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Nehrahs Whisperwind

Class: Druid 5/ Master of many Forms 10/ Dragonkith 1 ECL: 15 Race: Elf Gender: female Age: 162 Eyes: Violet Hair: White Weight: 117 lbs Height: 5'6" Size: Medium Allignment: NG Deity: Bahamut, Obad-Hai

Stats: STR~ 12 DEX~ 14 (12 +Racial Bonus) CON~ 12 (14 +Racial Bonus) INT~ 23 (15 +lvl 4 & 16, +6 enhancement) WIS~ 17 (15 +lvl 8 & 12) CHA~ 15

BAB: +10/+5 Fort: 11 Ref: 10 Will: 10

HD: 16d8+16= 144HP

Feats: lvl 1~ Endurance lvl 3~ Alertness lvl 6~ Nymph's Kiss lvl 9~ Dragon Cohort lvl 12~ Exalted Wildshape lvl 15~ Frightful Presence Elf Feat~ Rapier Proficiency

Skills: (Ranks + stat)

Intimidate 11 (9 ranks) Knowledge (Arcana, Geography, History, Nature, Local, Religion) 18 (12 Ranks each) Handle Animal 12 (10 Ranks) Search 11 (8 Ranks) Spot 11 (8 Ranks) Hide 10 (8 Ranks) Listen 11 (8 Ranks) Survival 16 (13 Ranks)

Class skills:

Animal Companion (None taken, dragon Cohort instead) Nature sense Wild Empathy Woodland Stride Trackless step Resist narure's lure Wildshape 11/day Shifter's speech Improved Wildshape (Humanoid, Giant, Monstrous Humanoid, Fey, Plant, Ooze, Elemental, Dragon) Improved Wildshape (Diminuative-Gargantuan) Fast Wildshape Evershifting Form Scales +1 Telepathic Plea

Background, Personality, and Appearance:

Knowledge is a key item for elves, and no one exemplifies this better than Nehrahs. At the age of 162, Nahrahs is well into adulthood for an elf. In her travels abroad and commune with nature, she has learned far more than most elf scholars have.

Nehrahs was born the daughter of a lesser noble family, high elves to be exact. Her life growing up was strictly conformed to even ritual, and thus as she came of age, she fled, taking on the life of a druid, and training inder the great Platinum wyrm, Bahamut. Bahamut, surprised that this little one would seek him out of all the other gods, gave her into the care of Nervannis and Celestis. Nervannis, a younger Green dragon, had been purified by Celestis, the gold, a slightly older dragon (remember this is relative). The two were mates, and Nervannis, knowing much of the ways of the druid, taught Nehrahs in that area. Celestis, knowledgable in the ways of lore, taught Nehrahs in that area. As Nehrahs gained knowledge and skill, it began apparent that she preffered the path of becoming one with the beast, and mastered her ability to change shape. At the age of 140, Nehrahs was given the care of a recently hatched Battle Dragon, aptly named Thor. The two were bonded in an arcane ceremony of the highest caliber, and thus began a great companionship.

In recent months, Nehrahs and Thor have taken up residence in the icy mountains of Perranland. It was by means of a wyrmling under Bahamut that the two were notified of a recently killed Hunefer in the area of Perranland. The Hunefer was killed by a group of local heroes, so the story went. Bahamut asked that the two go and investigate the rumors, as well if in finding the group, to examine the Hunefer for any items of good that were used in binding the creature, that the local heroes could not know of in their own understanding of the arcane and divine.