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'''Asgeir “Ash” von Hohenheim, “Spear of God”'''
May Smith - Golden Guardian


== Background ==
== Background ==

May is an only child. She grew up surrounded by the Police Culter both its good and bad sides. Though her force is less sexist then most, she's still not really respected as part of her team.
May is an only child. She grew up surrounded by the police culture both its good and bad sides. Though her force is less sexist then most, she's still not really respected as part of her team.

Her father (Alex Smith) was police cheif for most of her life just stepping down recently, and is something of an hero to her. Still his frustrations at managing, and her own experiences have taught her a little about just how venal the world can be. How in the end its all about money and power. She's seen guilty men go free, and feels the weight of quotas. There's a reason she didn't go into the vice section.
Her father (Alex Smith) was police cheif for most of her life just stepping down recently, and is something of an hero to her. Still his frustrations at managing, and her own experiences have taught her a little about just how venal the world can be. How in the end its all about money and power. She's seen guilty men go free, and feels the weight of quotas. There's a reason she didn't go into the vice section.
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Her best friend is an Engineering Student by the name of Flelicidy Robertson. May and her even tried dating for a while, but while like all of May's attempts at a relationships there was just something missing. Right now Flelicidy is trying to get over her crush on her fellow engineering student Shasha, possibly by hooking her up with someone.
Her best friend is an Engineering Student by the name of Flelicidy Robertson. May and her even tried dating for a while, but while like all of May's attempts at a relationships there was just something missing. Right now Flelicidy is trying to get over her crush on her fellow engineering student Shasha, possibly by hooking her up with someone.
==== Stats 34 ====
==== Stats 32 ====

Strength 14 (+2) [4pp]
Strength 14 (+2) [4pp]
Line 24: Line 25:
Constitution 14 (+2) [4pp]
Constitution 14 (+2) [4pp]

Intelligence 12 (+1) [2pp]
Intelligence 10 (+0) [0pp]

Wisdom 16 (+3) [6pp]
Wisdom 20 (+5) [10pp]

Charisma 24 (+7) [14pp]
Charisma 16  (+3) [4pp]

==== Saves ====
==== Saves ====

Fortitude: 0 (+4) [0pp]
Fortitude: 0 (+2) [0pp]

Reflex: 0 (+2) [0pp]
Reflex: 0 (+4) [0pp]

Will: 0 (+4) [0pp]
Will: 0 (+5) [0pp]

==== Combat ====
==== Combat====

Combat [4pp]
Combat [2pp]

Initiative +6
Initiative +4 [0pp]

Attack Bonus +0 [0pp]
Attack Bonus +2 /(+4 ranged) (+2 ranged from from feats) [4pp]  

Defense Bonus +1/+4 [16pp]
Defense Bonus +0/(+4 dodge from feats)[0pp]

Toughness: +4 [0pp]
Toughness: +2 [0pp]

==== Skills ====
==== Skills ====

Bluff 7 (+10)

Concentration 4 (+8)

Diplomacy 7 (+10)

Gather Information 7 (+10)
Gather Information

Knowledge (Arcane) 7 (+10)

Knowledge (Tactics) 7 (+10)
Profession: Police

Language 2 (Base Germany; English, Japanese)

Notice 2 (+6)

Perform (Poetry) 7 (+10)
Sense Motive

Sense Motive 6 (+14)

==== Feats ====
==== Feats ====

Dodge Focus 2
Ranged Attack Focus 2

Dodge Focus 4

Improved Initiative 1

Benefit 1 (Diplomatic Immunity)
Equipment 2

Bishonen/Bishojo 1
Improved Pin

Improved Disarm

Connected (She comes from a police family)

Rousing Speech 1 (Perform (Poetry))
Benefits 2
Slap Silly
Rhythm of Combat

==== Stats [42pp] ====

==== Stats ====
Strength 14 (+2) [4pp]

Strength 10 (+0) [0pp]
Dexterity 20 (+5) [10pp]

Dexterity 14 (+2) [4pp]
Constitution 14 (+2) [4pp]
Constitution 26 (+8) [16pp]

Intelligence 14 (+2) [4pp]
Intelligence 10 (+0) [0pp]

Wisdom 26 (+8) [16pp]
Wisdom 24 (+7) [14pp]

Charisma 20 (+5) [10pp]
Charisma 20 (+5) [10pp]

