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'''Dried Dream-Mushrooms'''<br>
'''Dried Dream-Mushrooms'''<br>
'''Heartsbloom Rose''' in a glass jar d6 Occult, Fragile<br>
'''Heartsbloom Rose''' in a glass jar [[file:d6a.png|20px|d6]] Occult, Fragile<br>

Revision as of 19:03, 1 June 2023

Kish, the Mad

"The advantage of the knife is never having to reload"


Heritage: Gnoll [F]
Class: Deep Apiarist
Calling: Enlightenment
Active Beats:
(Minor) Dissect something or interrogate someone that can shed light on your task.
(Minor) Allude to the events that led you to seek forbidden knowledge to achieve animpossible task.
Kish is rather lithe and lean for a gnoll, even a female gnoll. She has a mottled dust and brown hide, common to her people, but the comb of the hive that indwells her can be seen on her skin

Uncommon to her people are her amber eyes, where her fellows' are usually green.

Kish is not in the habit of wearing clothing or adornment beyond the belts, pouches, and pack she needs to carry her gear with her into the Heart.

She is always grinning and constantly barking the signature laugh of her kind.

Resistances & Stress

Resistances Stress Protections Fallout
Blood +2


Dried Dream-Mushrooms
Heartsbloom Rose in a glass jar d6 Occult, Fragile


Hive Tool Kill d4, Brutal
Hunting Rifle d6, Reload, Extreme Range

Skills, Domains, & Abilities

Skills Knacks Domains Knacks
Compel Cursed
Delve Desolate
Discern Haven
Endure Occult
Evade Religion
Hunt Technology
Kill Warren
Mend Wild


UNORTHODOX METHODS: You blend together method and madness in pursuit of your goals.Gain the Discern skill. Once per session, before you roll dice to resolve an action, instead state that your result is a 6. You succeed but take stress.

THE HIVE: The sweetlings nest within your body. Some of your organs are replaced with complex copies made from wax by industrious bees. They live within you – a few at first, but as you grow in power, great swarms. Their curious buzzing aligns your mind with the Hive. At the beginning of each situation, clear all Mind stress as incipient madness flows through you and into the Hive. You can never bene‐ fit from Mind protection or remove stress from Mind, aside from using this ability.

RELEASE THE SWARM: You send out a swarm of bees, eager to defend you. Gain access to the following weapon: (Kill D4, Spread, Ranged).


ANNIHILATION: Your body is unHeart; it burns through the parasitic world of meat and bone. Against heartsblooded people or creatures, your touch functions as a (Kill D8) weapon. As you use it, your flesh roils and cracks, but the swarm repairs it as quickly as it is unmade; your opponent doesn’t have that luxury. Against any other target, it functions as a (Kill D6) weapon.


HUNTER OF THE DAMNED: You bring order to the Heart with sword and shot. Gain the Hunt skill. Once per session, when you eliminate a heartsblooded creature, remove D6 stress from any of your resistances.

MANY EYES: Each of your companions is a vessel for your sight. Gain the Discern skill. When you stand still and close your eyes, you can see through the eyes of any of your bees, allowing you to spy around corners or look into closed spaces. You can’t control the bees directly, but you have enough at your disposal to cover the area around you.

UNCANNY BIOLOGY: Aside from the Queen nestled inside your heart, every part of your body is replaceable by the swarm. Gain +2 Blood Protection.

Background, Bonds, and Notes

Her tribal name is Kish, called The Mad.

  • Kish went down into the Heart in search of the Bees. The endless buzz of their wings called to her. And in the deep dark, she found them.
  • Kish seeks the Great Queen, the World Bee
  • The first step on her journey is to find the honeycomb caverns.
  • Choose another player character. They’ve been invaluable in your journey so far. What have you learned from them?
  • Choose another player character. You know they’re hiding secrets from you – why do you suspect they’re doing this?