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From then on she was bound to the library as a ghost. Tales were told of books misplaced, about unnatural chills, and about the woman in Victorian garb who, they said, was the ghost of the murdered librarian, who they dubbed the Grey Lady. The tales were true.
From then on she was bound to the library as a ghost. Tales were told of books misplaced, about unnatural chills, and about the woman in Victorian garb who, they said, was the ghost of the murdered librarian, who they dubbed the Grey Lady. The tales were true.
Name: Laelaps
Concept: Greek Mythological hunting dog
Motivation: To track down prey
===ATTRIBUTES [92pp]===
STR: 6 STA: 8 AGL: 8 DEX: 8
FTG: 8 INT: 0 AWE: 8 PRE: 0
===DEFENSIVE [6pp]===
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 Tough: 10 Fort: 8 Will: 8
Initiative +8
Close: Bite +10 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 24
===POWERS [40pp]===
BITE (3 points)
Damage 3 (Extra: Strength Based +0)(1pp/lvl; 3pts)
CHASE: (14 points)
Speed 6 (1pp/lvl; 6pts)
Linked Leap 4 (1pp/lvl; 4pts)
Linked Movement Wall-Crawling 2 (2pp/lvl; 4pts)
TRACK: (23 points) Detect & Track Target Trail
Senses 23 (Accurate 2, Acute 1, Analytical 1, Counters
Concealment 5, Counters Illusion 2, Detect 2, Extended 3,
Penetrates Concealment 4, Radius 1, Tracking 2)
Without rolling, can automatically track a target that’s within
an approximate 26 mile radius of his location (1pp/lvl; 23pts)
===ADVANTAGES [4 pp]===
Instant Up
Skill Mastery (Perception)
Ultimate Effort (Perception) The Gray Lady will spend her Hero Points on the dog's behalf
Move-By Attack
===SKILLS [8pp]===
N/A Acrobatics (AGI)
+10 Athletics 4 (STR)
+10 Close Combat Bite 2 (FTG)
+0 Deception (PRE)
N/A Expertise: N/A (INT)
+10 Insight 2 (AWE)
+0 Intimidation (PRE)
N/A Investigation N/A (INT)
+14 Perception 6 (AWE)
+0 Persuasion (PRE)
N/A Ranged Combat: N/A (DEX)
N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX)
+10 Stealth 2 (AGI)
N/A Technology N/A (INT)
N/A Treatment N/A (INT)
N/A Vehicles N/A (DEX)
Attributes 92 + Powers 40 + Advantages 4 + Skills 8 (16 ranks) + Defenses 6 = 150 points
Name: Columbo
Concept: Seemingly bumbling detective
Motivation: To catch criminals and solve mysteries
===ATTRIBUTES [50pp]===
STR: 0 STA: 0 AGL: 3 DEX: 3
FTG: 1 INT: 6 AWE: 6 PRE: 6
===DEFENSIVE [30pp]===
Dodge: 8 Parry: 8 Tough: 8 Fort: 8 Will: 8
Initiative +0
Close: Fisticuffs +5 / vs. TOUGH DC 15
Ranged: .38 Revolver +5 / vs. TOUGH DC 18
===POWERS [21pp]===
“Oh, one more question” CONFESSION (21 points)
Mind Reading 10
(Extras: Cumulative +1; Subtle 2 (+2pts); Flaws: Language Dependent -1;
Quirk: Only for confessing crime details (-1pt)) (2pp/lvl +1pts; 21pts)
===ADVANTAGES [17 pp]===
Equipment 1 (.38 Revolver)
Favored Foe: Perpetrators
Improvised Tools
Luck 2
Second Chance 5 (Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion)
Skill Mastery 5 (Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion)
