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From there, they followed Syriah into the woods to find that the goblins had also taken the elven outpost. Stealthily (at times) the fort was taken back, and a hostage (Efram) freed. From the fort it could be seen that on the other side of the pass, the town of Barrownook had also been sacked by the goblins. Curiously there was another spyglass that faced the mountains, and when properly used, the spyglass could spot an invisible fortification in the mountains.  
From there, they followed Syriah into the woods to find that the goblins had also taken the elven outpost. Stealthily (at times) the fort was taken back, and a hostage (Efram) freed. From the fort it could be seen that on the other side of the pass, the town of Barrownook had also been sacked by the goblins. Curiously there was another spyglass that faced the mountains, and when properly used, the spyglass could spot an invisible fortification in the mountains.  
Using the scroll that Sir Ringstone had given them, the part sent back the following message: "Barrownook and Elven outpost sacked by goblins. Investigating further into elven wooks to find help. Elves expected at outpost in a few weeks". And as indicated, the party decided to investigate the ruins spotted through the spy glass.
Using the scroll that Sir Ringstone had given them, the part sent back the following message: "Barrownook and Elven outpost sacked by goblins. Investigating further into elven woods to find help. Elves expected at outpost in a few weeks". And as indicated, the party decided to investigate the ruins spotted through the spy glass.
Noteworthy treasure: A longsword, decorated with semi-prescious stones. Elven chain mail +1. Spyglass that detects invisibility 2x / day upon command.
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Elderest elected to stay behind at the elven fort to protect the sole remaining inhabitant, and to treat with the Elven Emissaries when the arrived.  
Elderest elected to stay behind at the elven fort to protect the sole remaining inhabitant, and to treat with the Elven Emissaries when the arrived.  
Shortly along the path the the ruins, the party encountered slavers. After a battle they rescued a human named Derwin and young halfling man by the name of Prixelpants McFig. They were staying at an inn - the one discovered on the road - until it was attacked by goblins. Derwin turned out to be a guardman in the Rainbolt household, traveled all the way across the country to deliver a message to a "backwater inn" near the end of Agnor's Pass. He cursed the name Rainbolt, and left toward the safety of the elven outpost. The party also learns that Rainbolt is a sellsword, recently upjumped to Lord and that Rainbolt is Armistead's father.
Shortly along the path the the ruins, the party encountered slavers. After a battle they rescued a human named Derwin and young halfling man by the name of Prixelpants McFig. They were staying at an inn - the one discovered on the road - until it was attacked by goblins. Derwin turned out to be a guardsman in the Rainbolt household, traveled all the way across the country to deliver a message to a "backwater inn" near the end of Agnor's Pass. He cursed the name Rainbolt, and left toward the safety of the elven outpost. The party also learns that Rainbolt is a sell-sword, recently up jumped to Lord and that Rainbolt is Armistead's father. The party also learned of more slavers that had taken a woman (Armistead's mother) and another halfling.
After the battle, the group encountered a couple members of "The Pack", led by thier sub chief. The half elf named Praxes (Prax-eaze)convinced the party to leave the bodies and all of their belongings as a tax to the Pack, as this was their land.
After battling the last of the slavers they brought everyone back to the elven outpost, along with a hobgoblin captive. Back at the fort, Elderest reported that some half elf came by, and that he tried to recruit him into the holy army of X, that they may strike back at the goblins. Yennan charmed the captive and questioned him extensively before executing him. The hob talked about some wizard or wizards helping the armies to quickly advance well into the human lands, and that they plan to smash Westmarch. He didn't know exactly, but it didn't seem like the wizards were Goblinoid. Again Elderest remained behind to protect the susrivors and turn them into recruits for the army of X.
Back on the road, the group encountered a Mite in the middle of the night. The only things lost in the encounter were an apple and a little bit of sleep.
Using the telescope, the group found their way through the veil that was concealing the city. Immediately within the veil, they were attacked by earth elementals.
Noteworthy treasure: a Ring of Jumping and Potion of Cure moderate wounds.

