The Broken Universe:Natsumi: Difference between revisions

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'''Name''': Murasaki Natsumi<br />
'''Name''': Murasaki Natsumi<br />
'''Magical Girl Name''': Soul Gunner Natsumi<br />
'''Magical Girl Name''': Spirit Gunner Natsumi<br />
'''Age:''' 14
'''Age:''' 14

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** Gunner's Dance (''Blast Strike'') - By adding a point of Magic Overcharge, Natsumi unleashes one of her special attacks, a savage dance of spirit-infused ballistic death with both ''Soulblaze'' and ''Crossfire''. Every enemy within a single position within Natsumi's general range must defend or take normal damage from the attack in question. Natsumi often uses this attack to clear out minions.
** Gunner's Dance (''Blast Strike'') - By adding a point of Magic Overcharge, Natsumi unleashes one of her special attacks, a savage dance of spirit-infused ballistic death with both ''Soulblaze'' and ''Crossfire''. Every enemy within a single position within Natsumi's general range must defend or take normal damage from the attack in question. Natsumi often uses this attack to clear out minions.
** Astral Clone (''Marionette'') - By taking a minor action and adding a point of Magic Overcharge, Natsumi creates a spectral copy of herself. During a general round, she can either choose to make an attack herself or to have the clone attack instead. The clone can also defend itself like she can, but it will be destroyed upon taking any damage. The clone fades away when the fight is over.
** Astral Clone (''Marionette'') - By taking a minor action and adding a point of Magic Overcharge, Natsumi creates a spectral copy of herself. During a general round, she can either choose to make an attack herself or to have the clone attack instead. The clone can also defend itself like she can, but it will be destroyed upon taking any damage. The clone fades away when the fight is over.
* +1 to Charm (Episode 1)
* +1 to Magic (Episode 2)
* +1 to Heart (Episode 2)
* +1 to Fury (Episode 3)
* Common Magical Talent - Fight For Friends (Episode 3)

