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Angimander, the Monstrous Hunter ("Man" or "Mander" for short)
Angimander, the Monstrous Hunter ("Man" or "Mander" for short)

Half-Orc Barbarian 2/ Ranger 2
Half-Orc Barbarian 4/ Ranger 4
NG (worships Lathander)
NG (worships Lathander)
Line 30: Line 30:
Male Age:17 Eyes: orange  Hair: black  Skin: deep tan
Male Age:17 Eyes: orange  Hair: black  Skin: deep tan
Str:    17 +3
Str:    18 +4
Dex:    16  +3
Dex:    16  +3
Con:    14  +2
Con:    14  +2
Line 37: Line 37:
Cha:    6  -2
Cha:    6  -2
HP: 52
HP: 83
AC: 17 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)     +2 with shield drawn
AC: 17 (+4 armor, +3 Dex) +1 Dodge    +2 with shield drawn
Flat Footed:17 (uncanny dodge)
Flat Footed:17 (uncanny dodge)

Init: +3
Initiative: +3

Speed: 40
Speed: 40
Saving Throws
Saving Throws
Fort:  +9
Fort:  +11
Ref:    +4
Ref:    +6
Will    +3
Will    +5
BAB: +4
BAB: +8/+3
Masterwork Geatsword   +8 melee    2d6+4 slashing      19-20/x2
Masterwork Greatsword   +13/+8 melee    2d6+6 slashing      19-20/x2

Warhammer    +7 melee    1d8+3 bludgeoning      x3
Warhammer    +12/+7 melee    1d8+4 bludgeoning      x3

Paired Masterwork Handaxes    +7/+7 melee  1d6+3/1d6+3 slashing  x3
Paired Masterwork Handaxes    +12/+7, +12 melee  1d6+4/1d6+4 slashing  x3

Masterwork Mighty Composite Longbow (+3 Str)    +8 ranged  1d8+3 piercing      x3      100ft
Masterwork Mighty Composite Longbow (+3 Str)    +12/+7 ranged  1d8+3 piercing      x3      100ft
60 arrows
60 arrows

Silver Dagger        +7 melee (or+7 ranged)    1d4+3 piercing        19-20      10ft   
Silver Dagger        +12/+7 melee (or+11 ranged)    1d4+4 piercing        19-20      10ft   

Line 71: Line 71:
Skills 5/lv Bbn, 7/lv Rgr    Skill Mod    Ranks        Ability          Mics.
Skills 5/lv Bbn, 7/lv Rgr    Skill Mod    Ranks        Ability          Misc.
Climb  (Str)                      +6         3             +3           (+2 with climbing kit)
Climb  (Str)                      +8         4             +4           (+2 with climbing kit)
Concentration (Con)                +2        0            +2
Concentration (Con)                +2        0            +2
Handle Animal (Cha)                +3         5             -2
Handle Animal (Cha)                +5         7             -2
Heal (Wis)                        +2        0            +2
Heal (Wis)                        +2        0            +2
Hide (Dex)                        +9        4             +3            (+2 Stealthy)
Hide (Dex)                        +12        7             +3            (+2 Stealthy)
Intimidate (Cha)                  +2        4            -2
Intimidate (Cha)                  +2        4            -2
Jump (Str)                        +6         3             +3
Jump (Str)                        +8         4             +4
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)    +2         1             +1
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)    +4         3             +1
Knowledge (nature) (Int)          +2         1             +1
Knowledge (nature) (Int)          +6         3             +1           (+2 synergy from Survival)
Listen (Wis)                      +5         3             +2
Listen (Wis)                      +7        5            +2
Move Silently (Dex)                +9        4             +3            (+2 Stealthy)
Move Silently (Dex)                +12        7             +3            (+2 Stealthy)
Ride (Dex)                        +4         1             +3
Ride (Dex)                        +9         2             +3           (+2 synergy Handle Animal)
Search (Int)                      +3        2            +1
Search (Int)                      +3        2            +1
Spot (Wis)                        +4         2             +2
Spot (Wis)                        +7         5             +2
Survival (Wis)                    +7        5             +2
Survival (Wis)                    +11        9             +2
Swim (Str)                        +4         1            +3
Swim (Str)                        +5         1            +4
Use Rope (Dex)                    +3        0            +3
Use Rope (Dex)                    +3        0            +3

Line 94: Line 94:
Weapon Focus (Handaxe)
Weapon Focus (Handaxe)
Track (Ranger bonus)
Track (Ranger bonus)
Spells (Ranger, CL:2 DC 12+SL)
1st (1/day) Entangle

Orc Blood
Orc Blood
Darkvision 60'
Darkvision 60'
Rage 1/day- Gain +4 Str/Con, +2 Will saves, -2 AC for (3+ [new]Con mod rounds)
Rage 2/day- Gain +4 Str/Con, +2 Will saves, -2 AC for (3+ [new]Con mod rounds)
Fast Movement- +10 Speed
Fast Movement- +10 Speed
Uncanny Dodge- retain Dex bonus to AC even when caught flat-footed
Uncanny Dodge- retain Dex bonus to AC even when caught flat-footed
Favored Enemy (Aberrations)- Gains +1 to damage, Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival checks
Favored Enemy (Aberrations)- Gains +1 to damage, Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival checks
Fighting Style- Gains benefit of Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity feats when wearing light or no armor
Fighting Style- Gains benefit of Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity feats when wearing light or no armor

Line 110: Line 115:

Gear (worn):
Gear (worn):
Traveler's Outfit
Traveler's Outfit,
Cloak of resistance +1
Cloak of Resistance +1

