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1. An Exemplar serves all beings on Tyrra, living or dead, friend or foe.<br>
1. An Exemplar serves all beings on Tyrra, living or dead, friend or foe.<br>
2. An Exemplar leads only by example.<br>
2. An Exemplar appraises needs generously and threats conservatively.<br>
3. An Exemplar appraises needs generously and threats conservatively.<br>
3. An Exemplar confines first, wounds second, and kills last.<br>
4. An Exemplar never derives his honor from the opinions of others.<br>
4. An Exemplar leads only by example.<br>
5. An Exemplar confines first, wounds second, and kills last.<br><br>
5. An Exemplar is never proud.

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This translates into some of the Exemplar’s strictest rules. An Exemplar does not loot corpses, considering it a desecration. He will not accept anything from another that he knows to have been looted from a corpse. Because of this, Exemplars are encouraged to learn a trade so they are not dependent on loot or donations for a living.<br><br>
This translates into some of the Exemplar’s strictest rules. An Exemplar does not loot corpses, considering it a desecration. He will not accept anything from another that he knows to have been looted from a corpse. Because of this, Exemplars are encouraged to learn a trade so they are not dependent on loot or donations for a living.<br><br>
But perhaps the most important part of this tenant is a single word: serve. This is ultimately the core of all other tenants of the Exemplars: the duty to serve all beings on Tyrra.<br><br>
But perhaps the most important part of this tenant is a single word: serve. This is ultimately the core of all other tenants of the Exemplars: the duty to serve all beings on Tyrra.<br><br>
== ''''' An Exemplar appraises needs generously and threats conservatively.''''' ==
This tenant is one of the most important of the Code because it sets the rules of engagement for Exemplars. An Exemplar’s duty is not to destroy all evil, but to elevate all good. Some honor bound fighters will attack all evil beings regardless of the pragmatic circumstances or threat to himself. An Exemplar will not. His guide for whether to attack a target is not whether it is evil, but whether it is threatening someone or something good. An Exemplar is not expected to stand and die against an evil being if retreating to collect reinforcements would increase the chance of success. <b>The guiding question for an Exemplar is: "If some must be hurt or killed, how can we insure it is the fewest and least innocent possible?"</b><br><br>
Likewise, an Exemplar is not expected to seek out and right every wrong. An Exemplar will stop an evil or illegal act only if it is immediately and directly threatening good. Thus while there are many acts an Exemplar will not engage in, he will tolerate many such acts taking place around him. Of course, an Exemplar is honor bound to tell the truth, so if asked about what he witnessed by an authority, the Exemplar would have to confess anything illegal.<br><br>
Conversely, while an Exemplar’s duty to stop the evil actions of others is restrained, the Exemplar’s duty to meet the basic needs of others is paramount.  Exemplar Kashir has said, “Before you seek to cleanse the world of darkness, cleanse the windows of dust.” Service is the primary purpose of an Exemplar, and he is to seek it wherever it may be needed. More often he will find such a need nearby long before he will find it in a far off dungeon. To seek the latter before the former invites pride and leaves many needed tasks undone. An Exemplar is never to believe himself above such tasks.<br><br>
This is not to say that an Exemplar should be sweeping the floor while a kingdom burns, only that he should not overlook the small and close ways to serve or find such tasks beneath him.
== '''''An Exemplar confines first, wounds second, and kills last.''''' ==
This tenant further refines an Exemplar’s rules of engagement. Even when it is necessary to fight against that which threatens good, an Exemplar is not to strike in malice or anger. Killing others is a regrettable necessity, not a glorious opportunity.<br><br>
An Exemplar is to give an opponent every reasonable opportunity to cease whatever action is threatening good. Because of this, blatant assassination is out of the question. However, after a warning has been issued and/or an opponent is committing actions that must be immediately stopped, clandestine tactics such as backstabbing, gasses, mind control spells, and others are acceptable.<br><br>
If combat is necessary, the Exemplar is expected to use the least lethal means necessary. An Exemplar should never kill when wounding will work; should never wound when binding will work; should never bind when talking will work. There is some contention between Exemplars on whether this rule becomes flexible when other beings are involved. An Exemplar is expected to take chances with his own life, but what about the lives of non-Exemplar companions? This issue is as yet unresolved.

