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'''Compassion Vice''': Alaji’s first betrothed was her third-cousin, and the two had attended schooling with each other since both their births.  Although Alaji wasn’t in love with him, she loved him all the same, and his assassination caused her to snap.  Although she continues being the nice, relatively friendly women she always was, she has no patience anymore for romance.  Marriage, seduction, lust- those she all understands and shows her usual compassion with, but anyone talking of love would be better off speaking to a wall.
'''Compassion Vice''': Alaji’s first betrothed was her third-cousin, and the two had attended schooling with each other since both their births.  Although Alaji wasn’t in love with him, she loved him all the same, and his assassination caused her to snap.  Although she continues being the nice, relatively friendly women she always was, she has no patience anymore for romance.  Marriage, seduction, lust- those she all understands and shows her usual compassion with, but anyone talking of love would be better off speaking to a wall.
* Gemstone of Surface Thoughts -- Allows her to read someone's surface thoughts; must concentrate and be within (essence x 10) yards.  She rolls (perception + awareness); the more successes achieved, the clearer the information.  A target who suspects can resist with (Wits + Integrity) for a contested roll.
* Gem of Perfection -- Allows bearer to ignore the effects of long-term injuries, scars, and birth defects.  Will cure paralysis and chronic pain, as well as regenerate limbs.  Does not allow bearer to ignore die penalities incurred during combat, but after a weak of healing any remaining penalities go away.  If the stone is lost, the ill effects of permanent injuries and defects return, although the limbs will remain.  (Basically, Alaji just uses to keep herself from being scarred.)
* Rose of Millions -- Grants five dice to all Presence and Performance pools, and with a successful Wits + Performance check (difficulty 3) she can seamlessly avoid embarassing or humiliating accidents or social errors.  It doesn't protect her from ridicule, though it does make such attacks seem grossly inappropriate and cruel to those who witness the exchange.
* Winged Messenger Bauble -- Takes the form of a small bauble (Alaji's is a brooch in the shape of a dragonfly).  When she needs a message delivered, she can channel a mote of Essence in to the brooch and animate it.  If the reciever of the message is a mile or less away from her, the bauble will fly off to find the recipent and speak the wearer's message or release the document it holds.  If a reply is requested, the messenger will say so, and then head back to Alaji with it's response.

Latest revision as of 21:42, 22 August 2006

Character Details[edit]

Name: V'neef Alaji
Concept: Disgraced Prodigy
Aspect: Wood (anima banner of vines, thorns, and flowers about to bloom)
Motivation: Become the best known musician on the Isle


  • the first daughter of a V'neef socialite and a Cynis hedonist
  • due to her looks and breeding was considered a favored child at birth
  • a musical prodigy, particularly with a pipa
  • quickly lost her favored status when she exalted with a 'lack of essence control' at eleven
  • attended the Spiral Academy and preformed miserably due to lack of any talent with guile
  • soon after her graduation, her husband-to-be was assassinated
  • was about to be sent to a satrap in the middle of nowhere to get her failure self out of the way
  • managed to delay her 'trip' with an impromptu performance that destroyed the stage but convinced much of the audience to buy an insane amount of V'neef wine
  • being used as a pawn by her family due to her skill with hidden petal aria method
  • currently the 'in thing' with jaded adolescent dynasts who think an anima out of control and property destruction is a new way to 'rebel against the parents!'
  • desperately trying to find a high bred husband to quickly marry so she can prove herself to her family
  • looking forward to taking a break from family troubles and doing what’s simply *fun* for a while


  • can function on her own relatively well, but craves company and support
  • overly friendly- sometimes so much that it makes other suspicious
  • has a temper said to be 'worthy of a fire aspect' that she tries to hide
  • prone to brooding over things that can't be helped, and can be self-centered about it
  • can be smothering when it comes to people she cares about
  • prone to obsession and has difficulty letting things go
  • sort of wishes she could just hang out and live the stereotypical hedonist life but is too in love with music to let things go that way
  • likes simply enjoying the small things and taking her time with life
  • has no idea what she’s going to do after she proves herself more useful and not just a pawn, but figures she can decide along the way

Apperance: Ridiculously pretty. Wears her brown hair (vines are starting to grow in it, which she’s rather cheerful about it) at chin length, and has a somewhat androgynies figure (which she’s not very cheerful about). She tends to wear ‘classical’ designs, as she’s not good enough with money to keep up with the latest styles as fads come and go.


Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Charisma 4, Manipulation 1, Appearance 5
Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4


Caste: Archery 3 (powerbow), Medicine 2, Performance 5 (playing pipa), Ride 2, Survival 1
Favored: Presence 4, Socialize 4, Integrity 3
Other: Linguistics 2 (High Realm, Low Realm, Old Realm), Lore 2, Awareness 2, War 1, Dodge 3, Melee 1, Larceny 2, Martial Arts 2



Artifact 3

  • Short Powerbow (Core)
  • Hearthstone Amulet (Core)
  • Discreet Essence Armour (WotLA)
  • Winged Messenger Bauble (WotLA) (She keeps the existence of it a secret, for fear Immaculate monks will come after her for it being orichalcum- it was a gift from an anonymous admirer, and she thought it would be rude to refuse it (and she thinks the brooch is gorgeous).)

Breeding 6

Manse 4

  • Rose of Millions (Aspect Book Wood) (in amulet)
  • Gemstone of Surface Thoughts (Core) (in powerbow (occasionally amulet if she knows she won’t have to perform at a party))
  • Gem of Perfection (Book of 3 Circles) (in armor)

Reputation 1 (known for being a decent and somewhat unique musician)

Resources 2


  • First Dodge Excellency
  • First Archery Excellency
  • First Performance Excellency
  • Auspicious First Meeting Technique
  • Hidden Petal Aria Method
  • Vibrating Strings Defense
  • Invisible Street Performance Technique

Rival 3, Beacon of Power, Compassion Vice (Matters of the Heart), Legendary Breeding

Compassion 3, Temperance 1, Conviction 3, Valor 2
Willpower 6
Essence 3 (15 pers, 35 perph, making one pool of 50- if all artifacts are attuned then she’s down 10 motes)


Rival(/Enemy) 3: Although Alaji has long since gone from being a favored child to a quietly tolerated disgrace, there are still those who remember her former status. Particularly her eldest brother, who was once considered the family’s favored. He blames her for his loss in status, and enjoys being able to strike at someone who can’t strike back- Alaji is his lesser in perhaps everything but music, and it seems he sees through every attempt she makes to get back at him. Although he’s never acted against her directly, any ally she tries to find in her quest to raise her status in her house seems to turn on her days later, and she’s noticed that any time she seems to have a hook on a marriage prospect the person suddenly rejects her family’s negotiations, is quickly married off to someone else, or in one case, turned up dead. It’s come to the point when Alaji has decided she needs to deal with him, one way or another, although she’s aware she can’t do it alone.

Compassion Vice: Alaji’s first betrothed was her third-cousin, and the two had attended schooling with each other since both their births. Although Alaji wasn’t in love with him, she loved him all the same, and his assassination caused her to snap. Although she continues being the nice, relatively friendly women she always was, she has no patience anymore for romance. Marriage, seduction, lust- those she all understands and shows her usual compassion with, but anyone talking of love would be better off speaking to a wall.


  • Gemstone of Surface Thoughts -- Allows her to read someone's surface thoughts; must concentrate and be within (essence x 10) yards. She rolls (perception + awareness); the more successes achieved, the clearer the information. A target who suspects can resist with (Wits + Integrity) for a contested roll.
  • Gem of Perfection -- Allows bearer to ignore the effects of long-term injuries, scars, and birth defects. Will cure paralysis and chronic pain, as well as regenerate limbs. Does not allow bearer to ignore die penalities incurred during combat, but after a weak of healing any remaining penalities go away. If the stone is lost, the ill effects of permanent injuries and defects return, although the limbs will remain. (Basically, Alaji just uses to keep herself from being scarred.)
  • Rose of Millions -- Grants five dice to all Presence and Performance pools, and with a successful Wits + Performance check (difficulty 3) she can seamlessly avoid embarassing or humiliating accidents or social errors. It doesn't protect her from ridicule, though it does make such attacks seem grossly inappropriate and cruel to those who witness the exchange.
  • Winged Messenger Bauble -- Takes the form of a small bauble (Alaji's is a brooch in the shape of a dragonfly). When she needs a message delivered, she can channel a mote of Essence in to the brooch and animate it. If the reciever of the message is a mile or less away from her, the bauble will fly off to find the recipent and speak the wearer's message or release the document it holds. If a reply is requested, the messenger will say so, and then head back to Alaji with it's response.