==== Saves ====
==== Saves [11pp]====
Fortitude: 2 (+10) [2pp]

Reflex: 2 (+4) [2pp]
fort      3 +2 = +5 [3pp]

Will: 2 (+10) [2pp]
Reflex 5 +5 = +10 [5pp]

==== Combat ====
will      3 +7 = +10 [3pp]

Initiative +6
==== Combat [16pp] ====

Attack Bonus +0/+10 [0pp]
Initiative +5

Defense Bonus +4/+10 [16pp]
Attack Bonus +2/Ranged +4/flame bolt +10 [4pp]

Toughness: +8/+10 [0pp]
Defense Bonus +2/+14 (4 base, 10 from dodge focus 10) [8pp]

==== Skills ====
Toughness: +6 [4pp]

Bluff 7 (+12)
==== Skills [18pp] ====

Concentration 4 (+12)
Bluff 2 + 5 = +7

Diplomacy 7 (+12)
Intimidate 14 + 5 = +19

Gather Information 7 (+12)
Drive 4 + 5 = +9

Knowledge (Arcane) 12 (+14)
Gather Information 4 + 5 = +9

Knowledge (Tactics) 10 (+12)
Investigate 8 + 7 = +15

Language 2 (Base Germany; English, Japanese)
Profession: Police 4 + 7 = +11

Notice 2 (+10)
Notice 14 + 7 = +21

Perform (Poetry) 7 (+12)
Medicine 4 +7 = + 11

Sense Motive 6 (+14)
Sense Motive 4 + 7 = +11

==== Feats ====
Search 14 + 7 = +21

Defensive Roll 2
==== Feats [37 pp]====

Dodge Focus 2
Attack Specialization 3 ranks (Flame Bolt  +6)

Accurate Attack
Ranged Attack Focus 2

All-Out Attack
Fearsome Presence 5 ranks

Defensive Attack

Precise Shot

Withstand Damage
Inspire 5

Improved Initiative 1
Uncanny Dodge (Sight)

Power Attack
Dodge Focus 10

Uncanny Dodge 1 (Visual)
Equipment 3

Improved Pin

Benefit 1 (Diplomatic Immunity)
Improved Disarm

Bishonen/Bishojo 1
Connected (She comes from a police family)
Last Stand
Rhythm of Combat
Rousing Speech 1 (Perform (Poetry))
Slap Silly
==== Powers ====
Super-Senses 6 (Detect Crack 2, Visual: Counter Illusion 2, Counter Concealment 2) [6pp]
''Huginn and Muninn''
Enhanced Connected and Enhanced Well-Informed [2pp]
''Hoofs of Sleipnir''
Flight 2 [4pp]
''Spear the Gungnir''
BP: Strike 10 (Extras: Penetrating +1; Feats: Accurate 5, Improved Critical 1) [26pp]
AP: Blast 10 (Extras: Penetrating +1; Flaws: Full Round Action –1; Feats: Accurate 5, Improved Critical 1) [1pp]
AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save (Fortitude) +1, Area (Line) +1, Vampiric +1; Flaws: Full Round Action –1, Tiring -1; Feats: Progression 6) [1pp]
May Smith (Power Level 10)
Str 14
Dex 20
Con 14
Int 10
Cha 20
Wis 24
(12 points)
Attacks +2 (Ranged +4) (flame bolt +10)/ Defense (base +4) (from Dodge Focus 10) +14 (+2 with out dodge)
Gah this took forever.
saves: 15 points
tough +4 +2 = +6
fort +6 +2 = +8
Reflex +5 +5 = +10
will +3 +7 = +10

Feats: 37
Benefits 2 (Police Officer, Investigator)
Attack Specialization 3 ranks (Flame Bolt +6)
Ranged Attack Focus 2
Fearsome Presence 5 ranks
Precise Shot
Inspire 5
Uncanny Dodge (Sight)
Dodge Focus 10
Equipment 3
Improved Pin
Improved Disarm
Connected (She comes from a police family)
Benefits 2

skills 18 points
==== Powers [25pp] ====
Bluff + 2 + 5 = +7
Intimidate + 14 + 5 = +19
Drive + 4 + 5 = +9
Gather Information + 4 + 5 = +9
Investigate + 8 + 7 = +15
Profession: Police +4 + 7 = +11
Notice +14 + 7 = +21
Medicine +4 +7 = + 11
Sense Motive +4 + 7 = +11
Search +14 + 7 = +21

