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Revision as of 11:18, 5 November 2013

Campaign Summary


The campaign begins under dire circumstances. It's the goblinoids. Always the goblins.

It is the summer, 476 of the Venadir Empire (human). Kerwyn Venadir is the king. The border city of Waterbridge was assaulted by goblins and hobgoblins; the advanced legions of the Warlord Grodik (Hobgoblin).

The goblin invasion was heroically thrown back against all odds due to the aid of the King’s knight, Sir Aarin Ringstone. The victory was narrow. Waterbridge is shattered and scouts to the East have found that another goblin host is no more than a week away.

All of the walls and fortifications are battered to the point of uselessness, and in any case, there are no longer enough healthy soldiers to man them. Fighting got past the city walls and into the streets, more than a few buildings were burned to the ground. Goblin and Empire bodies lay in the streets. Crops have been razed by the invaders and supplies are low, even without another assault things will be dire when winter arrives.

It is only a few days after the attack, and Lord Ebreck Darkstarr is making preparations to abandon the city. Darkstarr will lead his people to the capitol city of Westmarch where they will find refuge behind its tall walls, and mighty army.

Through whatever resources, luck or skill you possess, you managed to survive. The campaign begins with each member of the party being summoned to Sir Ringstone’s encampment as several thousand refugees pack up what they have and prepare for the 100 mile trek to Westmarch.

Our Heroes