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[http://insanitywetrust.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/tyches-favourites-episode-5-part-2.mp3 Episode 5 - Part 2] - Philipos causes a disturbance at the gates to get the measure of the men he is to train. Meshullum talks to Isandros, a prominent man amongst the artisan class, and Philipos visits Menesthios’ Greek son, Idomeneus. Following up on leads from the attack brings the pair to the house of Abdeshmun, and on the trail of a missing scribe. That brings them to the docks and a confrontation with men working for the notorious crimelord who rules the city’s illicit trades.  
[http://insanitywetrust.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/tyches-favourites-episode-5-part-2.mp3 Episode 5 - Part 2] - Philipos causes a disturbance at the gates to get the measure of the men he is to train. Meshullum talks to Isandros, a prominent man amongst the artisan class, and Philipos visits Menesthios’ Greek son, Idomeneus. Following up on leads from the attack brings the pair to the house of Abdeshmun, and on the trail of a missing scribe. That brings them to the docks and a confrontation with men working for the notorious crimelord who rules the city’s illicit trades.  
[http://insanitywetrust.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/tyches-favourites-episode-6-part-1.mp3 Episode 6 - Part 1] - Funeral preparations for Apollodoros and Lykon continue while a prisoner is interrogated, giving up a name: Bolon. He is sent away with an ultimatum from Septimus for his boss – assist in the investigation or be destroyed. Rhyanidd arranges the first meeting of the city hippeis.  Philipos receives an invitation to the gymnasium. And at last a visit is paid to Metallo who broaches a mutually beneficial scheme.
[http://insanitywetrust.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/tyches-favourites-episode-6-part-2.mp3 Episode 6 - Part 2] - Plans are set in motion for training regimes for the task ahead. Meshullum continues to make preparations, enlisting the aid of the shipwright, Telekles. Rhyanidd visits the temple of Herakles, making new friends amongst the local Celtic population. Philipos attends the gymnasium, meeting Akestes and several influential men of the hoplite class and narrowly escapes humiliation at the hands of Glaukias.
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Revision as of 07:08, 4 September 2013

Podcast listing

Here are the direct links to the audio files, with summaries taken from the podcast site.

Episode 1 – Part 1 - It is 300BC, shortly after the Battle of Ipsus and the bowl of the world is once again in turmoil as the players in the great game to control Megas Alexandros’ empire change positions. A band of mercenaries and their retinues have been engaged by the Latin agent Septimus, on behalf of a Massilioi aristocrat to present themselves at that settlement. Travelling land and sea, they make their way from Asia, westwards across Macedonia and Greece, northwest along the Illyrian coast and turning west once more into northern Italia. We pick up the story on the final leg of a journey to Massalia, somewhere in the lower valley of the Padus river. The party arrive at the hall of a local Insubri chief, Bolgios, where they are invited as guests of honour to a feast.

Episode 1 – Part 2 - Having parted on good terms with Bolgios (and Rhyanidd making formal ties of guest friendship) and with a trio of Keltoi traders in tow, the column leaves the lands of the Insubri and attracts attention from a small bandit party. The journey proves eventful with bandits, rumours of warring tribes on the road ahead, accidents and hazardous river crossings. There is also time for hunting, competition and feasting. They haven’t arrived at their destination, but already there are ominous speculations about the local political situation and just what their erstwhile employer intends to do with them.

Episode 2 – Part 1 - On the final rest-day, there is more hunting, but this time more dangerous quarry than deer. There are contrasts between the Greek and Keltoi styles of hunting. Everyone returns with trophies and tales to tell. The first destination of their journey, the village of Nikaia is in sight, and waiting there is an extravagant gift for Rhyanidd. An envoy opens negotiations, promising to reveal just what Menesthios has in mind for the intrepid band.

Episode 2 – Part 2 - After oaths of secrecy are sworn, negotiations with Apollodoros, Menesthios’ son and envoy, begin in earnest and agreement is struck. Deals are made both for the benefit of Massalia and for Menesthios himself. An ominous warning comes in a dream and a more earthly warning is offered about the lands ahead. A short trip finds them in Antipolis, where a counter-offer is made which will have far-reaching consequences, as a Carthaginian senator shows his hand. Everyone is vigiliant, armed and armoured on leaving that village for the territory of the Oxubii.

Episode 3 - Part 1 - Almost as soon as they leave the village of Nikaia, the band feel the weight of impending danger. A chance encounter reveals some of the designs against them and several ambush sites are negotiated without incident. The ominous piping returns and a horn signals the commencement of battle in earnest. Outnumbered, they must fight for their lives against a determined enemy.

Episode 3 - Part 2 - In the aftermath of the battle an accounting is made, of both the butcher’s bill and plunder. A prisoner is taken and one of the instigators of the attack revealed. At a small fishing village up the coast, a chase begins and a previous adversary is captured. At Olbia negotiations are concluded with the Oxubii. A suspicious ship’s captain is met at Tauroeis, then their destination is finally in sight. There proves to be an unexpected welcome in Massalia.

Episode 4 - Part 1 - The quartet and their retinues are invited to the country estate of their employer, Menesthios, who plans to host a grand feast in their honour. Gifts await them, as do their companions shipped to Massalia with Apollodoros, who have not been idle. They outline the lay of the land from a number of perspectives, provoking suspicion and speculation as to what schemes are in motion and who might be driving them. At the meal everyone enjoys fine food and good company, and tales of past exploits are shared. The festivities wind down and a visitor arrives with urgent business. As everyone settles into sleep, there is a disturbance…

Episode 4 - Part 2 - The house of Menesthios is under attack! Hurrying into the fray, the mercenaries find themselves pitted against well-equipped and professional opposition. Not only that, sounds of fighting elsewhere in the house suggest their employer and his family are in grave danger. Fighting across the main courtyard, they come to the aid of Menesthios’ family, only to find their enemy prevails. The outcome brings grim tidings and oaths to seek revenge against whomever orchestrated the outrage. It has not even been a day in Massalia and already they are mired in a web of intrigue.

Episode 5 - Part 1 - The investigation begins into who was behind the attack. Clues are examined, a prisoner is questioned and Menesthios gives his instructions on how to proceed: this insult must be answered, the shades of his sons cry out for vengeance. Septimus and Herakleides are bedridden for the time being, but will recover. Preparations are made to enter the city for the first time.

Episode 5 - Part 2 - Philipos causes a disturbance at the gates to get the measure of the men he is to train. Meshullum talks to Isandros, a prominent man amongst the artisan class, and Philipos visits Menesthios’ Greek son, Idomeneus. Following up on leads from the attack brings the pair to the house of Abdeshmun, and on the trail of a missing scribe. That brings them to the docks and a confrontation with men working for the notorious crimelord who rules the city’s illicit trades.

Episode 6 - Part 1 - Funeral preparations for Apollodoros and Lykon continue while a prisoner is interrogated, giving up a name: Bolon. He is sent away with an ultimatum from Septimus for his boss – assist in the investigation or be destroyed. Rhyanidd arranges the first meeting of the city hippeis. Philipos receives an invitation to the gymnasium. And at last a visit is paid to Metallo who broaches a mutually beneficial scheme.

Episode 6 - Part 2 - Plans are set in motion for training regimes for the task ahead. Meshullum continues to make preparations, enlisting the aid of the shipwright, Telekles. Rhyanidd visits the temple of Herakles, making new friends amongst the local Celtic population. Philipos attends the gymnasium, meeting Akestes and several influential men of the hoplite class and narrowly escapes humiliation at the hands of Glaukias.

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