Powers :25
Sense (Cracks) (2 points)
Sense (Cracks) (2 points)

Flight 2 (4 points)
Flight 2 (4 points)

Flame Bolt - Blast 10 - 20 + 1 points
=====Attacks - 20 + 1 points=====
* Phoenix Next Strike 10 Area 5 feet
    * Flame Bolt - Blast 10  
    * Phoenix Nest - Strike 10 Area 5 feet

Latest revision as of 16:48, 9 July 2010

May Smith - Golden Guardian


May is an only child. She grew up surrounded by the police culture both its good and bad sides. Though her force is less sexist then most, she's still not really respected as part of her team.

Her father (Alex Smith) was police cheif for most of her life just stepping down recently, and is something of an hero to her. Still his frustrations at managing, and her own experiences have taught her a little about just how venal the world can be. How in the end its all about money and power. She's seen guilty men go free, and feels the weight of quotas. There's a reason she didn't go into the vice section.

Her mother (Becky Smith (maiden name: Anderson)) is an property auditor for the county, and a fairly severe woman at times with very strong ideas of right and wrong. Who is outwardly extremely proud of her husband and daughter, but inwardly worries.

Her Partner (Ricky James) is a good fellow even if he is a bit of a playboy. Still he listens and knows enough not to get an Harassment Suit. And honestly May is happy someone is getting some.

Her best friend is an Engineering Student by the name of Flelicidy Robertson. May and her even tried dating for a while, but while like all of May's attempts at a relationships there was just something missing. Right now Flelicidy is trying to get over her crush on her fellow engineering student Shasha, possibly by hooking her up with someone.


Stats 32[edit]

Strength 14 (+2) [4pp]

Dexterity 18 (+4) [8pp]

Constitution 14 (+2) [4pp]

Intelligence 10 (+0) [0pp]

Wisdom 20 (+5) [10pp]

Charisma 16 (+3) [4pp]


Fortitude: 0 (+2) [0pp]

Reflex: 0 (+4) [0pp]

Will: 0 (+5) [0pp]


Combat [2pp]

Initiative +4 [0pp]

Attack Bonus +2 /(+4 ranged) (+2 ranged from from feats) [4pp]

Defense Bonus +0/(+4 dodge from feats)[0pp]

Toughness: +2 [0pp]





Gather Information


Profession: Police



Sense Motive



Ranged Attack Focus 2

Dodge Focus 4


Equipment 2

Improved Pin

Improved Disarm

Connected (She comes from a police family)

Benefits 2


Stats [42pp][edit]

Strength 14 (+2) [4pp]

Dexterity 20 (+5) [10pp]

Constitution 14 (+2) [4pp]

Intelligence 10 (+0) [0pp]

Wisdom 24 (+7) [14pp]

Charisma 20 (+5) [10pp]

Saves [11pp][edit]

fort 3 +2 = +5 [3pp]

Reflex 5 +5 = +10 [5pp]

will 3 +7 = +10 [3pp]

Combat [16pp][edit]

Initiative +5

Attack Bonus +2/Ranged +4/flame bolt +10 [4pp]

Defense Bonus +2/+14 (4 base, 10 from dodge focus 10) [8pp]

Toughness: +6 [4pp]

Skills [18pp][edit]

Bluff 2 + 5 = +7

Intimidate 14 + 5 = +19

Drive 4 + 5 = +9

Gather Information 4 + 5 = +9

Investigate 8 + 7 = +15

Profession: Police 4 + 7 = +11

Notice 14 + 7 = +21

Medicine 4 +7 = + 11

Sense Motive 4 + 7 = +11

Search 14 + 7 = +21

Feats [37 pp][edit]

Attack Specialization 3 ranks (Flame Bolt +6)

Ranged Attack Focus 2

Fearsome Presence 5 ranks


Precise Shot

Inspire 5

Uncanny Dodge (Sight)

Dodge Focus 10

Equipment 3

Improved Pin

Improved Disarm

Connected (She comes from a police family)

Benefits 2 (Police Officer, Investigator)

Powers [25pp][edit]

Sense (Cracks) (2 points)

Flight 2 (4 points)

Attacks - 20 + 1 points[edit]
    * Flame Bolt - Blast 10 
    * Phoenix Nest - Strike 10 Area 5 feet