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! Level  
! Level  
|[[The_Broken_Universe:Chiyoko|Sable Dragoon]]
|[[The_Broken_Universe:Chiyoko|Sable Dragoon Chiyoko]]
|"''The Sable Dragoon scares the living hell out of me. Her void powers unnerve me, and the less said about 'her world', the better. I thought I could count on her...I thought I could trust her...but ever since she went berserk...ever since she almost killed Sempai and Yuna-san...I don't know if I want anything to do with her anymore.''"
|"''The Sable Dragoon scares the living hell out of me. Her void powers unnerve me, and the less said about 'her world', the better. I thought I could count on her until she went berserk and almost killed Sempai and Yuna-san. And I'm still mad at her about putting us up to talking with Touyama Nao, knowing full well that she couldn't see us or hear us and that we wouldn't be able to communicate with or touch her at all, all to 'teach' us a lesson about what the hell we are! And all I accomplished by trying to talk to her was scaring the poor girl half to death! Nakahara had no right to use her like this!''
''"I feel awful for Touyama-san...and as much as I hate to say this, part of me feels awful for Nakahara too, even though I want nothing to do with her after this. Her wish was meant to bring her back from the dead and ensure that no daemon would ever hurt her again. But whoever granted her wish only paid attention to the letter of it, not the spirit of it. As a result, she made Nao effectively immortal. And since Chiyoko didn't specify anything other than being unable to be affected by daemons, I wouldn't put it past whoever granted that wish to have left out the parts of being immortal that make it cool. Meaning that as time goes on, it will become a fate far worse than even the cruelest death! I'm going to have to be very specific when it comes time to make my wish. If I live to claim it.''"
|Normal and Magical
|Normal and Magical
|0 (Broken)
|0 (Broken)
|[[The_Broken_Universe:Yuna|Ocean Princess Yuna]]
|[[The_Broken_Universe:Yuna|Ocean Princess Yuna]]
|"''It's always best to be on good terms with your group's primary healer. She's saved my bacon a handful of times, and she's always a good ally to have against daemons."
|"''It's always best to be on good terms with your group's primary healer. She's saved my bacon a handful of times, and she's always a good ally to have against daemons. She helped me get the shard of Oblivion out of Rumi, but she very nearly got killed recently, both by that daemon and by Chiyoko herself. I don't want anyone to die. Not at a daemon's hands, and not at the hands of any of us.''"
|Normal and Magical
|Normal and Magical
|[[The_Broken_Universe:Kei|Kei Kanzaki]]
|[[The_Broken_Universe:Kei|Steel Empress Kei]]
|"''Kei is an awesome partner to have in gym class, and a hell of an opponent. She brings out my competitive side like no one else. ''(blushes)'' We do have our awkward moments, though...''"
|"''Kei is an awesome partner to have in gym class, and a hell of an opponent. She brings out my competitive side like no one else. As the Steel Empress, she's the most reckless mahou shoujo I've ever met, and I worry about her all the time! If she doesn't start using her head and being a little more careful, she's going to get in over her head, and she's going to die! I...I can't let that happen...(blushes) And...and ever since that bath at Yuna-san's place...ever since my power went out of control and I kissed her...I feel a little closer to her than I was before. I don't know what that means yet.''"
|Normal and Magical
|Normal and Magical
|[[The_Broken_Universe:Akane|Starlight Magician Akane]]
|[[The_Broken_Universe:Akane|Starlight Magician Akane]]
|Normal: "''Any friend of Namie's is a friend of mine, and she's helped us both during study time on many an occasion.''"<br/><br/>Magical: "''The Starlight Magician has helped us on numerous occasions, and without her, I don't know where we'd be!''"
|"''Any friend of Namie's is a friend of mine, and she's helped us both during study time on many an occasion. As the Starlight Magician, she's helped us on numerous occasions, and without her, I don't know where we'd be! I'm a little mad at her for how she chose to deal with our latest daemon, however, even if she did save our tails. We need those seeds.''"
|Normal and Magical
|Normal and Magical
|[[The_Broken_Universe:Akari|Emerald Wind Maiden Akari]]
|[[The_Broken_Universe:Akari|Emerald Wind Maiden Akari]]
|"''As the oldest of us, she is our sempai, and the one who's always front and center fighting these things. I sometimes worry about her whenever she takes a beating at the hands of the daemons.''"
|"''As the oldest of us, Akari is our sempai, and the one who's always front and center fighting these things. I sometimes worry about her whenever she takes a beating at the hands of the daemons. And ever since Chiyoko very nearly killed her in her miasma-induced madness...I will do anything to stop this from happening again.''"
|Normal and Magical
|Normal and Magical
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|Namie Sano
|Namie Sano
|"''It's nice to have someone who's my age that I can work with and talk to, even if her cooking skills need a bit of work. My own cooking isn't the best in the world, but I should be able to at least help her in that regard.''"
|"''It's nice to have someone who's my age that I can work with and talk to, even if her cooking skills need a bit of work. My own cooking isn't the best in the world, but I should be able to at least help her in that regard. Ever since that attack at the school, she's been having to deal with a lot of damned reporters and other media jerks wanting to pry into everything. I just wish they'd leave her the hell alone!''"

Latest revision as of 02:36, 13 April 2015

Natsumi is a character in The Broken Universe, played by rbingham2000.


Name: Murasaki Natsumi
Magical Girl Name: Spirit Gunner Natsumi
Age: 14



170cm (5'7") tall, around 64kg (140 lbs.), has a slim build with black hair down to her shoulders, which she usually ties up in a ponytail for athletic events. Dark blue eyes.

Magical Girl[edit]

When in mahou shoujo form, Natsumi takes on a very ghost-like appearance. Her skin and her hair go ghost-white, and her eyes visibly change, her right eye taking on a golden glow and the other one turning a very bright blue. Her outfit is a white and very light grey jumper dress with fingerless gauntlets, a pair of worn grey boots and a ragged white mantle that reaches down to just below her ribs.


Natsumi is an introvert, primarily preferring her privacy and a nice quiet place to either read or surf the net. She does not like noisy crowds, and getting in her space, especially in an obnoxious manner, is a surefire way to piss her off. She prefers to concentrate on a single activity at a time, and to hang back and observe before getting involved in things. Being able to trust others is very important to her, and so she chooses those she calls friends carefully. Her interests include fantasy and horror novels and manga, browser-based MMORPGs (she primarily plays either a warrior or a mage), and, since making the pact, airsoft games as a means of keeping her gun skills sharp. She is also quite knowledgeable about rare diseases, a product of the two months since finding the fateful records of her death, as well as being quite the gorehound, the product of having a doctor for a father and being present at more than one dinner with his colleagues as they talked shop.

What convinced you to make a pact?[edit]

Six months ago, Natsumi bore witness to the attack of a rogue daemon upon a community gathering attended by her father. While the monster was driven away by a mahou shoujo, ten people lost their lives to the monster's horrific assault, and many more were injured, meaning that her father, Dr. Murasaki Kyosuke, had a lot of work to do. The attack left a lasting impression upon Natsumi, both in what these things could do to people, and in what it took to stop them. When Kekku showed up a month after the attack and explained to her just what the hell was going down, Natsumi made the pact -- she knew that she had to do her part to help the people of Shinohara against the rogue daemons.