Gear (carried):
Gear (carried):
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====Nigel Helmsley====
====Nigel Helmsley====
Male Human Bard
Male Human Bard 8, Loremaster 1
Player: Mitch
Background: Nigel was the fourth son of a wealthy baron. As such, his oldest brother inherited the lion’s share of their father’s estate, with nothing left for himself. Rather than be treated as a well-dressed vassal by his family, he decided to make his own way in the world.
His travels took him to Bryn Shander, where the Furfolk had settled the area. Fascinated by them and their history, he set about learning as much as he could about them. What passed for a local library had been neglected, so he saw an opportunity to improve the community, while pursuing his research.
Appearance: A thin human in his mid-20’s. He has grey eyes, and neatly-trimmed brown hair. He is clean-shaven, with permanently ink-stained fingers. Around town, he wears a simple scholar’s outfit. When abroad, he prefers a finely-made chain shirt complemented by a sturdy traveler’s ensemble, with a rapier at his hip.
Str 10
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 18
Wis 12
Cha 16
+1 feat
+4 skill ranks at level 1, +1/level
A bard is proficient with all simple weapons. Additionally, the bard is proficient with one of the following weapons: longbow, composite longbow, longsword, *rapier, sap, short composite bow, short sword, shortbow, or whip.
Bards are proficient with light armor, medium armor, and shields.
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, Furfolk Common, Orc, Celestial, Infernal, Undercommon
BAB: +6/+1
Fort: +4
Ref: +9
Will: +10
HP: 58/58
Initiative: +2
AC: 18
Rapier: +8/+3 1d6+1, 18-20x2, magic
Light crossbow: +9, 1d8, 19-20x2
Dagger: +6/+1 1d4, 19-20x2
Skills: 36 @ 1st, 9/level
Decipher Script 5:9
Gather Information 4:9
Diplomacy 10:13
Knowledge (Arcana) 5:9
Knowledge (Bardic) 12:14
Knowledge (Geography) 10:14
Knowledge (History) 10:16
Knowledge (Local) 8:12
Knowledge (Nobility) 3:7
Knowledge (Planes) 4:8
Knowledge (Religion) 4:8
Move Silently 8:10
Perform (Oratory) 10:13
Profession (Librarian) 3:4
Search 7:11
Sense Motive 8:9
Survival 0:1 (3 to avoid getting lost/natural hazards, 3 to find/follow tracks)
Speak Language 4
Spellcraft 8:12
Use Magic Device 5:8 (10 for scrolls)
Skill Focus: Knowledge (History)
Scribe Scroll
Extend Spell: Duration x2, +1 level
Still Spell: no somatic, +1 level
** applying a metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell automatically increases the casting time to a full-round action.
Bardic Knowledge: A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. This check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. The bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random. The DM will determine the Difficulty Class of the check by referring to the table below.
DC Type of Knowledge
10 Common, known by at least a substantial minority of the local population.
20 Uncommon but available, known by only a few people in the area.
25 Obscure, known by few, hard to come by.
30 Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most who once knew it, possibly known only by those who don't understand the significance of the knowledge.
0: 3
1: 4
2: 4
3: 3
Neutralize Poison x1
Spells Known
D*Detect Magic: std, VS, 60’ cone, 7 min, 3 rds to read auras, Arcana DC 15+spell level = school  ((Alardan))
Read Magic: std, VSF, self, 70 min, 1 pg/min, glyph: DC 13 Spellcraft, symbol: DC 19
Mage Hand: std, VS, close, 5 lbs, 15’ as move action, concentration
Prestidigitation: std, VS, 10’, 1 hr, lift 1 lb, clean/soil/color 1’ cube/rd, chill/warm/flavor 1 lb material, small crude objects,
Light: std, VM, touch, 70 min, 20’r normal light
Mending: 10 min, VS, 10’, 1 object <= 5 lbs
1: Cure Light Wounds: std, touch, 1d8+5, harm undead (Will save 1/2)
D*Identify: 1 hr, VSM (100 gp pearl), touch, 1 object, basic function; activation; charges left
Silent Image: std, VSF, long, 12 10’ cubes, concentration, Will save to disbelieve, can move within area
Unseen Servant: std, VSM, close, 8 hrs, lift 20 lbs / drag 100 lbs, speed 15’, 6 hp (Bartleby)
Cure Moderate Wounds: std, touch, 2d8+8, harm undead (Will save 1/2)
D*Locate Object: std, VSF, 720’r, 8 min, specific item needs mental image, must have seen unique item (not via divination)
D*Detect Thoughts: std, VSF, 60’ cone, conc (8 min), change area ea rd, blockable
Rd 1: presence/absence of thoughts
Rd 2: # of thinking minds, Int scores
Rd 3: surface thoughts, Will negates
D*Tongues: touch, 80 min, speak/understand any language
D*Clairvoyance/Clairaudience: 10 min, VSF, 720’r, 8 min, familiar location, can’t move, see 10’r in natural darkness
Dispel Magic: std, VS, 180’, Targeted or Area or Counterspell
D*See Invisibility: std, VSM, 80 min, see invisible/ethereal
Equipment: 5400
+2 Chain Shirt. 1250
+1 Rapier. 320
Masterwork light crossbow 35
20 bolts. 2
Dagger. 2
Cloak of Resistance +1. 1000
Handy Haversack. 2000
2 oz ink. 16
2 pens. .2
30 sheets Paper. 12
30 sheets Parchment. 6
10 scroll cases. 10
Sealing wax. 1
2 candles. .02
Signet ring. 5
2 pieces chalk. .02
10 Tindertwigs. 10
5 spell levels of scroll-writing materials. 250
Scholar’s outfit. 5
Explorer’s outfit. 10
Magnifying glass. 100
Cure Light Wounds potion. 50
Wagon fund. 300
10 gp
scroll of Sending
Katrin’s rhyme from Lady Silverymoon (Unicorn?)
Some armor on a rack: modified briganadine. Square plates of metal about four inches on a side, stitched into pockets on the inside surface of garments made of some thin, tough leather. You can't tell without opening a pocket, what metal is being used. It feels very light though.
A pair of delicate-looking longswords in stiff leather scabbards, with ivory hilts that have a symbol cared into them. It looks like the same symbol Mayrvreen was wearing on that headband.
Half a dozen or so small locked chests. Another chest, open, contains several blank books and underneath those some filled journals or record books. You don't recognize the script.
Small hidden notebook.
You find a stock of supplies in the huts; food, tools, extra weapons.
You find healing supplies too: mundane things such as bandages and some potion bottles. Half a dozen of those are labeled as cure poison, nearly a full dozen as heal wounds.
Sneaky-priest had a couple of potions of Cure Poison, one of Heal Moderate Wounds, and two daggers,, with Enchanted Weapon cast on them. . Aside from that a ring and an amulet, both with masking magic on them. You can't tell from inspection what their enchantment does.
15 pearls worth 100 gp each

Player: Mitch
Sacrificial knife
Boots of Speed
dozen potions of Neutralize Poison
four potions of Heal Moderate wounds
Bardic Music: 7/day
Inspire Courage: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can to inspire courage in his or her allies. To be affected, an ally must hear the bard sing for a full round. The effect lasts as long as the bard sings and for 5 rounds after the bard stops singing (or 5 rounds after the ally can no longer hear the bard). While singing, the bard can fight but cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate magic items by magic word (such as wands). Affected allies receive a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 morale bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls.  Inspire courage is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability.
Countersong: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can counter magical effects that depend on sound (but not spells that simply have verbal components). As with inspire courage, a bard may sing, play, or recite a countersong while taking other mundane actions, but not magical actions. Each round of the countersong, the bard makes a Perform check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard) who is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of his saving throw if, after rolling the saving throw, the Perform check result proves to be better. The bard may keep up the countersong for 10 rounds. Countersong is a supernatural ability.
Fascinate: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can cause a single creature to become fascinated with him. The creature to be fascinated must be able to see and hear the bard and must be within 90 feet. The bard must also see the creature. The creature must be able to pay attention to the bard. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. The bard makes a Perform check, and the target can negate the effect with a Will saving throw equal to or greater than the bard's check result. If the saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If the saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to the song for up to 1 round per level of the bard. While fascinated, the target's Spot and Listen checks suffer a -4 penalty. Any potential threat (such as an ally of the bard moving behind the fascinated creature) allows the fascinated creature a second saving throw against a new Perform check result. Any obvious threat, such as casting a spell, drawing a sword, or aiming, automatically breaks the effect.
While fascinating (or attempting to fascinate) a creature, the bard must concentrate, as if casting or maintaining a spell. Fascinate is a spell-like, mind- affecting charm ability.
Inspire Competence: A bard with 6 or more ranks in Perform can help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be able to see and hear the bard and must be within 30 feet. The bard must also see the creature. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on his skill checks with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear the bard's music. The DM may rule that certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The bard can maintain the effect for 2 minutes (long enough for the ally to take 20). Inspire competence is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability.
Suggestion (Sp): A bard of 6th level or higher with 9 or more ranks in a Perform skill can make a suggestion (as the spell) to a creature that he has already fascinated (see above). Using this ability does not break the bard’s concentration on the fascinate effect, nor does it allow a second saving throw against the fascinate effect.
You influence the actions of the target creature by suggesting a course of activity (limited to a sentence or two). The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound reasonable. Asking the creature to do some obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect of the spell.
The suggested course of activity can continue for the entire duration (1 hr/lvl). If the suggested activity can be completed in a shorter time, the spell ends when the subject finishes what it was asked to do. You can instead specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration. If the condition is not met before the spell duration expires, the activity is not performed.
A very reasonable suggestion causes the save to be made with a penalty (such as –1 or –2).

====Katrin of the Willow====
====Katrin of the Willow====
Female Half-Elf CG Wizard Diviner Specialist
Female Half-Elf CG 9th Level Wizard Diviner Specialist
Faith: Complicated (Thinks the Rackbreaker is a pretty cool dude for an immortal diety, and the Lady of the Forests is too. Lord of Cats is way cool as well though, then there's Mr B and his ever expanding library...)
Faith: Complicated, but never gave up looking for unicorns...
Age: 25yo Speed: 30 Feet Size: M Ht: 5'2" Wt: 87lb Eyes: Green Hair: Black Skin: Pale
Age: 25yo Speed: 30 Feet Size: M Ht: 5'2" Wt: 87lb Eyes: Green Hair: Black Skin: Pale

STR: 10 (+0) DEX: 15 (+2) CON: 16 (+3) INT: 18 (+4) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 10 (+0)
STR: 10 (+0) DEX: 15 (+2) CON: 16 (+3) INT: 18 (+4) WIS: 13 (+1) CHA: 10 (+0)

Saves:Fortitude:+4 (Base of +1/Con Bonus +3) Reflex:+3 (Base of +1/Dex Bonus +2) Willpower:+5 (Base of +4/Wis Bonus +1)
Saves:Fortitude:+5 (Base of +3/Con Bonus +3) Reflex:+4 (Base of +3/Dex Bonus +2) Willpower:+7 (Base of +6/Wis Bonus +1)

Base Attack: +2 Melee Bonus: +0 (STR) Missile Bonus: +2 (DEX) AC: 12 (Base +2 Dex Bonus) Initiative: +2 (DEX Bonus) HP/Level: 1d4+3 (CON Bonus) Total: 28 HP
Base Attack: +4 Melee Bonus: +0 (STR) Missile Bonus: +2 (DEX) AC: 12 (Base +2 Dex Bonus) Initiative: +2 (DEX Bonus) HP/Level: 1d4+3 (CON Bonus) Total: 53 HP

Half Elf Notes: Immune to Sleep, +2 to Saves vs Enchantment, Low Light Vision, Elven Blood, +1 to Listen, Search and Spot Checks.
Half Elf Notes: Immune to Sleep, +2 to Saves vs Enchantment, Low Light Vision, Elven Blood, +1 to Listen, Search and Spot Checks.

Feats: Summon Familiar (Midnight, Black Tomcat Familiar! Free Alertness & +2 to Move Silently Checks!), Scribe Scrolls and Brew Potions.
Feats: Summon Familiar (Free Wizard Feat, 1st, Includes Midnight, Black Tomcat Familiar! Free Alertness & +2 to Move Silently Checks! +4 NatAC, Int:9!), Scribe Scrolls (Free Wizard Feat, 1st), Point Blank Shot (General, 1st), Brew Potions (Wizard Feat bought with General Feat Slot, 3rd), Craft Wands (Bonus Wizard Feat, 5th) and *Arcane Disciple: Healing (General, 6th, from Complete Divine, Pg 79).

Skills: Total Skill points at 4th Level: 42
Skills: Total Skill points at 8th Level: 72 Max Class Skill Ranks: 12 Max Cross Class Skill Ranks: 6
Alchemy (Int/3/N)
Alchemy (Int/10/N)
Concentration (Con/5/N)
Concentration (Con/5/N)
Handle Animal (Cha/1/Y)
Handle Animal (Cha/2/Y)
Heal (Wis/1/Y)
Heal (Wis/6/Y)
Knowledge: Arcana (Int/3/N)
Knowledge: Arcana (Int/5/N)
Knowledge: Nature (Int/3/N)
Knowledge: Nature (Int/3/N)
Knowledge: Religion (Int/4/N)
Profession: Herbalist (Wis/5/N)
Profession: Herbalist (Wis/5/N)
Scrying (Int/5/N)
Spellcraft (Int/5/N)
Spellcraft (Int/5/N)
Tumble (Dex/5/Y)
Tumble (Dex/5/Y)
Line 193: Line 380:
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Halfling, Orcish and Furfolk Common.
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Halfling, Orcish and Furfolk Common.

Spell Save (DC): ? Not Permitted to learn Necromancy School spells.
Spell Save (Base DC):14 (10+Int Bonus of 4, add Spell's Level as well after 0th)
Arcane Spells/Level/Day: 8x0th, 7x1st, 6x2nd...
Not Permitted to learn Necromancy School spells due to Diviner School Specialization.
The Arcane Disciple Feat* allows Katrin to learn Healing Dominion Spells as Arcane Caster, but she must use her Wis of 13 rather than her Int of 18 to determine her Healing spell casting ability.
Arcane Spells/Level/Day: 8x0th, 8x1st, 8x2nd, 7x3rd, 6x4th, 5x5th...

