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Latest revision as of 13:28, 30 October 2009

[22:01] * Dhiren makes to leave the spiderweb hall and notices Crow sitting on the steps outside.

[22:02] CowboyEnergy: "Hello Dhiren." Crow says, smoking a cigarette. "Hell of a thing in there, wasn't it?"

[22:04] Dhiren: "Yeah, it was." Dhiren shakes his head. "All the arguing... although I didn't exactly help."

[22:05] CowboyEnergy: "What is it for if not to make your opinion heard. That's why you're a councilor. If you kept your mouth shut, you wouldn't really be contributing, would you?"

[22:06] CowboyEnergy: "Still, I'm gladder then you would believe to get out of that room."

[22:09] Dhiren: Dhiren shrugs. "Part of it is that I still haven't really gotten used to all of this. I mean, a season ago I was still just a kid on a farm. The biggest thing on my mind was how I could help the Shining Ones, like Anshu, when they came through."

[22:10] CowboyEnergy: Crow nodded. "I was exactly the same way." He said, actually smiling and showing his teeth a bit.

[22:10] Dhiren: "You grew up in the Cult of the Illuminated too?"

[22:10] CowboyEnergy: "Except I ran the farm. But I'm no better then you are." He barks a laugh at this. "I was always working on my own, then with Corvid Rasp. It was just the two of us."

[22:11] CowboyEnergy: Crow shook his head. "Never even heard of it, to be honest. Nah, I'm from the Marukan. You know, the horse-lords?"

[22:13] CowboyEnergy: "Do they actually call themselves a cult?"

[22:15] Dhiren: "I've heard stories, mostly from my Uncle Falan. About how you have the best horses and riders in Creation. And yeah, why?"

[22:16] CowboyEnergy: Crow shrugged. "I've taken apart a lot of secret Deathlord cults, and they hardly ever actually call themselves one. Of course, that's probably because they prefer their newbies to not know what's really going on until it's too late."

[22:21] CowboyEnergy: "At least this one is honest."

[22:21] Dhiren: "I guess. We'd never help the deathlords, though. Only Shining Ones - Celestial Exalts, basically."

[22:22] Dhiren: "Mainly Solars."

[22:22] CowboyEnergy: Crow nods. "I wouldn't think so, you don't sound like the deathlord worshipping type. So what'd you do there, anyway?"

[22:25] Dhiren: "In the Cult, you mean? Not a whole lot... we weren't really high up, you know. Our job was basically to worship the Shining Ones and be ready to give them whatever help we could when they needed it."

[22:27] Dhiren: "We were under the protection of a friendly local god for a while, but he started to get greedy - kept asking for more days of worship devoted to him instead of the Shining Ones."

[22:28] CowboyEnergy: Crow nodded. "They can be assholes, to be sure. No better then those Dynasts you would hear about sometimes."

[22:29] CowboyEnergy: "So what'd you do about it, ask some Immaculates to get rid of it?"

[22:35] Dhiren: Dhiren nods. "I'm sure there are some Dynasts that are all right. I just haven't met any of them yet. And sort of, that was when Anshu came."

[22:35] Dhiren: "We thought he was an Immaculate at first, although not for very long."

[22:36] CowboyEnergy: Crow raises an eyebrow. "WHat'd he do with the rest of the cult then, they must've been lining up to grovel at his feet."

[22:40] Dhiren: "He told us to stop it," Dhiren grins. "So we just started worshipping him when he wasn't around."

[22:41] CowboyEnergy: Crow laughs at this one, pounding on his knee. "That's fuckin' hilarious. I bet that spirit got pissed off something fierce."

[22:42] Dhiren: "Oh, that was after he'd fought the spirit. And then he claimed a manse nearby and started going from village to village, helping work things out when people were having bad arguments, chasing off bandits and things. The spirit didn't dare try to make any more trouble."

[22:43] CowboyEnergy: Crow nodded. "That's good. So then when did *you* change?"

[22:44] CowboyEnergy: "I mean, your story can't be all about Anshu, right?"

[22:46] Dhiren: "Well, the bandits and slavers figured out when he went from place to place and raided my village while he was away, and they got me.'

[22:47] CowboyEnergy: "They got you?" Crow asked. Then he nods, he knows what he's talking about. "What happened to the others?"

[22:47] Dhiren: "Well, they took me and the other kids they'd captured to Nexus to be sold."

[22:48] CowboyEnergy: Crow spits. "Nexus. Terrible place."

[22:49] CowboyEnergy: "You can sell anything you want there, and plenty of things you don't."

[22:49] Dhiren: "Yeah, especially at the auctions. I got sold to a Dynast named Cynis Jesara. I'm wearing her form right now, although swapped to be a man."

