Firefly PotR:Dr Coppelia: Difference between revisions

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A veteran of the war (on the Independents side), "Zāihài" Jane Marta served as a sniper, hiding in the bush and generally harassing Alliance folks when she could. After the war, well, she retreated further into the bush and harassed Alliance folks a bit less. She'd come into town to trade critters she'd hunted for supplies she couldn't make herself. Which is all well and good, but trouble has a way of finding Zāihài Jane no matter how much she might not want to be found. One thing led to another and she ended up killing someone who needed killing. Problem was, not everyone saw it that way, and the person in question had friends. More acquaintances really. Colleagues of a sort. The kind with connections. Zāihài Jane could tell that this was going to snowball into one those situations if she didn't vamoose off planet. The kind of situation that ends with a town on fire, dozens of people dead, probably including her. Now if she could just find a ship that didn't mind a little trouble.

'''Home world:''' New Kasmir
Dr. Charity Coppelia is not real. She is a implanted personality. Whoever she really was vanished after repeated brainwashing and conditioning. The result of a project to create an assassin that could go deep undercover, and not even know she was an assassin. That ended after a raid on the facility where she was being reprogrammed with her latest personality. In the confusion she escaped, or more accurately wandered away. She had memories, but they were incomplete, of a life she had never lived. She found a wounded man in an alleyway and provided first aid. He offered to put in her contact with an underground clinic, since she had nowhere to go.
That began her life serving as a doctor for organized crime. A few months later, a rival gang hit the clinic. That was the first time one of her ghosts surfaced, fought back, and killed her attackers with a scalpel. When her allies found her, she was cowering in a corner, babbling about a mysterious woman who had shown up out of nowhere and saved her.
A year later, her patron was killed in a hit, and his rival took over. Dr. Copellia decided that she didn't want to work for him and managed to get a temporary berth as a ship's doctor, heading wherever it was going. Unfortunately for her, her current personality is a little too naive and trusting, so she often finds herself in bad situations, leading to her having to run away, and seek shelter somewhere new. Maybe the ''Righteous'' will be her new home?

Jane's not the most refined person, and doesn't have a lot of time for what she sees as the little niceties of civilization. Excepting tea. She's always happy to have a nice cup of tea. And a warm bath now and then works a treat on her old bones. People that expect to live off of others annoy her, unless of course there's a reason. Always got a soft spot for a charity case. She's a live and let live sort. But, well, if some fool thinks that means she'll just stand by while they cause trouble for other folks, they might find she can become a live and let die sort awful fast.

She didn't mind the Alliance when they were Over There, not Over Here. That said, her side lost, and she's not looking to kick up another war any time soon. But she can sometimes be right grumpy towards Alliance officials. And towards Alliance folk that don't properly appreciate why she might be grumpy.
A bit of an airhead, she seems almost perpetually puzzled and slow to recognize a dangerous situation. But she has a warm, gentle smile, and a kind heart. When she's treating injuries of diseases she tries to keep people as comfortable as possible. She empathetic to a fault and worries about people probably more than they worry about themselves. She likes cute things and can seem a little childish at times, despite being in her early 30s apparently.

Jane's in her late 40s and looks a little older. Being out in the sun and rain all the time tends to weather a person. Her hair's a steel gray, kept in a 1/4 inch buzz cut. She's lean, wiry, looks like she's made of rawhide, and stands just shy of 5'5". Fancy clothes don't fit her, so she most times sticks with well-worn green and browns and extra comfy boots. If she's hunting for real, she has a hooded camo poncho that she can throw on. Keeps the rain off too.
An attractive woman with a gentle expression, big blue eyes, and long blond hair, usually pulled back into a fluffy ponytail. She usually wears a simple but stylish skirt and blouse under a white lab coat.

'''Physical''' d10 '''Mental''' d8 '''Social''' d6
'''Physical''' d8 '''Mental''' d8 '''Social''' d8
'''One With the Shadows''' d8<br>
'''Mysterious Past''' d8
'''X''' Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8<br>
'''O''' Get in Position: If you replace your Sneak with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to your Sneak rating if your roll is successful.<br>
''You weren’t born to the life you’re livin’ now.''
'''X''' Sniper: Spend 1 PP to enter a scene hidden and in a position to do some harm. Take or step up a Complication representing a tenuous or precarious position to create a Sniper Nest d8 Asset.<br>
*'''X''' Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
''Highlighted Skills:'' Move, Shoot, Sneak
*'''X''' Cortex Specter: Whenever anyone uses an information-based Asset against you, spend 1 PP to turn it into a No Data Found Complication of the same die rating.
*'''X''' Ghosts of Yesterday: Create a d8 Complication relating to your history to step up your Fight, Know, or Sneak for a scene. This Complication cannot be stepped back by spending PPs to activate Opportunities.
''Highlighted Skills:'' Fight, Know, Sneak
'''Ship’s Doctor''' d8
''Sometimes it seems whoever came up with “First, do no harm” never had to deal with the people you have to deal with.''
*'''X''' Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
*'''O''' Experimental Procedure: If you replace your Operate or Treat Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if your roll is successful.
*'''X''' Natural Healer: Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s medical or injury-based Complication.
''Highlighted Skills:'' Know, Operate, Treat

'''Home on the Range (Farmer)''' d8<br>
'''Personality Ghosts''' d8
'''X''' Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8<br>
'''X''' Lay of the Land: Spend 1 PP to reveal one fact about the natural world you're standing on - environmental conditions, weather, or animal life - and gain it as a d8 Asset.<br>
'''O''' Rugged: Spend 1 PP to ignore a Complication for a die roll that includes one of your highlighted Skills.<br>
''Highlighted Skills:'' Craft, Labor, Survive

