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Nibiru, Feudal World of the Askellon Sector

Population: 2 million scattered across the planet's "black zones" along with a small uncounted mutant populace

Tithe Grade: Exactus Minoris

Geography: Unstable, volcanic, all air and water is polluted with ash

Government Type: A council of powerful feudal lords subservient to the planetary governess

Planetary Governor: Queen Insera Namine XI, First of Her Name

Adept Presence: A low amount of all major sub-divisions of the Adeptus Terra are present in numerous headquarters across the planet

Military: 621st Division of the Astra Militarium, along with a number of small private militia loyal to their feudal lords

Trade: Agriculture from the rich ash fields and a few small amounts of various industrial productions

Nibiru is a geologically-unstable world with multiple constantly active volcanoes. Most such volcanoes are of the low-ash type, so the air's breathable, but dense, sooty, and generally unpleasant for outsiders to breathe without a filter. It had an advanced local tech base and a population of several billion, and combined extensive tithe agriculture with medium industrial production. However the former planetary governor - Marquis Karo Raeven - fell to the insidious lure of Chaos and rebelled viciously against the Imperium under the orders of the daemon prince Dagoth Ur.

The war lasted a generation (though the mop-up is technically continuing), so Nibiru "only" lost 95% or so of its population and devastated much of the old infrastructure. The only places where the pre-war volcano channels and water purification plants still exist and are capable of supporting something like the old agriculture are the "black zones" (named for their thick black soil) where the most powerful feudal lords reside. The old major cities are all blasted ruins, of course.

Those mutated by constant exposure to the choking ash and geothermal radiation typically display ash-grey skin, tremendous physical strength, elongated bat-like ears, and the loss of their sight as the ocular area of their skull collapses inward - forcing the mutants to rely on a twisted version of echolocation to navigate. These poor creatures, termed "ash walkers" by the citizens, are shunned and driven to the very fringes of society to eke out a miserable survival amongst the blasted wastelands.