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Revision as of 16:42, 27 July 2014

Alpha Team Purpose: Strike (and Deterrent, in earlier days).

The Voigt Brothers (Des and Dave). The stereotypical cartoon criminal look, square unshaven chins, heavy brow, broken noses, big gnarled hands, battered jeans, and dusty leather jackets. Not twins, but no one could miss the close family resemblance. What happens when Chaos and Entropy get together and play a joke on the Universe? The Voigt Brothers. For sheer unbridled destructive powers there was no one who compared. Their powers diminished at range from each other, but within a couple feet of each other they could pull a city down around them, stand back to back against the entire Freedom League back when Centurion was still alive, and go for beers after.

Notoriously hard to control, they went off mission whenever and however they pleased. For all that, Des was a smooth talker and could have been a natural leader if he had the inclination, he was well-liked. Dave was a brooding, acerbic, and set peoples' teeth on edge, women instinctively avoided him.

Beta Team Purpose: Strike

Carapace There was a brilliant, if increasingly insane, mind under that bio-carapace armour. beta used to joke about the "power of the week" as Carapace was always doing something no one had seen him do before. In the last year Carapace had a new host, a younger man who lacked the flair and insanity of his predecessor. Laserfire tried to be a hero. She really did. Unfortunately as the death toll from her lethal blasts went up she soon found herself unable to reconcile with the Law. The Terror played on her idealism, she always believed in the mission.

Mammoth Hairy. Tusks. Fifteen feet tall when straightened up from his perpetual deep slouch. Mammoth could never "switch it off" and his brain was slowly degrading, becoming more and more animalistic. Not anywhere near the A-list in strength.

Red Arzenal A reprogrammed Soviet Warbot? What could go wrong with that? Surprisingly little, although the tech was old the architecture was firm and the Terror's upgrades to Red's virtual intelligence resulted in a cold, professional, mission-oriented being who you could count on in a tight spot. Replacing the old one-shot rocket pods with blast cannons greatly increased its endurance on mission. Gamma Team Purpose: Covert/Assassination. Nick-name: Random's Angels.

Lady Sin Was she really the daughter of World Crime Guild legend Dr Sin? Who knew? She was a preternatural martial artist whose alchemical blood gave her speed and strength beyond any mere mortal. With her potions she could craft a perfect mask of anyone's face, and alter her physique to match it for a short while. If the Terror could be said to have a confidant, it was Lady Sin. Despite the nick-name for the team it was never in doubt who the leader was.

Sagittarius, the Huntress With a series of miniature crossbows on one wrist, and one held in her other hand this woman uses gadget-laden quarrels and old-fashioned lethal accuracy to deadly effect. Not a social creature, it was rumoured that she had died, and then been possessed by an alien spirit.

Mercury Mercenary joined late, after the woman known as Shroud was captured. A speedster with a penchant for firearms, explosives, and more explosives? Merc is a consummate professional, and her skill at demolitions was just one of the tools she brought to the team.

Random Access Although limited by range to just a couple feet, Random was a psychic hacker, able to speak mentally to computers. Given a network, however, he expand his consciousness across it, effectively allowing contact with any connected system. Capable of simultaneously focusing on two or even three things at once, Random was an ideal mission co-ordinator. Although rarely called on to use them, his split focus gave him another odd quirk -- he could accurately aim two pistols at two different targets as long as they were in the same narrow arc his eyes were trained toward.

Delta Team Purpose: Support

Black Diamond Force walls, force fields, domes, Diamond's fields are near impenetrable, and impervious to many forms of energy (hence their dark colour). A skilled tactician, his extraction team is a hand-picked and trained force comprising mostly of elite agents.

Bland For covert extraction the perfect operative was the man... ...or maybe woman... ...who no one can remember. The Terror and Black Diamond mentioned Bland a number of times, like you should know who they were. You're pretty sure you remember them. They... ...were. Um. They had that.... No, you've got nothing.

Epsilon Team Purpose: Multi-role.

You. Starting as a Covert Team, Epsilon had a phenomenal amount of destructive power, and the will to employ it. There was little doubt Epsilon was a favourite of the Terror.

Zeta Team Purpose: Classified.

Everyone is pretty sure there was a Zeta Team. And that's all anybody ever knew about it.
