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'''Halt Evil Doer!''' is a '''Mutants and Masterminds'' campaign that is being run from the Gleemax Forums on the www.wizards.com site.  It is a Play by Post campaign that emphasizes storytelling over dice rolling. 

The campaign is set in the '''Freedomverse''' of the Mutants and Masterminds line and is meant to invoke a Silver Age mentality of unabashed heroism with only the occasional nod towards the fact that the setting is remarkably surreal by any stretch of the imagination.
Players are not required to possess the Mutants and Masterminds game line to play but are encouraged to, if they have the money and inclination, to pick up the '''Mutants and Masterminds''' main book and the '''Freedom City''' campaign book.  Arguably, the second is more important than the first since this is where the majority of setting information will come from.
Players are encouraged to check out the Eberron campaign this board [[Shadows over Cyre]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Crew]]
== Setting Information ==
[[Halt Evil Doer! Manifesto]]
== Player Characters ==
[[Hell Rider]] - The Damned Champion of Freedom City's Underworld.
== Superheroes ==
== Civilians ==
== Super Villains ==
== Miscellaneous Information ==

Latest revision as of 23:57, 7 April 2010