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The Raven King is an alternative pre-industrial imagining of the Mad City for the <u>[http://orokos.com/roll/471539 Don't Rest Your Head]</u> RPG (Fred Hicks/Evil Hat). The Mad City that was before the Mad City that is. Or one of them, anyway. Some of the Nightmares and Regions of the city will be recognizable for what they will become, but younger, less refined versions of themselves. Some will feel utterly alien, at the height of their power, but no longer known powers or places in the City that is.
Below are some supplemental rules that I use when running DRYH games in the Raven King setting. Otherwise refer to the rules as written in the DRYH core book.
==Beacon [pp 2]==
When a sleeper Awakens his presence is felt and known by the major Nightmares of the Mad city. They become aware of the Awake. This is somewhat more specifically defined in the Raven King setting. Boss Nightmares can sense an Awake from anywhere within the Mad City (even if the Awake is in the City Slumbering). Lieutenants can typically sense the Awake within their own region of the Mad City, and Minions can sense them only when actually confronting the Awake.
'''The Call -''' Some minions in the Raven King setting can be briefly manipulated as outlined in their description and the Awake are able to call local minions to them by 'flashing' their beacon within the Mad City. This will summon the nearest minion type to the Awake's location. If multiple minions are clustered together, they all come calling. The Awakened must defeat the Minion(s) to make use of them (as per their description). Pain is low for minions as a general rule, but should Pain dominate the Awake's Beacon flares to the heavens, alerting every Nightmare in the region to their exact location.
==Helping [pp 24-25]==
'''Discipline Cap -''' The rules-as-written allow any character to lend their 3 discipline dice to the main protagonist's roll, affecting the total number of successes but not the strength of the roll. In the Raven King setting, the total number of ''donated'' discipline dice cannot exceed the the combined number of Exhaustion and Madness dice in the main protagonist's pool for that roll (the main protagonist's discipline dice are not counted against this comparison, only donated dice). So if the main protagonist has two exhaustion dice in his pool and three madness the most dice e is able to make use of from other players would be 5. Individual characters are still limited by their total number of discipline dice as to what they can individually contribute.
As per the rules-as-written, anyone who helps is subject to the consequences if Pain, Madness, or Discipline dominate.
'''Coins of Despair -''' When Pain dominates, the GM gains a Coin of Despair for ''each'' protagonist participating in the action. [Note: This hack is primarily in place to escalate the coin currency and ensure the players end up with enough Coins of Hope to keep their characters from prematurely teetering over the edge].

Latest revision as of 23:52, 19 January 2017