What is your wish?[edit]

Although most of the people who survived the daemon attack on that fateful day made it through all right, some were not so lucky. Natsumi's mother Yuki, who had always been supportive of her, was one of the poor unfortunates who were struck down by the daemon, and though she survived the attack, she has been in a coma ever since. Her father is at a complete loss to handle the situation, and though he tries to assure Natsumi that her mother will get better, she knows that he does not have much hope that she will ever recover from that horrible day. And this makes Natsumi angry, in a way that few things in her life can. Part of her reason for killing rogue daemons is to collect enough Oblivion Seeds for her wish. If her father can't do anything for her mother, Natsumi has sworn that she will.


Two months ago, Natsumi's life as she knew it changed forever. While organizing her father's papers one day, she came across an old document, a copy of the family's koseki (family registry) dated ten years ago. But this version of the koseki differed quite markedly from the official version of the registry. Namely, it showed that Natsumi had died of a rare disease on the year that this version of the koseki was printed out. Investigating his papers further turned up a copy of her father's official report from that time at Shinohara Hospital, his place of work, indicating Natsumi's date and time of death. Natsumi knows that this is not a clerical error or some other mistake, else her father would've simply thrown these records away upon discovery of the mistake. Somehow, these records indicate that Natsumi is dead, while she is very much alive -- and to make things even worse, Natsumi has no memory whatsoever of anything beyond ten years ago. Something is going on, and Natsumi will not rest until she gets to the bottom of this!

Game Info[edit]

  • Magical Element: Spirit
  • Magical Weapon: Natsumi's weapons of choice are Soulblaze and Crossfire, a pair of silver-white automatic pistols. Inlaid upon the slides of the weapons are a series of golden runes. The handles are white polished wood with golden dragons inlaid in them. When Natsumi fires these guns, the muzzle-flashes are unusually bright, and the bullets she fires are infused with spiritual power.
  • Magical Power: Ghostwalker - Natsumi can pass through walls and other solid objects much like a ghost can.


  • Magical Attributes: Heart (Support) 5, Fury (Defense) 7, Magic (Attack) 9
  • Normal Attributes: Charm 4, Insight 6, Tenacity 5
  • Resolve: 18 / 18

Specialization and Talents[edit]

  • Magical Specialization: Witch
  • Basic
    • Boost - Once a round, Natsumi can add a die of Overcharge to any magical challenge action, increasing the likelihood of success, but also increasing the likelihood of Fallout once the battle is over.
    • Recovery - Twice per general episode when out of combat, Natsumi can summon up the power deep within herself to recover 1d6+2 Resolve.
  • General
    • Battle Aura (Empower) - Once per general scene, Natsumi can unleash the power within her in a blazing Battle Aura, becoming either Excited (+1 bonus to attack) or Calm (+1 bonus to defense). What color the aura takes depends upon her general state -- an Excited battle aura is bright gold, while a Calm battle aura is bright blue. Observant readers will note that this corresponds to both of her eyes.
    • Fight For Friends - When Natsumi's friends and family are on the line, the Spirit Gunner goes all out. Twice per general scene, Natsumi can add the rating of a Relationship to any challenge that she makes, as well any damage that she does if the challenge is an attack challenge.
  • Witch
    • Mark of Anathema (Hex) - Natsumi's golden eye seems to burn with an inner fire. Once per round as a minor action, she can turn this eye upon a daemon or other enemy within a range of 0-2 and place a spiritual mark upon the enemy that burns into them for one point of damage every round. On subsequent rounds, she can use another minor action to strengthen this mark and make it do more damage per round that it is active. As a free action, Natsumi can either weaken the mark or remove it entirely.
    • Gunner's Dance (Blast Strike) - By adding a point of Magic Overcharge, Natsumi unleashes one of her special attacks, a savage dance of spirit-infused ballistic death with both Soulblaze and Crossfire. Every enemy within a single position within Natsumi's general range must defend or take normal damage from the attack in question. Natsumi often uses this attack to clear out minions.
    • Astral Clone (Marionette) - By taking a minor action and adding a point of Magic Overcharge, Natsumi creates a spectral copy of herself. During a general round, she can either choose to make an attack herself or to have the clone attack instead. The clone can also defend itself like she can, but it will be destroyed upon taking any damage. The clone fades away when the fight is over.


