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| |
| ==First Season== | | ==First Season== |
| | *Episode #012: '''Me and my Shaddoth''' <br> A Shaddoth is terrorising Icthypi Head Rock |
| *Episode #025: '''There Goes Slimin' Symon''' <br> Randy Carter and his Pikathulhu face off against Dark Deacon Paul and Paul's Slime Puppy in the first round of the Muskratonic Autumnal Great Summoning. | | *Episode #025: '''There Goes Slimin' Symon''' <br> Randy Carter and his Pikathulhu face off against Dark Deacon Paul and Paul's Slime Puppy in the first round of the Muskratonic Autumnal Great Summoning. |
| *Episode #047: '''Where None May Tread''' <br> A Dreaming Guardian was the feature pokethulhu having somehow grown much larger than usual, the guardian had engulfed a small town, trapping Cindy, the famous pokethulhu master. Randy and his friends came to the rescue, befriending a strange hermit who awakened the Guardian with a Spiral Flute. It fled into the shadowy night, carrying the screaming hermit with it, and the town was freed. | | *Episode #047: '''Where None May Tread''' <br> A Dreaming Guardian was the feature pokethulhu having somehow grown much larger than usual, the guardian had engulfed a small town, trapping Cindy, the famous pokethulhu master. Randy and his friends came to the rescue, befriending a strange hermit who awakened the Guardian with a Spiral Flute. It fled into the shadowy night, carrying the screaming hermit with it, and the town was freed. |
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| *Episode #073: ''' [title unknown] ''' <br> Drek Maki help to clobber the Kim'chigo. | | *Episode #073: ''' [title unknown] ''' <br> Drek Maki help to clobber the Kim'chigo. |
| *Episode #085: '''Never Say ------ Again''' <br> Team Eibon showed up with Blhastaur for the great New Sunnich Pokethulhu Tournament. | | *Episode #085: '''Never Say ------ Again''' <br> Team Eibon showed up with Blhastaur for the great New Sunnich Pokethulhu Tournament. |
| *Episode #094: '''In The Future Everyone Will Be Squamous For Fifteen Minutes''' <br> Randy Carter ran into the Lllidorino when Team Ebion attemted to use them to in an ophidiomantic ritual to temporarily transform all of the pokethulhu into serpentine monstrosities. | | *Episode #094: '''In The Future Everyone Will Be Squamous For Fifteen Minutes''' <br> Randy Carter ran into the Lllidorino when Team Ebion attemted to use them to in an ophidiomantic ritual to temporarily transform all of the pokethulhu into serpentine monstrosities. |
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| ==Second Season== | | ==Second Season== |
First Season[edit]
- Episode #012: Me and my Shaddoth
A Shaddoth is terrorising Icthypi Head Rock
- Episode #025: There Goes Slimin' Symon
Randy Carter and his Pikathulhu face off against Dark Deacon Paul and Paul's Slime Puppy in the first round of the Muskratonic Autumnal Great Summoning.
- Episode #047: Where None May Tread
A Dreaming Guardian was the feature pokethulhu having somehow grown much larger than usual, the guardian had engulfed a small town, trapping Cindy, the famous pokethulhu master. Randy and his friends came to the rescue, befriending a strange hermit who awakened the Guardian with a Spiral Flute. It fled into the shadowy night, carrying the screaming hermit with it, and the town was freed.
- Episode #060: Saturday Night's All Right For Frightening
Rosie Bierce confronted Randy and friends with Blhastur.
- Episode #064: The Yutz from Yukky
Randy Carter met and immediately took a strong disliking to a playful Mr. Mi-Go.
- Episode #067: The Black Tournament
Randy Carter first encountered a Nyarlathopy.
- Episode #071: Miso Horny
A plate of Drek Maki appeared at the sushi bar but these pokethulhus were not mentioned by name until they helped to clobber the Kim'chigo two episodes later.
- Episode #072: Dig This!
Randy and his pals meet up with a whole pack of plae, slithering burrowering Dholets, who come up under their camp at night and eat pracitcally everything in sight.
- Episode #073: [title unknown]
Drek Maki help to clobber the Kim'chigo.
- Episode #085: Never Say ------ Again
Team Eibon showed up with Blhastaur for the great New Sunnich Pokethulhu Tournament.
