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(Brian Gang (OOC))
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== Brian Gang (OOC) ==
== Brian Gang (OOC) ==
A Wilder Troll with large arms and a smith's apron, who is, unsurprisingly, called Smithy.
And a Grump Troll of over fifty years, who sits quietly and nods on occasion.  He is large, even for a Troll, a mountain of man with a full grey beard and clear blue eyes.  The man seems to wear simple finery, and introduces himself as "Albert Stone," a pause before as though he were considering whether or not to add something.
== Evayne ==
== Evayne ==

Revision as of 19:38, 26 June 2005

On Sat. June 25th a group of Trolls met in NYC. (Room Description) If your PC has high Greymere, or knowledge of the Naming Art send a PM to _Security_

Room Description

The meeting site is not actually within New York City itself, but just outside. Vans will be provided for those who need to take them up a bit to what appears to be a veteran's hall. Led inside, the Trolls can feel Glamour in the air as they approach the meeting room. There is a moment when one can see simply a decorated veteran's hall...and then the Dream intrudes.

The hall falls away to reveal a hall in truth...fine rugs cover grey flagstones, and a great long table of some sort of wood stretches out in the center. Good, sturdy chairs are provided, and sound seems to echo through the room so that sitting at any part of the table, one can hear others. There is a large banner at the head of the room by a raised dias, the Troll kith symbol prominantly displayed.

It is cool in the hall, and the tapestries that line the walls rippling gently as though in a slight breeze. Ringing the floor are white runes in what may be chalk (PM Security if you have Greymare 4+ and a goodly number of mentals, or would try to Ken the runes). To one side there are other tables with cloth over them, possibly for food later on. Drinks are provided, water, juice and tea for the time being.

This place is not a freehold, but a construction of Glamour.

Character Descriptions

Ivan Bakkensen

He's a Wilder troll (early 20's) standing just below 9' tall. He's wearing a suite of leather armor with various nordic runes on it and a sword (treasure) is on his belt. The sword seems to leave a trailing ghost image when it moves. He has a red goatee and white eyes with light blue veins [changeling eyes].

He seems nervious, and continually looks at Gregor to check his own etiquette. Between he and Gregor is Ulric.

Sir Hadrian Boru ap Fiona

8-foot tall Troll Grump with his right horn broken halfway up.

Hadrian is dressed in a full chain surcoat wearing a golden lamellar breastplate and steel shoulders, shins, and forearms. His undershirt is dark red and he has his hair done in a warrior's braid clasped in a silver knotwork lion. He has a Sidhe-Styled greatsword strapped to his left hip and two boot daggers. The greatsword is 4 feet long and ripples with glamour of its own: #USA-SW-CH-0307-11533 (Sword of Nuada)

There is a drawn picture of him working with a blow torch at: http://spaces.msn.com/members/rhunelord/

Sir Huffin Broadback


Mark Burickson

He's dressed as he usualy is in grease stained jeans, worn work boots, a grey hooded sweatshirt and a battered leather jacket. The Symble of the Red Branch is stiched into the right shoulder.

An impossibly large axe rests in an odd shoulder harness acrost his back.

Duke Davis


Gregor Fallen

Gregor is a huge Troll of a man with long white flowing hair and beard. Weaved throughout his beard are beads and braids. His skin is a very pale blue and his horns those of a mighty ram. He wears a suit of shinning platemail made of sterling silver. It is beaten and battered in places, evidence of years worth of combat. Two long leathery red wings jut from the back of his armor and they wrap around him as a cloak (Think the Gargoyles cartoon)

From his belt hangs a huge stone headed Warhammer that is stained red with blood. Several lengths of hair and leather hang from its handle, each showing as a trophy of battles he has won. On his other side is a longsword that looks as if it could be cold iron. The blade is wicked looking black metal and runes are inscribed along it. "I grant power to those who weild me" is what is written in Norse Rune.

Arthur Levin


Calvin Lusien

He's a bit small for a troll but looks very well muscled and toned. Is wearing a hoodie with a dragon crest on the front and sensible shoes and combats in the mundane world. Along with a heavy leather jacket. He wears a long sword strapped to his back runes going down the scabbard (its only in the dreaming). A large raven sits on his shoulder, looking everyone over carefully.

Shamus MacTavish

He is an average sized Troll, about 9', with a brown braid constrained into a tightly braided rope halfway down his back, the grey being noticable in the rope. His eyes remind you of the green of new leaves. He wears a Badge with a stylized Gryphon upon his white t-shirt.

Rockhard Mayhem


Modo Modofius


Angela Judith Stone


Kostya Stone


Robert Stone

He's dressed formally, with a suit of fine chainmail over a red sweater. Over the chain is a tooled leather vest with the Red Branch crest on the breast. Below it are medals: veteran of Hibernia, a small lantern, the V.A.W. system, Royal Order of the Western Star, and one with the Kingdom of Storms symbol on it. In a small flash of mortal world, he appears dressed in full NYPD regalia.

He's carrying a large shield, with a large double-bladed battle axe strapped on to his back. He nods to all that come, smiling and speaking quietly to an older Troll (NPC).

Bobby Townsend


James Curtis Toyne Jr.


Henry Trahern


Sarah Tolmie




Ethan Vinter


Brian Gang (OOC)

(NPCS) A Wilder Troll with large arms and a smith's apron, who is, unsurprisingly, called Smithy.

And a Grump Troll of over fifty years, who sits quietly and nods on occasion. He is large, even for a Troll, a mountain of man with a full grey beard and clear blue eyes. The man seems to wear simple finery, and introduces himself as "Albert Stone," a pause before as though he were considering whether or not to add something.








[fae seeming] a 6'5 blonde-haired lad [hair is braided], with solid white eyes [changeling eyes] that seem to crackle with electricity..clad in a set of dark gray leather pants and vest, with a white pirate's shirt..wearing a dark green cloak overtop...[6 appearance physical traits]