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=Collin ''"Trick"'' Kilpatrick=
==''Difference between gods and devils? Perspective, mostly.''==

==Alice Fletcher==
==Attributes [[file:d6a.png|32px|d6]][[File:Arrow03.png|24px]]==
'''Physical [[file:d8a.png|24px|d8]]''' || '''Mental [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]]''' || '''Social  [[file:d10a.png|24px|d10]]''' || '''Magical [[file:d10a.png|24px|d10]]'''

==Distinctions [[file:d8a.png|32px|d8]]==
<u>'''Son of Stone and Shadow'''</u>

==''"The advantage of the knife is never having to reload."''==
''As First Son of your House, you can use the flow of the Ways to feel the space in solid matter and cling to it to gain finger and toe holds where there are none in the mortal realms.''
:[[File:Check002.png|24px]] '''True Son:''' ''It falls to Nobility to stand for those as can't stand for themselves.'' - ''<u>Nanny Hobble</u>.'' When you get in trouble to protect a friend, classmate, or someone who can't help themselves, earn a PP.
:[[File:Check002.png|24px]] '''Silver Tongued:''' ''If the rules are insufferable, do not suffer them, change them.'' - ''<u>Nanny Hobble</u>.'' Step back Physical for the scene to step up or double Social for an action. Spend a PP to do both.
<u>'''Warden of the Neverwhen'''</u>

==Mantle :: Trickster==
''The ability to understand the ways of the Ways shines both light and shadow on the Leylines that connect the magic of the Neverwhen to the mortal realm.''
:[[File:Check002.png|24px]] '''Getting the Ley of the Lines:''' ''You can see the Leylines where the Ways of the Neverwhen interact with the world, and that can show you things about the solid land and structures around you that others might miss.'' Spend 1 PP to reveal a fact about the natural world you’re standing on or a nearby structure as a [[file:d8a.png|24px|d8]] Asset.
<u>'''Bare Feet, Calloused and Cracked'''</u>

==Unique Conditions==
''I learned my way in the rough woods and fields of my ancestral home and on the salt crusted wharves of Rattown below the mountains on the coast, not on parquet floors under a gentle-thing's tutelage''
:'''Physical Transformation:''' (lasting) [[File:d0a.png|24px]] Mark this condition when changing into your animal form. Clothing and belongings on your person do not change with you. While this condition is marked, the following apply:
:[[File:Check002.png|24px]] '''Dance of Blood and Iron:''' ''You didn't learn to fight for first touch or even first blood, but that gives you a certain amount of control in every duel. ''Gain 1 PP when you let the other duelist win.
::Take the Form of the [Animal] aspect in addition to your other aspects.

::Swap the ratings of any two approaches with any other two approaches, to reflect your animal form. For example, if you are a werefox and your highest approaches in human form are Force and Intellect, you might swap your ratings in Haste and Guile for those two while transformed.
==Relationships [[file:d6a.png|32px|d6]][[File:Arrow03.png|24px]]==
<u>'''N'jaal'''</u> (Elemental Valet)''':''' [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]]
:''N'jaal is an elemental being of the Neverwhen, occupying maybe two cubic feet in the mortal realms but so much more in the Ways. He is invisible to most but might be seen as a shimmer of elemental energy to those that can sense such things. To Trick he looks like a small humanoid in swirls of silver. blue, and black energy. Trick doesn't know if he just prefers humanoid form or thinks Trick prefers him in that form. Trick likes to believe N'jaal has his own reasons to have befriended him, but is more than a little suspicious the creature operates at someone else's bidding. Spies were a thing to be expected when you were of Noble blood.''
<u>'''Jayne Cobb'''</u> (Student; No relation to that other Cobb)''':''' [[file:d8a.png|24px|d8]]
:''Jayne is a year ahead of Trick but her absentee parents and his own orbit similar circles and they have known each other since they were children under the supervision of the same (seemingly) hapless nanny who could neither block his teleportation or reckless climbing anymore than she could stop Jayne from summoning swarms of rodents, insects, and birds within the manse. Jayne wears a loud orange knit cap after the style of the Northron Kingdoms year round regardless of weather and carries a clockwork locust of copper, silver, and bronze wherever she goes, a magical token of her affiliation with the Cobb clan.''
<u>'''Nanny Hobble "Nan"'''</u> (Fae Changeling//Childhood Nanny)''':''' [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]]
:Though he spent his childhood tormenting the poor woman that he thought was defenseless against magic, he came to learn she was wily and practically made of magic. And that she loved him more dearly than his parents ever had. He still spends holidays with her if Jayne has not worked her wiles and planned shenanigans that require an accomplice at the Cobb estate. Sometimes they both holiday with Nan, but Jayne doesn't believe the woman is magic in any way.''

::Gain all the inherent abilities of that animal, which may confer automatic success on certain rolls. For example, if you’re a bird, you can fly, which renders certain movement-related obstacles inconsequential. However, you also gain all their inherent limitations, such as not being able to speak or lacking opposable thumbs.
==Power [[file:d6a.png|32px|d6]][[File:Arrow03.png|24px]]==
<u>'''Walker of the Ways Between:'''</u> [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]]

::You also benefit from scale (page 182) when using your animal form to exceed human capabilities: keen predatory senses, inordinate strength or speed, overly large or small form that provides access to something inaccessible to normal mortals. Any opposition you face, however, will have a level of scale against you whenever you are at a significant disadvantage compared to human beings. You and the GM should collectively name a few examples as guidelines of when you would benefit from scale and when you deal with scale in opposition.
''In the spaces Between you can touch the streams of the Neverwhen and Walk those Ways to appear elsewhere in the mortal realm in no time at all.''
:[[File:Check002.png|24px]] '''Double Trap:''' ''In a close area you can pop out and right back in if you are willing to crinkle your connection with the Ways for a time.'' Take a [[file:d8a.png|24px|d8]] ''Disoriented'' complication to teleport within close quarters, take an action'''<nowiki>*</nowiki>''', and reappear back where you started.

:Recovery of this condition begins when you retake human form; full recovery requires concrete efforts to recharge from the experience, such as enjoying a hearty meal or uninterrupted rest. The GM may allow this recovery to occur between any two scenes involving a sufficient time jump.
:[[File:Check002.png|24px]] '''My Brother's Sherpa:''' ''Tis a costly effort, young Trick, but at need you '''can''' draw companions along with you.'' - ''<u>Nanny Hobble</u>.'' Take a [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]]'''<nowiki>**</nowiki>''' ''Exhaustion'' complication to take a second person with you when you teleport. Step it up one per additional person not to exceed a maximum of [[file:d12a.png|24px|d12]] '''+'''
<nowiki>*</nowiki> ''This doesn't have to mean two rolls. It can be wrapped up in one and I mostly intend to use it in conjunction with shady attack actions.''

==Character Aspects==
<nowiki>**</nowiki> ''Most complications start at [d8]. Starting at [d6] lets me move all my companions one time without being completely taken out by the complication. I'm okay starting at [d8], just know it takes me out if I take everyone (until I can sleep it off). I'm ok with that.
<u>High Concept</u>  
:'''Reluctant Daughter of Fox the Trickster'''
''Another possible way to handle it would be to start at [d8] and subtract one step for each person after the first who lends a die (if lent dice are a thing in this game) if the action is successful. Full whammy if it fails.''
:Your fathermother was a demigod, a trickster, and you don't quite know what to do with that.

<u>Trouble Aspect</u>
''An easier way might be [d8] to take one person, [d10] to take up to '''5''' and [d12] to take more. Max# = the total of my Power die - so '''6''' right now.
:'''Reckless to a Fault'''  
:There's not much you won't do, and there's not much point in thinking on it first. That's how the term ''premeditated'' gets introduced in the courtroom.
:'''Invo/pel:''' When your reckless nature might get you in deeper than you wanted. When the smart plan is to let cooler heads prevail.

'''FWIW''' I think this last one is the most elegant.

