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== Tepet Yasu ==
== Tepet Yasu ==

Name Tepet Yasu
'''Name''' Tepet Yasu <br>
'''Concept''' Pressured Scion of House Tepet
Concept Pressured Scion of House Tepet
Exaltation Dragon-Blooded
Aspect Air
Air 5 (Caste Specialty - Lore)<br>
Earth 5 (Favoured Specialty - War)<br>
Fire 3<br>
Water 1<br>
Wood 2<br>
Permanent Essence 3

Mote Pool 8 (+2 due to Breeding)
'''Exaltation''' Dragon-Blooded <br>
'''Aspect''' Air

Anima Effect 1 mote doubles movement successes and grants Cold Immunity for a scene.
:'''Traits''' <br>
'''Air''' 5 (Caste Specialty - Lore) <br>
'''Earth''' 5 (Favoured Specialty - War) <br>
'''Fire''' 3 <br>
'''Water''' 1 <br>
'''Wood''' 2

Anima Flux At 5+ mote expenditure, damaging elemental nimbus causes 1 Wound/Turn to others at Touch range.
'''Permanent Essence''' 3 '''Mote Pool''' 8 (6+2 due to Breeding)

Endowment Spend 1 mote to harmonize anima with up to (Essence/2) other Terrestrial allies, allowing the use of their personal Charms for a scene.
'''Anima Effect''' 1 mote doubles movement successes and grants Cold Immunity for a scene. <br>
'''Anima Flux''' At 5+ mote expenditure, damaging elemental nimbus causes 1 Wound/Turn to others at Touch range. <br>
'''Endowment''' Spend 1 mote to harmonize anima with up to (Essence/2) other Terrestrial allies, allowing the use of their personal Charms for a scene.

:'''Charms''' <br>
Resistance (Excellent)<br>
Resistance (Excellent, Paced) <br>
Thrown (Reaching, Multiple)<br>
Thrown (Excellent, Multiple) <br>
Athletics (Supernatural, Reaching)<br>
Athletics (Supernatural) <br>
War (Resurgent)
War (Excellent) <br>

:'''Backgrounds''' <br>
Breeding 3<br>
'''Breeding''' 3 <br>
Influence 3 (Not sure how to divide this up)
'''Influence''' 2 () <br>
'''Artifact''' 1 (Ancestral Wakizashi - Damage +2, Makes No Sound)

Virtue Temperance  
'''Virtue''' Temperance '''Flaw''' Contempt of the Virtuous <br>
'''Motivation''' I will create the greatest Historical Record of the South ever compiled, and in doing so, buck the expectations of my family. <br>
'''Intimacies''' <br>
My friends are everything. <br>
History must be preserved at all costs. <br>
My family are troublesome and untrustworthy, but they are still my House. <br>
War comes naturally to me, but that doesn't mean it's always the best option. <br>
My Drill Master and Vyric taught me a code of honour, and I will endeavor to live by it.

Flaw Contempt of the Virtuous
:'''Equipment''' <br>
Ancestral Wakizashi (50-60 cm) (Artifact Light Weapon - Damage +2, Makes No Sound) <br>
Chakram (Light Ranged Weapon - Initiative -1, Damage +1, Short Range) (Bandolier) <br>
Leather Lamellar Armour (Light Armour - Soak +1)

Motivation (Not exactly sure what to put down for this. Lil' help?)
'''PDV''' 2 '''Soak''' 4 '''MDV''' 4 <br>
(Soak = 3 +1 Armour) <br>
'''Health Levels''' -0 (x1), -1 (x2), -3 (x6), Taken Out

Intimacies (4, yet to add)
'''Languages''' High Realm (Native), Low Realm, Flametongue, Skytongue
Wakizashi (50-60 cm) (Light Melee Weapon - Damage +1)<br>
Chakram (Light Ranged Weapon - Initiative -1, Damage +1, Short Range) (Is "ammo" an issue, or can I just say "I have a whole bandolier of the things"?)<br>
Leather Lamellar Armour (Would you count this as Light or Heavy?)
PDV 2 Soak 3 MDV 4
Health Levels -0 (x1), -1 (x2), -3 (x4), Taken Out

