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Character Sheet
Character NameTharkrina Bertasdottir
Player NameEthanSRDM
Current CareerStudent
Previous Career(s)
Aspiration(s)Make it big in a large city

Tharkrina is the youngest of four children, her family line having moved from Zhufbar due to a dispute within her clan. Of course, that was long enough ago compared to the history of the manlings that they might as well have been born here.

Tharkrina, or just Krina to most of Leicheberg, isn't what most people picture when they picture a dwarf. While the dwarf community of Leicheberg is as insular as most dwarf communities (in a town that's already insular), Tharkrina is outgoing and cheerful. She loves to chat with her fellow townsfolk, inbetween the studies and her tinkering.

That tinkering is largely why most of the town will be glad to see her go as part of the Outing. While they can't really fault her enthusiasm to improve the village, they do fault her results, like the pile of stones between the fields and town proper that was supposed to be the start of a defensive wall. Or the attempt to build a windmill. Even her fellow dwarfs seem convinced that she's doomed to suffer some great dishonor and take the Slayer's Vow.

In Tharkrina's mind, her future is one of an engineer. She just knows that she'll be able to make a whole host of new inventions that will help turn the tide against the greenskins, undead and Chaos! All she needs is more time, experience and study.


Tharkrina's family hails from the dwarf hold of Zhufbar on the shores of the Black Water lake. Of the circumstances that lead her mother and father to leave for a small town in the Empire are not something they choose to speak of. Dorin, her father, is a gruff, no nonsense man who served in the hold's army and has continued that job as part of Leicheberg's militia.

Her mother- Berta- is more friendly, and is officially the oldest shepard in the town, tending to her heard of sturdy mountain goats for milk and meat. She likes to tell the story of how she herded the original members of the herd through the World's Edge Mountains, fighting off orcs and other greenskins that tried to take them. How much of the tale is true vs not is something of a debate around town.

Of Tharkrina's three older siblings, two are sisters and one is a brother. The brother, Yori, is the eldest and the most restless aside from Tharkrina herself. He remains torn between his duty to his family and Leicheberg as another member of the militia and his desire to return to Zhufbar and join in the great attempt to reclaim the fallen dwarf holds. The conflict leaves him surly and standoffish to most, even other dwarfs.

Helga and Hunni are the middle children and are considered to be blessed by the Ancestor Gods amongst the dwarfs of Leicheberg as they were a rare twin birth. The pair are quiet, mostly helping their mother with tending the herd, though Helga has shown a talent for drawing runes. Though there's some doubt if she'll ever do more with it than idly entertaining herself.

The family, and most dwarfs of Leicheberg, don't usually impress The Outing on their children. It is a manling tradition, practiced by a race not in decline and that can afford to be so reckless with their children. But Tharkrina's desire to become an engineer needs to be addressed. They largely feel that she'll work the recklessness out of her system, or go on to do something great.

Starting 21 39 24 25 41 42 35 41
Advancements +5 +5 +5 +5 +5* +5 +5
Current 21 39 24 25 41 47 35 41
Starting 1 9 2 2 4 0 0 2
Misc Modifiers +2
Current 1 9 2 2 4 0 0 2

Excellent Vision: +10 Perception and Lip Reading
Flee!: +1 M for 1d10 rounds
Night Vision: see in natural darkness 30 yards
Resistance to Chaos: +10 WP to resist magic and Chaos, immune to mutation. Can't be a spellcaster.
Savvy: +5 Int
Special Weapon: Sling


Academic Knowledge: Genealogy/History
Common Knowledge: Halflings
Gossip +10
Outdoor Survival
Scale Sheer Surface
Secret Signs: Ranger
Speak Language: Halfling, Reikspiel
Trade: Cook

Spells Known
Trappings & Money Gold Crowns (gc): 0
Silver Schillings (s): 0
Brass Pennies (p): 0
3 Torches
Hand Weapon: Hatchet (SB dmg)
ExperienceAvailable: 0px
Total Earned: 0px
XP Spent: