/09 14:49:59) Cael's expression turns from hatred to confused curiosity, as if somebody flipped a switch. "Huh?"
(30/10/09 14:50:42) Splendor: "...Nothing. Come on, let's go back to the camp. Your father is probably worried about you."
(30/10/09 14:51:31) Cael shakes his head. "Stop doing that!"
(30/10/09 14:51:56) Splendor pretends not to know what Cael's talking about. "Stop doing what?"
(30/10/09 14:52:31) Cael: "Why do you keep tryin' to hide stuff from me!? You wan'ed to talk! You got what you wan'ed, an' chased me down even though I broke my promise, an' now you're tryin' to hide stuff again! Why bother talkin' if you're not gonna SAY nuthin'!?"
(30/10/09 14:52:41) Cael is mad, at Splendor and at himself.
(30/10/09 14:53:56) Cael: "I don' know why you think it's okay that I broke my promise, but you're wrong. You're old, but that doesn' make you right!"
(30/10/09 14:55:37) Splendor sighs. "I'm sorry. I've spent too many centuries having to keep stuff secret, even from those I trust, lest the Shogunate or the Realm find out." He squats, to look Cael in the eye. "I'm... I'm not planning on coming back from this trip. Your broken promise is going to die with me."
(30/10/09 14:55:56) Cael: "... *why!?*"
(30/10/09 15:01:11) Splendor: "...I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but, unless it's been seriously modified since I served in the Deliberative Army, the Sword of Creation requires a Celestial Exalt to sacrifice their soul so people can attune, and, well..."
(30/10/09 15:01:31) Cael: "...no!"
(30/10/09 15:01:46) Cael: "No no no! I'm not lettin' ya! We'll make it work differen'!"
(30/10/09 15:02:30) Cael: "You're not gonna die 'cause I messed up! I won' let you! Nobody dies 'cause of me!"
(30/10/09 15:02:34) Cael: "Not ever again!"
(30/10/09 15:02:38) Cael: "Never never never never!"
(30/10/09 15:03:19) Splendor: "Cael. Please. I'm not going to be dying because you messed up." Splendor looks down. "I have one request to make, though."
(30/10/09 15:04:03) Cael: "...Why?" *bitterly* "You know I can't be trusted with promises."
(30/10/09 15:05:04) Splendor: "Because I trust you to do the right thing, kid."
(30/10/09 15:05:27) Cael: "..."
(30/10/09 15:05:39) Cael: *looking down, quietly* "...what do you wan'?"
(30/10/09 15:08:03) Splendor: "When we've reached the hearthstone chamber, I plan to ask that De`aneir`a be the only one to attune. Would you be willing to support me in that?"
(30/10/09 15:09:19) Cael: "..."
(30/10/09 15:09:41) Cael: "I wanna attune, too."
(30/10/09 15:10:52) Splendor: "...All right. But just you and De`aneir`a, okay?"
(30/10/09 15:11:47) Cael: *frowning* "Why? It'll jus' make everyone hate each other more."
(30/10/09 15:12:07) Cael: "Why're we always stabbin' 'chother in the back like this? We're s'posed to work TOGETHER."
(30/10/09 15:13:51) Splendor looks away. "...Because I failed her in the Usurpation. I should have been able to protect Soon. And... And I want to apologise for my failure. This seems the best way."
(30/10/09 15:14:32) Cael: "'snot."
(30/10/09 15:15:46) Splendor: "It is to me, kid."
(30/10/09 15:16:00) Cael: "Tell 'er."
(30/10/09 15:16:40) Cael: "She'll be mad at ya f'r dyin', if you do it. Don' make it her faultcha die. Tha's mean."
(30/10/09 15:17:23) Splendor: "I'm going to, kid. Just closer to the time."
(30/10/09 15:18:40) Cael: "Tha's not fair."
(30/10/09 15:19:56) Cael: "If Daddy did that t' me, I'd never forgive myself for lettin' 'im. I wouldn' wanna attune it. An' it'll make everyone else mad at 'er for tryin' to take what we're all workin' for. Why'd you wanna make her a-- *searches for a word and fails* --a person nobody wan's to be 'round?"
(30/10/09 15:21:48) Splendor sighs. "You'll understand when you're older, kid."
(30/10/09 15:22:59) Cael: "I don' think I wanna. I think you're makin' it harder than it hasta be."
(30/10/09 15:23:32) Cael: "I won' back you up on it. 'cause it's wrong. If you try it, I'll use my hun'steada yours, got it!?"
(30/10/09 15:25:58) Splendor: "Cael. Please. You've got your whole life ahead of you. I'm... I'm a tired old man who's lived far longer than anyone should. Let me do it. You wouldn't want to make your Daddy or Rowan sad, would you?"
(30/10/09 15:29:49) Cael: "You're not that old, either!"
(30/10/09 15:30:11) Cael: "An' you're ... wossaword... blackmailin'!"
(30/10/09 15:30:21) Splendor snickers. "How old do you really think I am, kid?"
(30/10/09 15:31:07) Cael: "About two thousan' years."
(30/10/09 15:31:17) Cael: "We get almos' twice tha'."
(30/10/09 15:31:28) Cael says this with absoute certainty.