<u>Free Aspects</u>
==Signature Assets [[file:d6a.png|32px|d6]][[File:Arrow03.png|24px]]==
:'''Child of the Ways Between'''  
:'''Dice and Daggers of Bone and Iron''' [[file:d8a.png|32px|d8]] ''The seal of the heir of the House of Stone and Shadow, this pair of bone dice with iron pips turn into long thin dueling daggers with bone hilts and iron blades at need.''
:The Ways between the Mortal Realm and the Nevernever pulse with a life all their own. You have been steeped in their power and mystery your entire life, and no matter how far you wander, they always draw you back.
:'''Invoke:''' When using the Ways themselves or tapping into the Wild Magic of the Ways and the Wild Nevernever. When travelling or planning to travel. When dealing with things ''in-between''.
:'''Compel:''' When the lure of the Ways might lead you astray
The Compel on this one feels a little weak to me, but I'm having trouble coming up with better.

'''Kilpatrick, the House of Stone and Shadow. '''

:'''''"Hexen-freude, Bitches!"'''''
:It was a rocky, mountainous country on the coast. Folk thought that was all that lay behind the house words. High rocky mountains, deep shadowy dells and chasms. But it was what his ancient sires found in the shadows ''under'' the mountains that held the secrets of his lineage.
:The energy of the Ways courses through your veins, and it does ''not'' play nice with modern technology - a trait you've been known to put to good use in the Mortal Realm.
:'''Invoke:''' When you want to bring tech crashing down.
:'''Compel:''' when you need tech to ''not'' come crashing down.
Not gonna lie, this is my favorite Aspect on this character.

'''Kaeser''' and '''Kauler''' were his fathers, but one of the '''Fae''' had raised him as they delved the mountain depths, along with his friend '''Jayne'''. It was '''Nan''' who had taught him to be a good man-thing. Not any man-thing, with the possible exception of Jayne, a girl man-thing, but vested with boundless imagination had passed on as much learning as Nan.

:'''I Got Friends in Low Places'''
:Truth, Nan didn't precisely approve of the habits Jayne fostered on him, but they were typically fun things so he soaked them in anyway.
:Walking the Ways means you get around. You've met a lot of people - people with unique and specialized skills and expertise - and you aren't the least bit picky about pedigree.
:'''Invoke:''' When you need to locate a specialist in a given task or field.
:'''Compel:''' When the specialist is shadier than you thought they'd be.
This one is here in part to give Alice a distinct, if tenuous connection to the Undercity and other criminal elements without straight up throwing her headfirst into that mix.

:Both he and Jayne knew the forbidden secret that her mother had sired Trick with one of his fathers just as she had sired Jayne with the other. They hadn't spoken of it in years, though they did share a rebellious kiss in his fifth year (her sixth) that both of them had declared loudly was gross. Nan never said a word. So of course Trick figured she knew everything.
[[File:Blackfate.png|24px]] [[File:Blackfate.png|24px]] [[File:Blackfate.png|24px]]

'''Given his rough and tumble childhood,''' Trick prefers finely crafted but rugged and plain clothing and virtually never goes shod anywhere.

[[File:Blackfate.png|24px]] [[File:Blackfate.png|24px]]
'''As for school''', Jayne had been going a year, while Trick just joined. He viewed it twofold as a place of learning and as a place to have the last fun of his life before adulthood and confirmation exiled him to the shadows beneath the stone with his fathers.

'''Intellect / Haste'''
:He also hoped to overturn some of the more onerous noble privileges and give the poor commoners who supported them a bloody break.

