Halcyon Sheroes:Belts: Difference between revisions

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| Saviour
| Saviour
| +0
| +1
| Superior
| Superior
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| Mundane
| Mundane
| +0
| -1

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**Kirby-Craft:** You have a vehicle, something from your home. When you are flying your ship, you can use it to unleash your powers, directly engage a threat, or defend someone using Superior.
'''Kirby-Craft:''' You have a vehicle, something from your home. When you are flying your ship, you can use it to unleash your powers, directly engage a threat, or defend someone using Superior.

Strengths: Fast & maneuverable, powerful weaponry, regenerating, size-shifting
Strengths: Fast & maneuverable, powerful weaponry, size-shifting

Weaknesses: Bizarre fuel source, susceptible to <UNDETERMINED WEAKNESS>, easily detectable
Weaknesses: Bizarre fuel source, susceptible to <UNDETERMINED WEAKNESS>, easily detectable

**Alien Tech:** When you alter a human device with your alien technology, roll + Freak. On a hit, you create a device that can do something impossible once and then fizzle.
'''Alien Tech:''' When you alter a human device with your alien technology, roll + Freak. On a hit, you create a device that can do something impossible once and then fizzle.

When you roll a 10+, choose one:
When you roll a 10+, choose one:
- it works exceptionally well
* it works exceptionally well
- you get an additional use out of it
* you get an additional use out of it
On a miss, the device works, but it has a completely unintended side effect that the GM will reveal when you use it.
On a miss, the device works, but it has a completely unintended side effect that the GM will reveal when you use it.

**The Best of Them:** When you comfort or support someone by telling them how they exemplify the best parts of Earth, roll + Freak instead of + Mundane.
'''The Best of Them:''' When you comfort or support someone by telling them how they exemplify the best parts of Earth, roll + Freak instead of + Mundane.
'''Not so different after all:''' When you talk about your home, roll + Freak. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one. During the conversation,
* confess a flaw of your home; add 1 Team to the pool
* mislead them about your home; take Influence over them
* describe the glories of your home; clear a condition
On a miss, you inadvertently reveal more about yourself than you planned; tell them a secret or vulnerability you haven’t shared with Earthlings before now.


'''When did you first put on the mask? Why?'''  
'''Where do you come from?'''
I first put on my mask in my bathroom. My boyfriend was trying to convince me to take up being a hero - you know, helping people. Saving them. Like I saved him. He worked really hard on the mask, so I wore it to humour him. Then I started to wear it for real.
I am of the Flotilla, a race of intelligent starships who wander the vast astronomical sea of the galaxy. The physical component of my being is a small human-fist-sized crystal, but in interstellar space it is enveloped in a vast beautiful enclosure of fields and hard-light constructs. Out in the "open waters" of galactic space, my true form is almost an eighth of an AU in length counting from the outermost extent of my field enclosure. Within the solar system, my size is much reduced due in part to the sun's gravity well as well as the nature of space within the heliosphere.
Why do you keep a secret identity?'''
'''Why did you come to Earth?'''
To protect my fiancé. To protect my classmates. And...to protect myself because of the way my powers work. My mask is an armour that helps me keep the things I care about safe. Because I don't know if I could shield them on my own.  
I crashed!
My companionkin and I were playing when a strangelet spray knocked me out of the pod's slipstream halo and I crashed in the ocean. Disabled by the crash, I entered a hibernation mode which spanned several hundred of earth's solar revolutions. SOme time during Earth's 19th century, I began picking up artificial electromagnetic signals, coherent radiation conveying all sorts of meaning. It roused me, and, upon awakening, I spent some time absorbing the electromagnetic signals of this world, learning the language and customs of the intelligent beings who called it home.
'''Why do you want to stay here (for now at least)?'''
I miss my family, I do. And I miss wandering the stars. But this place, these mayfly beings with their fascinating culture and their dreams of being so much more....
They're adorable.
'''Why do your people want you to come home?'''
After I awoke, the first thing I tried to do was catch up to the pod. Even my fascination with Earth was not enough to keep me from finding my family.
But, as young as I am, I am unable to make the conversion to interstellar space unassisted. Outside of a pod's slipstream enclosure, a juvenile cannot maintain the necessary gradient to travel between stars.