Spellbook:0th: Resistance, Ray Of Frost, Detect Poison, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Presidigitation, Read Magic and Bookmaker's Odds.
Spellbook:0th: Resistance, Ray Of Frost, Detect Poison, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Presidigitation, Read Magic and Bookmaker's Odds.

1st: Protection From Evil, Magic Weapon, Featherfall, Summon Monster 1, Sleep, Color Spray, Magic Missile, Comprehend Languages, Mage Armour, Identify and Shocking Grasp.
1st: Protection From Evil, Magic Weapon, Featherfall, Summon Monster 1, Sleep, Color Spray, Magic Missile, Comprehend Languages, Mage Armour, Identify, Shocking Grasp and Cure Light Wounds*.

2nd: See Invisibility and Cat's Grace.
2nd: See Invisibility, Cat's Grace and Cure Moderate Wounds*.
3rd: Clairvoyance/Clairaudience, Fly, Lightning Bolt and Cure Serious Wounds*.
4th: Detect Scrying, Improved Invisibility and Scrying.
5th: Animal Growth, Rary's Telepathic Bond.

Memorized Spells:  
Memorized Spells:  
Oth: 2xDet.Mag(1 Cast) 1xRead.Mag. 1xMend 1xBook.Odds 1xDet.Poi(Cast) 1xResist 1xRay.O.Frost(Cast)
Oth: 2xDet.Mag 1xRead.Mag. 1xBook.Odds 2xDet.Poi 1xResist 1xRay.O.Frost  
1st: 1xProt.F.Evil 1xMagic.Wpn(Cast)1xFeatherfall 1xSleep(Cast)1xMag.Missile 1xMag.Arm (Cast) 1xShock.Grasp
2nd: 2xSee.Invis 2xCat.Grace 1xComp.Lang (Lower Spell in higher slot) 1xIdentify (Lower Spell in higher slot)

1st: 1xProt.F.Evil (Cast) 1xMagic.Wpn 1xFeatherfall 2xSleep 1xMag.Arm 1xShock.Grasp (Cast) 1xC.Lt.Wound
2nd: 1xSee.Invis 2xCat.Grace (1 cast) 1xComp.Lang (Lower Spell in higher slot) 2xMag.Missile 1xSum.Monster.I(Lower Spell in higher slot) 1xC.Md.Wound
3rd: 1xClairaudience 1xClairvoyance 2xFly (1 cast) 2xLight.Bolt (2 cast) 1xC.Ser.Wound (Cast)
4th: 2xDet.Scry 2xImp.Invisibility (1 cast) 2xScry 1xLight.Bolt (Lower Spell in higher slot) 
5th: 2xAnimal.Grow (1 cast) 3xRary.TP.Bond (1 cast)
Quarterstaff (Free, 4lb)
Quarterstaff (Free, 4lb)
Line 231: Line 436:
Green Peasant Linen Shirt w/Willow Catkin & Leaf braid trim (1GP, 1/2lb)
Green Peasant Linen Shirt w/Willow Catkin & Leaf braid trim (1GP, 1/2lb)
Broadbrim Moss Green Doeskin Adventuring Hat w/2 Black Plumes (H2OProof, Plumes are also writing quills, 4GP, 1lb)
Broadbrim Moss Green Doeskin Adventuring Hat w/2 Black Plumes (H2OProof, Plumes are also writing quills, 4GP, 1lb)
6 Doses of Antidote (300GP, 0lb*)
6 Doses of Antidote (300GP, 0lb*, 5 used)
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (100GP, 0lb*)
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (100GP, 0lb*)
1 Week Iron Rations/Dried Fish & Beef Jerky for Midnight (5GP,10lb)  
1 Week Iron Rations/Dried Fish & Beef Jerky for Midnight (5GP,10lb)  
Line 264: Line 469:

Katrin also does not tolerate cruelty to children or animals, to the point of inflicting violence on those who do so in her presence.
Katrin also does not tolerate cruelty to children or animals, to the point of inflicting violence on those who do so in her presence.
She believes in unicorns, and one Unicorn in particular, that being Lady Lurue Silverymoon, The Laughter In The Forest...
'''Elerran Caramir'''
Neutral Good Moon Elf Swashbuckler 3/Barbarian 3
Ability Scores Str 14 (+2), Dex 18 (+4) 20 (+5) with ring. Con 12 (+1) Int 14 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 12 (+1)
BAB/Grapple: +8/+10, AC 21 (touch 16, flat-footed 21) or 22 (touch 16, flat-footed 22) when using a longsword
hp 78
Speed 40'
Initiative +5
Languages Known: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan
Melee: +16/+11 with +2 longsword (1d8+6/19-20, x2) or +14/+9 with masterwork dagger (1d4+4/19-20/x2)
Ranged: 14/+9 masterwork (mighty +1) composite shortbow (1d6+1/20/x3)
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +5 (or +7 vs enchantments)
Feats: Graceful Edge (longsword), Iron Will, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Skills: Balance +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +5, Jump +14, Listen +12, Ride +9, Search +4, Sense Motive +12, Spot +5, Swim +4, Tumble +17
Skill modifiers include racial and synergy bonuses.
Class Abilities: Fast Movement, Grace (+1), Insightful Strike, Uncanny
Dodge (Dex bonus to AC), Whirling Frenzy 2/day
Interesting/Combat Gear: Healing belt, +1 longsword, masterwork dagger, masterwork mighty composite (+1 Strength) shortbow, +1 mithral chain shirt, ring of protection +1, travel cloak (Magic of Faerun), +2 longsword, ring of +2 Dexterity.
Mundane gear: Starting kit (Backpack with waterskin, one day’s trail
rations, bedroll, flint and steel, hooded lantern and 3 pints of oil,
quiver with 20 arrows), winter blanket (0.5 gp and 3 pounds), soap (1 gp and two pounds), whetstone (0.02 gp and 1 pound), small steel mirror (10 gp and 0.5 pound), mess kit (0.6 gp and 1 pound), belt pouch (1 gp, 0.5 lb), traveler's outfit (free/no weight when worn), sunrods (2 gp, 1 pounds)
Total weight of items: 48 pounds.
Horse and horse gear:
Light warhorse (150 gp) with
Bit and Bridle: 2 gp, 1 pound
Feed (3 days): 0.15 gp, 30 pounds
Riding Saddle 10 gp, 25 pounds
Saddlebags: 4 gp, 8 pounds
Horse blanket: 1 gp, 12 lbs
Money remaining: 115.73 gp
Note: Skills not updated for ring, only combat stats.
===[[Brahnamin%27s_Characters_-_The_Gates_Have_Opened|Fletcher Ben]]===


Latest revision as of 13:27, 23 January 2020

PC List[edit]


Male Half-Ogre Paladin of Bahamut/Sorceror.