Revision as of 14:16, 11 April 2012

Campaign Summary


The campaign begins under dire circumstances. It's the goblinoids. Always the goblins.

It is the summer, 476 of the Venadir Empire (human). Kerwyn Venadir is the king. The border city of Waterbridge was assaulted by goblins and hobgoblins; the advanced legions of the Warlord Grodik (Hobgoblin).

The goblin invasion was heroically thrown back against all odds due to the aid of the King’s knight, Sir Aarin Ringstone. The victory was narrow. Waterbridge is shattered and scouts to the East have found that another goblin host is no more than a week away.

All of the walls and fortifications are battered to the point of uselessness, and in any case, there are no longer enough healthy soldiers to man them. Fighting got past the city walls and into the streets, more than a few buildings were burned to the ground. Goblin and Empire bodies lay in the streets. Crops have been razed by the invaders and supplies are low, even without another assault things will be dire when winter arrives.

It is only a few days after the attack, and Lord Ebreck Darkstarr is making preparations to abandon the city. Darkstarr will lead his people to the capitol city of Westmarch where they will find refuge behind its tall walls, and mighty army.

Through whatever resources, luck or skill you possess, you managed to survive. The campaign begins with each member of the party being summoned to Sir Ringstone’s encampment as several thousand refugees pack up what they have and prepare for the 100 mile trek to Westmarch.

Our Heroes

Armistead Burwell <Arr-Mah-Sted Burr-well> (Nick)

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Armistead is a human cleric of Sarenrae. He was born in a small village outside of Westmarch to a tavern owner’s daughter named Avania Burwell, who later inherited her father’s business, and a sell sword named Jerramin Rainbolt, whom everyone called Rainbolt. Her pregnancy with Armistead was shameful for the family, but she was a strong willed woman who made her family put up with her unpopular choice of special company. The mercenary had a strong devotion to Cayden Cailin, God of travel which may have been why he often left home to do his “trade” and perhaps why one day he never returned. He last left when Armistead was 5. Armistead heard that, when he was 7, his father had come back but his mother denied it. While in the tavern he overheard two men talking about his father. The only important words he could make out through their slurred speech were “Rainbolt” and “Palderton”. He tried asking where his father was but they denied even knowing him and ignored Armistead. Less than a year later from this last possible appearance, his mother suddenly sold everything and moved them west across the land to a small city east of Waterbridge and west of the mountains. She settled them in a secluded edge of the town. As he grew up, he eventually asked about his father. All she ever told him was that he had kind eyes and did terrible things.

Life was lonely but comfortable until an unexpected day that led Armistead to commit a horrible crime. He knew his only hope was to throw himself at the mercy of a temple. What better deity than Sarenrae, Goddess of redemption? The clerics did not turn Armistead in but were not easy on him. He went through years of trials and brutal work for repentance before he was deemed fit to begin training as a cleric. He made the extra effort to prove his worth by volunteering for the undesirable posting at Waterbridge, located at the edge of danger, the goblin horde. He had only recently arrived a couple months earlier before the attack happened. Armistead was suppose to stay behind the safety of the walls but the battle turned worse than expected and even his untested skills were needed. He frantically healed the injured he came across but suddenly found the battlefront had moved to his location. He thanked Sarenrae that he had prepared an attack spell as goblins burst through their lines. He cast burning hands against them which at least slowed down the goblins enough for the soldiers to close up and deal with them.

Syriah Amelieis <Sah-rye-ah Ah-ma-lee-us> (played by THE Wonderful Christine)

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All she knew was the woods.

When Syriah was just beginning to walk and explore her surroundings, her parents were taken from her. Only her uncle knew what truly happened to them and Syriah's memories were and still are very vague -- The smell of lavender perfume from the nape of her mother's neck, the scruff sandpaper feel of her father's beard, and the touch of both of their hands on her cheek is all the memory she carries with her. She didn't even know their names and she didn't find reason to bring it up. Her uncle was the only person in her life that mattered and he made sure of it by forcing her to forget the past and only look to him for the future. For all she knew, her parents could still be alive somewhere and think Syriah is the one dead. But, it's too late to question her uncle because he is now dead. Dead by Syriah's own hand.