SHOW YOUR WORK '''[XP]''' 10pts to bump attribute; 10pts to add [d6] Signature Asset; 10pts to bump Signature Asset to [d8]

'''Focus/ Force'''
=[[Brahnamin%27s_Characters|Back to Main Page]]=
==Core Stunts==
:'''Glyphs and Sigils:''' You utilize a set of powerful runes to wield ancient Norse magic. Choose two different combinations of approach and action, then name the effect associated with them. A defend action with Force might be a “ward of power,” or an attack with Guile a “shadow strike.” Either combination grants +2, with scale (page 182) determined by the GM.
:: Crazy Like a Fox [Intellect/CAA]
:: Bending the Real [Focus/Overcome]
:'''Shifting Adept:''' When you transform into your animal form, your clothes and anything else on your person likewise transform and return undamaged when you shift back. Anything stored in this way is perfectly concealed and can be affected only from within the Nevernever
==Additional Stunts==
:'''Trickster's Whisper:''' You are versed in a wider variety of rune magic. Choose a third combination of approach and action, per the Rune Magic stunt. Although this stunt may be taken repeatedly, the same combination of approach and action may not be repeated.
:: Crazy Like a Fox [Guile/Defense]
:'''Briar Patch:''' You are able to quickly cross short distances by briefly sidestepping reality. Gain +2 to use Haste to defend or create an advantage.
:'''Fleeting Transformation:''' Use of the transformative magic is practically reflexive to you. Treat the Physical Transformation condition as sticky, requiring no time or rest between activations.
==Stress & Conditions==
[[File:d0a.png|24px]] [[File:d0a.png|24px]] [[File:d0a.png|24px]] [[File:d0a.png|24px]] [[File:d0a.png|24px]] [[File:d0a.png|24px]]
'''<u>In Peril</u>'''
[[File:d0a.png|24px]] [[File:d0a.png|24px]] [[File:d0a.png|24px]] [[File:d0a.png|24px]] [[File:d0a.png|24px]]
Spent two of my three refresh on additional stunts.
==Personal Details==
I'll do this bit after I know she's locked in mechanically.
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Latest revision as of 03:11, 31 August 2021

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Collin "Trick" Kilpatrick[edit]

Difference between gods and devils? Perspective, mostly.[edit]

Attributes d6[edit]

Physical d8 || Mental d6 || Social d10 || Magical d10

Distinctions d8[edit]

Son of Stone and Shadow

As First Son of your House, you can use the flow of the Ways to feel the space in solid matter and cling to it to gain finger and toe holds where there are none in the mortal realms.

True Son: It falls to Nobility to stand for those as can't stand for themselves. - Nanny Hobble. When you get in trouble to protect a friend, classmate, or someone who can't help themselves, earn a PP.
Silver Tongued: If the rules are insufferable, do not suffer them, change them. - Nanny Hobble. Step back Physical for the scene to step up or double Social for an action. Spend a PP to do both.

Warden of the Neverwhen

The ability to understand the ways of the Ways shines both light and shadow on the Leylines that connect the magic of the Neverwhen to the mortal realm.

Getting the Ley of the Lines: You can see the Leylines where the Ways of the Neverwhen interact with the world, and that can show you things about the solid land and structures around you that others might miss. Spend 1 PP to reveal a fact about the natural world you’re standing on or a nearby structure as a d8 Asset.

Bare Feet, Calloused and Cracked

I learned my way in the rough woods and fields of my ancestral home and on the salt crusted wharves of Rattown below the mountains on the coast, not on parquet floors under a gentle-thing's tutelage

Dance of Blood and Iron: You didn't learn to fight for first touch or even first blood, but that gives you a certain amount of control in every duel. Gain 1 PP when you let the other duelist win.

Relationships d6[edit]

N'jaal (Elemental Valet): d6

N'jaal is an elemental being of the Neverwhen, occupying maybe two cubic feet in the mortal realms but so much more in the Ways. He is invisible to most but might be seen as a shimmer of elemental energy to those that can sense such things. To Trick he looks like a small humanoid in swirls of silver. blue, and black energy. Trick doesn't know if he just prefers humanoid form or thinks Trick prefers him in that form. Trick likes to believe N'jaal has his own reasons to have befriended him, but is more than a little suspicious the creature operates at someone else's bidding. Spies were a thing to be expected when you were of Noble blood.

