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Eyos (talk | contribs)
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(22 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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Temporary home of the RPGnet Friend Safari result list for Pokemon X/Y
=Unofficial RPGnet 3DS Friend Code List=
This, ah, hasn't been updated in a long time. Still, feel free to add your own code and Pokemon X/Y Friend Safari results if you'd like. If you'd rather I do it, or have any questions about formatting, feel free to shoot me a PM on the forums!

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
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!Pokemon 3
!Pokemon 3
| eyos||Dani||2750 1394 8273||Normal||Ditto||Teddiursa||Kecleon
| violetmythmaker||Dani||2750 1394 8273||Normal||Ditto||Teddiursa||Kecleon
| laudre||asymbina||0344 9463 1587||Rock||Onix||Nosepass||---
| laudre||asymbina||0344 9463 1587||Rock||Onix||Nosepass||---
Line 16: Line 18:
| CyanideBreathmint||Mel||0216 1397 8377||Dark||Sneasel||Mightyena||Absol
| CyanideBreathmint||Mel||0216 1397 8377||Dark||Sneasel||Mightyena||Absol
| Something Ellie||Ellie||5129 1286 2385||Steel||Ferrothorn||Forretress||---
| Something Ellie||Ellie||5129 1286 2385||Steel||Ferroseed||Forretress||---
| Ambrogino||LE||0920 0447 7346||Normal||Dunsparce||Kecleon||---
| Ambrogino||LE||0920 0447 7346||Normal||Dunsparce||Kecleon||---
Line 32: Line 34:
| durecellrabbit||Robert||1392 4631 1815||Steel||Mawile||Skarmory||Bronzong
| durecellrabbit||Robert||1392 4631 1815||Steel||Mawile||Skarmory||Bronzong
| carvincustom||Altus||1091 8759 7804||Fighting||Meditite||Pancham||---
| carvincustom||Altus||1091 8759 7804||Fighting||Meditite||Pancham||Tyrogue
| Amazoness!||George||2406 6470 6716||Grass||Petilil||Pansage||---
| Amazoness!||George||2406 6470 6716||Grass||Petilil||Pansage||---
| Penguin Zero||Penguin00||3067 5140 3534||Normal||Aipom||Audino||---
| Penguin Zero||Penguin00||3067 5140 3534||Normal||Aipom||Audino||Eevee
| Lord of Grey||Cabot||4484 8553 7715||Dragon||Fraxure||Dragonair||---
| Lord of Grey||Cabot||4484 8553 7715||Dragon||Fraxure||Dragonair||---
Line 44: Line 46:
| Worldwalker_pure||Henry||0344 9533 3063||Rock||Nosepass||Pupitar||Shuckle
| Worldwalker_pure||Henry||0344 9533 3063||Rock||Nosepass||Pupitar||Shuckle
| Rabbit Éclair||a rabbit||1805 2276 9112||Psychic||Espurr||Abra||---
| Rabbit Éclair||a rabbit||1805 2276 9112||Psychic||Espurr||Abra||Gothorita
| Jolinar||Jolinar||5171 9686 4257||Electric||Emolga||Helioptile||---
| Jolinar||Jolinar||5171 9686 4257||Electric||Emolga||Helioptile||---
Line 54: Line 56:
| tsadkiel||Chris||2492 5406 4825||Normal||Loudred||Teddiursa||Eevee
| tsadkiel||Chris||2492 5406 4825||Normal||Loudred||Teddiursa||Eevee
| KoboldLord||Jason||1134 8295 2296||Ice||Delibird||Bergmite||---
| KoboldLord||Jason||1134 8295 2296||Ice||Delibird||Bergmite||Dewgong
| Ugly Man||Ugly Man||4296 3001 8706||Grass||Swadloon||Sunkern||Quilladin
| Ugly Man||Ugly Man||4296 3001 8706||Grass||Swadloon||Sunkern||Quilladin
| Callyn||Callyn||3497 0528 3106||Ground||Phanpy||Camerupt||---
| Callyn||Callyn||3497 0528 3106||Ground||Phanpy||Camerupt||Palpitoad
| LowBeyonder||LowBeyond||0318 6941 0287||Normal||Loudred||Aipom||---
| LowBeyonder||LowBeyond||0318 6941 0287||Normal||Loudred||Aipom||---
Line 66: Line 68:
| fruitbat||Alexis||0044 3145 9843||Normal||Kecleon||Aipom||---
| fruitbat||Alexis||0044 3145 9843||Normal||Kecleon||Aipom||---
| TrojanRat||Ruz||1134 8267 1754||Ice||Beartic||Snover||---
| TrojanRat||Ruz||1134 8267 1754||Ice||Beartic||Snover||Cloyster
| Evil Midnight Lurker||E.M.Lurker||1204 0388 8321||Ground||Trapinch||Nincada||---
| Evil Midnight Lurker||E.M.Lurker||1204 0388 8321||Ground||Trapinch||Nincada||Palpitoad
| Rand Brittain||||3110 5121 6954||||||||
| Rand Brittain||||3110 5121 6954||||||||
| Ettin||Ettin||1977 0182 0851||Psychic||Drowzee||Wobbuffett||---
| MirumotoRyoga||Neko||3625 9093 0550||Water||Wartortle||Octillery||---
| Crogacht||Crog||2079 6926 4688||Bug||Volbeat||Butterfree||Pinsir
| hive_mind||hive_mind||2466 1807 6783||Steel||Skarmory||Ferroseed||---
| wayseeker||Dave||1161 0048 6928||Poison||Garbodor||Cascoon||---
| TMarks||Terrence||1607 2022 8709||Dark||Cacturne||Pawniard||Absol
| TMarks' wife||Isabel||2234 7134 5135||Normal||Aipom||Kecleon||Ditto
| Manaran||Dante||3754 7568 5856||Flying||Doduo||Woobat||---