Well Informed
===SKILLS [32pp]===
N/A Acrobatics (AGI)
+0 Athletics (STR)
+5 Close Combat Fisticuffs 4 (FTG)
+14 Deception 8 (PRE)
+10 Expertise: Psychology 4 (INT)
+14 Expertise: Forensics 8 (INT)
+14 Insight 8 (AWE)
+6 Intimidation (PRE)
+14 Investigation 8 (INT)
+14 Perception 8 (AWE)
+14 Persuasion 8 (PRE)
+5 Ranged Combat: Guns 2(DEX)
N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX)
+5 Stealth 2 (AGI)
N/A Technology N/A (INT)
+8 Treatment 2 (INT)
+5 Vehicles 2 (DEX)
Attributes 50 + Powers 21 + Advantages 17 + Skills 32 (64 ranks) + Defenses 30 = 150 points
Name: Elrond Half-Elven
Concept: Nigh immortal leader, healer, sage and warrior
Motivation: To provide advice and heal
===ATTRIBUTES [60pp]===
STR: 2 STA: 4 AGL: 4 DEX: 4
FTG: 4 INT: 4 AWE: 4 PRE: 4
===DEFENSIVE [23pp]===
Dodge: 9 Parry: 9 Tough: 7 (11) (w//defensive Roll) Fort: 9 Will: 9
Initiative +8
Close: Sword +10 / vs. TOUGH DC 25
Ranged: Bow +10 / vs. TOUGH DC 23
===POWERS [34pp]===
ELVEN BLOOD (8 points)
Immunity 5: Disease, Poison, Cold, Heat, Aging (1pp/lvl; 5 pts)
Speed 3 (1pp/lvl; 3pts)
ELVEN SKILL (26 points)
Healing 12
(Extras: Alternate Effects 3; Flaws: quirk: out of combat only -1pt) (2ppl +2pt / 26pts)
AE: Foresight: Remote Sensing 18 (Visual)
(Extras: Subtle (+1 pt) Precognition (+4pts); Flaws: Requires
Medium: Trance -1) (1pp/lvl +5pt; 23pts)
AE: Sword: Damage 8 (STR Based) (Extras: Accurate 3 (+3pts))
Linked: Enhanced Advantages 12
(Defensive Roll 4, Instant Up, Accurate Attack, All-Out
Attack, Defensive Attack, Power Attack, Precise Attack,
Move-By Action, Weapon Bind) (1pp/lvl +15pts; 23pts)
AE: Bow: Ranged Damage 8 (Extras: Accurate 3 (+3pts))
Linked Enhanced Advantage 4 (Defensive Roll 4)
(2pp/lvl +7pts; 23pts)
===ADVANTAGES [6 pp]===
Fascinate: Persuasion
Improved Initiative
Skill Mastery (Treatment)
Uncanny Dodge
From Eleven Skill: Sword
Accurate Attack
Defensive Attack
Defensive Roll 4 (*Also works with Bow)
Power Attack
Precise Attack
Weapon Bind
===SKILLS [27pp]===
+9 Acrobatics 5 (AGI)
+2 Athletics (STR)
+4 Deception (PRE)
+10 Expertise: Arcana 6 (INT)
+12 Insight 8 (AWE)
+8 Intimidation 4 (PRE)
+8 Investigation 4 (INT)
+8 Perception 4 (AWE)
+12 Persuasion 8 (PRE)
N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX)
+9 Stealth 5 (AGI)
N/A Technology N/A (INT)
+12 Treatment 8 (INT)
N/A Vehicles N/A (DEX)
Attributes 60 + Powers 34 + Advantages 6 + Skills 27 (54 ranks) + Defenses 23 = 150 points
Name: Achilles
Concept: Nigh-invulnerable Greek warrior
Motivation: To fight, to test his mettle
===ATTRIBUTES [70pp]===
STR: 10 STA: 5 AGL: 5 DEX: 5
FTG: 10 INT: 0 AWE: 0 PRE: 0
===DEFENSIVE [25pp]===
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 Tough: 10 Fort: 10 Will: 10
Initiative +8
Close Combat +10 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 25
Ranged: (thrown object) +10 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 25
===POWERS [23pp]===
