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Intermediate Deity

Symbol: Toppling Tower

Alignment: Neutral

Portfolio: Irony, poetic justice

Worshipers: Bards, former victims

Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, N, CN, NE

Domains: Knowledge, Luck, Trickery

Favored Weapon: Sling


In the earliest days of the world, the gods often fell into disputes when one god would strike down a wayward mortal for some offense only to discover he was the favorite of another. Finally, they decided to appoint one of their number as the one hand all of them would use to strike down mortals. One of their number, a god renowned for his impartiality and creativity, volunteered to sacrifice his renown to become that hand. Feeling pleased with themselves, they also appointed him to seek out hubris, hypocrisy, and just plain stupidity wherever it might be found and administer the appropriate punishments. When he pointed out to his fellows that they themselves possessed those vices in full measure and that therefore they had set him up as judge over even them, that was the moment the God of Irony, the Forgotten Name, was born.

He appears as a man cloaked and hooded in black, bearing nothing but a simple sling. The sling fires invisible balls which set the events leading to an ironic punishment into motion.

As might be expected, his has few friends among the gods. He does often work with Lulham, since his enchantments often lead to the downfall of the people he would have targeted anyway.

The God of Irony's few clerics accept offerings of thanks and record the god's acts in a big book of ironic fates.