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==Anjesa Mataragne "The Silver Fox"==
==Anjeza Mataranga "The Silver Fox"==

'''Refresh:''' 2
'''Refresh''': 5

'''Current FP:''' 3
'''Fate Points''': 5
'''Physical Stress''' (Silver Fox Mode): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
'''Mental Stress''' (Action Mode): [ ] [ ] [ ]


[[File:Anjeza Mataranga the Silver Fox.jpg]]
== Background ==
Nationality: Albanian<br>
Religion: (not very pious) Muslim<br>
Gender: Female<br>
Age: 25 years<br>
'''Appearance and Demeanor''': Anjeza is an attractive, slim, athletic woman, with long, curling blond hair. She dresses in fashionable swashbuckling gear—a wide-brimmed hat with a feather, a cloak, low-cut blouse and closely fitted coat, tight-fitting trousers and high boots, all of the highest quality. At her side, she wears Steel Fang, the traditional blade of the Silver Foxes. She generally has a wide, friendly smile on her face. Her demeanor is one of good cheer and boundless energy and self-confidence. She is at her best under pressure, to the point where she actively seeks out danger. Leave her with nothing to do and she will get anxious and agitated.
'''Character Background'''
Anjeza Mataranga, the eldest child of Gjovani and Afrodita Mataranga, was born into the aristocracy of Albania. Her parents tried to raise her to be a proper lady and aristocrat, but never entirely succeeded—from her earliest years, she was a tomboy, a free spirit and too energetic for her various nannies and governesses to easily control, constantly getting into escapades and trouble. Her parents had a strong sense of noblesse oblige and were actively involved in charitable activities to uplift the poor of Albania. This was a lesson Anjeza did take to—she developed a strong concern for the well-being of those not as fortunate as her.
When she reached her late teens, Gjovani and Afrodita sent Anjeza to Paris to study. Like many aristocratic youth, she focused more on carousing than she did on her books. Unlike many aristocratic youth, she took an interest in the poor of Paris, seeking out taverns where the poor went, talking to people about their lives, and leaving anonymous gifts for those in need. In between her studies, she also toured Europa, seeing the major cities and great sights. It was during this period that one of the Cubs of the Silver Fox made contact with her and she was inducted into the Order of the Silver Fox. She took immediately to the idea of becoming a social bandit, defying the high and mighty to help the poor and downtrodden—it combined the noblesse oblige she learned from her parents with her own rebellious, trouble-making personality. As she underwent training, it became clear that she was a natural at both burglary and fencing. Eventually, the Master of the Order of the Silver Fox, Bernardo Durante, the current Silver Fox, began training her directly. He was nearing the age he wanted to retire and saw Anjeza as a natural successor. After several years of training, he stepped down as the Silver Fox (while remaining Master of the Order) and passed the Silver Fang, the heirloom blade of the Silver Foxes, on to Anjeza.
Shortly after, she returned home to Albania, where her parents began trying to properly train her to succeed her father as head of the Mataranga family. She went along with it, but acted as the Silver Fox in secret. It was not long before she made a rookie mistake. Returning home to her parents’ estate, she got lazy and her cover as the Silver Fox was blown. She tried to explain to her horrified parents that she was following in their footsteps by helping the poor, but, while the Matarangas believed in charity, they did not believe in rebellion against the established order. They called the royal guard to arrest their daughter. Anjeza managed to escape in the ensuing chaos, but her cover as the Silver Fox was blown and her identity as such was spread all over Europa. An outlaw in her home country, she fled Albania—but the law in other places can hardly be expected to be friendly to her.
This was not the first time the Silver Fox’s secret identity had been blown. In the past, when this had happened, the Silver Fox was expected to seek out a worthy successor from within the Order of the Silver Fox and pass the mantle onto them, while going into semi-retirement to train other members of the Order. Anjeza has hardly had time to do such a thing and, having only recently come into the mantle of the Silver Fox, is reluctant to give it up. On top of this, her younger brother Korab (and now heir to the family’s titles and estates), has taken it upon himself to track her down and try to bring her to justice to restore the family’s honor.
'''The Order of the Silver Fox'''
As the Silver Fox, Anjeza is a swashbuckling social bandit, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. But she is not the first Silver Fox--far from it. There is a long lineage of Silver Foxes, each one trained by the previous one, all as part of the larger Order of the Silver Fox. The Silver Foxes are notorious throughout Europa as a result, as are their followers, the Cubs of the Silver Fox. They are trained in a secret school by the current or most recently retired Silver Fox. The current Silver Fox serves as a figurehead and role model to inspire the others in their individual social banditry. The Silver Foxes are supposed to protect the weak from oppression and make life difficult for the wealth and power, especially those who abuse their wealth and power. Some Silver Foxes have focused more on helping the poor, others on simply causing trouble for the wealthy and powerful. Regardless, they are hated by the aristocracy across Europa.
'''The Code of the Silver Fox''':<br>
• '''Justice''': The Silver Fox is a champion of the poor and the oppressed, defending them from the powerful and redistributing the wealth to them.<br>
• '''Rebellion''': The Silver Fox is a foe of all those who would oppress others and seeks to make those in power uncomfortable.<br>
• '''Generosity''': The Silver Fox will not keep what they steal beyond what they need to live and support their activities as the Silver Fox, but give it to others in need. The Silver Fox will always help someone suffering from injustice and will never turn away those in need of aid.<br>
• '''Courage''': Since danger seeks the Silver Fox out, the Silver Fox never shies away from danger.<br>
• '''Charisma''': The Silver Fox serves as a beacon and inspiration to others, showing what a life dedicated to championing justice and rebellion is like.<br>
• '''Honor''': The Silver Fox may lie and deceive others, but when the Silver Fox gives their word, it is their bond. They may never break an oath.<br>
• '''Mercy''': The Silver Fox is never cruel, even to their foes. If an enemy asks for mercy, the Silver Fox must grant it.<br>


