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| = Streed Rpg Core System =
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| (I'd Really prefer if nobody changes these, as this is the Core Rules, everyting else is ok.
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| Ok, maybe i'd need some help with the outlook, but not the Rules, yet...)
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| This is the Streed(R)Rpg Core System, intended to be the foundation for Several Rpg's.
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| (I have far too many ideas to satisfy with only one, or two, Games.)
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| If you know White Wolf's WoD Storytelling Games, that is great! This is both similar and very not similar.
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| Anyway, follow this for characters:
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| ===Basic Attributes===
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| Strength, Body, Agility, Charm, Senses, Thought, Will, KI,
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| Divide 20 Points on these, Minimum 1, Max 5.
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| ===Skills===
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| *Botanics*,
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| *Cooking(for Alcemical Witchcraft as well as Dinner service)*,
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| *Stealth*,
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| *Acrobatics*,
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| *Brawl(Unarmed)*,
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| *Melee(Armed)*,
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| *Domination (to make other Want to obey you, NOT bullying)*,
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| *Masquing(mainly for looking as something else, but also for switching appearence, Agent-style)*,
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| *Tutorial(both for teaching humans, and training(other) animals)*,
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| *Demolitions(Skill with Dynamite & such)*,
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| *Firearms(from Pistols to Rifles & Karbines, both automatic and not)*,
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| *Focus(may affect mainly several special Energy-attacks & such)*,
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| *Pilot(Plane and/or Helicopter. Also, non-slender ArmorMechas use this for some things)*,
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| *Strategy(Warfare Skill & Knowledge),
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| *Academics(Basic "School" Knowledge)*,
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| *Area(Define the Area, usually a city, that the character knows the inns & outs of)*,
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| *Chemistry*,
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| *Medicine*,
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| *Mythics(Mythological knowledge, at 4+, you've noticed what may be true(depending on Setting) and what not)*, *Occult*,
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| *Technology*,
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| *Vidastra(only if Aliens is present, it is to know of those and their variations)*,
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| *Crafting*,
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| *Drive(Car and/or MC)*,
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| *Investigation*,
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| *Gridrun(Computer Skill, to the extent of Neuromancer efficiency)*,
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| *Media(Intervjuing and camera skills, some gossip)*,
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| *Subterfuge(lying)*,
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| *Nobliquette(Etiquette Rules, but not just among Nobles...)*,
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| *Security*......,
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| Choose 7, and divide 14 Points among those, Minimum 1, Max 7(this is total mastery).
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| ===Non Combat Skill checks===
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| Roll Skill + proper Attribute or less on the Die that matches the Difficulty to Succeed, or Fail.
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| ===Combat Rules: Fighting===
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| Go in order of Highest Agility First, and so on. If Equal, roll same type of Die and highest goes first.
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| '''Punch''': Add Strength + Brawl.
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| Turn it into a die Roll: 1-2=D4-1 3-4=D4 5-6=D6 7-8=D8 and so on.
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| Roll.
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| If the result Exceeds opponents Body(+ any Armor), you deal 1 wound.
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| If the result is more than Double opponents Body(+ any Armor), you deal 2 wounds instead.
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| If the result is more than triple opponents Body(+ any Armor), you deal 3 wounds.
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| and so on.
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| If you take Wounds equal or more than you have Health(normally 2), You are KO'd(not dead yet).
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| (But if you take 5 Wounds in excess to getting K.O.’d, YOU ARE DEAD.)
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| (Also, if the GM wants to increase realism (& lethality), Wounds causing KO and worse may also cause Bleeding, and continued Wounding!)
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| '''Kick''': Add Strength + 1 + Brawl.
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| You can only use this if you have 4 or more in Agility + Acrobatics (or similar).
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| Turn it into a die Roll, as above, and so on.
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| '''Sword''': Add Strength + Melee, and so on.
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| ===Combat Rules: Shooting===
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| '''Pistol''': Add the Pistol's "Strength" of 4 to your Firearms Skill.
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| The Target may be within its Range of “15 (this is more a measure for 25-28 mm Miniature Games on 25mm Square floorplans, than for live Measurement). It might represent roughly 30 Meters.
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| Turn it into a die Roll, and so on.
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| '''Karbine''': Add it's "Strength" of 6 to Firearms.
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| The Target may be within its Range of “30 (See above). It might represent a bit less than 60 Meters.
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| Turn it into a die Roll, and so on.
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| Yes, these Rules are simple. They are this, in order to fast accomplish credible results in fights, so that one can maintain a story, even while fighting, without getting bogged down by it.
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| ===Remember: Misses & Fumbles!===
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| *To score a Miss:
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| If you Roll a Natural "2" on any Damage Roll, you have MISSED.
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| It does not matter if you have Boosted your Die to have +20 to the result Rolled, or so, a Natural "2" is Always a Miss!
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| *To Fumble:
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| If you Roll a Natural "1" on any Damage Roll, OR get it as a Roll Total, you have FUMBLED.
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| This means you have botched, made some mistake, or gotten bad luck, and you must forfeit your next Turn or Action, since.... you may have fallen to the floor, and must stand up, or you have gotten your Sword stuck in a door, or dropped it, or your pistol is Jammed, out of ammo(?!), or its magasine is dropped, and so on.
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| The GM has Always the last word on this.
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| ===Also: Ki===
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| Note 1 Exhaustion to get as much Extensive Damage as you have Ki Value to the Total Rolled
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| (You have a basic of 4 Exhaustion).
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| But still remember, a Natural 2 is STILL a Miss, and a Natural 1 a Miss and a Fumble.
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| Since the Ki must be spent in advance, You may end up spending all of your Ki..... and Miss!
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| ===The Terror Grid===
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| This is mainly for Horror Games:
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| When you get Shocked, Scared, or Horrified, it may get noted as one or several Slashes across the Terror Grid Boxes.
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| You have 3 “Safe” boxes, but once you go into any of the 4 “Unsafe” Boxes, you start getting nuts… in a way that is more scary and/or unhelpful than fun (Panic, Regression & Paranoia is common).
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| Once the last “Unsafe” Box is Slashed, the Character is officially…. Insane, or at least need a LONG Vacation, so to speak….
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| I do NOT go into details of it here:
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| I will, if there’ll be a direct request for such Rules.
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| By the way, many beings cannot usually get Insane, as such….
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| ==Plans for the (Near?) future==
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| * Cogex: Cosplay Clothing and Items that gives Real Powers.
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| * Victotian Seas: Think Steampunk + Pirates of the Caribbean, and some Modern.
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| * Eerie: Invesigatin Horrors, but more Thriller & Action, than Madness.
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| * Shanty Zones: Think Western, but set in a semi-Post-apocalyptic world, with a dab of Road Warrior.
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| * Sprawl Zones: Hardsuits & ... i think you call it Anthroposes... in CyberPunkish Suburbs.
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| * Roxic: This is a "World gone Wierd" Setting, wich focuses on local Myths, Legends, and Popculture.
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| Like: Germany has Factories & Odd Nightclubs, England mixes Victorian, Medevial & Modern England, USA is a patchwork of Road Warrior, Western, Cyberpunk.... and maybe some lovecraft.....
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