Syriah loved her Uncle Branyt very much. She called him papa for many years, until she learned to called him Branyt in front of strangers. They spent most of thier time alone in the woods --. practicing archery, hunting animals, and fending off intruders. They were in their own little world, and although Syriah loved her uncle very much, she learned to hate him at the tender age of 11. At the time, she began to turn from a young bud into a beautiful rose. Syriah was quite attractive and with puberty, she began to become a true woman. This is when her uncle's desires started taking a keen eye to Syriah. After each encounter, Branyt would tell Syriah how beautiful she was, but she would be forever scared with her father's dagger. He then took the dagger that once belonged to her father and brushed it against her cheek. By the age of 16, Syriah was touched by her uncle one too many times and what once could heal, had turned into a jagged looking scar upon her right cheek.

Only a few months ago, Syriah brought her father's dagger to her uncle, just like she had done for over 5 years. But, this time Syriah had vengeance and pain in her eyes. Hatred for a man she once loved. He stole her innocence and she never wanted to be touched again. She came to her uncle and held back her tears just once more. He laid a hand on her, with loving eyes and embraced her. At that moment, Syriah took the dagger and thrust it into her uncle's heart. She looked into her uncle's eyes and as he fell to ground, she spit on him. She then took her mother's opal necklace, her dagger, her bow, and fled through the woods never looking back. She could never trust a soul, nor did she wish to. She was numb to the world and just wanted to get her pain out. She vowed to never get close to anyone ever again and that she would fight who got in her way... No remorse.

Hiding her scar, she is never seen without her cloak. All she knew was the woods, but she wants to know so much more...


Lankin was chief librarian for the Library of Irori subbranch in Waterbridge. It wasn't a particularly prestigious position, but he took pride in his responsibilities. The job also gave him plenty of privacy to further his own studies into the Arcane arts.

When word of the goblinoid horde reached him, he knew he must act quickly to save what works he could. Bending wand and spell towards a martial side of the Arcane that he never thought he'd need, he whispered a prayer the Inevitable, and did what needed to be done to preserve the more precious works under his care.


Yennan is the product of a one-night stand between his mother and an elven adventurer. He was raised by his mother who was a bar maid, until she met the wrong end of a blade. When Yennan’s mother was alive he spent a lot of time on the streets of Waterbridge, so after her death four years ago he continued his path toward a life of crime. Yennan spends a lot of time on the roofs of the buildings of Waterbridge, he knows the rooftops better than the streets. That is his chosen route of escape from danger and his chosen place to observe his potential marks.

Elderest Tithe

Elderest Tithe hails from the gypsy halfling camps that wander the highlands outside of Waterbridge. They have been hit particularly hard by the goblin raiding parties as they are less defensible away from the city. One of the halfling scouts heard about the attack on Waterbridge and the impending abandonment of the city and reported back. As the halfling gypsies rely on Waterbridge for trade and, to some degree, protection... they are very concerned about the fate of the humans. To ensure that their needs were considered by Venadir, they sent an emissary of their tribe. Elderest Tithe is their best... their bravest... but not their brightest.

He is a bit of a zealot in his belief that the "little people" of the world need defending and word is spreading of X... The Protector... and Elderest is a holy warrior in X's army. He is brave, strong, and competent in martial warfare. He is also attractive and extremely charming and has gotten by most of his life on these virtues. As such, he never developed much aptitude for learning, preferring to talk or fight his way out of most dilemmas. As a devout worshipper of X, he is also not particularly open to other faiths as he feels that they have left the halflings out of their protection. He is known for his unique (and ridiculous) battle cries and his half-witted musings about justice. As such, most of his halfling peers (especially the sages) don't take him very seriously. He believes he is destined for greatness and was blessed with charm and strength to get him there. He isn't really aware of his intellectual shortcomings and feels the need to add his say into most every conversation.