INVULNERABLE (14 points)
Impervious Toughness 10
(Flaws: Quirk not when heel targeted (-1pt)) (1pp/lvl -1pt; 9pts)
Regeneration 5 (recover every other round) (1pp/lvl; 5pts)
STR Damage Ranged 10 (1pp/lvl -1pt; 9pts)
(Flaws: Quirk: Requires something to throw (-1pt))
===ADVANTAGES [17 pp]===
Accurate Attack
Defensive Attack
Equipment 1 (Javelins - basically, he comes with something to throw)
Great Endurance
Improved Grab
Improved Initiative 1
Improved Trip
Instant Up
Power Attack
Precise Attack
Uncanny Dodge
Weapon Break
===SKILLS [15pp]===
+10 Acrobatics 5 (AGI)
+12 Athletics 2 (STR)
+0 Deception 0 (PRE)
+0 Insight 0 (AWE)
+12 Intimidation 12 (PRE)
N/A Investigation N/A (INT)
+8 Perception 8 (AWE)
+0 Persuasion 0 (PRE)
N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX)
+8 Stealth 3 (AGI)
N/A Technology N/A (INT)
N/A Treatment N/A (INT)
N/A Vehicles N/A (DEX)
Attributes 70 + Powers 23 + Advantages 17 + Skills 15 (30 ranks) + Defenses 25 = 150 points
==Daniel Jackson==
Name: Dr. Daniel Jackson, PhD
Concept: Doubly Ascended Archaeologist and Linguist
Motivation: Understand alien cultures, to make peace
===ATTRIBUTES [40pp]===
STR: 1 STA: 1 AGL: 1 DEX: 1
FTG: 1 INT: 7 AWE: 5 PRE: 3
===DEFENSIVE [27pp]===
Dodge: 7 Parry: 7 Tough: 5/9 (w/ballistic vest) Fort: 7 Will: 10/14 (vs. mental powers)
Initiative +1
Close Combat: Unarmed +5 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 16
Ranged: Automatic Pistol +5 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 18
Ranged: Sub-Machine Gun +5 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 20
Affliction Mind Control +10 / vs. WILL Save DC 20
===POWERS [52pp]===
Enhanced Traits: Will 4
(Flaws: Only vs. Mental Powers -1) (1pp/2lvls; 2pts)
Mind Control: Affliction 10 (Entranced; Compelled; Controlled)
(Extras: Ranged +1; Cumulative +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts)
Alternate Effect (+1pt)) (3pp/lvl +5pt; 36pts)
AE: Mind Reading 11
(Extras: Cumulative +1) (3pp/lvl; 33pts)
Comprehend 3 (Languages) (2pp/lvl; 6pts)
Communication 2 (Mental) (4pp/lvl; 8pts)
Impervious Protection 4
(Flaws: Removable (-2pts)) (2pp/lvl -2pts; 6pts)
Sub-Machine Gun: Ranged Damage 5
(Extras: Multi-Attack +1; Flaws: Removable (-3pts))
(3pp/lvl -3pts; 12pts)
Automatic Pistol: Ranged Damage 4
(Flaws: Removable (-2pts)) (2pp/lvl -2pts; 6pts)
===ADVANTAGES [8 pp]===
Equipment 5
(Military Combat Armor, Automatic Pistol, Sub-Machine Gun)
Jack of All Trades
===SKILLS [23pp]===
N/A Acrobatics N/A (AGI)
+1 Athletics (STR)
+5 Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (FTG)
+8 Deception 5 (PRE)
+11 Expertise: Linguistics 4 (INT)
+11 Expertise: Archeology 4 (INT)
+10 Insight 5 (AWE)
+3 Intimidation (PRE)
+10 Investigation 3 (INT)
+8 Perception 3 (AWE)
+8 Persuasion 5 (PRE)
+5 Ranged Combat: Sub-Machine Gun 4 (FTG)
+5 Ranged Combat: Automatic Pistol 4 (FTG)
N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX)
+1 Stealth (AGI)