(30/10/09 15:31:40) Splendor: "Try over three and a half thousand. And that's just the years I'm sure of."
(30/10/09 15:32:11) Splendor looks down. "For all I know, I've reached the end of my allotment."
(30/10/09 15:32:29) Cael frowns. "Tha's no' right..."
(30/10/09 15:32:37) Cael: "But you're not doin' it."
(30/10/09 15:33:03) Cael: "Or're you gonna break *your* promise?"
(30/10/09 15:33:35) Cael points accusingly with his still-bleeding arm.
(30/10/09 15:34:54) Splendor sighs. "Cael. Who would you rather have do it? Me or someone who hasn't even seen out a mortal lifetime, much less their first century?"
(30/10/09 15:36:11) Cael: "Nobody. I'll *make* it work. If you're really tha' old... if you-- if you're so 'pset that two of the first-agers died... why'd you kill *another* one!?"
(30/10/09 15:36:31) Splendor: "...Who?"
(30/10/09 15:36:50) Cael: "YOU!"
(30/10/09 15:38:22) Splendor: "Oh." Splendor looks into Cael's eyes. "Because... Because they hadn't passed on their memories for safekeeping. I have."
(30/10/09 15:39:02) Cael: "...you can do that?"
(30/10/09 15:40:18) Splendor facepalms. "What do you think that Charm *does*, kid?"
(30/10/09 15:40:55) Cael: "...you mean ME!?"
(30/10/09 15:42:45) Splendor gives Cael a deadpan look. "No. I mean the little gods inhabiting my clothes." He pauses. "Of *course* I mean you, kid!"
(30/10/09 15:43:29) Cael looks down. "...oh. ...i..."
(30/10/09 15:45:13) Splendor raises an eyebrow. "...You?"
(30/10/09 15:46:01) Cael's arm heals, the blood flowing back in as it seals itself up. A little half-moon glows on his forehead. He sniffs. "I--- I'll try to do right with it. Please don'..." He hiccups, and then the half-moon gleams rather than glittering. His jaw is set. "...still. Tell 'er. an'... jus'..." He frowns. "If you tell her, I'll promise."
(30/10/09 15:46:30) Cael doesn't like making this promise. He clearly thinks it's wrong. That he's doing a bad thing.
(30/10/09 15:46:57) Splendor stares. "Can... Can I take a closer look at your forehead, kid?"
(30/10/09 15:47:28) Cael shrugs. "Sure. Should be a half-moon right now."
(30/10/09 15:47:59) Cael: "Or'sit my green eye? I can close it if it bothers you...
(30/10/09 15:51:29) Splendor examines the youngster's forehead closely. "Damn. I was sure for a second there you'd had a Waxing Moon caste mark."
(30/10/09 15:52:44) Cael giggles. "I'm Casteless."
(30/10/09 15:53:11) Cael: "Jus' follow the moon."
(30/10/09 15:54:17) Splendor sighs. "You really have no idea just how big a deal a new, not previously tattooed, Waxing Moon would be, do you?"
(30/10/09 15:55:00) Cael: "...nope! Why?"
(30/10/09 15:57:15) Splendor: "Because we haven't had anyone settle as that Caste since the Usurpation. That's why. Five Maidens, we still don't know why *I* went back to my First Age Caste, instead of becoming Casteless."
(30/10/09 15:57:45) Cael: "Oh. Sorry."
(30/10/09 15:58:13) Cael: "I don' remember the Firs' Age Caste's, 'cept rememberin' your memories."
(30/10/09 16:00:34) Cael: "...sorry t' dis'point."
(30/10/09 16:00:40) Cael does sound sorry.
(30/10/09 16:01:32) Splendor: "It's okay. You're only eleven. And it's not like we Pact members have given you much reason to get to know us."
(30/10/09 16:03:08) Cael shrugs sadly. "'m pro'lly not gonna, either, 'nless tha's somethin' I gotta do 'cause I'm s'posed to pr'serve your stuff. ...please don' die?"
(30/10/09 16:08:08) Splendor nods. "Fair enough. I would like you to in time, but only if we ever manage to get the Lost Castes back properly."
(30/10/09 16:09:03) Cael: ...*obviously doesn't get it*
(30/10/09 16:11:39) Cael: ...but... um... *changing the subject* "D'you un'erstan' why I couldn' letcha hurt miss Dancing Wraith, now?" *desperately hopeful tone*
(30/10/09 16:18:14) Splendor nods. "I do."
(30/10/09 16:18:39) Cael: "...please help me fig'r out how to tell the Pact?"
(30/10/09 16:19:02) Cael: "'cause you don' think they're bad, so... they gotta be reas'n'ble? right?"
(30/10/09 16:19:16) Cael holds up a hand to let Splendor lead him back to camp.
(30/10/09 16:19:53) Cael also reverts to human form. Well, at least a not-feather-covered form. He still has all his mutations up. The disappointingly changeable caste mark dims slightly as they walk.
(30/10/09 16:20:11) Splendor takes the kid's hand as he stands. "I'll try. But, well, they're Exalts too. I can't make the decisions about what they think for them."
(30/10/09 16:20:50) Cael: "There's gotta be a way to convince 'em, though... if I weren't jus' a useless kid..."