NPC's of Note

Sir Aarin Ringstone - A human who was knighted by the emperor himself, he is not under Darkstarr’s command. The unique thing about his knighthood is that Ringstone is a sorcerer, and judging from the battle of Waterbridge, a pretty bad ass one. Though no one knows the true story of how he came to be knighted, there are countless rumors - many of which are unflattering. Still, for those who have met him, Ringstone seems to be a honorable man.

Lord Ebreck Darkstarr - The Darkstarr family is ambitious, and had built Waterbridge from a hamlet into a powerful city in the last 3 generations. The Darkstarr family has become one of the new elite families in the last two decades, Ebreck’s sister is engaged to the Emperor’s oldest son.

His Grace, Pious Benir III - An elven priest of Abadar, and head of the most popular church in Westmarch. He is losing much of his flock to all of the smaller churches lately. There seems to be a particularly vocal Priestess of Pharasma that is getting a lot of attention by prophesying a great war from which great hero’s emerge.

Ryda Ironbelt - This sly dwarf is the town’s “moneylender”. She owned and operated from The Butchered Calf tavern (now a pile of ashes from the battle). According to legend the previous owner either gave it to her as a thank you for financial help, or signed it over while hanging upside down by his toes. Most people are inclined to believe the latter.

Captain Arwen Amberway - He was the captain of the guard, and now is in charge of Darkstarr’s millitia. His reputation is that of an intolerant and bitter man; definitely not known for his patience with criminals.


Cities of the Venadir Empire

Westmarch - human capitol, a wondrous city. It boasts high walls and spires, as well as a large shipyard. Westmarch is home to the elite, powerful wizards, and the ambitious who want to join those ranks. The game of houses is fast paced, and treacherous in Westmarch.

Venadir Keep - Adjacent to Westmarch, it is the seat of the Venadir Empire.

Sulindal - Elven Capitol, by far the largest elven city, although they control many many towns within thier forrests.

Avgaard - The dwarves own several city states in the mountains, each of which has its own king. Avgaard is the largest kingdom, and nominally the capitol.

Rivermead - a trading city between the human and dwarven lands. Population is roughly split down the middle. Its a tough little town, and many merchants run boats from Rivermead to Westmarch and back.

Falcon Spike - The tallest point in the empire, perhaps taller than the dwarven mountains. Much of the city is built under the mountain. The city is largely dwarven, and controlled by Govenor Del Anvilcaster. Although some call him king in private circles, don’t call him a “king” in earshot of Venadir agents.

Garamond Monestery - The most renown in the empire, and is located in the hills outside of Falcon Spike. Its exact location is known only to the monks.

Palderton - This last holdout of the former human kingdoms is not part of the empire. The Palder family is extremely rich, and hold their fertile lands fiercely. This gives the Palders the resources to have a large standing army. The Venadir have long coveted this land, but there has been a tentative peace here for the last two generations.

Grandolton - This is the largest population of halflings in the known lands, and generally thought to be the most pleasant city in the empire. The locals love to tell tales of the haunted keep on convict lake.

Bailey’s Point - a rough seafaring city. Often associated with the less than legal captains of the Cross Islands.

Convict lake - This huge lake used to be the edge of the Palder kingdom until 205. When the empire took over, they used the keep as a prison - mostly for Palder supporters. After the Long Winter in the year 233 no one has come from the island, and no adventurer has returned from it.

Cross Islands - Not really part of the empire. Too remote and wild to be of an consequence to Westmarch, they are rife with pirate activity.

Sparcious - a large, but mountainous island. Only the shores are populated, mostly by fishermen who eke out a living here. The area between Sparcious and Westmarch is well patrolled by the navy.

Episode 1 - Scouts


Syriah - Foraging groups from the goblins have been invading your area for a week before the battle. Fed up with the goblins, you went to town to get some answers, only to be trapped within the town when the battle started. In the confusion, you found yourself shooting from the balcony of some sort of library. In no small part, you helped it from being burned to the ground when the western wall was over run.

Yennen - Sir Ringstone has been in the library several times since the assault, among other things he has been looking for a wizard to send with his scouts. You ended up with the short straw.