Player: TigerWolfe


Male Half-Orc Barbarian / Ranger.

Player: Ominous Presence

As if growing up as a second class citizen among his father's people wasn't bad enough, a run-in with a Mind Flayer that did not expect him to bite back left Angimander hideously scarred and wandering the Underdark dazed and alone. Eventually he stumbled back up to the surface and was taken in by Soven, a cleric of Lathander. Too prone to rage and suspicion of unfamiliar people to be a decent cleric himself, he set out to rid the world of the unnatural things that scrabble at the edges of civilization.

Angimander has spent the last couple of years roaming the Dalelands in search of abominations to slay. He bears significant scars from the tentacles of the illithid that nearly killed him, often obscuring his face, neck and hands with a wide-brimmed hat, thick scarf, and gloves. Though a good-natured soul (he has a special weakness for strays), he is quiet around people until he gets to know them. Recently contacted by the cleric who aided him in the past, Man is seeking answers to the uneasy stirring among the Furfolk and their dread whispers of the Horror.

Angimander, the Monstrous Hunter ("Man" or "Mander" for short)

Half-Orc Barbarian 4/ Ranger 4

NG (worships Lathander)

6'7" 233lbs Male Age:17 Eyes: orange Hair: black Skin: deep tan

Str: 18 +4 Dex: 16 +3 Con: 14 +2 Int: 12 +1 Wis: 14 +2 Cha: 6 -2

HP: 83 AC: 17 (+4 armor, +3 Dex) +1 Dodge +2 with shield drawn Touch:13 Flat Footed:17 (uncanny dodge)

Initiative: +3

Speed: 40

Saving Throws Fort: +11 Ref: +6 Will +5

BAB: +8/+3

Attacks: Masterwork Greatsword +13/+8 melee 2d6+6 slashing 19-20/x2

Warhammer +12/+7 melee 1d8+4 bludgeoning x3

Paired Masterwork Handaxes +12/+7, +12 melee 1d6+4/1d6+4 slashing x3

Masterwork Mighty Composite Longbow (+3 Str) +12/+7 ranged 1d8+3 piercing x3 100ft 60 arrows

Silver Dagger +12/+7 melee (or+11 ranged) 1d4+4 piercing 19-20 10ft

Languages Common Orc Undercommon

Skills 5/lv Bbn, 7/lv Rgr Skill Mod Ranks Ability Misc. Climb (Str) +8 4 +4 (+2 with climbing kit) Concentration (Con) +2 0 +2 Handle Animal (Cha) +5 7 -2 Heal (Wis) +2 0 +2 Hide (Dex) +12 7 +3 (+2 Stealthy) Intimidate (Cha) +2 4 -2 Jump (Str) +8 4 +4 Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) +4 3 +1 Knowledge (nature) (Int) +6 3 +1 (+2 synergy from Survival) Listen (Wis) +7 5 +2 Move Silently (Dex) +12 7 +3 (+2 Stealthy) Ride (Dex) +9 2 +3 (+2 synergy Handle Animal) Search (Int) +3 2 +1 Spot (Wis) +7 5 +2 Survival (Wis) +11 9 +2 Swim (Str) +5 1 +4 Use Rope (Dex) +3 0 +3

Feats: Stealthy (+2 Hide & Move Silently) Weapon Focus (Handaxe) Track (Ranger bonus) Dodge

Spells (Ranger, CL:2 DC 12+SL) 1st (1/day) Entangle

Traits: Orc Blood Darkvision 60' Rage 2/day- Gain +4 Str/Con, +2 Will saves, -2 AC for (3+ [new]Con mod rounds) Fast Movement- +10 Speed Uncanny Dodge- retain Dex bonus to AC even when caught flat-footed Favored Enemy (Aberrations)- Gains +1 to damage, Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival checks Fighting Style- Gains benefit of Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity feats when wearing light or no armor Spells


+1 Studded Leather Type:light AC:+4 Max Dex:+5 Check:-0 Spell Fail:15% Wt:20 Masterwork Large Wooden Shield AC:+2 Check:-1 Wt:10

Gear (worn): Traveler's Outfit, Cloak of Resistance +1

Gear (carried): Backpack, Belt Pouch, Caltrops, Tindertwig, Smokestick, Tanglefoot Bag, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Spider Climb, Potion of Hiding,

Gear(owned): Flint & Steel, Waterskin, Rations (x2), Tindertwig (x2), Flask of acid, Alchemist Fire, Thunderstone, Climber's Kit, Cold Weather Outfit, Sack containing 50' silk rope, 4 pitons, hammer, grappling hook, Oil (3 flasks), Shovel, Tent, Bedroll, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x2),


 Virgil       Heavy Warhorse
-riding saddle, bit & bridle, 2 saddlebags, 2 days feed

(carries owned gear)

Wealth: C- S-5 G-54 P- Other-

Alardan Graywander[edit]

Male Human Warlock.

Player: Talisman

Nigel Helmsley[edit]

Male Human Bard 8, Loremaster 1 NG Player: Mitch

Background: Nigel was the fourth son of a wealthy baron. As such, his oldest brother inherited the lion’s share of their father’s estate, with nothing left for himself. Rather than be treated as a well-dressed vassal by his family, he decided to make his own way in the world. His travels took him to Bryn Shander, where the Furfolk had settled the area. Fascinated by them and their history, he set about learning as much as he could about them. What passed for a local library had been neglected, so he saw an opportunity to improve the community, while pursuing his research.

Appearance: A thin human in his mid-20’s. He has grey eyes, and neatly-trimmed brown hair. He is clean-shaven, with permanently ink-stained fingers. Around town, he wears a simple scholar’s outfit. When abroad, he prefers a finely-made chain shirt complemented by a sturdy traveler’s ensemble, with a rapier at his hip.


Str 10 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 18 Wis 12 Cha 16

+1 feat +4 skill ranks at level 1, +1/level

A bard is proficient with all simple weapons. Additionally, the bard is proficient with one of the following weapons: longbow, composite longbow, longsword, *rapier, sap, short composite bow, short sword, shortbow, or whip. Bards are proficient with light armor, medium armor, and shields.

Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, Furfolk Common, Orc, Celestial, Infernal, Undercommon

BAB: +6/+1 Fort: +4 Ref: +9 Will: +10

HP: 58/58 Initiative: +2 AC: 18 Rapier: +8/+3 1d6+1, 18-20x2, magic Light crossbow: +9, 1d8, 19-20x2 Dagger: +6/+1 1d4, 19-20x2

Skills: 36 @ 1st, 9/level

Decipher Script 5:9 Gather Information 4:9 Diplomacy 10:13 Knowledge (Arcana) 5:9 Knowledge (Bardic) 12:14 Knowledge (Geography) 10:14 Knowledge (History) 10:16 Knowledge (Local) 8:12 Knowledge (Nobility) 3:7 Knowledge (Planes) 4:8 Knowledge (Religion) 4:8 Move Silently 8:10 Perform (Oratory) 10:13 Profession (Librarian) 3:4 Search 7:11 Sense Motive 8:9 Survival 0:1 (3 to avoid getting lost/natural hazards, 3 to find/follow tracks) Speak Language 4 Spellcraft 8:12 Use Magic Device 5:8 (10 for scrolls)

Feats Skill Focus: Knowledge (History) Scribe Scroll Extend Spell: Duration x2, +1 level Still Spell: no somatic, +1 level

    • applying a metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell automatically increases the casting time to a full-round action.

Bardic Knowledge: A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. This check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. The bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random. The DM will determine the Difficulty Class of the check by referring to the table below.

DC Type of Knowledge 10 Common, known by at least a substantial minority of the local population. 20 Uncommon but available, known by only a few people in the area. 25 Obscure, known by few, hard to come by. 30 Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most who once knew it, possibly known only by those who don't understand the significance of the knowledge.

Spells/Day 0: 3 1: 4 2: 4 3: 3

Neutralize Poison x1

Spells Known 0: D*Detect Magic: std, VS, 60’ cone, 7 min, 3 rds to read auras, Arcana DC 15+spell level = school ((Alardan)) Read Magic: std, VSF, self, 70 min, 1 pg/min, glyph: DC 13 Spellcraft, symbol: DC 19 Mage Hand: std, VS, close, 5 lbs, 15’ as move action, concentration Prestidigitation: std, VS, 10’, 1 hr, lift 1 lb, clean/soil/color 1’ cube/rd, chill/warm/flavor 1 lb material, small crude objects, Light: std, VM, touch, 70 min, 20’r normal light Mending: 10 min, VS, 10’, 1 object <= 5 lbs

1: Cure Light Wounds: std, touch, 1d8+5, harm undead (Will save 1/2) D*Identify: 1 hr, VSM (100 gp pearl), touch, 1 object, basic function; activation; charges left Silent Image: std, VSF, long, 12 10’ cubes, concentration, Will save to disbelieve, can move within area Unseen Servant: std, VSM, close, 8 hrs, lift 20 lbs / drag 100 lbs, speed 15’, 6 hp (Bartleby)

2: Cure Moderate Wounds: std, touch, 2d8+8, harm undead (Will save 1/2) D*Locate Object: std, VSF, 720’r, 8 min, specific item needs mental image, must have seen unique item (not via divination) D*Detect Thoughts: std, VSF, 60’ cone, conc (8 min), change area ea rd, blockable

Rd 1: presence/absence of thoughts 
Rd 2: # of thinking minds, Int scores
Rd 3: surface thoughts, Will negates

D*Tongues: touch, 80 min, speak/understand any language

3: D*Clairvoyance/Clairaudience: 10 min, VSF, 720’r, 8 min, familiar location, can’t move, see 10’r in natural darkness Dispel Magic: std, VS, 180’, Targeted or Area or Counterspell D*See Invisibility: std, VSM, 80 min, see invisible/ethereal

Equipment: 5400 +2 Chain Shirt. 1250 +1 Rapier. 320 Masterwork light crossbow 35 20 bolts. 2 Dagger. 2 Cloak of Resistance +1. 1000 Handy Haversack. 2000 2 oz ink. 16 2 pens. .2 30 sheets Paper. 12 30 sheets Parchment. 6 10 scroll cases. 10 Sealing wax. 1 2 candles. .02 Signet ring. 5 2 pieces chalk. .02 10 Tindertwigs. 10 5 spell levels of scroll-writing materials. 250 Scholar’s outfit. 5 Explorer’s outfit. 10 Magnifying glass. 100 Cure Light Wounds potion. 50 Wagon fund. 300 10 gp

scroll of Sending

Katrin’s rhyme from Lady Silverymoon (Unicorn?)

Some armor on a rack: modified briganadine. Square plates of metal about four inches on a side, stitched into pockets on the inside surface of garments made of some thin, tough leather. You can't tell without opening a pocket, what metal is being used. It feels very light though. A pair of delicate-looking longswords in stiff leather scabbards, with ivory hilts that have a symbol cared into them. It looks like the same symbol Mayrvreen was wearing on that headband.

Half a dozen or so small locked chests. Another chest, open, contains several blank books and underneath those some filled journals or record books. You don't recognize the script.

Small hidden notebook.

You find a stock of supplies in the huts; food, tools, extra weapons. You find healing supplies too: mundane things such as bandages and some potion bottles. Half a dozen of those are labeled as cure poison, nearly a full dozen as heal wounds.

Sneaky-priest had a couple of potions of Cure Poison, one of Heal Moderate Wounds, and two daggers,, with Enchanted Weapon cast on them. . Aside from that a ring and an amulet, both with masking magic on them. You can't tell from inspection what their enchantment does.

15 pearls worth 100 gp each

Kukri Sacrificial knife Boots of Speed

dozen potions of Neutralize Poison four potions of Heal Moderate wounds

Bardic Music: 7/day Inspire Courage: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can to inspire courage in his or her allies. To be affected, an ally must hear the bard sing for a full round. The effect lasts as long as the bard sings and for 5 rounds after the bard stops singing (or 5 rounds after the ally can no longer hear the bard). While singing, the bard can fight but cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate magic items by magic word (such as wands). Affected allies receive a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 morale bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. Inspire courage is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability. Countersong: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can counter magical effects that depend on sound (but not spells that simply have verbal components). As with inspire courage, a bard may sing, play, or recite a countersong while taking other mundane actions, but not magical actions. Each round of the countersong, the bard makes a Perform check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard) who is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of his saving throw if, after rolling the saving throw, the Perform check result proves to be better. The bard may keep up the countersong for 10 rounds. Countersong is a supernatural ability. Fascinate: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can cause a single creature to become fascinated with him. The creature to be fascinated must be able to see and hear the bard and must be within 90 feet. The bard must also see the creature. The creature must be able to pay attention to the bard. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. The bard makes a Perform check, and the target can negate the effect with a Will saving throw equal to or greater than the bard's check result. If the saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If the saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to the song for up to 1 round per level of the bard. While fascinated, the target's Spot and Listen checks suffer a -4 penalty. Any potential threat (such as an ally of the bard moving behind the fascinated creature) allows the fascinated creature a second saving throw against a new Perform check result. Any obvious threat, such as casting a spell, drawing a sword, or aiming, automatically breaks the effect.