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== ''''' An Exemplar appraises needs generously and threats conservatively.''''' ==
This tenant further refines an Exemplar’s rules of engagement. An Exemplar’s duty is not to destroy all evil, but to elevate all good. Some honor bound fighters will attack all evil beings regardless of the pragmatic circumstances or threat to himself. An Exemplar will not. His guide for whether to attack a target is not whether it is evil, but whether it is threatening someone or something good. An Exemplar is not expected to stand and die against an evil being if retreating to collect reinforcements would increase the chance of success. <b>The guiding question for an Exemplar is: "If some must be hurt or killed, how can we insure it is the fewest and least innocent possible?"</b><br><br>
Likewise, an Exemplar is not expected to seek out and right every wrong. An Exemplar will stop an evil or illegal act only if it is immediately and directly threatening good. Thus while there are many acts an Exemplar will not engage in, he will tolerate many such acts taking place around him. Of course, an Exemplar is honor bound to tell the truth, so if asked about what he witnessed by an authority, the Exemplar would have to confess anything illegal.<br><br>
Conversely, while an Exemplar’s duty to stop the evil actions of others is restrained, the Exemplar’s duty to meet the basic needs of others is paramount.  Exemplar Kashir has said, “Before you seek to cleanse the world of darkness, cleanse the windows of dust.” Service is the primary purpose of an Exemplar, and he is to seek it wherever it may be needed. More often he will find such a need nearby long before he will find it in a far off dungeon. To seek the latter before the former invites pride and leaves many needed tasks undone. An Exemplar is never to believe himself above such tasks.<br><br>
This is not to say that an Exemplar should be sweeping the floor while a kingdom burns, only that he should not overlook the small and close ways to serve or find such tasks beneath him.<br><br>

== ''''' An Exemplar never derives his honor from the opinions of others.''''' ==
== ''''' An Exemplar is never proud.''''' ==
As stated earlier, an Exemplar should not ever respond to insult or slander, let alone demand satisfaction through law or honor combat. When an Exemplar enters the order, he leaves his reputation at the door, leaving it for the world to decide its worth. An Exemplar hated by his community should judge himself as worthy as one loved by his community. These issues are simply not to be of concern to an Exemplar.<br><br>
Exemplars consider this important enough to merit one of their only five code tenets because they consider pride to be a great threat to moral fortitude of the Exemplar. Pride is what keeps a being from wiping down tables or accepting a lowly rank or station, and it is what causes someone to demand the satisfaction of his honor. In fact, it can be argued that the very concept of honor is merely a veiled form of pride, and an Exemplar is to be without pride.<br><br>
== '''''An Exemplar confines first, wounds second, and kills last.''''' ==
This tenant is one of the most important of the Code because it sets the rules of engagement for Exemplars. Even when it is necessary to fight against that which threatens good, an Exemplar is not to strike in malice or anger. Killing others is a regrettable necessity, not a glorious opportunity.<br><br>
An Exemplar is to give an opponent every reasonable opportunity to cease whatever action is threatening good. Because of this, blatant assassination is out of the question. However, after a warning has been issued and/or an opponent is committing actions that must be immediately stopped, clandestine tactics such as backstabbing, gasses, mind control spells, and others are acceptable.<br><br>

Latest revision as of 05:49, 16 January 2012

"Good actions ennoble us, and we are the sons of our deeds." - Miguel de Cervantes

The Exemplars are a small order of soldiers in the world of NERO International. Currently the following information is unwritten as the Exemplars are largely an informal association.

The word “exemplar” means an ideal example. This is what an Exemplar strives to be. He leads by example rather than edict or diatribe.

What Exemplars Are Not

There are some conventions of typical knights that do not apply to Exemplars.


An Exemplar is not expected to be either celibate or single. In fact, marriage and family are seen as positive microcosms of how the whole of society should be. Exemplars are generally expected to be monogamous.


While general sober mindedness is an important characteristic of an Exemplar, the assumption of such individuals as contemplative, serious, and quiet is not demanded of them. Exemplars are just as likely as any others to joke loudly, gamble, even play pranks. The Code only dictates otherwise when it is a necessary part of a current act of service.

Defense of Honor[edit]

An Exemplar will never demand his honor be satisfied. On the contrary, Exemplars are expected to graciously tolerate insult, rudeness, or even slander. For an Exemplar, honor is not dependent upon reputation.

Chaos Magic/Necromancy[edit]

The fact that chaos magic and necromancy is such a constantly disputed topic proves to an Exemplar that it is not a high priority in a world where there are multiple powerful beings killing hundreds and plotting to control the world. Exemplars remain neutral on this issue and will not address it nor even report it where illegal, unless asked.

The Code

1. An Exemplar serves all beings on Tyrra, living or dead, friend or foe.
2. An Exemplar appraises needs generously and threats conservatively.
3. An Exemplar confines first, wounds second, and kills last.
4. An Exemplar leads only by example.
5. An Exemplar is never proud.

An Exemplar serves all beings on Tyrra, living or dead, friend or foe, good or evil.[edit]

Exemplars follow an unofficial code of rights for all beings on Tyrra. Exemplars generally agree all Tyrrans have the right of:

1. life
2. dignity and privacy
3. freedom from deceit and treachery

The evilness of the being in question in now way reduces his claim to these rights.