'''Who, outside of the team, knows about your dual identity?'''
I was trapped.
Jacob Jackson, my fiancé. He was the one who convinced me to take up being a hero in the first place. He got me set up with my costume and everything! I hope he made it all by himself...

'''Who thinks the worst of your masked identity?'''
Just outside of my reach, there is a songbeacon left there by the Flotilla. They say they are sorry they could not find me before they set back off into space. They say that they love me, and that the hole in the pod will never be filled.

Every second, of every day, I can hear that song.

'''Why do you care about the team?'''  
'''Why do you care about the team?'''  
Panacea convinced me that we couldn't do this hero thing alone. I don't think that's why she set the team up, but I wasn't going to leave her out in the cold. But you know? They're good people. Probably better suited to this than I am. But they need someone to keep their head in the game. And maybe that someone is me...

=When Our Team First Came Together=
=When Our Team First Came Together=
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I look up to my teammates; they seem to have this superhero thing figured out.  
If you’re cheerful, you’re thrilled to be here. Give everyone Influence over you.

'''Who has Influence over me...'''
'''Who has Influence over me...'''
* Panacea  
Chains, Faith, Panacea, She-Roach, Stray
* She-Roach

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Every time you roll a Miss on a move, mark Potential.
Every time you roll a Miss on a move, mark Potential.

[]  []  []  []  []
[X]  [X]  []  []  []

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When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.
When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.

* [X] Take another move from your playbook.
* [] Take another move from your playbook.  
* [] Take another move from your playbook.  
* [] Take another move from your playbook.
* [] Take a move from another playbook.
* [] Take a move from another playbook.
* [] Take a move from another playbook.
* [] Someone permanently loses Influence over you; add +1 to a Label.
* [] Someone permanently loses Influence over you; add +1 to a Label.
* [] Change your Mask's Label; add +1 to your Mask's new Label.
* [] Rearrange your Labels as you choose and add +1 to a Label.
* [] Unlock your Moment of Truth.
* [] Unlock your Moment of Truth.
* [] Take '''Drives''' from the Beacon's playbook.
* [] Choose two new abilities from any playbook as you come into your own
* [] You adopt a human life; take Secret Identity and The Mask from the Janus playbook

'''When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.'''
'''When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.'''

Latest revision as of 02:14, 10 August 2017

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Hero Name: Belts

Real Name: What Do You Mean You Didn't Buy the Seatbelts?!

Abilities: Flight, Toughness, Radical Shapeshifting, Alien Weaponry

Moment of Truth[edit]

You embrace your home and call them for aid. They will answer your call—in force!—arriving exactly when you need them to turn the tide. They fight and serve you for the rest of the battle. Of course, when all is said and done...they’d probably like to take you home with them. You did, after all, just prove yourself worthy.

Labels Rating
Danger -1
Freak +2
Saviour +1
Superior +2
Mundane -1


[ ] Afraid (-2 to Directly Engage a Threat)

[ ] Angry (-2 to Comfort or Support or Pierce the Mask)

[ ] Guilty (-2 to Provoke Someone or Assess the Situation)

[ ] Hopeless (-2 to Unleash Your Powers)

[ ] Insecure (-2 to Defend Someone or Reject Others' Influence)

Team Moves[edit]

When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, take Influence over them if you show them meaningful affection, physical or emotional. They decide if it’s meaningful.

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, they tell you what you should do to fit in more. Take +1 forward to do it, and mark potential if you do.


Kirby-Craft: You have a vehicle, something from your home. When you are flying your ship, you can use it to unleash your powers, directly engage a threat, or defend someone using Superior.