'''Concept ''': Swashbuckling Social Bandit
'''Concept Aspect: Swashbuckling Social Bandit'''<br>
o '''Invoke''' when engaged in swashbuckling combat, deeds of derring-do, or theft, especially theft to help the poor and the downtrodden.<br>
o '''Compel''' when the flamboyant, large-than-life style of a swashbuckler or activities of a social bandit would draw Anjeza into trouble.<br>

'''Weird Mode:''' The Code of the Silver Fox
'''Weird Mode Aspect: The Code of the Silver Fox''': Like all members of the Order of the Silver Fox, Anjeza has sworn to follow their code. Indeed, as the Silver Fox, she is expected to model following the Code for other members of the Order, the Cubs of the Silver Fox.<br>
o '''Invoke''' when taking actions consistent with or to uphold the Code.<br>
o '''Compel''' when following the Code would draw Anjeza into trouble.<br>

'''Action Mode:''' Don’t Let Danger Seek You Out—Seek Out the Danger First
'''Action Mode Aspect: Don’t Let Danger Seek You Out—Seek Out the Danger First''': Anjeza’s Master, Bernardo Durante, taught her that you should never let danger catch you off guard. If you learn of trouble, you should try to meet it on your own terms. Given Anjeza’s thrill-seeking personality, she has interpreted this as a lesson never to flee danger, but to actively seek it out and challenge it.<br>
o '''Invoke''' when confronting danger, especially when Anjeza is doing so on her own terms.<br>
o '''Compel''' to get Anjeza to head into a dangerous situation instead of away from it.<br>

'''Intrigue Mode:''' Fall From Grace--Unmasked, Disowned, Outlawed and Exiled
'''Intrigue Mode Aspect: Fall From Grace--Unmasked, Disowned, Outlawed and Exiled''': Anjeza was born into the aristocracy, but has fallen from grace. She was raised to the position of the Silver Fox, but blew her cover. She has been unmasked as the Silver Fox, disowned by her own family, and is outlawed within and exiled from her own country. The law is after her. Her own family wants to bring her to justice. Ambitious Cubs of the Silver Fox want to challenge her for the right to the mantle of the Silver Fox.<br>
o '''Invoke''' when Anjeza’s experience growing up in the aristocracy would benefit her; or when her experience being an outlaw would do so.<br>
o '''Compel''' when agents of the law, bounty hunters, agents of her family (including her brother Korab), or rivals for the mantle of the Silver Fox seek her out to arrest or challenge her.<br>
• '''Omega Aspect: The Notoriety of the Silver Fox Proceeds He'''r: The Silver Fox has been around for centuries and has built up quite a reputation in that time.<br>
o '''Invoke''' in social situations when the Silver Fox’s reputation for great deeds or helping the poor would benefit Anjeza.<br>
o '''Compel''' in social situations when the Silver Fox’s reputation for being a rebel and an outlaw would cause trouble for Anjeza.

