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[[Stars_Without_Number: Back_in_Black]]

*'''Carlos Danger'''
A character in the [[Stars Without Number: Back in Black]] campaign.
'''Level 7 Warrior'''

*'''Strength''' 14(+1)
== Name ==
*'''Intelligence''' 16 (+1)
*Level 8 Warrior
*'''Dexterity''' 14 (+1)
*XP: 128,320/250,640
*'''Wisdom''' 16 (+1)
*Age: 28
*'''Constitution''' 12
*Homeworld: Wolf
*'''Charisma''' 16 (+1)
*'''Attack Bonus:'''+3
*'''Hit Points:''' 22
*'''AC:''' 0
*'''Initiative:''' +1
*Background & Description: Carlos Danger is a mercenary bon vivant, a bit of a bounder and a cad. 
== Attributes ==
*Strength 14 +1
*Dexterity 14 +1
*Constitution 10
*Intelligence 10
*Wisdom 7
*Charisma 14 +1
== Combat Block ==
*Movement Rate:
*Hit Points: 43
*System Strain: 2/2
*Armor Class
**(Armor Type 1): 6 (Armored Undersuit)
**(Armor Type 2): 0 (Powered Armor)
*Attacks (BAB +5)
**Mag pistol: +9/2d6+2 6/6 100/300
**Captain's Cutlass: +7
**Void Carbine: +9 2d6 damage 10/10 100/300
**Mag Rifle: +9 2d8+2 damage 10/10 300/600
***Underslung Grenade Launcher +7 2d8 3/3 50/150
**Physical 8
**Mental 11
**Evasion 10
**Tech 12
**Luck 9

== Cybernetics ==
*Monoblade: +6 to hit/1d8+2
*Kinesis Wraps (Boots): +6 to hit/1d2+2
*Mag Pistol: +6 to hit/2d6+2/6 of 6 shots remaining
*Plasma Projector: +7 to hit/2d8
*Laser pistol: +7 to hit/1d6 damage/10 of 10 shots remaining
*Spike Thrower: +6 to hit/3d8/15 of 15 remaining

===Saving Throws===
*Adrenal Suppression Pump
*'''Physical:''' 10
**SS: 1
*'''Mental:''' 13
**Description: These endocrine pumps neutralize numerous brain chemicals in the user when activated while simultaneously exciting the user’s perceptual centers. This combination produces a cold, dispassionate situational awareness that grants the user +2 on initiative rolls when the system is engaged. Most systems have built-in safety overrides to prevent psychological addiction and brain damage, allowing the unit to be used for no more than an hour each day. The user takes a -2 penalty on all social skill checks while the unit is active, and it requires five rounds to either activate or deactivate it.
*'''Evasion:''' 12
*'''Tech:''' 14
*'''Luck:''' 11

===Background Package===
*Holdout Cavity
**SS: 1
*Combat/Projectile 2
**Description: Usually implanted somewhere in the torso, a holdout cavity is a small recess shaped into the wearer’s body and designed to be overlooked by most standard forms of medical or security scanning. It automatically defeats a security inspection that uses less than tech level 4 scanners, and even advanced tech requires careful personal inspection to have a chance of revealing it. The cavity can hold an object up to the size of a pistol and is opened and shut by the user’s mental command.
*Combat/Unarmed 1
*Culture/World 0

