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Pray to the Gods and you may just get your wish. Hopefully. Miracle practitioners are the main way the Gods directly influence their followers. Often times a person who works such acts is called a saint, but even they can't always be as reliable as they like. As such miracle working is possibly the worst understood aspect of magic, with some debating that it isn't truly so. Miracles generally affect a small area or locale of people and make their lives just a little bit better.

=Spontaneous Magic=
=Spontaneous Magic=
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Roir is the thread of the Aetherworld responsible for Life. Its magicians practice spells that soothe beasts, grow plants, wells flow, and rain fall.  
Roir is the thread of the Aetherworld responsible for Life. Its magicians practice spells that soothe beasts, grow plants, wells flow, and rain fall.  
==Thread of Cosmos, Draer==
==Thread of Cosmos, Draer==
Draer is the thread of the Aetherworld responsible for the Cosmos. It is the sky, the wind, and lightning. The magicians of Draer summon such things, and some say can even turn Noc into Day.
Draer is the thread of the Aetherworld responsible for the Cosmos. It is the sky, the wind, and lightning. The magicians of Draer are even said to be the ones that make the stars twinkle and fall from the sky. Draer also has a slight aspect of telling the future through certain omens in the sky as they think they are written.
Example Spells: Foresight, Gust, Sky Message, Starfall, Doom, Electrify, Phantom Hand.
==Thread of Knowledge, Chevo==
==Thread of Knowledge, Chevo==
Chevo is the thread of the Aetherworld responsible for Truth. Truth is inherent in all things. It is the way things should be. Its magicians generally right wrongs and are very popular with the downtrodden.
Chevo is the thread of the Aetherworld responsible for Truth. Truth is inherent in all things. It is the way things should be. Its magicians generally right wrongs and are very popular with the downtrodden.

Latest revision as of 23:35, 25 August 2015

Magic is the weaving of the threads of the world and aether to make spells. There are two main ways of performing magic; Ceremonial, and Spontaneous casting.

Ceremonial Magic[edit]

This form of magic can be done by anyone with the right know-how, materials, and determination. They are not always predictable, effective or immediate in their application. They take preparation, and some have a very limited scope.


Ritualism is the art of preparing grand spells that change vast and important things in the world. Rituals generally use a circle, but they are not necessary. Most rituals are also never undertaken alone and require a large amount of time and willpower. Material components are almost always necessary in some form or function, but not every ritual would destroy the objects unless the ritual calls for their destruction. NEVER STOP A RITUAL BEFORE IT IS COMPLETED

Rituals can be done by anyone with the proper knowledge. For instance, a group of villagers are afraid of a blight attacking their harvest, and so they gather in the middle of town in a great circle with hands ajoined. They offer up part of the early harvest in burnt offerings to Calmainn, and recite prayers so that Calmainn's body would remain strong against the blight. The local priest of the order would lead them in this ritual for a couple of hours to make sure everything was done right and in a way accordant to Calmainn.


Shamanism is an art that is still not that well known. It is mostly a more barbarous form of Ritualism, in that it doesn't require a circle, but rather it uses the body as the vessel to affect things. Shamanism always requires a component to be destroyed to gather the "spirits" into the body to affect the change that was desired. Somatic and verbal components are probably the most important aspects to shamanism, and require long bouts of dancing and singing, generally in tongues.

A town is suffering from a drought brought about by a long summer. Some of the towns burghers are afraid that with the water rationing they won't be able to sustain their orchards and herds. The town Guild Master, Arhara, has heard rumors of a shaman that brings the waters with him wherever he may go, Arhara sought him out and found him living in a cave. Arhara swore as payment to the greasy man, his daughter's hand in marriage and 100 gold pieces. The shaman agreed, and after the wedding ceremony and payment the next day, began a dance and song that lasted 14 hours. He began to cry blood and walked around the town and the surrounding areas, leaving a trail of behind him. A week later, a great storm brewed over the marked areas and half a meter of water flooded the lands, destroying the town and orchards, drowning the poor cattle. The town's inhabitants led by Arhara hunted the shaman, but alas, he absconded with his wife and payment, never to be seen again - An old song of Arhara.


Alchemy is the most studied of all the practices. Alchemy applies itself rigorously like a true science. A simple circle is not enough for an alchemist to work his craft. He needs diagrams and secret symbols as his markings in and out the many shapes. The ingredients are also very important, and are always consumed and meted out a new substance. To activate the circle, the practitioner needs to envision what the circle does, and what he will do with the ingredient. They then channel the idea and touch the circle. Within seconds the change is affected.

A church's most prized stained glass window was broken by some heretic vandals. The local alchemist, a staunch supporter of the church, offers his services to repair the glass window. Repairs are simple enough to anybody who could call themselves an alchemist. He needs the whole window to be extracted and all of the broken pieces to be assembled into a circle large enough to house the original window. A image of what the window looked like before it was destroyed and some surplus materials to fill in any gaps. The alchemist touches the circle and the pieces come together back into its pristine form once again. Now it just has to be placed back into the frame.


Pray to the Gods and you may just get your wish. Hopefully. Miracle practitioners are the main way the Gods directly influence their followers. Often times a person who works such acts is called a saint, but even they can't always be as reliable as they like. As such miracle working is possibly the worst understood aspect of magic, with some debating that it isn't truly so. Miracles generally affect a small area or locale of people and make their lives just a little bit better.

Spontaneous Magic[edit]

Casting Spontaneous Magic is not a skill that one can simply learn, only true magicians can perform such spells. Spontaneous Magic is cast with a mix of somaticism, arcane language and optionally a focus item.

Magicians generally focus their study and ability on one thread of the Aetherworld

Thread of Life, Roir[edit]

Roir is the thread of the Aetherworld responsible for Life. Its magicians practice spells that soothe beasts, grow plants, wells flow, and rain fall.

Thread of Cosmos, Draer[edit]

Draer is the thread of the Aetherworld responsible for the Cosmos. It is the sky, the wind, and lightning. The magicians of Draer are even said to be the ones that make the stars twinkle and fall from the sky. Draer also has a slight aspect of telling the future through certain omens in the sky as they think they are written.

Example Spells: Foresight, Gust, Sky Message, Starfall, Doom, Electrify, Phantom Hand.

Thread of Knowledge, Chevo[edit]

Chevo is the thread of the Aetherworld responsible for Truth. Truth is inherent in all things. It is the way things should be. Its magicians generally right wrongs and are very popular with the downtrodden.

Example spells: All Healing, Detection, Banish, Turn Undead, Unsummon, Purify, Detect Evil, Derive, Smite.

Thread of Earth, Acar[edit]

Acar is the thread of Acareyn itself. It focuses on metals and the ground of the world.

Thread of Time, Sora[edit]

Sora is the thread of time and death. It steadily marches forward in all things. It is through Sora that all things occur.

Thread of Unknown, Präd[edit]

Präd is the thread of the Unknown. It governs the mists, the dark, and secrets. Magicians specializing in it end the Day, blind the wise, and find the unknown. Not all objects are unknown, but interestingly, Präd is relative. Secrets known to more than one person are still deep in Präd, but not to the people that know it.

Example spells: Obscure, Great Fog, Shadow walk, Bind, Daggers, Reveal, Invisibility, Illuminate.

Thread of Destruction, Isos[edit]

Isos is destruction in all its forms. Isos holds inherently that all objects have an amount of potential of destruction that can be unlocked. Most popularly is destruction through fire, but other effects can be achieved. Mountains can explode violently through volcanism, glaciers can be dissolved by Day, and men can be murdered.

Example spells include: Combust, Fireball, Eruption, Brighten, Quake, Typhoon.