+10 Technology 3 (INT)
+8 Treatment 1 (INT)
+2 Vehicles 1 (DEX)
Attributes 40 + Powers 52 + Advantages 8 + Skills 23 (46 ranks) + Defenses 27 = 150 points
Name: Merlin, aka Myrddin Wyllt, aka Aurelius Ambrosius, aka Merlin Ambrosius
Concept: Mercurial, lusty, demonic prophet, advisor and wizard
Motivation: To test the worth of hero-aspirants and lay quests and geas upon them
===ATTRIBUTES [52pp]===
STR: 0    STA: 5  AGL: 2    DEX: 2
FTG: 2    INT: 5    AWE: 5    PRE: 5
===DEFENSIVE [25pp]===
Dodge: 7  Parry: 7  Tough: 10
Fort: 10  Will: 10
Initiative +2
Sword +11 (vs. TOUGH save DC 24; multi-attack)
Cross Bow +11 (vs. TOUGH save DC 24)
Magic Blast +10 (vs. TOUGH save DC 25)
Weaken Toughness +10 (vs. WILL save DC 20)
Illusions (DC 22 Will or Insight save check to disbelieve, only if interacting with illusion)
===POWERS [49pp]===
SWORD & CROSS-BOW (19 points)
  Bow: AGL based Damage 7
    (Extras: Ranged +1; AGL Ranged (+2pts); Alternate Effects 1
    (+1pt), Accurate 2 (+2pts)) (2pp/lvl +5; 19pts)
  AE: Sword AGL based Damage 7
    (Extras: Multi-attack +1; AGL Multi attack (+2pts); Accurate 2
    (+2pts))) (2pp/lvl +4pts; 18pts)
MAGIC! (30 points)
  Magic Blast: Damage 10
    (Extras: Ranged +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts) Alternate Effects 6
    (+6pts)) (2pp/lvl +10pts)
  AE: Enervation: Weaken (Toughness) 10
    (Extras: Ranged +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts)) (2pp/lvl+4pts; 24pts)
  AE: Invisibility Ward: Concealment (Visual + Hearing) 6
    (Extras: Affects Others +1; Burst Area +1) (4pp/lvl; 24pts)
  AE: Illusions 4 (all senses) 250ft cubic volume
    (Extras: Difficult to detect (“Accurate”) 4 (+4pts)) (5pp/lvl
    +4pts; 24pts) DC 22 to “disbelieve” if interacting with them.
  AE: Nullify 10 (Magical Effects)
    (Extras: Broad +1; Simultaneous +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts);
    Flaws: Backlash Side Effect -1) (2pp/lvl +4pts; 24pts)
  AE: Nullify 10 (Mutant Effects)
    (Extras: Broad +1; Simultaneous +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts);
    Flaws: Backlash Side Effect -1) (2pp/lvl +4pts; 24pts)
  AE: Nullify 10 (Technological Effects)
    (Extras: Broad +1; Simultaneous +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts);
    Flaws: Backlash Side Effect -1) (2pp/lvl +4pts; 24pts)
===ADVANTAGES [3 pp]===
Well Informed
===SKILLS [21pp]===
N/A Acrobatics (AGI)
  +0 Athletics (STR)
  +7 Close Combat Sword 5 (FTG)
  +8 Deception 3 (PRE)
+10 Expertise: Arcana 5 (INT)
+10 Expertise: Holy Grail 5 (INT)
  +8 Insight 3 (AWE)
  +8 Intimidation 3 (PRE)
  +8 Investigation 3 (INT)
  +8 Perception 3 (AWE)
  +9 Persuasion 4 (PRE)
  +7 Ranged Combat: Crossbow 5 (DEX)
N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX)
  +2 Stealth (AGI)
N/A Technology N/A (INT)
  +8 Treatment 3 (INT)
N/A Vehicles N/A (DEX)
Attributes 52 + Powers 49 + Advantages 3 + Skills 21 (42 ranks) + Defenses 25 = 150 points