Latest revision as of 17:22, 26 September 2014

Unofficial RPGnet 3DS Friend Code List[edit]

This, ah, hasn't been updated in a long time. Still, feel free to add your own code and Pokemon X/Y Friend Safari results if you'd like. If you'd rather I do it, or have any questions about formatting, feel free to shoot me a PM on the forums!

User Name 3DS Name Friend Code Friend Safari Type Pokemon 1 Pokemon 2 Pokemon 3
violetmythmaker Dani 2750 1394 8273 Normal Ditto Teddiursa Kecleon
laudre asymbina 0344 9463 1587 Rock Onix Nosepass ---
CyanideBreathmint Mel 0216 1397 8377 Dark Sneasel Mightyena Absol
Something Ellie Ellie 5129 1286 2385 Steel Ferroseed Forretress ---
Ambrogino LE 0920 0447 7346 Normal Dunsparce Kecleon ---
sybrid Sybrid 3179 6405 0854 Poison Garbodor Kakuna ---
Moe Ronalds 1736 0305 6751
Count_Zero Count_Zero 3625 9046 8157 Normal Lillipup Kecleon ---
JoanieSappho Joanie 3668 8096 4107 Psychic Espurr Grumpig ---
agrias oaks 1306 5343 0100
durecellrabbit Robert 1392 4631 1815 Steel Mawile Skarmory Bronzong
carvincustom Altus 1091 8759 7804 Fighting Meditite Pancham Tyrogue
Amazoness! George 2406 6470 6716 Grass Petilil Pansage ---
Penguin Zero Penguin00 3067 5140 3534 Normal Aipom Audino Eevee
Lord of Grey Cabot 4484 8553 7715 Dragon Fraxure Dragonair ---
EsperDerek Esper 2320 6813 4475 Electric Helioptile Dedenne ---
Worldwalker_pure Henry 0344 9533 3063 Rock Nosepass Pupitar Shuckle
Rabbit Éclair a rabbit 1805 2276 9112 Psychic Espurr Abra Gothorita
Jolinar Jolinar 5171 9686 4257 Electric Emolga Helioptile ---
Skycroft Skycroft 4484 9078 6659 Psychic Sigilyph Drowzee ---
Fiyero Jarbear 2079 7149 0432 Poison Seviper Garbodor ---
tsadkiel Chris 2492 5406 4825 Normal Loudred Teddiursa Eevee
KoboldLord Jason 1134 8295 2296 Ice Delibird Bergmite Dewgong
Ugly Man Ugly Man 4296 3001 8706 Grass Swadloon Sunkern Quilladin
Callyn Callyn 3497 0528 3106 Ground Phanpy Camerupt Palpitoad
LowBeyonder LowBeyond 0318 6941 0287 Normal Loudred Aipom ---
enigmatic Matt 1349 5778 0873 Fire Charmeleon Pansear Fletchinder
fruitbat Alexis 0044 3145 9843 Normal Kecleon Aipom ---
TrojanRat Ruz 1134 8267 1754 Ice Beartic Snover Cloyster
Evil Midnight Lurker E.M.Lurker 1204 0388 8321 Ground Trapinch Nincada Palpitoad
Rand Brittain 3110 5121 6954
Ettin Ettin 1977 0182 0851 Psychic Drowzee Wobbuffett ---
MirumotoRyoga Neko 3625 9093 0550 Water Wartortle Octillery ---
Crogacht Crog 2079 6926 4688 Bug Volbeat Butterfree Pinsir
hive_mind hive_mind 2466 1807 6783 Steel Skarmory Ferroseed ---
wayseeker Dave 1161 0048 6928 Poison Garbodor Cascoon ---
TMarks Terrence 1607 2022 8709 Dark Cacturne Pawniard Absol
TMarks' wife Isabel 2234 7134 5135 Normal Aipom Kecleon Ditto
Manaran Dante 3754 7568 5856 Flying Doduo Woobat ---