===Warrior Training Package===
== Skills ==
**Energy 2
**Gunnery 1
**Primitive 1
**Projectile 3
**Unarmed 0
**Wolf 0
**Spacer 0
*Exosuit 1
*Tactics 1
*Leadership 1
*Athletics 0
*Athletics 0
*Business 1
*Perception 1
*Combat/Energy Weapons 2
*Stealth 0
*Combat/Primitive 1
*Culture/Spacer 0
*Perception 2
== Equipment ==
*Tactics 1
(You guys are starting to be rich, powerful people, and are starting to accumulate a whole bunch of shit. Therefore, this section and the next are going to be kind of complicated)
*Exosuit 1
*Leadership 0
*Combat/Gunnery 0
=== Treasure ===
*Vehicle/Grav 0
*Mechanical arm
*Computer Aided Goggles (both from IC 258)
=== Civilian ===
**Armor: Armorerd Undersuit
***Mag pistol in holdout compartment
***Captain's Cutlass for formal events
**Gear: Commpad and Dataslab, 1000 credits in wallet.
=== Combat, vacuum locations ===
*Enc: 5/9
*Armor: Power Armor
**Mag Rifle w/underslung grenade launcher and top mounted flashlight
**Captain's Cutlass
**Three grenades
*Low-light goggles
*Enc: 11/18
**Laser pistol w/loaded clip
**Mag pistol w/loaded clip (holdout compartment)
**Six clips for mag rifle
**Three grenades
**One clip of three grenades for launcher
**One gallon of water
**One day rations
**Backpack (T4)
**Grapnel launcher
**Rope (40 meters)
**Three oxygen tanks
== Assets ==
(This section is about material that you might or might not ever load into your Equipment. It may or may not always apply. Categories are examples only, do what makes sense for your character, excepting that I do want to know where your money is.)
=== Finances ===
**Credit Chips Carried: (If you're willing to have high denominations, you can carry a lot of money on your person)
**Electronic Credits Carried: 10,000 credits
**Stowed: (I assume you guys have little safes in your cabins on the ship)
**(Deposit A): 100,000 credits
**(Deposit B):

=== Holdings ===
*Genotyped Adrenal Suppression pump: Five rounds to activate/deactivate, lasts for 1 hour, +2 to initiative roll but -2 to all social skill checks. 

===Equipment and Cash===
*One share in Auspicious Enterprises
*'''Available Credits:''' 178,428
*Armored Undersuit
*Backpack (TL4)
*Compad (stored)
*Combat Field Uniform (1000 credits)(readied)
*Monoblade (50 credits)(dagger-sized)(r)
*Kinesis Wraps (boots/100 credits)(r)
*Mag Pistol (400 credits)(r)
*Laser Pistol (200 credits)(s)
*6 magazines (60 credits)(s)
*Plasma Projector (400 credits) 2 items of encumbrance (s)
*6 Type A energy cells (60 credits)(s)
*Glowbug (10, 50 credits)(s)
*Low-light goggles (200 credits)(s)
*Rope, 20 meters (40 credits)(s)
*Vac fresher (400 credits)
*Vac suit (100 credits)
*Dataslab (300 credits)(s)
*Rations, one month (150 credits) (s)
*Grenades (8)(200 credits)(r)
*Spike Thrower (1)(600 credits)(r)
*Power Armor (1)(10000)(r)

=== Materiel ===
*Normal: 9/9 readied, 13/18 stored

===Currently Carried===
*(If you have some other big thing, list it here)
*"r" stands for readied, "s" for stored
*Encumbrance: 9/9 readied, 13/18 stored
*Power Armor (2 encumbrance)
*Backpack (r)
*Monoblade (r)
*Kinesis Wraps (r)
*3 magazines (s)
*Spike thrower (r)15/15
*3 magazines (3)
*3 Type A energy cells (s)
*Grenades (3)(r)
*Grenades (6) (s)
*Glowbug, 5 (s)
*3 day's rations (s)
*Low-light goggles (r)
*Dataslab (s)
*Rope, 20 meters (s)
*Comm server (s)

=== Vehicles ===

===Skills to Learn===
*(Custom cars, mecha, whatever)
*5 skill points

Latest revision as of 19:22, 15 July 2015

A character in the Stars Without Number: Back in Black campaign.


  • Level 8 Warrior
  • XP: 128,320/250,640
  • Age: 28
  • Homeworld: Wolf
  • Languages:
    • English
    • Afrikaans
    • Mandarin
  • Background & Description: Carlos Danger is a mercenary bon vivant, a bit of a bounder and a cad.