Latest revision as of 17:42, 20 April 2021

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The Grey Lady (Olivia (Livie) Orvis) (PL 10/150 pts)

Description: tall woman (6’11”) with long dark hair, usually worn in a bun, who is in “black and white”, that is she looks like she stepped out of an old black and white movie. She habitually wore Victorian dress, but is coming round to the idea of more modern clothes: pants are much more comfortable!

Motivations: curiosity about the world, and also about who killed her Complications: fictional people have their own goals.

ABILITIES (20)[edit]

Strength: 0; Stamina: 0; Agility: 0; Dexterity: 0; Fighting: 0; Intellect: 8; Awareness: 2; Presence: 0

Hero points: 1

Defenses (19)[edit]

Dodge 8, Parry 5, Fortitude (immune), Toughness 0/12, Will 8

Advantages (3)[edit]

Beginner’s Luck, Eidetic Memory, Well-Informed

Skills (11)[edit]

Expertise (History) +2; Expertise: Library Science +4 (+8); Expertise: Literature +2; Investigation +2; Perception +4; Persuasion +4; +12 (vs fictional people)

Powers (100)[edit]

Library Ghost Array (45)

Summon 10, Heroic, Variable Type (Broad, people from fiction), Attitude (Indifferent); Medium (work of fiction); Alternate Effect 5, 45 pts

Ectoplasmic Cloud: Damage 9; Ranged 1, Area 1 (cloud), Selective, Affects Incorporeal 2 Insubstantiality 4, Continuous, Reaction, Innate; Invisibility Telekinesis: Move Object 7, Area (burst), Selective, Precise, Subtle; Link (Environmental Cold 1) Teleportation 12, Accurate, Extended, Medium (books) Wisdom of the Tomes. Enhanced Intelligence +14; Jack of All Trades, Activation (Move Action); Requires persuasion roll

Comprehend (Languages) (3) (6)

Movement Array (3)

Flight 1 (2) Movement (Space Travel 1); just cause it’s cool, and I can’t resist putting it on!)

Protection 10 (10) Transform 1 (repair books, manuscripts, and scrolls) (2) Unliving: Immunity to Fortitude Effects. 30 pts


Attributes (22) + Defenses (18) + Advantages (3) + Skills (11) + Powers (98) = 150


Olivia was murdered on the evening of 17 June 1887, a Friday evening, as she returned home from the Valiant City Library where was an assistant librarian, by a person or persons unknown. She had just turned 35. She had had a love of learning and scholarship all of her life, and no interest in marrying or having kids.

From then on she was bound to the library as a ghost. Tales were told of books misplaced, about unnatural chills, and about the woman in Victorian garb who, they said, was the ghost of the murdered librarian, who they dubbed the Grey Lady. The tales were true.



Name: Laelaps Concept: Greek Mythological hunting dog Motivation: To track down prey

ATTRIBUTES [92pp][edit]

STR: 6 STA: 8 AGL: 8 DEX: 8 FTG: 8 INT: 0 AWE: 8 PRE: 0

DEFENSIVE [6pp][edit]

Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 Tough: 10 Fort: 8 Will: 8


Initiative +8 Close: Bite +10 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 24

POWERS [40pp][edit]

BITE (3 points) Damage 3 (Extra: Strength Based +0)(1pp/lvl; 3pts)

CHASE: (14 points) Speed 6 (1pp/lvl; 6pts) Linked Leap 4 (1pp/lvl; 4pts) Linked Movement Wall-Crawling 2 (2pp/lvl; 4pts)

TRACK: (23 points) Detect & Track Target Trail Senses 23 (Accurate 2, Acute 1, Analytical 1, Counters Concealment 5, Counters Illusion 2, Detect 2, Extended 3, Penetrates Concealment 4, Radius 1, Tracking 2) Without rolling, can automatically track a target that’s within an approximate 26 mile radius of his location (1pp/lvl; 23pts)

ADVANTAGES [4 pp][edit]

Instant Up Skill Mastery (Perception) Ultimate Effort (Perception) The Gray Lady will spend her Hero Points on the dog's behalf Move-By Attack

SKILLS [8pp][edit]

N/A Acrobatics (AGI) +10 Athletics 4 (STR) +10 Close Combat Bite 2 (FTG) +0 Deception (PRE) N/A Expertise: N/A (INT) +10 Insight 2 (AWE) +0 Intimidation (PRE) N/A Investigation N/A (INT) +14 Perception 6 (AWE) +0 Persuasion (PRE) N/A Ranged Combat: N/A (DEX) N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX) +10 Stealth 2 (AGI) N/A Technology N/A (INT) N/A Treatment N/A (INT) N/A Vehicles N/A (DEX)


Attributes 92 + Powers 40 + Advantages 4 + Skills 8 (16 ranks) + Defenses 6 = 150 points



Name: Columbo Concept: Seemingly bumbling detective Motivation: To catch criminals and solve mysteries

ATTRIBUTES [50pp][edit]

STR: 0 STA: 0 AGL: 3 DEX: 3 FTG: 1 INT: 6 AWE: 6 PRE: 6

DEFENSIVE [30pp][edit]

Dodge: 8 Parry: 8 Tough: 8 Fort: 8 Will: 8


Initiative +0 Close: Fisticuffs +5 / vs. TOUGH DC 15 Ranged: .38 Revolver +5 / vs. TOUGH DC 18

POWERS [21pp][edit]

