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These constructs are made to look like spiders.  The abdomen area of the device has a pilot’s seat and a control box.  Behind the pilot’s seat is a small cargo area and a fold-down passenger seat.  These mounts are made for small creatures only, and the controls and seating space is far too small for a medium creature.  The pilot’s seat counts as a military saddle and grants the pilot a +2 circumstance bonus on Ride checks related to staying in the saddle.

Piloting a clockwork mount requires special training (Ride [clockwork] is a separate skill from the generic Ride skill, and rather than Handle Animal granting a synergy bonus, 5 or more ranks in Trade Skill [tinkering] grants a +2 bonus to Ride [clockwork]).  However, clockwork mounts are much more reliable to pilot than animals and other creatures that have a tendency to think for themselves.  No check need be made to control a clockwork mount while in battle, and the DC for performing a Leap action is only 10.  You can attack or defend yourself with both hands while piloting, but you do this by simply locking the steering mechanism and releasing the controls.  The mount continues in a straight line, if it moves at all, and cannot be steered at all without at least one hand free.  Drawing or sheathing a weapon while piloting a clockwork mount requires a move action, no matter how far the mount has moved (normally this action can be performed as part of a move action).
Passengers riding a clockwork mount’s secondary seat need not make checks to pilot the mount at all.  They may use a regular Ride check or a Ride (clockwork) check to stay in the seat, but do not gain the +2 bonus granted to the pilot.  The passenger may make normal attack actions with both hands, but may only make a single melee attack if the mount moves more than 5 feet.  Passengers may attack any creature within range of the mount during the pilot’s movement.
Clockwork mounts move with fluidity, even over rough terrain, granting those riding a +5 bonus to Channeling checks made while riding the mount.  Also, those riding a clockwork mount take only a -2 penalty to ranged attack rolls if the mount makes a double move, or a -4 penalty if the mount is running.  The Mounted Archery feat reduces these penalties to -1 and -2.
Clockwork mounts do not have a hoof attack, and cannot make attacks during an Overrun attempt, even with the Trample feat.  Because Clockwork mounts have more than two legs, they gain a +4 bonus to avoid Trip attacks.
Clockwork mounts may act on their own when not being piloted, but without direction they are very erratic and dangerous to those nearby.  During combat, a clockwork mount simply attacks the nearest target that appears to be a combatant (armed or casting spells).  Normally the pilot of the mount may direct it to attack a single creature as a free action, but only while actively controlling the contraption.  Clockwork mounts can be set to “non-combat” mode by the pilot (or someone capable of reaching the controls) as a move action, or while dismounting.  This gives the mount a +2 dodge bonus to AC, and it simply avoids combat (it cannot attack at all), moving to evade in full defense mode.  Clockwork mounts cannot be set to “non-combat” mode while carrying passengers.
Clockworks that have been damaged do not heal normally and are unaffected by healing spells.  Instead, they must be repaired using the Trade Skill (tinkering) skill.  Repairing takes 1 minute per attempt and requires 1gp worth of repair “parts”.  The DC for this check is 15.  A success results in repairing 1 hp worth of damage, plus one additional hp for every 3 points your check is greater than the DC.  (That is, if you have a tinkering modifier of +14 and you roll a 13, your result is 27, which is 12 points higher than the DC of 15.  This would repair 5 points of damage [12 / 3 = 4, + 1] with a single repair attempt and a minute of working.)
===Clockwork Mount===
'''Medium Construct (Clockwork)'''
'''Hit Dice:  '''5d10+20 (47 hp)
'''Initiative:  '''+0
'''Speed:  '''50 ft.
'''Armor Class:  '''17 (+7 natural, touch 10, flat-footed 17)
'''Base Attack/Grapple:  '''+3/+7
'''Attack:  '''Bite +7 melee (1d4+2)
'''Full Attack:  '''Bite +7 melee (1d4+2)
'''Space/Reach:  '''5 ft./5 ft.
'''Special Attacks:  '''Steam blast
'''Special Qualities:  '''Construct, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 14, special construction
'''Saves:  '''Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -5
'''Abilities:  '''Str 18, Dex 10, Con –, Int –, Wis 1, Cha 1
'''Challenge Rating:  '''3
'''Steam Blast (Ex):  '''A clockwork mount can spout forth a blast of super-heated steam once every 1d4 rounds as an attack action.  The steam blast is a 15-foot cone that deals 2d6 points of fire damage; Reflex save (DC 12) halves.
Carrying Capacity:  A light load for a clockwork mount is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301–600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601–900 pounds. A clockwork mount can drag 4,500 pounds.
'''Construct Traits:  '''A construct is immune to mind-influencing effects and to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and any effect that targets a living creature.  Constructs cannot heal normally, but can be repaired in the same way an object can.  A construct is not subject to critical hits, non-lethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain.  It is immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save, unless the effect targets objects.  Constructs do not eat, sleep, or breathe.  A construct is not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is destroyed.  Since it was never alive, a construct cannot be resurrected or otherwise brought back to “life”.  Constructs have ultravision.
'''Special Construction:  '''Constructs do not gain skills or feats, however, clockwork mounts are made with bonuses to certain actions that act like skills and feats.  Some clockworks are fitted with small steam boosters, clamping feat, tow ropes, extra balancing limbs, pneumatic shock absorbers, and other strange devices that enable the contraption to more easily perform tasks.  Treat clockwork mounts as if they have the Run feat.  Also, clockwork mounts gain a +12 bonus on Climb, Jump, and Safe Fall checks.  Clockwork mounts can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. 
A clockwork mount is noisy, and as long as it is functioning, Perception checks to hear a clockwork mount gain a +6 bonus.  Clockwork mounts float like a large raft, but cannot swim at all.  Over-water propulsion requires some outside force, like the pilot using a paddle or a swimmer pushing it through the water.  Clockwork mounts can wade through 4 ft.-deep water without the fuselage beginning to float.
Clockwork mounts are generally unhampered by solid terrain such as large rocks and overgrowth.  This allows them to move at full speed unless in an area that reduces speed by more than ½, in which the mount would be reduced to only ¾ normal speed.  However, in loose footing such as sand or mud, they are reduced to half speed and cannot jump at all, because their slender legs tend to sink.
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Latest revision as of 23:08, 12 November 2006