'''Omega:''' The Notoriety of the Silver Fox Proceeds Her

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'''Average (+1)''' Intrigue (Athletics, Burglary, Contacts, Deceive, Notice, Stealth) (9 points)
'''Average (+1)''' Intrigue (Athletics, Burglary, Contacts, Deceive, Notice, Stealth) (9 points)

===Trained Skills:===
===Trained Skills:===
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Combat (1 point)
Combat (1 point)

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'''Average (+1)''' Contacts, Deceive
'''Average (+1)''' Contacts, Deceive

'''Lightning Combat Reflexes''': In a physical conflict, you always act first.
'''Indomitable''': +2 to Will to Defend against Provoke attacks specifically related to intimidation and fear.

'''Rooftop Runner''': +2 to Overcome with Athletics if you are in a chase across rooftops or a similarly precarious environment.
'''Master Burglar''' (Absolute Burglary): Anjeza will always succeed at mundane Overcome actions with Burglary. She can get into and out of nearly anywhere with conventional security systems. Security systems created by Sparks may pose more of a challenge.<br>
• '''Weakness''': Anjeza can be compelled to steal something that is supposedly burglary-proof—or at least break in and prove she can steal it, even if she does not take the item in question.

'''Steel Fang''' Blade of the Silver Fox: +1 to Attack with Combat in melee; +2 shifts upon a successful attack.
'''Master Fencer''' (Mega-Stunt: 5 benefits):<br>
• '''Feint''': +2 to Combat to Create an Advantage when in armed melee combat.<br>
• '''Lightning Combat Reflexes''': In a physical conflict, you always act first. If someone else in the conflict has a stunt that gives them the same ability, make an Athletics roll to see who goes first.<br>
• '''Riposte''': If you succeed with style on a melee Combat Defense, you can choose to inflict a 2-shift hit rather than take a boost.<br>
• '''Swashbuckler’s Agility''': +2 to Athletics to Overcome physical obstacles to movement in combat.<br>
• '''Swashbuckler’s Speed''': You move two zones for free in a conflict without rolling, instead of one, provided there are no situation aspects restricting movement

'''Swashbuckler’s Agility''': You move two zones for free in a conflict without rolling, instead of one, provided there are no situation aspects restricting movement.
'''Rooftop Runner''': +2 to Overcome with Athletics if you are in a chase across rooftops or a similarly precarious environment.

'''Social Burglar''': +2 to Overcome with Burglary when breaking into the homes, fortresses, castles, businesses, and labs of the wealthy and/or powerful.
'''Steel Fang, Blade of the Silver Fox''': The heirloom sabre passed down from one Silver Fox to the next.  +1 to Attack with Combat in melee; +2 shifts upon a successful attack.


Latest revision as of 18:41, 8 April 2018

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Anjeza Mataranga "The Silver Fox"[edit]

Refresh: 5

Fate Points: 5

Physical Stress (Silver Fox Mode): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Mental Stress (Action Mode): [ ] [ ] [ ]



Nationality: Albanian
Religion: (not very pious) Muslim
Gender: Female
Age: 25 years
Appearance and Demeanor: Anjeza is an attractive, slim, athletic woman, with long, curling blond hair. She dresses in fashionable swashbuckling gear—a wide-brimmed hat with a feather, a cloak, low-cut blouse and closely fitted coat, tight-fitting trousers and high boots, all of the highest quality. At her side, she wears Steel Fang, the traditional blade of the Silver Foxes. She generally has a wide, friendly smile on her face. Her demeanor is one of good cheer and boundless energy and self-confidence. She is at her best under pressure, to the point where she actively seeks out danger. Leave her with nothing to do and she will get anxious and agitated.

Character Background

Anjeza Mataranga, the eldest child of Gjovani and Afrodita Mataranga, was born into the aristocracy of Albania. Her parents tried to raise her to be a proper lady and aristocrat, but never entirely succeeded—from her earliest years, she was a tomboy, a free spirit and too energetic for her various nannies and governesses to easily control, constantly getting into escapades and trouble. Her parents had a strong sense of noblesse oblige and were actively involved in charitable activities to uplift the poor of Albania. This was a lesson Anjeza did take to—she developed a strong concern for the well-being of those not as fortunate as her.