'''Veteran of the Unification War''' d8<br>
''Sometimes when things get a might stressful, one of your past selves lends a helpin' hand.''
'''X''' Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8<br>
*'''X''' Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
'''O''' Fightin’ Type: Spend 1 PP to step up or double your Shoot or Fight when you’re outnumbered.<br>
*'''X''' Jack of All Trades: Take or step up a '''Personality Conflict''' Complication to step up Shoot or Trick for the rest of the scene.
'''X''' War Stories: Spend 1 PP to create a d8 Asset related to your wartime experiences. Take or step up a Complication related to that wartime experience.<br>
*'''O''' Trick of the Trade: Spend 1 PP to create an Operate or Sneak specialty for the rest of the session.
''Highlighted Skills:'' Fight, Shoot, Survive
''Highlighted Skills:'' Drive, Operate, Sneak

*'''Craft''' d6
*Craft d4
*Drive (Horses) d6
*'''Drive''' d6
*'''Fight''' (Knives) d6
*'''Fight''' (Silent Kill) d8
*Fix d4
*Fix d4
*Fly d4
*Fly d4
*Focus d4
*Focus d4
*Influence d4
*Influence d4
*Know d4
*'''Know''' (Poisons) d8
*'''Labor''' d6
*Labor d4
*'''Move''' d8
*'''Move''' (Evade Pursuit) d8
*Notice d6
*Notice d4
*Operate d4
*'''Operate''' d8
*Perform d4
*Perform d4
*'''Shoot''' (Rifles) d10
*Shoot d6
*'''Sneak''' d10
*'''Sneak''' (Blend With Crowds) d8
*'''Survive''' d10
*Survive d4
*Throw d4
*Throw d4
*Treat d4
*'''Treat''' (Induce Complications) d12
*Trick d4
*Trick (Feign Innocence) d6
==Signature Assets==
==Signature Assets==
'''Shepherd's Crook''' d8<br>
Jane's custom sniper rifle, it's been with her through thick and thin. When it speaks a prayer, well, generally it means some unfortunate soul's about to go to heaven.

Banked: 1
'''Banked:''' 0

Latest revision as of 16:28, 9 January 2019

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Dr. Charity Coppelia is not real. She is a implanted personality. Whoever she really was vanished after repeated brainwashing and conditioning. The result of a project to create an assassin that could go deep undercover, and not even know she was an assassin. That ended after a raid on the facility where she was being reprogrammed with her latest personality. In the confusion she escaped, or more accurately wandered away. She had memories, but they were incomplete, of a life she had never lived. She found a wounded man in an alleyway and provided first aid. He offered to put in her contact with an underground clinic, since she had nowhere to go.

That began her life serving as a doctor for organized crime. A few months later, a rival gang hit the clinic. That was the first time one of her ghosts surfaced, fought back, and killed her attackers with a scalpel. When her allies found her, she was cowering in a corner, babbling about a mysterious woman who had shown up out of nowhere and saved her.

A year later, her patron was killed in a hit, and his rival took over. Dr. Copellia decided that she didn't want to work for him and managed to get a temporary berth as a ship's doctor, heading wherever it was going. Unfortunately for her, her current personality is a little too naive and trusting, so she often finds herself in bad situations, leading to her having to run away, and seek shelter somewhere new. Maybe the Righteous will be her new home?


A bit of an airhead, she seems almost perpetually puzzled and slow to recognize a dangerous situation. But she has a warm, gentle smile, and a kind heart. When she's treating injuries of diseases she tries to keep people as comfortable as possible. She empathetic to a fault and worries about people probably more than they worry about themselves. She likes cute things and can seem a little childish at times, despite being in her early 30s apparently.


An attractive woman with a gentle expression, big blue eyes, and long blond hair, usually pulled back into a fluffy ponytail. She usually wears a simple but stylish skirt and blouse under a white lab coat.


Physical d8 Mental d8 Social d8


Mysterious Past d8

You weren’t born to the life you’re livin’ now.

  • X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
  • X Cortex Specter: Whenever anyone uses an information-based Asset against you, spend 1 PP to turn it into a No Data Found Complication of the same die rating.
  • X Ghosts of Yesterday: Create a d8 Complication relating to your history to step up your Fight, Know, or Sneak for a scene. This Complication cannot be stepped back by spending PPs to activate Opportunities.

Highlighted Skills: Fight, Know, Sneak

Ship’s Doctor d8

Sometimes it seems whoever came up with “First, do no harm” never had to deal with the people you have to deal with.

  • X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
  • O Experimental Procedure: If you replace your Operate or Treat Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if your roll is successful.
  • X Natural Healer: Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s medical or injury-based Complication.

Highlighted Skills: Know, Operate, Treat

Personality Ghosts d8

Sometimes when things get a might stressful, one of your past selves lends a helpin' hand.

  • X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
  • X Jack of All Trades: Take or step up a Personality Conflict Complication to step up Shoot or Trick for the rest of the scene.
  • O Trick of the Trade: Spend 1 PP to create an Operate or Sneak specialty for the rest of the session.

Highlighted Skills: Drive, Operate, Sneak


  • Craft d4
  • Drive d6
  • Fight (Silent Kill) d8
  • Fix d4
  • Fly d4
  • Focus d4
  • Influence d4
  • Know (Poisons) d8
  • Labor d4
  • Move (Evade Pursuit) d8
  • Notice d4
  • Operate d8
  • Perform d4
  • Shoot d6
  • Sneak (Blend With Crowds) d8
  • Survive d4
  • Throw d4
  • Treat (Induce Complications) d12
  • Trick (Feign Innocence) d6

Signature Assets[edit]



Banked: 0