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Latest revision as of 17:15, 20 April 2010

Sgt Stanos[edit]

A boy named Stanos was born in a quiet village. As custom, he was inspected by the member of the Salamander's chapter who ruled the small community. The child had been born with a birthmark, a fiery hammer was marked into the skin of the babies shoulder. As soon as possible, Stanos was flown to grow up in an armored cathedral set high in the mountains. Many tests were conducted that found the child to be clean of taint or witchcraft. Judged pure, he was raised for eventual entry into the Salamander's chapter.

Stanos is already a legend in his chapter. On his first outing, as a lowly scout, his sniper rifle downed the great orc warboss Izzthabeggest with a single round. His rifle claimed two Carnifexes before it was retired and he was granted his first suit of powered armor. Armed with bolter and chainsword, he faced many foe. Against the Iron Warriors, it was his krak grenade that downed the dreadnought 'In Fury Born' and his chainsword that cut down a slannesh deamon prince with out a single blow landing on him.

Invited to serve among the chapter's veterans, Stanos donned an suit of ancient terminator armor. His battles took him through space hulks and on open battle fields. He proved to be a strong tactician. His squad of veterans served in over a hundred battles without a single casualty.

Librarian Dellosin performed a reading of the Emperor's Tarot as Stanos stood for promotion to the rank of captain. The readings said that the marine, who had shed blood through hundreds of battles, was not to become an officer in the chapter, instead the cards pointed that the marked child should travel to Mars and return to the chapter as a Tech-Marine.

He was gifted with a thunderhawk and sent on for his training. He is accompanied by two of his brother space marines as a honor guard. Also traveling with him, is the Dreadnought "in Fury Born" rebuilt and blessed by the chapter. It awaits the Sergeant, for his spirit will not be stopped by the simple failing of flesh.

Brother Mikiul[edit]

As a young boy, Mikiul was something of a prodigy. Easily a foot taller than his fellow youths, he is now one of the strongest, most aggressive space marines the salamanders can field. Those that see him comment that his powered armor is actually holding him back, and if allowed to go unarmored he would be a match for even an eldar wraithlord in hand to hand combat.

Raised in the family of a smith, Mikiul at an early age found himself working bellows and using a hammer to help fold metal. He quickly caught the eye of the space marines who were living in the village. His acceptance into he chapter was never i daubt.

For a man of his size, Mikiul is gifted with a swiftness that is the envy of eldar and the bane of all those who stand in his way. For the past thirty years he has won every test of strength or speed that has been placed before him. In battle, his strength and speed give an image to the impressive stories of the primarch himself. Even the eldest of the dreadnoughts cheer as Mikiul rushes across the battlefield, wielding his bolter as if it were a pistol and carrying a two handed halberd in a single hand. One librarian has remarked that if given a powerfist, Mikiul might sunder the very fabric of space, and thus he has not been issued one for that reason.

Brother Zackeria[edit]

If there were ever a bard among the space marines, Zackeria would be one of their star pupil. As a child he was rescued from a world doomed for destruction. Taken along with the war fleet, Zackeria proved able with both weapons and technology. He was sponsored and inducted into the Salamander's chapter upon the ships return the the chapter's homeworld.

Zackeria easily passed the tests to become a space marine, the introduction of the chapter's gene seed turned his black hair copper in color. His skin is still olive in color, and his eyes have turned a bright, angry green.

As a space marine, Zackeria has always been the one to stand the tallest when times are troubling. His voice carries over the roar of his personal heavy bolter, named after a girl he knew as a child. He is an expert in legends of the chapter, and of the Imperium as a whole. His voice carries over the sounds of battle, inspiring those around him.

If anything has held Zackeria back from rising quickly through the ranks it is his carefree attitude and his sometimes juvenile personality. Zackeria is given to grumbling while on guard duty, taking far to long to clean his weapons and armor, and being a general annoyance to the chaplains.

Zackeria is also a trained apothecary.