While fascinating (or attempting to fascinate) a creature, the bard must concentrate, as if casting or maintaining a spell. Fascinate is a spell-like, mind- affecting charm ability.

Inspire Competence: A bard with 6 or more ranks in Perform can help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be able to see and hear the bard and must be within 30 feet. The bard must also see the creature. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on his skill checks with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear the bard's music. The DM may rule that certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The bard can maintain the effect for 2 minutes (long enough for the ally to take 20). Inspire competence is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability.

Suggestion (Sp): A bard of 6th level or higher with 9 or more ranks in a Perform skill can make a suggestion (as the spell) to a creature that he has already fascinated (see above). Using this ability does not break the bard’s concentration on the fascinate effect, nor does it allow a second saving throw against the fascinate effect. You influence the actions of the target creature by suggesting a course of activity (limited to a sentence or two). The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound reasonable. Asking the creature to do some obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect of the spell. The suggested course of activity can continue for the entire duration (1 hr/lvl). If the suggested activity can be completed in a shorter time, the spell ends when the subject finishes what it was asked to do. You can instead specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration. If the condition is not met before the spell duration expires, the activity is not performed. A very reasonable suggestion causes the save to be made with a penalty (such as –1 or –2).

Katrin of the Willow[edit]

Female Half-Elf CG 9th Level Wizard Diviner Specialist Faith: Complicated, but never gave up looking for unicorns... Age: 25yo Speed: 30 Feet Size: M Ht: 5'2" Wt: 87lb Eyes: Green Hair: Black Skin: Pale

STR: 10 (+0) DEX: 15 (+2) CON: 16 (+3) INT: 18 (+4) WIS: 13 (+1) CHA: 10 (+0)

Saves:Fortitude:+5 (Base of +3/Con Bonus +3) Reflex:+4 (Base of +3/Dex Bonus +2) Willpower:+7 (Base of +6/Wis Bonus +1)

Base Attack: +4 Melee Bonus: +0 (STR) Missile Bonus: +2 (DEX) AC: 12 (Base +2 Dex Bonus) Initiative: +2 (DEX Bonus) HP/Level: 1d4+3 (CON Bonus) Total: 53 HP

Half Elf Notes: Immune to Sleep, +2 to Saves vs Enchantment, Low Light Vision, Elven Blood, +1 to Listen, Search and Spot Checks.

Feats: Summon Familiar (Free Wizard Feat, 1st, Includes Midnight, Black Tomcat Familiar! Free Alertness & +2 to Move Silently Checks! +4 NatAC, Int:9!), Scribe Scrolls (Free Wizard Feat, 1st), Point Blank Shot (General, 1st), Brew Potions (Wizard Feat bought with General Feat Slot, 3rd), Craft Wands (Bonus Wizard Feat, 5th) and *Arcane Disciple: Healing (General, 6th, from Complete Divine, Pg 79).

Skills: Total Skill points at 8th Level: 72 Max Class Skill Ranks: 12 Max Cross Class Skill Ranks: 6 Alchemy (Int/10/N) Concentration (Con/5/N) Handle Animal (Cha/2/Y) Heal (Wis/6/Y) Knowledge: Arcana (Int/5/N) Knowledge: Nature (Int/3/N) Knowledge: Religion (Int/4/N) Profession: Herbalist (Wis/5/N) Scrying (Int/5/N) Spellcraft (Int/5/N) Tumble (Dex/5/Y) Wilderness Lore (Wis/1/Y)

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Halfling, Orcish and Furfolk Common.

Spell Save (Base DC):14 (10+Int Bonus of 4, add Spell's Level as well after 0th) Not Permitted to learn Necromancy School spells due to Diviner School Specialization.

The Arcane Disciple Feat* allows Katrin to learn Healing Dominion Spells as Arcane Caster, but she must use her Wis of 13 rather than her Int of 18 to determine her Healing spell casting ability.

Arcane Spells/Level/Day: 8x0th, 8x1st, 8x2nd, 7x3rd, 6x4th, 5x5th...

Spellbook:0th: Resistance, Ray Of Frost, Detect Poison, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Presidigitation, Read Magic and Bookmaker's Odds.

1st: Protection From Evil, Magic Weapon, Featherfall, Summon Monster 1, Sleep, Color Spray, Magic Missile, Comprehend Languages, Mage Armour, Identify, Shocking Grasp and Cure Light Wounds*.

2nd: See Invisibility, Cat's Grace and Cure Moderate Wounds*.

3rd: Clairvoyance/Clairaudience, Fly, Lightning Bolt and Cure Serious Wounds*.

4th: Detect Scrying, Improved Invisibility and Scrying.

5th: Animal Growth, Rary's Telepathic Bond.

Memorized Spells: Oth: 2xDet.Mag 1xRead.Mag. 1xBook.Odds 2xDet.Poi 1xResist 1xRay.O.Frost

1st: 1xProt.F.Evil (Cast) 1xMagic.Wpn 1xFeatherfall 2xSleep 1xMag.Arm 1xShock.Grasp (Cast) 1xC.Lt.Wound

2nd: 1xSee.Invis 2xCat.Grace (1 cast) 1xComp.Lang (Lower Spell in higher slot) 2xMag.Missile 1xSum.Monster.I(Lower Spell in higher slot) 1xC.Md.Wound

3rd: 1xClairaudience 1xClairvoyance 2xFly (1 cast) 2xLight.Bolt (2 cast) 1xC.Ser.Wound (Cast)

4th: 2xDet.Scry 2xImp.Invisibility (1 cast) 2xScry 1xLight.Bolt (Lower Spell in higher slot)

5th: 2xAnimal.Grow (1 cast) 3xRary.TP.Bond (1 cast)