[22:50] CowboyEnergy: Crow frowns now. "What'd you do with the Dynast?"

[22:52] Dhiren: "She tried to break me. Herself, I mean. She seemed to really enjoy it," Dhiren said quietly. "But I wouldn't break, and Luna came to me and gave me power. I tore her heart from her chest and ate it."

[22:54] CowboyEnergy: Crow stares at him for a minute, then returns to his cigarette. "harsh, but then it does make a very good lesson for people keeping slaves."

[22:56] Dhiren: "I was pretty much acting entirely on instinct," Dhiren says. "I'm not sure I could do it again to a person - eat their heart, I mean."

[22:57] Dhiren: "Anshu got there a little after that, and helped me get away by pretending to chase the 'Anathema'. Then we met Salamander, and a few days after that, the Mask attacked the city."

[22:57] CowboyEnergy: Crow shrugs. "It's never a good idea to pre-emptively decide what you can and can't do. Sometimes things go bad and you find yourself doing things you would never believe." He says, then sighs heavily.

[22:58] Dhiren: "I guess so."

[22:58] CowboyEnergy: "Who's Salamander?" Crow asks.

[22:59] Dhiren: "Anshu's first bondmate. The one who died just a few days into our march?"

[23:07] CowboyEnergy: "Oh yeah. I'm sorry, must've been terrible for him. If I hadn't just been sitting around on the other end of camp I might've been able to help him."

[23:10] Dhiren: "There wasn't really anything you could have done, unless you know a way to turn a Chimera back into a normal Lunar."

[23:11] CowboyEnergy: Crow shakes his head. "Damn, that's just...never heard of anything like it. It just happened," Crow snaps his fingers. "Just like that?"

[23:12] Dhiren: Dhiren nods. "One minute she was fine, the next, her tattoos turned black and she started transforming."

[23:12] Dhiren: "Anshu says it was because the Neverborn were lashing out at him for touching their minds."

[23:14] CowboyEnergy: "I wouldn't know anything about that. All this time I've been lashing out and trying to throw a wrench into the Mask's schemes, I've never really thought of having to understand the force behind him. Seems kind of ass-backward, now that I think about it."

[23:16] Dhiren: "What does? That you haven't been trying to understand the Neverborn?"

[23:16] CowboyEnergy: Crow nods. "Yeah. I was always more direct, more pragmatic. Always keeping my mind on what I could see, leaving the other stuff to Rasp."

[23:20] Dhiren: "Oh... I'm sorry about that. Him leaving like that. It must feel horrible, knowing you pissed off your bondmate that badly."

[23:21] CowboyEnergy: Crow shrugs. "Yeah, it's a real kick in the pants. Wish I knew why he did it."

[23:27] Dhiren: "I hope I never do anything to get Nuwa that angry at me," Dhiren says, sinking down onto the steps beside the older man.

[23:27] CowboyEnergy: "I mean, I know that I shouldn't have spoken to him like that, but he said that he was upset about something important to him. I can't understand what it is, why he wouldn't have told me about it."

[23:29] CowboyEnergy: *"that Nuwa is a fine lady. She'll go far, I think."

[23:37] Dhiren: "I know," Dhiren says with a smile. "I think she will too."

[23:39] CowboyEnergy: "You'd better watch her though, she's the type who would put the weight of the world on her shoulders. She'll need help." Crow responds.

[23:40] Dhiren: "I know. But we do have the weight of the world on our shoulders, don't we?"

[23:41] CowboyEnergy: Crow nods. "Yeah, but we don't all look for more weight." he points out.

[23:46] CowboyEnergy: "Nuwa is the type that will put all she can on her shoulders, and then go look for someone else's weight to take on as well."

[23:47] CowboyEnergy: "Although I don't want to torture a metaphor."

[23:47] Dhiren: "Heh. That's true. I'll do my best to keep her from trying to do too much."

[23:48] CowboyEnergy: Crow claps Dhiren on the back. "Attaboy!" He says with a smile.

[23:58] Dhiren: Dhiren shifts a bit restlessly after a while. "I feel like I should be doing something."

[23:58] CowboyEnergy: "Oh yeah? Like what?" The older gunslinger asks.

[00:01] Dhiren: Dhiren shrugs. "I'm not sure. There's not much for me to do at the Agriculture Ministry."

[00:02] CowboyEnergy: "Well, at least that gives you some time for yourself." He says with a bit of a smirk. "As for me, I think I need to go try and make up with a good friend of mine." He tosses the spent cigarette on the ground and then crushes it under his boot.

[00:02] CowboyEnergy: "Nice talking to you, Dhiren. Should do it again sometime."

[00:03] Dhiren: Dhiren nods. "Good luck."

[00:04] CowboyEnergy: "Yeah, something tells me I'm going to need it."