With her comparatively deep voice, her tall, thin stature and her conservative neck-length haircut, you would be forgiven for thinking that Yasu were a young man, if a slightly effeminate one. Her imposing presence is tempered by the fact that she is quite genteel and soft-spoken. Her manners and sharp mind served her well in her education, during which she excelled in the area of languages, history and arithmetic, as well as the all-important field of military tactics. Well, important to her family, that is. While tactics come naturally to her, it is hardly as stimulating to Yasu as her relatives would like.
With her comparatively deep voice, her tall, thin stature and her conservative neck-length haircut, you would be forgiven for thinking that Yasu were a young man, if a slightly effeminate one. Her imposing presence is tempered by the fact that she is quite genteel and soft-spoken. Her manners and sharp mind served her well in her education, during which she excelled in the area of languages, history and arithmetic, as well as the all-important field of military tactics. Well, important to her family, that is. While tactics come naturally to her, it is hardly as stimulating to Yasu as her relatives would like.
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Yasu is the epitome of a team-player, who has relied on the help of her allies since her drill unit in the House of Bells. She is a competent fighter, but is far better from a distance than close up. Unlike a lot of her old school friends, she is not hotheaded or reckless in the least, preferring a cool, considered approach. Some would call Yasu cowardly at first glance. Her family certainly would, right about now.
Yasu is the epitome of a team-player, who has relied on the help of her allies since her drill unit in the House of Bells. She is a competent fighter, but is far better from a distance than close up. Unlike a lot of her old school friends, she is not hotheaded or reckless in the least, preferring a cool, considered approach. Some would call Yasu cowardly at first glance. Her family certainly would, right about now.
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Latest revision as of 01:03, 15 July 2012

Tepet Yasu[edit]

Name Tepet Yasu
Concept Pressured Scion of House Tepet

Exaltation Dragon-Blooded
Aspect Air


Air 5 (Caste Specialty - Lore)
Earth 5 (Favoured Specialty - War)
Fire 3
Water 1
Wood 2

Permanent Essence 3 Mote Pool 8 (6+2 due to Breeding)

Anima Effect 1 mote doubles movement successes and grants Cold Immunity for a scene.
Anima Flux At 5+ mote expenditure, damaging elemental nimbus causes 1 Wound/Turn to others at Touch range.
Endowment Spend 1 mote to harmonize anima with up to (Essence/2) other Terrestrial allies, allowing the use of their personal Charms for a scene.


Resistance (Excellent, Paced)
Thrown (Excellent, Multiple)
Athletics (Supernatural)
War (Excellent)


Breeding 3
Influence 2 ()
Artifact 1 (Ancestral Wakizashi - Damage +2, Makes No Sound)

Virtue Temperance Flaw Contempt of the Virtuous
Motivation I will create the greatest Historical Record of the South ever compiled, and in doing so, buck the expectations of my family.
My friends are everything.
History must be preserved at all costs.
My family are troublesome and untrustworthy, but they are still my House.
War comes naturally to me, but that doesn't mean it's always the best option.
My Drill Master and Vyric taught me a code of honour, and I will endeavor to live by it.


Ancestral Wakizashi (50-60 cm) (Artifact Light Weapon - Damage +2, Makes No Sound)
Chakram (Light Ranged Weapon - Initiative -1, Damage +1, Short Range) (Bandolier)
Leather Lamellar Armour (Light Armour - Soak +1)

PDV 2 Soak 4 MDV 4
(Soak = 3 +1 Armour)
Health Levels -0 (x1), -1 (x2), -3 (x6), Taken Out

Languages High Realm (Native), Low Realm, Flametongue, Skytongue

With her comparatively deep voice, her tall, thin stature and her conservative neck-length haircut, you would be forgiven for thinking that Yasu were a young man, if a slightly effeminate one. Her imposing presence is tempered by the fact that she is quite genteel and soft-spoken. Her manners and sharp mind served her well in her education, during which she excelled in the area of languages, history and arithmetic, as well as the all-important field of military tactics. Well, important to her family, that is. While tactics come naturally to her, it is hardly as stimulating to Yasu as her relatives would like.

This defines Yasu's relationship with the rest of her house. She shows promise. Too much promise for her own good. She is both a product and a victim of the intense, militaristic, meritocratic society of the Dynasts. The collective weight of centuries of House Tepet's military might weigh greatly on Yasu's shoulders and, slowly but surely, her cool exterior is cracking under the pressure. She needs to get away from the cloying insistence of her family. When she informed them that she was leaving to wander the Threshold and see more of Creation than her home in the Realm, they really kicked up a storm, but she was gone before anyone could stop her. Her younger brother Katsuo has nominally taken her place, but House Tepet make no attempt to hide their dissatisfaction with the hedonist fop, who is more interested in drinking and whoring than furthering the family fortunes.

Yasu is the epitome of a team-player, who has relied on the help of her allies since her drill unit in the House of Bells. She is a competent fighter, but is far better from a distance than close up. Unlike a lot of her old school friends, she is not hotheaded or reckless in the least, preferring a cool, considered approach. Some would call Yasu cowardly at first glance. Her family certainly would, right about now.

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