When she reached her late teens, Gjovani and Afrodita sent Anjeza to Paris to study. Like many aristocratic youth, she focused more on carousing than she did on her books. Unlike many aristocratic youth, she took an interest in the poor of Paris, seeking out taverns where the poor went, talking to people about their lives, and leaving anonymous gifts for those in need. In between her studies, she also toured Europa, seeing the major cities and great sights. It was during this period that one of the Cubs of the Silver Fox made contact with her and she was inducted into the Order of the Silver Fox. She took immediately to the idea of becoming a social bandit, defying the high and mighty to help the poor and downtrodden—it combined the noblesse oblige she learned from her parents with her own rebellious, trouble-making personality. As she underwent training, it became clear that she was a natural at both burglary and fencing. Eventually, the Master of the Order of the Silver Fox, Bernardo Durante, the current Silver Fox, began training her directly. He was nearing the age he wanted to retire and saw Anjeza as a natural successor. After several years of training, he stepped down as the Silver Fox (while remaining Master of the Order) and passed the Silver Fang, the heirloom blade of the Silver Foxes, on to Anjeza.

Shortly after, she returned home to Albania, where her parents began trying to properly train her to succeed her father as head of the Mataranga family. She went along with it, but acted as the Silver Fox in secret. It was not long before she made a rookie mistake. Returning home to her parents’ estate, she got lazy and her cover as the Silver Fox was blown. She tried to explain to her horrified parents that she was following in their footsteps by helping the poor, but, while the Matarangas believed in charity, they did not believe in rebellion against the established order. They called the royal guard to arrest their daughter. Anjeza managed to escape in the ensuing chaos, but her cover as the Silver Fox was blown and her identity as such was spread all over Europa. An outlaw in her home country, she fled Albania—but the law in other places can hardly be expected to be friendly to her.

This was not the first time the Silver Fox’s secret identity had been blown. In the past, when this had happened, the Silver Fox was expected to seek out a worthy successor from within the Order of the Silver Fox and pass the mantle onto them, while going into semi-retirement to train other members of the Order. Anjeza has hardly had time to do such a thing and, having only recently come into the mantle of the Silver Fox, is reluctant to give it up. On top of this, her younger brother Korab (and now heir to the family’s titles and estates), has taken it upon himself to track her down and try to bring her to justice to restore the family’s honor.

The Order of the Silver Fox

As the Silver Fox, Anjeza is a swashbuckling social bandit, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. But she is not the first Silver Fox--far from it. There is a long lineage of Silver Foxes, each one trained by the previous one, all as part of the larger Order of the Silver Fox. The Silver Foxes are notorious throughout Europa as a result, as are their followers, the Cubs of the Silver Fox. They are trained in a secret school by the current or most recently retired Silver Fox. The current Silver Fox serves as a figurehead and role model to inspire the others in their individual social banditry. The Silver Foxes are supposed to protect the weak from oppression and make life difficult for the wealth and power, especially those who abuse their wealth and power. Some Silver Foxes have focused more on helping the poor, others on simply causing trouble for the wealthy and powerful. Regardless, they are hated by the aristocracy across Europa.

The Code of the Silver Fox:
Justice: The Silver Fox is a champion of the poor and the oppressed, defending them from the powerful and redistributing the wealth to them.
Rebellion: The Silver Fox is a foe of all those who would oppress others and seeks to make those in power uncomfortable.
Generosity: The Silver Fox will not keep what they steal beyond what they need to live and support their activities as the Silver Fox, but give it to others in need. The Silver Fox will always help someone suffering from injustice and will never turn away those in need of aid.
Courage: Since danger seeks the Silver Fox out, the Silver Fox never shies away from danger.
Charisma: The Silver Fox serves as a beacon and inspiration to others, showing what a life dedicated to championing justice and rebellion is like.
Honor: The Silver Fox may lie and deceive others, but when the Silver Fox gives their word, it is their bond. They may never break an oath.
Mercy: The Silver Fox is never cruel, even to their foes. If an enemy asks for mercy, the Silver Fox must grant it.