Lankin - Guardsman Fredericks was supposed to be on the scouting mission but had to “drop out” of the scouting mission due to his “wounds”. Ryda Ironbelt made sure you were his replacement. She wants to know what is going on, and she wants to know what Ringstone has of value in his encampment.

Armistead - You saw Ringstone detonate a fireball on himself to clear out an over run position. It left him staggering, but you jumped in to pull him back to safety. He’s not forgotten your bravery.

Elderest - You arrived after the battle of Waterbridge to look after the best interests of you people. But Darkstarr's lackeys would not allow an audience with the Honorable sir Tithe, instead pawning you off on some knight.

After rough introductions, Sir Ringstone let you in on the plans for Waterbridge. The plan is to pack up many thousands of survivors and leave for Westmarch. Sir Ringstone assembled you as his envoys to the Elven outpost to negotiate supplies and scout Agnor's Pass. Armistead was entrusted with a bag of gems to negotiate supplies for the refugees.

The party traveled half a day before coming across (what would turn out to be) a goblin supply wagon in the road next to a burned out husk of an inn... the very inn that was run by Armistead's mother. The only thing of note in the inn was the unburned corner of a letter. The only thing legible on the letter was the word "Millbury" and the insignia for a minor noble house named Rainbolt.

From there, they followed Syriah into the woods to find that the goblins had also taken the elven outpost. Stealthily (at times) the fort was taken back, and a hostage (Efram) freed. From the fort it could be seen that on the other side of the pass, the town of Barrownook had also been sacked by the goblins. Curiously there was another spyglass that faced the mountains, and when properly used, the spyglass could spot an invisible fortification in the mountains.

Using the scroll that Sir Ringstone had given them, the part sent back the following message: "Barrownook and Elven outpost sacked by goblins. Investigating further into elven woods to find help. Elves expected at outpost in a few weeks". And as indicated, the party decided to investigate the ruins spotted through the spy glass.

Noteworthy treasure: A longsword, decorated with semi-prescious stones. Elven chain mail +1. Spyglass that detects invisibility 2x / day upon command.

Episode 1 - Slavers

Elderest elected to stay behind at the elven fort to protect the sole remaining inhabitant, and to treat with the Elven Emissaries when the arrived.

Shortly along the path the the ruins, the party encountered slavers. After a battle they rescued a human named Derwin and young halfling man by the name of Prixelpants McFig. They were staying at an inn - the one discovered on the road - until it was attacked by goblins. Derwin turned out to be a guardsman in the Rainbolt household, traveled all the way across the country to deliver a message to a "backwater inn" near the end of Agnor's Pass. He cursed the name Rainbolt, and left toward the safety of the elven outpost. The party also learns that Rainbolt is a sell-sword, recently up jumped to Lord and that Rainbolt is Armistead's father. The party also learned of more slavers that had taken a woman (Armistead's mother) and another halfling.

After the battle, the group encountered a couple members of "The Pack", led by thier sub chief. The half elf named Praxes (Prax-eaze)convinced the party to leave the bodies and all of their belongings as a tax to the Pack, as this was their land.

After battling the last of the slavers they brought everyone back to the elven outpost, along with a hobgoblin captive. Back at the fort, Elderest reported that some half elf came by, and that he tried to recruit him into the holy army of X, that they may strike back at the goblins. Yennan charmed the captive and questioned him extensively before executing him. The hob talked about some wizard or wizards helping the armies to quickly advance well into the human lands, and that they plan to smash Westmarch. He didn't know exactly, but it didn't seem like the wizards were Goblinoid. Again Elderest remained behind to protect the susrivors and turn them into recruits for the army of X.

Back on the road, the group encountered a Mite in the middle of the night. The only things lost in the encounter were an apple and a little bit of sleep.

Using the telescope, the group found their way through the veil that was concealing the city. Immediately within the veil, they were attacked by earth elementals.

Noteworthy treasure: a Ring of Jumping and Potion of Cure moderate wounds.