  • Strength 14 +1
  • Dexterity 14 +1
  • Constitution 10
  • Intelligence 10
  • Wisdom 7
  • Charisma 14 +1

Combat Block[edit]

  • Movement Rate:
  • Hit Points: 43
  • System Strain: 2/2
  • Armor Class
    • (Armor Type 1): 6 (Armored Undersuit)
    • (Armor Type 2): 0 (Powered Armor)
  • Attacks (BAB +5)
    • Mag pistol: +9/2d6+2 6/6 100/300
    • Captain's Cutlass: +7
    • Void Carbine: +9 2d6 damage 10/10 100/300
    • Mag Rifle: +9 2d8+2 damage 10/10 300/600
      • Underslung Grenade Launcher +7 2d8 3/3 50/150
  • Saves
    • Physical 8
    • Mental 11
    • Evasion 10
    • Tech 12
    • Luck 9


  • Adrenal Suppression Pump
    • SS: 1
    • Description: These endocrine pumps neutralize numerous brain chemicals in the user when activated while simultaneously exciting the user’s perceptual centers. This combination produces a cold, dispassionate situational awareness that grants the user +2 on initiative rolls when the system is engaged. Most systems have built-in safety overrides to prevent psychological addiction and brain damage, allowing the unit to be used for no more than an hour each day. The user takes a -2 penalty on all social skill checks while the unit is active, and it requires five rounds to either activate or deactivate it.
  • Holdout Cavity
    • SS: 1
    • Description: Usually implanted somewhere in the torso, a holdout cavity is a small recess shaped into the wearer’s body and designed to be overlooked by most standard forms of medical or security scanning. It automatically defeats a security inspection that uses less than tech level 4 scanners, and even advanced tech requires careful personal inspection to have a chance of revealing it. The cavity can hold an object up to the size of a pistol and is opened and shut by the user’s mental command.


  • Combat
    • Energy 2
    • Gunnery 1
    • Primitive 1
    • Projectile 3
    • Unarmed 0
  • Culture
    • Wolf 0
    • Spacer 0
  • Exosuit 1
  • Tech
    • Astronautics
  • Tactics 1
  • Leadership 1
  • Athletics 0
  • Perception 1
  • Stealth 0


(You guys are starting to be rich, powerful people, and are starting to accumulate a whole bunch of shit. Therefore, this section and the next are going to be kind of complicated)


  • Mechanical arm
  • Computer Aided Goggles (both from IC 258)


    • Armor: Armorerd Undersuit
    • Weapons:
      • Mag pistol in holdout compartment
      • Captain's Cutlass for formal events
    • Consumables:
    • Gear:
    • Weapons:
    • Consumables:
    • Gear: Commpad and Dataslab, 1000 credits in wallet.

Combat, vacuum locations[edit]


  • Enc: 5/9
  • Armor: Power Armor
  • Weapons:
    • Mag Rifle w/underslung grenade launcher and top mounted flashlight
    • Captain's Cutlass
    • Three grenades
  • Consumables:
    • Gear:
  • Low-light goggles


  • Enc: 11/18
  • Weapons:
    • Laser pistol w/loaded clip
    • Mag pistol w/loaded clip (holdout compartment)
  • Consumables:
    • Six clips for mag rifle
    • Three grenades
    • One clip of three grenades for launcher
    • One gallon of water
    • One day rations
  • Gear:
    • Backpack (T4)
    • Grapnel launcher
    • Rope (40 meters)
    • Three oxygen tanks


(This section is about material that you might or might not ever load into your Equipment. It may or may not always apply. Categories are examples only, do what makes sense for your character, excepting that I do want to know where your money is.)


  • Credits:
    • Credit Chips Carried: (If you're willing to have high denominations, you can carry a lot of money on your person)
    • Electronic Credits Carried: 10,000 credits
    • Stowed: (I assume you guys have little safes in your cabins on the ship)
    • (Deposit A): 100,000 credits
    • (Deposit B):


  • One share in Auspicious Enterprises


  • (If you have some other big thing, list it here)


  • (Custom cars, mecha, whatever)