Concept Aspect: Swashbuckling Social Bandit
o Invoke when engaged in swashbuckling combat, deeds of derring-do, or theft, especially theft to help the poor and the downtrodden.
o Compel when the flamboyant, large-than-life style of a swashbuckler or activities of a social bandit would draw Anjeza into trouble.

Weird Mode Aspect: The Code of the Silver Fox: Like all members of the Order of the Silver Fox, Anjeza has sworn to follow their code. Indeed, as the Silver Fox, she is expected to model following the Code for other members of the Order, the Cubs of the Silver Fox.
o Invoke when taking actions consistent with or to uphold the Code.
o Compel when following the Code would draw Anjeza into trouble.

Action Mode Aspect: Don’t Let Danger Seek You Out—Seek Out the Danger First: Anjeza’s Master, Bernardo Durante, taught her that you should never let danger catch you off guard. If you learn of trouble, you should try to meet it on your own terms. Given Anjeza’s thrill-seeking personality, she has interpreted this as a lesson never to flee danger, but to actively seek it out and challenge it.
o Invoke when confronting danger, especially when Anjeza is doing so on her own terms.
o Compel to get Anjeza to head into a dangerous situation instead of away from it.

Intrigue Mode Aspect: Fall From Grace--Unmasked, Disowned, Outlawed and Exiled: Anjeza was born into the aristocracy, but has fallen from grace. She was raised to the position of the Silver Fox, but blew her cover. She has been unmasked as the Silver Fox, disowned by her own family, and is outlawed within and exiled from her own country. The law is after her. Her own family wants to bring her to justice. Ambitious Cubs of the Silver Fox want to challenge her for the right to the mantle of the Silver Fox.
o Invoke when Anjeza’s experience growing up in the aristocracy would benefit her; or when her experience being an outlaw would do so.
o Compel when agents of the law, bounty hunters, agents of her family (including her brother Korab), or rivals for the mantle of the Silver Fox seek her out to arrest or challenge her.

Omega Aspect: The Notoriety of the Silver Fox Proceeds Her: The Silver Fox has been around for centuries and has built up quite a reputation in that time.
o Invoke in social situations when the Silver Fox’s reputation for great deeds or helping the poor would benefit Anjeza.
o Compel in social situations when the Silver Fox’s reputation for being a rebel and an outlaw would cause trouble for Anjeza.


Good (+3) Silver Fox (Athletics, Burglary, Combat, Physique, Rapport, Stealth, Will) (10 points)

Fair (+2) Action (Athletics, Combat, Notice, Physique, Provoke, Vehicles) (9 points)

Average (+1) Intrigue (Athletics, Burglary, Contacts, Deceive, Notice, Stealth) (9 points)

Trained Skills:[edit]

Burglary (1 point)

Combat (1 point)


Superb (+5) Athletics, Burglary, Combat

Great (+4) Physique, Stealth

Good (+3) Notice, Rapport, Will

Fair (+2) Provoke, Vehicles

Average (+1) Contacts, Deceive


Indomitable: +2 to Will to Defend against Provoke attacks specifically related to intimidation and fear.

Master Burglar (Absolute Burglary): Anjeza will always succeed at mundane Overcome actions with Burglary. She can get into and out of nearly anywhere with conventional security systems. Security systems created by Sparks may pose more of a challenge.
Weakness: Anjeza can be compelled to steal something that is supposedly burglary-proof—or at least break in and prove she can steal it, even if she does not take the item in question.

Master Fencer (Mega-Stunt: 5 benefits):
Feint: +2 to Combat to Create an Advantage when in armed melee combat.
Lightning Combat Reflexes: In a physical conflict, you always act first. If someone else in the conflict has a stunt that gives them the same ability, make an Athletics roll to see who goes first.
Riposte: If you succeed with style on a melee Combat Defense, you can choose to inflict a 2-shift hit rather than take a boost.
Swashbuckler’s Agility: +2 to Athletics to Overcome physical obstacles to movement in combat.
Swashbuckler’s Speed: You move two zones for free in a conflict without rolling, instead of one, provided there are no situation aspects restricting movement

Rooftop Runner: +2 to Overcome with Athletics if you are in a chase across rooftops or a similarly precarious environment.

Steel Fang, Blade of the Silver Fox: The heirloom sabre passed down from one Silver Fox to the next. +1 to Attack with Combat in melee; +2 shifts upon a successful attack.


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