“Oh, one more question” CONFESSION (21 points) Mind Reading 10 (Extras: Cumulative +1; Subtle 2 (+2pts); Flaws: Language Dependent -1; Quirk: Only for confessing crime details (-1pt)) (2pp/lvl +1pts; 21pts)

ADVANTAGES [17 pp][edit]

Contacts Equipment 1 (.38 Revolver) Favored Foe: Perpetrators Improvised Tools Luck 2 Second Chance 5 (Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion) Skill Mastery 5 (Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion) Well Informed

SKILLS [32pp][edit]

N/A Acrobatics (AGI) +0 Athletics (STR) +5 Close Combat Fisticuffs 4 (FTG) +14 Deception 8 (PRE) +10 Expertise: Psychology 4 (INT) +14 Expertise: Forensics 8 (INT) +14 Insight 8 (AWE) +6 Intimidation (PRE) +14 Investigation 8 (INT) +14 Perception 8 (AWE) +14 Persuasion 8 (PRE) +5 Ranged Combat: Guns 2(DEX) N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX) +5 Stealth 2 (AGI) N/A Technology N/A (INT) +8 Treatment 2 (INT) +5 Vehicles 2 (DEX)


Attributes 50 + Powers 21 + Advantages 17 + Skills 32 (64 ranks) + Defenses 30 = 150 points



Name: Elrond Half-Elven Concept: Nigh immortal leader, healer, sage and warrior Motivation: To provide advice and heal

ATTRIBUTES [60pp][edit]

STR: 2 STA: 4 AGL: 4 DEX: 4 FTG: 4 INT: 4 AWE: 4 PRE: 4

DEFENSIVE [23pp][edit]

Dodge: 9 Parry: 9 Tough: 7 (11) (w//defensive Roll) Fort: 9 Will: 9


Initiative +8 Close: Sword +10 / vs. TOUGH DC 25 Ranged: Bow +10 / vs. TOUGH DC 23

POWERS [34pp][edit]

ELVEN BLOOD (8 points) Immunity 5: Disease, Poison, Cold, Heat, Aging (1pp/lvl; 5 pts) Speed 3 (1pp/lvl; 3pts)

ELVEN SKILL (26 points) Healing 12 (Extras: Alternate Effects 3; Flaws: quirk: out of combat only -1pt) (2ppl +2pt / 26pts)

AE: Foresight: Remote Sensing 18 (Visual) (Extras: Subtle (+1 pt) Precognition (+4pts); Flaws: Requires Medium: Trance -1) (1pp/lvl +5pt; 23pts)

AE: Sword: Damage 8 (STR Based) (Extras: Accurate 3 (+3pts)) Linked: Enhanced Advantages 12 (Defensive Roll 4, Instant Up, Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Defensive Attack, Power Attack, Precise Attack, Move-By Action, Weapon Bind) (1pp/lvl +15pts; 23pts)

AE: Bow: Ranged Damage 8 (Extras: Accurate 3 (+3pts)) Linked Enhanced Advantage 4 (Defensive Roll 4) (2pp/lvl +7pts; 23pts)

ADVANTAGES [6 pp][edit]

Fascinate: Persuasion Improved Initiative Ritualist Skill Mastery (Treatment) Teamwork Uncanny Dodge

From Eleven Skill: Sword Accurate Attack All-out-Attack Defensive Attack Defensive Roll 4 (*Also works with Bow) Power Attack Precise Attack Move-by-Action Weapon Bind

SKILLS [27pp][edit]

+9 Acrobatics 5 (AGI) +2 Athletics (STR) +4 Deception (PRE) +10 Expertise: Arcana 6 (INT) +12 Insight 8 (AWE) +8 Intimidation 4 (PRE) +8 Investigation 4 (INT) +8 Perception 4 (AWE) +12 Persuasion 8 (PRE) N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX) +9 Stealth 5 (AGI) N/A Technology N/A (INT) +12 Treatment 8 (INT) N/A Vehicles N/A (DEX)


Attributes 60 + Powers 34 + Advantages 6 + Skills 27 (54 ranks) + Defenses 23 = 150 points



Name: Achilles Concept: Nigh-invulnerable Greek warrior Motivation: To fight, to test his mettle

ATTRIBUTES [70pp][edit]