- Episode #094: In The Future Everyone Will Be Squamous For Fifteen Minutes
Randy Carter ran into the Lllidorino when Team Ebion attemted to use them to in an ophidiomantic ritual to temporarily transform all of the pokethulhu into serpentine monstrosities.
Second Season[edit]
- Episode #104: More Like the Father
Randy Carter first encounters Ulthar when Team Eibon's mascot, Nine-Tentacled Ftaghn, was trounced by one that had taken a shine to Sonia.
- Episode #108: Oops, Wrong Book!
Randy Learns that reading isn't always fun-damental when he borrows something from a famous Pokethulhologist's library only to find he's accidentally read a passage from the Revelations of Glaky the Wacky.
- Episode #109: Infinite Loop, Schminfinite Loop!
The Mobeot is first seen, trapping a whole town. The time manipulating thulhu was seemingly unable to be hit, until the pattern or its time jumps was discovered and Pikathulhu defeated it, banishing it back to the icy dimension from whence it came and freeing the town.
- Episode #111: The Ice-Dream Man
Randy Carter located Kadath in the cold waste that bears their name. Randy first encountered the Pentacruel, a sticky, five-tentacled pokethulhu in his first trip to the Antarctic. Randy and Sonia barely managed to sneak past five ofthem in their search for Kadath. The Ice-Cream Man traded the rare pokethulhu for a cure to a rare form of narcolepsy that Pikathulhu developed.
- Episode #112: Marcus Mucus
A Nyarlathopy's three tongues held a rope bridge together for Randy as rushed to get to the Professor in time to save Yuggy.
- Episode #113: The Infinite Goat
Randy Carter first encounted Shub-Poliwrath while relaxing at a cult gathering. The night culminated with the cult summoning Shub-Poliwrath, Goat of a Thousand Slimes, evolved form of Shub-Poliwhirl, only to be drawn into its chest swirl and flung into another dimension.
- Episode #119: The King Is Yellow
A wild Blhasture was shown on the Bal-Soggoth in Carcosa Bay.
- Episode #142: The Deep Once
Randy Carter first encounters an Eldrip, in the hands of Obie Marsh, resident pokethulhu master of the area who challenged him to a duel for possession of Pikathulhu.
- Episode #157: Sun Done Bad
- Episode #167: Return of the Beach Boys
Pentacruel appear when little Obie Marsh ambushed Sonia and challenged her to a duel.
Third Season[edit]
- Episode #207: Somebody's Chewing on my Parents
- Episode #217: Macho Ado About Nothing
Randy ran across Machostein who very nearly ended his life as well as that of his loyal Pikathulhu.
- Episode #220: Eye Scream Sunday
Randy Carter stumbled across a slime-covered Chthonyx and accidentally came to learn of the Chthonyx's paraplyzing dread of frozen dairy products, especially the fearsome frozen yogurt. Team Eibon attempted to duplicate Randy's success in scaring a wild Chthonyx by presenting it with a variety of health foods, but, alas, to no avail.
- Episode #222: Let's Cuttle, Dear
Sonia's second-triplet-older-cultist-sister (under a hormone spell) literally had a crush on Bloch with her trained Icthypus.
- Episode #233: The Burrowers Beneath Your Butt
Featuring an insectoid Dzyant, Young Whately tried to use a Dzyant to undermine Muskratonic University after they revoked his library privileges.
- Episode #233: The Library Without a Name (should be 234?)
Fourth Season[edit]
- Episode #305: Shaggai and Skoobai
Norville "Shaggai" Rogers and his dog-like pokethulhu Skoobai-Thulhu were stealling Shining Dodecahedrons from the recently deceased when they ran afoul of Hounder. Randy Carter ran afoul of Hounder when be tried to stop his new friends from stealing Shining Dodecahedrons from the recently deceased.
- Episode #317: Fire, Death and Seafood
Sy'Thuradyos are seen quite harmless when Randy Carter stopped to read a map by the haunting green glow that emanated from the hollow eye sockets of one of these spectral behemouths, drawn by curisity to his sparkly belt buckle.
- Episode #333: The Mystery Machine
Shaggai and Skoobai return with a group of other cultists trying to locate some ghostly thulhus.
- Episode #341: Chattanooga Tcho Tcho
Young Whateley and a Dzyant appear briefly.
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