Equipment: Quarterstaff (Free, 4lb) Silvered Dagger & Wrist Sheath (11GP, 1lb) Spare Dagger & Boot Sheath (2GP, 1lb) Short Bow of Quality (330GP, 2lb) 1st Quiver of 20 Arrows (20 Standard 2 used so far, 1GP, 3lb) 2nd Quiver of 20 Arrows (10 Silvered, 10 Screamers, 15GP 3lb) Backpack (2GP, 2lb) Spell Book (25 GP, 3lb) Backup Spell Book (25 GP, 3lb) Masterwork Scribe Kit (+2 To Profession:Scribe, 55GP, 5lb) Steel Scrollcase (Contains 1x1st Spell scroll of Message 1GP, 1/2lb) 3 Pearls (Mat. Component, 300GP, 0lb*) Steel Tinderbox (1GP, 0lb*) 24 Candles (2SP/4CP, 0lb*) Folding Brass Candle Stick (2GP, 1lb) Everburning Candle (?GP, 0lb*) Fur Trimmed Hooded Black Silkwool/Moss Green Velvet Cloak (10GP, 2lb) Lucky Boots (Black Wolfskin Boots Of The Winterlands, DMG Pg?, 2500GP, 2lb) Moss Green Doeskin Healer's Vest w/many pockets (+2 to Heal Checks, 20 Doses, 100 GP, 2lb) Black Leather Belt w/Silver Crescent Moon & Cat Buckle, 2 small pouches & 1 large pouch (5GP, 1lb) Black Doeskin & Bottle Green Riding Breeches (2GP, 1lb) Green Peasant Linen Shirt w/Willow Catkin & Leaf braid trim (1GP, 1/2lb) Broadbrim Moss Green Doeskin Adventuring Hat w/2 Black Plumes (H2OProof, Plumes are also writing quills, 4GP, 1lb) 6 Doses of Antidote (300GP, 0lb*, 5 used) 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (100GP, 0lb*) 1 Week Iron Rations/Dried Fish & Beef Jerky for Midnight (5GP,10lb) Waterskin (Contains 2 days Water, 1 GP, 1/2lb empty, ?lb full) Messkit + 2 Small Steel Bowls (1GP, 1lb) Black Bearskin Sleeping Rug (1GP, 2lb) Elven Treebed (30GP, 5lb) 50 feet Elven Silk Rope (10GP, 5lb) Folding Steel Grapple (2GP, 2lb) Merchant's Scales (2GP, 1lb) Bar of Fleabane Soap (1GP, 1lb) Steel Mirror & Comb (12GP, 1/2lb) Alchemy-Lab-In-A-Chest w/ fitted compartments and simple brass lock & key (Key is Mat. Component, 510GP, 42lb, On Wagon) Woven Willow Lidded Storage Basket (1GP, 1lb empty) 2 Leather Sacks (2SP, 1lb empty) 2 Small black hens and Basketwork Cage (On Wagon, Brooding) Funds: 1003 GP/5 SP/6 CP (Still have to find cost for Hens & Cage, Everburning Candle and some spell scrolls though)

Midnight, Black Tomcat Familiar of no fixed abode... 

Notes: Katrin and Midnight, of no fixed abode, go wandering Icewind Dale in search of herbs and rare plants, and new portents in nature.

The more outrageous something she says is, the more the hearer should worry. Why? Despite her fiercely independent nature, Katrin does not lie, and will retreat into silence if accused of doing so lest she lose her temper. A familiar with sharp claws ever alert to their partner in magic moods is something she's had to learn to live with the consequences of.

Katrin favors dark greens and black in clothing, and is not particularly worried about fashion, or convention in women's attire, but prides herself on cleanliness (Where possible in the wilderness!) and comfort in appearance. She is slightly bewildered by some races extremes of fashion, and mixes styles as she pleases, with a weakness for dramatic cloaks, and anything with pockets.

She has no great respect for authority, but values kindness and compassion as well as a ready wit, and honesty in speech and deed. Her opinions on Elves are as scathing as her opinions on Humans, Dwarves, Orcs or Dragons, Men, Women, be they Lords and Ladies or Commoners of the lowest rank - "It's the individual person I judge the actions of, not the whole damned tribe!"

Her most oft repeated comment on Faith is "Angels fall from grace, and sometimes Demons rise to it. There's no telling how these things will turn out once even the slightest hope gets involved, and that, my friend, is what keeps even almighty gods and infernal overlords on their toes!"

She does not discuss her childhood or relatives if she can avoid it, to the point of rude bluntness.

Katrin also does not tolerate cruelty to children or animals, to the point of inflicting violence on those who do so in her presence.

She believes in unicorns, and one Unicorn in particular, that being Lady Lurue Silverymoon, The Laughter In The Forest...


Elerran Caramir

Neutral Good Moon Elf Swashbuckler 3/Barbarian 3

Ability Scores Str 14 (+2), Dex 18 (+4) 20 (+5) with ring. Con 12 (+1) Int 14 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 12 (+1) BAB/Grapple: +8/+10, AC 21 (touch 16, flat-footed 21) or 22 (touch 16, flat-footed 22) when using a longsword hp 78 Speed 40' Initiative +5

Languages Known: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan

Melee: +16/+11 with +2 longsword (1d8+6/19-20, x2) or +14/+9 with masterwork dagger (1d4+4/19-20/x2) Ranged: 14/+9 masterwork (mighty +1) composite shortbow (1d6+1/20/x3)

Saves: Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +5 (or +7 vs enchantments)

Feats: Graceful Edge (longsword), Iron Will, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (longsword)

Skills: Balance +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +5, Jump +14, Listen +12, Ride +9, Search +4, Sense Motive +12, Spot +5, Swim +4, Tumble +17

Skill modifiers include racial and synergy bonuses.

Class Abilities: Fast Movement, Grace (+1), Insightful Strike, Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC), Whirling Frenzy 2/day

Interesting/Combat Gear: Healing belt, +1 longsword, masterwork dagger, masterwork mighty composite (+1 Strength) shortbow, +1 mithral chain shirt, ring of protection +1, travel cloak (Magic of Faerun), +2 longsword, ring of +2 Dexterity.

Mundane gear: Starting kit (Backpack with waterskin, one day’s trail rations, bedroll, flint and steel, hooded lantern and 3 pints of oil, quiver with 20 arrows), winter blanket (0.5 gp and 3 pounds), soap (1 gp and two pounds), whetstone (0.02 gp and 1 pound), small steel mirror (10 gp and 0.5 pound), mess kit (0.6 gp and 1 pound), belt pouch (1 gp, 0.5 lb), traveler's outfit (free/no weight when worn), sunrods (2 gp, 1 pounds)

Total weight of items: 48 pounds.

Horse and horse gear: Light warhorse (150 gp) with Bit and Bridle: 2 gp, 1 pound Feed (3 days): 0.15 gp, 30 pounds Riding Saddle 10 gp, 25 pounds Saddlebags: 4 gp, 8 pounds Horse blanket: 1 gp, 12 lbs

Money remaining: 115.73 gp Note: Skills not updated for ring, only combat stats.

Fletcher Ben[edit]

Links[edit] Orokos