Strengths: Fast & maneuverable, powerful weaponry, size-shifting

Weaknesses: Bizarre fuel source, susceptible to <UNDETERMINED WEAKNESS>, easily detectable

Alien Tech: When you alter a human device with your alien technology, roll + Freak. On a hit, you create a device that can do something impossible once and then fizzle.

When you roll a 10+, choose one:

  • it works exceptionally well
  • you get an additional use out of it

On a miss, the device works, but it has a completely unintended side effect that the GM will reveal when you use it.

The Best of Them: When you comfort or support someone by telling them how they exemplify the best parts of Earth, roll + Freak instead of + Mundane.

Not so different after all: When you talk about your home, roll + Freak. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one. During the conversation, you:

  • confess a flaw of your home; add 1 Team to the pool
  • mislead them about your home; take Influence over them
  • describe the glories of your home; clear a condition

On a miss, you inadvertently reveal more about yourself than you planned; tell them a secret or vulnerability you haven’t shared with Earthlings before now.


Where do you come from? I am of the Flotilla, a race of intelligent starships who wander the vast astronomical sea of the galaxy. The physical component of my being is a small human-fist-sized crystal, but in interstellar space it is enveloped in a vast beautiful enclosure of fields and hard-light constructs. Out in the "open waters" of galactic space, my true form is almost an eighth of an AU in length counting from the outermost extent of my field enclosure. Within the solar system, my size is much reduced due in part to the sun's gravity well as well as the nature of space within the heliosphere.

Why did you come to Earth? I crashed!

My companionkin and I were playing when a strangelet spray knocked me out of the pod's slipstream halo and I crashed in the ocean. Disabled by the crash, I entered a hibernation mode which spanned several hundred of earth's solar revolutions. SOme time during Earth's 19th century, I began picking up artificial electromagnetic signals, coherent radiation conveying all sorts of meaning. It roused me, and, upon awakening, I spent some time absorbing the electromagnetic signals of this world, learning the language and customs of the intelligent beings who called it home.

Why do you want to stay here (for now at least)? I miss my family, I do. And I miss wandering the stars. But this place, these mayfly beings with their fascinating culture and their dreams of being so much more....

They're adorable.

Why do your people want you to come home? After I awoke, the first thing I tried to do was catch up to the pod. Even my fascination with Earth was not enough to keep me from finding my family.

But, as young as I am, I am unable to make the conversion to interstellar space unassisted. Outside of a pod's slipstream enclosure, a juvenile cannot maintain the necessary gradient to travel between stars.

I was trapped.

Just outside of my reach, there is a songbeacon left there by the Flotilla. They say they are sorry they could not find me before they set back off into space. They say that they love me, and that the hole in the pod will never be filled.

Every second, of every day, I can hear that song.

Why do you care about the team? ???????????

When Our Team First Came Together[edit]

We saved Carol Nicolas, one of AEGIS' directors from a sticky situation involving a falling helicopter, a mysterious malfunction, and the ever-present threat of gravity. But as luck would have it, we were right on scene!


  • Panacea knew me from my civilian life first!
  • I refused to tell Stray my secret identity. Like, I get you're enthusiastic about all this, but I'm big on the privacy. Sorry!


If you’re cheerful, you’re thrilled to be here. Give everyone Influence over you.

Who has Influence over me... Chains, Faith, Panacea, She-Roach, Stray


Every time you roll a Miss on a move, mark Potential.

[X] [X] [] [] []


When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.

  • [X] Take another move from your playbook.
  • [] Take another move from your playbook.
  • [] Take a move from another playbook.
  • [] Someone permanently loses Influence over you; add +1 to a Label.
  • [] Rearrange your Labels as you choose and add +1 to a Label.
  • [] Unlock your Moment of Truth.
  • [] Choose two new abilities from any playbook as you come into your own
  • [] You adopt a human life; take Secret Identity and The Mask from the Janus playbook

When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.

  • [] Unlock your Moment of Truth after it’s been used once.
  • [] Change playbooks.
  • [] Take an adult move.
  • [] Take an adult move.
  • [] Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice.
  • [] Retire from the life or become a paragon of the city.