This translates into some of the Exemplar’s strictest rules. An Exemplar does not loot corpses, considering it a desecration. He will not accept anything from another that he knows to have been looted from a corpse. Because of this, Exemplars are encouraged to learn a trade so they are not dependent on loot or donations for a living.

But perhaps the most important part of this tenant is a single word: serve. This is ultimately the core of all other tenants of the Exemplars: the duty to serve all beings on Tyrra.

An Exemplar appraises needs generously and threats conservatively.[edit]

This tenant is one of the most important of the Code because it sets the rules of engagement for Exemplars. An Exemplar’s duty is not to destroy all evil, but to elevate all good. Some honor bound fighters will attack all evil beings regardless of the pragmatic circumstances or threat to himself. An Exemplar will not. His guide for whether to attack a target is not whether it is evil, but whether it is threatening someone or something good. An Exemplar is not expected to stand and die against an evil being if retreating to collect reinforcements would increase the chance of success. The guiding question for an Exemplar is: "If some must be hurt or killed, how can we insure it is the fewest and least innocent possible?"

Likewise, an Exemplar is not expected to seek out and right every wrong. An Exemplar will stop an evil or illegal act only if it is immediately and directly threatening good. Thus while there are many acts an Exemplar will not engage in, he will tolerate many such acts taking place around him. Of course, an Exemplar is honor bound to tell the truth, so if asked about what he witnessed by an authority, the Exemplar would have to confess anything illegal.

Conversely, while an Exemplar’s duty to stop the evil actions of others is restrained, the Exemplar’s duty to meet the basic needs of others is paramount. Exemplar Kashir has said, “Before you seek to cleanse the world of darkness, cleanse the windows of dust.” Service is the primary purpose of an Exemplar, and he is to seek it wherever it may be needed. More often he will find such a need nearby long before he will find it in a far off dungeon. To seek the latter before the former invites pride and leaves many needed tasks undone. An Exemplar is never to believe himself above such tasks.

This is not to say that an Exemplar should be sweeping the floor while a kingdom burns, only that he should not overlook the small and close ways to serve or find such tasks beneath him.

An Exemplar confines first, wounds second, and kills last.[edit]

This tenant further refines an Exemplar’s rules of engagement. Even when it is necessary to fight against that which threatens good, an Exemplar is not to strike in malice or anger. Killing others is a regrettable necessity, not a glorious opportunity.

An Exemplar is to give an opponent every reasonable opportunity to cease whatever action is threatening good. Because of this, blatant assassination is out of the question. However, after a warning has been issued and/or an opponent is committing actions that must be immediately stopped, clandestine tactics such as backstabbing, gasses, mind control spells, and others are acceptable.

If combat is necessary, the Exemplar is expected to use the least lethal means necessary. An Exemplar should never kill when wounding will work; should never wound when binding will work; should never bind when talking will work. There is some contention between Exemplars on whether this rule becomes flexible when other beings are involved. An Exemplar is expected to take chances with his own life, but what about the lives of non-Exemplar companions? This issue is as yet unresolved.

An Exemplar leads only by example.[edit]

Over time honor bound warriors have earned a reputation as haughty self-righteous proselytizers who smite or scold anyone who violates their personal code. This is not the way of the Exemplar. An Exemplar’s code is only for the Exemplar, and he should be less likely to impose it on others than a non-Exemplar, not more. Petty theft, mind control, corpse looting, and lying are all things that violate the Exemplar code and are all things an Exemplar will probably overlook if witnessed. An Exemplar does not consider his status to grant him any authority over anyone else, and he will only step in to stop an evil if it is directly threatening good. An Exemplar can stand in front of the most evil being in the region and will not strike him if he is merely sitting on his throne drinking.

Should an Exemplar be promoted to a position of authority within a local government, he is to make clear that his authority derives only from his government office and not from his status as an Exemplar. When practical he is to remove any Exemplar symbols while he is on duty in his government office.

An Exemplar is never proud.[edit]

As stated earlier, an Exemplar should not ever respond to insult or slander, let alone demand satisfaction through law or honor combat. When an Exemplar enters the order, he leaves his reputation at the door, leaving it for the world to decide its worth. An Exemplar hated by his community should judge himself as worthy as one loved by his community. These issues are simply not to be of concern to an Exemplar.

Exemplars consider this important enough to merit one of their only five code tenets because they consider pride to be a great threat to moral fortitude of the Exemplar. Pride is what keeps a being from wiping down tables or accepting a lowly rank or station, and it is what causes someone to demand the satisfaction of his honor. In fact, it can be argued that the very concept of honor is merely a veiled form of pride, and an Exemplar is to be without pride.