Jayne Cobb (Student; No relation to that other Cobb): d8

Jayne is a year ahead of Trick but her absentee parents and his own orbit similar circles and they have known each other since they were children under the supervision of the same (seemingly) hapless nanny who could neither block his teleportation or reckless climbing anymore than she could stop Jayne from summoning swarms of rodents, insects, and birds within the manse. Jayne wears a loud orange knit cap after the style of the Northron Kingdoms year round regardless of weather and carries a clockwork locust of copper, silver, and bronze wherever she goes, a magical token of her affiliation with the Cobb clan.

Nanny Hobble "Nan" (Fae Changeling//Childhood Nanny): d6

Though he spent his childhood tormenting the poor woman that he thought was defenseless against magic, he came to learn she was wily and practically made of magic. And that she loved him more dearly than his parents ever had. He still spends holidays with her if Jayne has not worked her wiles and planned shenanigans that require an accomplice at the Cobb estate. Sometimes they both holiday with Nan, but Jayne doesn't believe the woman is magic in any way.

Power d6[edit]

Walker of the Ways Between: d6

In the spaces Between you can touch the streams of the Neverwhen and Walk those Ways to appear elsewhere in the mortal realm in no time at all.

Double Trap: In a close area you can pop out and right back in if you are willing to crinkle your connection with the Ways for a time. Take a d8 Disoriented complication to teleport within close quarters, take an action*, and reappear back where you started.
My Brother's Sherpa: Tis a costly effort, young Trick, but at need you can draw companions along with you. - Nanny Hobble. Take a d6** Exhaustion complication to take a second person with you when you teleport. Step it up one per additional person not to exceed a maximum of d12 +

* This doesn't have to mean two rolls. It can be wrapped up in one and I mostly intend to use it in conjunction with shady attack actions.
** Most complications start at [d8]. Starting at [d6] lets me move all my companions one time without being completely taken out by the complication. I'm okay starting at [d8], just know it takes me out if I take everyone (until I can sleep it off). I'm ok with that.

Another possible way to handle it would be to start at [d8] and subtract one step for each person after the first who lends a die (if lent dice are a thing in this game) if the action is successful. Full whammy if it fails.
An easier way might be [d8] to take one person, [d10] to take up to 5 and [d12] to take more. Max# = the total of my Power die - so 6 right now.
FWIW I think this last one is the most elegant.

Signature Assets d6[edit]

Dice and Daggers of Bone and Iron d8 The seal of the heir of the House of Stone and Shadow, this pair of bone dice with iron pips turn into long thin dueling daggers with bone hilts and iron blades at need.


Kilpatrick, the House of Stone and Shadow.

It was a rocky, mountainous country on the coast. Folk thought that was all that lay behind the house words. High rocky mountains, deep shadowy dells and chasms. But it was what his ancient sires found in the shadows under the mountains that held the secrets of his lineage.

Kaeser and Kauler were his fathers, but one of the Fae had raised him as they delved the mountain depths, along with his friend Jayne. It was Nan who had taught him to be a good man-thing. Not any man-thing, with the possible exception of Jayne, a girl man-thing, but vested with boundless imagination had passed on as much learning as Nan.

Truth, Nan didn't precisely approve of the habits Jayne fostered on him, but they were typically fun things so he soaked them in anyway.
Both he and Jayne knew the forbidden secret that her mother had sired Trick with one of his fathers just as she had sired Jayne with the other. They hadn't spoken of it in years, though they did share a rebellious kiss in his fifth year (her sixth) that both of them had declared loudly was gross. Nan never said a word. So of course Trick figured she knew everything.

Given his rough and tumble childhood, Trick prefers finely crafted but rugged and plain clothing and virtually never goes shod anywhere.

As for school, Jayne had been going a year, while Trick just joined. He viewed it twofold as a place of learning and as a place to have the last fun of his life before adulthood and confirmation exiled him to the shadows beneath the stone with his fathers.

He also hoped to overturn some of the more onerous noble privileges and give the poor commoners who supported them a bloody break.

SHOW YOUR WORK [XP] 10pts to bump attribute; 10pts to add [d6] Signature Asset; 10pts to bump Signature Asset to [d8]

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