STR: 10 STA: 5 AGL: 5 DEX: 5 FTG: 10 INT: 0 AWE: 0 PRE: 0

DEFENSIVE [25pp][edit]

Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 Tough: 10 Fort: 10 Will: 10


Initiative +8 Close Combat +10 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 25 Ranged: (thrown object) +10 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 25

POWERS [23pp][edit]

INVULNERABLE (14 points) Impervious Toughness 10 (Flaws: Quirk not when heel targeted (-1pt)) (1pp/lvl -1pt; 9pts) Regeneration 5 (recover every other round) (1pp/lvl; 5pts)

PEERLESS WARRIOR (9 points) STR Damage Ranged 10 (1pp/lvl -1pt; 9pts) (Flaws: Quirk: Requires something to throw (-1pt))

ADVANTAGES [17 pp][edit]

Accurate Attack All-out-Attack Defensive Attack Diehard Equipment 1 (Javelins - basically, he comes with something to throw) Great Endurance Improved Grab Improved Initiative 1 Improved Trip Instant Up Power Attack Precise Attack Startle Takedown Teamwork Uncanny Dodge Weapon Break

SKILLS [15pp][edit]

+10 Acrobatics 5 (AGI) +12 Athletics 2 (STR) +0 Deception 0 (PRE) +0 Insight 0 (AWE) +12 Intimidation 12 (PRE) N/A Investigation N/A (INT) +8 Perception 8 (AWE) +0 Persuasion 0 (PRE) N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX) +8 Stealth 3 (AGI) N/A Technology N/A (INT) N/A Treatment N/A (INT) N/A Vehicles N/A (DEX)


Attributes 70 + Powers 23 + Advantages 17 + Skills 15 (30 ranks) + Defenses 25 = 150 points

Daniel Jackson[edit]


Name: Dr. Daniel Jackson, PhD Concept: Doubly Ascended Archaeologist and Linguist Motivation: Understand alien cultures, to make peace

ATTRIBUTES [40pp][edit]

STR: 1 STA: 1 AGL: 1 DEX: 1 FTG: 1 INT: 7 AWE: 5 PRE: 3

DEFENSIVE [27pp][edit]

Dodge: 7 Parry: 7 Tough: 5/9 (w/ballistic vest) Fort: 7 Will: 10/14 (vs. mental powers)


Initiative +1 Close Combat: Unarmed +5 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 16 Ranged: Automatic Pistol +5 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 18 Ranged: Sub-Machine Gun +5 / vs. TOUGH Save DC 20 Affliction Mind Control +10 / vs. WILL Save DC 20

POWERS [52pp][edit]

RESDIUAL ASCENDED PSIONICS Enhanced Traits: Will 4 (Flaws: Only vs. Mental Powers -1) (1pp/2lvls; 2pts)

Mind Control: Affliction 10 (Entranced; Compelled; Controlled) (Extras: Ranged +1; Cumulative +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts) Alternate Effect (+1pt)) (3pp/lvl +5pt; 36pts)

AE: Mind Reading 11 (Extras: Cumulative +1) (3pp/lvl; 33pts)

Comprehend 3 (Languages) (2pp/lvl; 6pts)

Communication 2 (Mental) (4pp/lvl; 8pts)

GEAR FROM EQUIPMENT ADVANTAGE Impervious Protection 4 (Flaws: Removable (-2pts)) (2pp/lvl -2pts; 6pts)

Sub-Machine Gun: Ranged Damage 5 (Extras: Multi-Attack +1; Flaws: Removable (-3pts)) (3pp/lvl -3pts; 12pts)

Automatic Pistol: Ranged Damage 4 (Flaws: Removable (-2pts)) (2pp/lvl -2pts; 6pts)

ADVANTAGES [8 pp][edit]

Contacts Equipment 5 (Military Combat Armor, Automatic Pistol, Sub-Machine Gun) Jack of All Trades Well-Informed

SKILLS [23pp][edit]

N/A Acrobatics N/A (AGI) +1 Athletics (STR) +5 Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (FTG) +8 Deception 5 (PRE) +11 Expertise: Linguistics 4 (INT) +11 Expertise: Archeology 4 (INT) +10 Insight 5 (AWE) +3 Intimidation (PRE) +10 Investigation 3 (INT) +8 Perception 3 (AWE) +8 Persuasion 5 (PRE) +5 Ranged Combat: Sub-Machine Gun 4 (FTG) +5 Ranged Combat: Automatic Pistol 4 (FTG) N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX) +1 Stealth (AGI) +10 Technology 3 (INT) +8 Treatment 1 (INT) +2 Vehicles 1 (DEX)