  • +1 to Charm (Episode 1)
  • +1 to Magic (Episode 2)
  • +1 to Heart (Episode 2)
  • +1 to Fury (Episode 3)
  • Common Magical Talent - Fight For Friends (Episode 3)



Name Description IDs Known Level
Sable Dragoon Chiyoko "The Sable Dragoon scares the living hell out of me. Her void powers unnerve me, and the less said about 'her world', the better. I thought I could count on her until she went berserk and almost killed Sempai and Yuna-san. And I'm still mad at her about putting us up to talking with Touyama Nao, knowing full well that she couldn't see us or hear us and that we wouldn't be able to communicate with or touch her at all, all to 'teach' us a lesson about what the hell we are! And all I accomplished by trying to talk to her was scaring the poor girl half to death! Nakahara had no right to use her like this!

"I feel awful for Touyama-san...and as much as I hate to say this, part of me feels awful for Nakahara too, even though I want nothing to do with her after this. Her wish was meant to bring her back from the dead and ensure that no daemon would ever hurt her again. But whoever granted her wish only paid attention to the letter of it, not the spirit of it. As a result, she made Nao effectively immortal. And since Chiyoko didn't specify anything other than being unable to be affected by daemons, I wouldn't put it past whoever granted that wish to have left out the parts of being immortal that make it cool. Meaning that as time goes on, it will become a fate far worse than even the cruelest death! I'm going to have to be very specific when it comes time to make my wish. If I live to claim it."

Normal and Magical 0 (Broken)
Ocean Princess Yuna "It's always best to be on good terms with your group's primary healer. She's saved my bacon a handful of times, and she's always a good ally to have against daemons. She helped me get the shard of Oblivion out of Rumi, but she very nearly got killed recently, both by that daemon and by Chiyoko herself. I don't want anyone to die. Not at a daemon's hands, and not at the hands of any of us." Normal and Magical 2
Steel Empress Kei "Kei is an awesome partner to have in gym class, and a hell of an opponent. She brings out my competitive side like no one else. As the Steel Empress, she's the most reckless mahou shoujo I've ever met, and I worry about her all the time! If she doesn't start using her head and being a little more careful, she's going to get in over her head, and she's going to die! I...I can't let that happen...(blushes) And...and ever since that bath at Yuna-san's place...ever since my power went out of control and I kissed her...I feel a little closer to her than I was before. I don't know what that means yet." Normal and Magical 3
Starlight Magician Akane "Any friend of Namie's is a friend of mine, and she's helped us both during study time on many an occasion. As the Starlight Magician, she's helped us on numerous occasions, and without her, I don't know where we'd be! I'm a little mad at her for how she chose to deal with our latest daemon, however, even if she did save our tails. We need those seeds." Normal and Magical 2
Emerald Wind Maiden Akari "As the oldest of us, Akari is our sempai, and the one who's always front and center fighting these things. I sometimes worry about her whenever she takes a beating at the hands of the daemons. And ever since Chiyoko very nearly killed her in her miasma-induced madness...I will do anything to stop this from happening again." Normal and Magical 2


Name Description Level
Kyousuke Murasaki "I don't see Dad very much anymore since the attack on the Garden, but we still keep in touch via email. He has a lot to deal with these days, what with the goddamn daemons and their victims, not to mention trying to find a way to fix what happened to Mom. And then there's the whole thing about what happened to me ten years ago, which I still haven't gotten any answers about. I still love him dearly, and no matter what happens, I will be there for him." 3
Izumi-sensei "Izumi-sensei is the closest friend I have in this school. She and I have a common bond around the doctors in our lives, and she knows what Dad's been having to go through lately. She's gotten quite concerned about me lately, like Mom used to be, and I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to feel about that." 3
Mayaka Okada "I hope to be as good as Mayaka someday. She patched me up after that nasty spill on the uneven bars that one day, and the advice she gave me really helped and gave me the boost I needed. I wish more people were like her." 1
Namie Sano "It's nice to have someone who's my age that I can work with and talk to, even if her cooking skills need a bit of work. My own cooking isn't the best in the world, but I should be able to at least help her in that regard. Ever since that attack at the school, she's been having to deal with a lot of damned reporters and other media jerks wanting to pry into everything. I just wish they'd leave her the hell alone!" 2
Kumin Tsuyuri "Kumin is helping me learn the ropes of Chaos Gate, the CCG she likes to play with Akane. It's got a similar premise to Aetherial Dream, the MMO I like to play, except with a different focus. It's a good way to pass the time when I'm not reading, studying or surfing." 1
