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===Magic Items===
===Magic Items===
: Amulet of the Riverlands: Enables the wearer to walk across liquid surfaces as though over solid ground.
: '''Amulet of the Riverlands:''' Enables the wearer to walk across liquid surfaces as though over solid ground.

Revision as of 04:52, 23 June 2024

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Ancestry | Neogi | Seasoned/4 Adv

Pos Traits: Wall Walker; +2 Pace; Low Light Vision; Powers: Teleport/Mind Link

Neg Traits: Outsider (Major); Awkward Shape


Agility D6a.png || Smarts D6a.png || Spirit D10a.png || Strength D4a.png || Vigor D6a.png

Derived Stats

Pace D8b.png / Running D8a.png || Parry D2b.png || Size D0a.png || Toughness D7b.png (2)

Core Skills

Athletics D6a.png || Common Knowledge D6a.png || Notice D6a.png

Persuasion D10a.png || Stealth D6a.png

Other Skills

Focus D10a.png || Survival D6a.png || Thievery D6a.png


Neogi (Native) | Common D6a.png | Elf D6a.png | Dwarf D6a.png


Heroic (Major) | Loyal (Minor) | Mild Mannered (Minor)


Arcane Background [Gifted] (20 pp)



Extra Powers x2

Power Points


Trappings: All powers cause the leathery knobs along either side of the throat and abdomen to glow blue.

Power [Entangle] Novice | PP (2) | Range (Smarts) | Duration (Instant)
Additional Trappings: The near-invisible webbing produced by this power glows faintly in dim light or darker.
Power [Mind Link] Novice | PP (1) | Range (10 to initiate, then 1 mile) | Duration (30 minutes)
Additional Trappings: None
Power [Object Reading] Seasoned | PP (2) | Range (Touch) | Duration (Special)
Additional Trappings: Object touched glows softly in dim light or darker.
Power [Sound/Silence] Novice | PP (1) | Range (Smarts x5 sound / Smarts silence) | Duration (Instant sound / 5 silence)
Additional Trappings: None
Power [Telekinesis] Seasoned | PP (5) | Range (Smatrs x2) | Duration (5)
Additional Trappings: None
Power [Teleport] Seasoned | PP (1) | Range (Self) | Duration (Instant)
Additional Trappings: Smokey bursts of sudden darkness appear where the character disappears and reappears.



Light (+2)


Star knives (4) | STR + 1d4


Wineskin (2)
Trail Rations (6/d)
Thief Tools
Inquisitive's Kit
Healing Potion (1)

Magic Items

Amulet of the Riverlands: Enables the wearer to walk across liquid surfaces as though over solid ground.


Nguyen had no real notion how far the colony had fled, refugees in a land that tolerated them but didn't necessarily accept them. It had been far. Their native appearance seemed to inspire a gut reaction of primal fear, but once folk got to know them better, and their reputation caught them up, mistrust typically became the prejudice of choice.

Local thieves proved the most eager to form relationships with his folk.

Which made sense. Most of them were well suited to the work.

Nguyen himself was adept enough at certain aspects common to these jobs, but his heart wasn't in it. He wanted to discover things, to pry secrets from the earth, and to understand the beings that shared his time and place.

He wanted to be around folk who, upon seeing him, defaulted to kindness and acceptance - no matter how weird they were themselves.

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