Attributes 40 + Powers 52 + Advantages 8 + Skills 23 (46 ranks) + Defenses 27 = 150 points



Name: Merlin, aka Myrddin Wyllt, aka Aurelius Ambrosius, aka Merlin Ambrosius Concept: Mercurial, lusty, demonic prophet, advisor and wizard Motivation: To test the worth of hero-aspirants and lay quests and geas upon them

ATTRIBUTES [52pp][edit]

STR: 0 STA: 5 AGL: 2 DEX: 2 FTG: 2 INT: 5 AWE: 5 PRE: 5

DEFENSIVE [25pp][edit]

Dodge: 7 Parry: 7 Tough: 10 Fort: 10 Will: 10


Initiative +2 Sword +11 (vs. TOUGH save DC 24; multi-attack) Cross Bow +11 (vs. TOUGH save DC 24) Magic Blast +10 (vs. TOUGH save DC 25) Weaken Toughness +10 (vs. WILL save DC 20) Illusions (DC 22 Will or Insight save check to disbelieve, only if interacting with illusion)

POWERS [49pp][edit]

SWORD & CROSS-BOW (19 points)

 Bow: AGL based Damage 7
   (Extras: Ranged +1; AGL Ranged (+2pts); Alternate Effects 1 
    (+1pt), Accurate 2 (+2pts)) (2pp/lvl +5; 19pts)
 AE: Sword AGL based Damage 7
   (Extras: Multi-attack +1; AGL Multi attack (+2pts); Accurate 2 
    (+2pts))) (2pp/lvl +4pts; 18pts)

MAGIC! (30 points)

 Magic Blast: Damage 10
   (Extras: Ranged +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts) Alternate Effects 6 
    (+6pts)) (2pp/lvl +10pts)
 AE: Enervation: Weaken (Toughness) 10
   (Extras: Ranged +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts)) (2pp/lvl+4pts; 24pts)
 AE: Invisibility Ward: Concealment (Visual + Hearing) 6
   (Extras: Affects Others +1; Burst Area +1) (4pp/lvl; 24pts)
 AE: Illusions 4 (all senses) 250ft cubic volume
   (Extras: Difficult to detect (“Accurate”) 4 (+4pts)) (5pp/lvl 
    +4pts; 24pts) DC 22 to “disbelieve” if interacting with them.
 AE: Nullify 10 (Magical Effects)
   (Extras: Broad +1; Simultaneous +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts); 
    Flaws: Backlash Side Effect -1) (2pp/lvl +4pts; 24pts)
 AE: Nullify 10 (Mutant Effects)
   (Extras: Broad +1; Simultaneous +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts); 
    Flaws: Backlash Side Effect -1) (2pp/lvl +4pts; 24pts)
 AE: Nullify 10 (Technological Effects)
   (Extras: Broad +1; Simultaneous +1; Accurate 4 (+4pts); 
    Flaws: Backlash Side Effect -1) (2pp/lvl +4pts; 24pts)

ADVANTAGES [3 pp][edit]

Contacts Ritualist Well Informed

SKILLS [21pp][edit]

N/A Acrobatics (AGI)

 +0 Athletics (STR)
 +7 Close Combat Sword 5 (FTG)
 +8 Deception 3 (PRE)

+10 Expertise: Arcana 5 (INT) +10 Expertise: Holy Grail 5 (INT)

 +8 Insight 3 (AWE)
 +8 Intimidation 3 (PRE)
 +8 Investigation 3 (INT)
 +8 Perception 3 (AWE)
 +9 Persuasion 4 (PRE)
 +7 Ranged Combat: Crossbow 5 (DEX)

N/A Sleight of Hand N/A (DEX)

 +2 Stealth (AGI)

N/A Technology N/A (INT)

 +8 Treatment 3 (INT)

N/A Vehicles N/A (DEX)


Attributes 52 + Powers 49 + Advantages 3 + Skills 21 (42 ranks) + Defenses 25 = 150 points