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Whoa. That's weird. The big mountain man with the creepy eyes has zeroed in on Joshua like a mountain lion stalking its prey. Everyone freezes. Roskov continues to stare at Joshua with that unsettling gaze. Arden continues with the introductions.

Arden: Roskov.
Roskov: Pyotr Andreyevich Roskov.
Nika: The man who runs the GULag.
Roskov: I don’t think he runs it, I think he—
Rina: Oh. We’re saved.
Joshua: I can’t say we met. And I speak a little bit of Russian. Joshua Drake.
Roskov: That name is not familiar to me.
Nika: Such as it is.
Joshua: Yes, there is something. I am .. I am aware enough to know that when something like this occurs, it has some sort of meaning. I’m just not sure what that is. But you are from the GULag, my captain says.
Nika: Divine Providence sent us rescuers from the GULag.
Joshua: (taking the hint) God works in mysterious ways, so I’m told by all the Shepherds that I’ve ever run into.
Roskov: (quietly) Undoubtedly that is true. But perhaps that is why you were sent to me.
Joshua: Perhaps.

Roskov looks at the ship.

Arden: I don’t think we should stay here for very long.
Joshua: We need to finish burying Yurgei. Not technically our comrade but—
Roskov: You are wounded. My men will help you.

Roskov’s men hop to it immediately, grabbing shovels from the Cat and getting right over to the grave.

Joshua: Praise be! There is a God and He provided shovels.
Rina: Spasiba.
Arden: Roskov. We probably shouldn’t stay around here for very long. Cuz the ship is irradiated.

Roskov looks over to one of his men and says something in Russian. Rina catches it: check it out. The man pulls a huge Geiger counter from the Cat. The Geiger counter is twice as large as needed for the job.

Rina: Of course. Everything in Russia is bigger and better.

Roskov’s man cranks it up to get it going, starts taking readings.

Rina: See? Is good. Does not need power. Batteries never run out.
Nika: (off her look) Irina.
Joshua: She’s not ever going to want to leave the planet.
Nika: Let’s leave her there.

The man with the Geiger counter looks at the readings and starts getting agitated, saying in Russian: You dragged us all the way out here and there’s nothing? Just a heap of radiation and more mouths to feed?! Again, Rina catches every word. She doesn’t miss Roskov’s reaction, either. The giant looks at the man with a steady expression, one that says he’s not accustomed to being talked back to. He says to him, quiet and terrible:

Roskov: Go to the Cat.

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