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Captain Atom: PL 16 (240); Init +7; Defense 19 (+6 base, +3 dex); Spd 30 ft, Fly 75 ft; Base Attack +8; Atk +12 melee (16S Punch), +12 ranged (15L Radiation Blast); SV Dmg +6 (12 Protection + Durability), Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 18, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12 (66 total ) Skills: Knowledge (Military) 10/+11, Sense Motive 6/+8, Intimidation 8/+9, Knowledge (Radiology) 10/+11 (17 total) Feats: Toughness, Durability, Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Attack Focus (Energy Blast), Power Attack, Improved Initiative, Dodge (16 total) Powers & Equipment: JLU Communicator (1 pp, Source: Super-Science), Radiation Control +15(Power Stunts: Drain Radiation, Extras: Energy Field, Flight, 4 ppr+2, 62 total, Source: Mutation), Alternate Form +15 (Explosive Radiation) (Flaws: Uncontrolled without Suit, Cannot reform under own power, 3 ppr, 45 total, Source: Mutation), Super-Strength +12 (Extras: Protection, Immunities (Aging, Suffocation, Energy: Radiation, Pressure, Poison, Disease, Starvation), Flaws: Ablative Protection, Device (Containment Suit) 4 ppr+7, 43 total, Source: Super Science) (151 total) Weakness: Quirk (Loyal to the American Military)