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Green Lantern, "John Stewart"; PL 15 (225); Init +3; Defense 18 (+5 base, +3 dex); Spd 30 ft, 75 ft Fly; Base Attack +12; Atk +15 melee (+3S Punch), +16 ranged (15L Energy Blast); SV Dmg +5(+20 w/ Force Field), Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12 (72 total)

Skills: Spot 5/+10, Search 13/+16, Knowledge (Space) 8/+11, Sense Motive 8/+10 (17 total)

Feats: Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Attack Focus: Ranged, Iron Will, Durability, Talented (Search+Knowledge(Space), Fame (16 total)

Powers & Equipment: JL Communicator (1 ppr, Source: Super-Science), Light Control +15 (Power Stunts: Dual Damage, Super-Flight, Energy Blast, Extras: Energy Shapes (Shapeable), Force-Field (Shield Othersx2), Flight, Snare, Immunities +4 (Suffocation, Pressure, Cold, Heat), Variable Power, Flaws: Device (Power Ring), 8 ppr+10, 128 total, Source: Alien Super-Science) (Total 129)

Weakness: Triggered Powerless if does not Charge Ring in Lantern every 24 hours