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These Pyrrhic Points may (at first) seem odd or unbalanced for the MIDNIGHT setting. I feel that the time you give to adding to the story and your character's experience in effect INCREASES their "fate". So by doing the Bluebooking option you're actually getting a benefit unavaiable any other way. These points WILL be on top of extra xp for Bluebooking. The xp for Bluebooking will not be extremely significant but will/should add to your character in both ways in my humble opinion.


A Pyrrhic Victory is a victory with devastating cost to the victor. These "points" are a narrative device enabling the players to bring creative input to bear in the game, beyond merely describing theri own actions and throwing the dice. With Pyrrhic Points, you, the players, can alter the game world in some may so as to benefit your character but with a cost attached. Pyrrhic Points are intended to offer you the chance to add to the story of your character, adapting the events around you or the circustances that befall you so as to improve the game and give hope to the grim world of Aryth, be it ever so slight.

You will recieve Pyrrhic Points ONLY through time given to "BLUEBOOKING" play, as described under Bluebooking. You will recieve one PP for the Bluebooked time between sessions.

These PP are extremely precious, since they can save your life. You can achieve this by opting to be "left for dead" rather than killed outright.

They have three other uses as well; but saving you life is definately the most crucial one, so it is recommended that you always keep one PP reserved for that purpose alone. Of course, the angle might be perfect for a "Mighty Blow" instead, eve if that leaves you desperately short of PPs but that is a decision for your hero to take. Magical resurrection is very scarce in possibilities, though it is achievable in interesting ways it is usually best to simply not die.

Your maximum number of PPs at any given time equals your level.


These are the standard uses for PPs:

Left for Dead [1 PP][edit]

When death is emminent a player character may spend 1 PP to avoid being killed outright. You are instead "Left for Dead", the NPC or situation that did you in will assume you dead and continue with their plan of actions with this assumption until you alter this perception. A character who is left for dead appears dead to a casual examination, but will effectively be concious at 0 hit points able to do no strenuous actions until healed. Actions other than crawling/stumbling for help, etc... render the character back to the condition prior to spending the Pyrrhic Point, and may not spend another Left for Dead PP at that time.
Pyrrhic reprecussion: You will choose a "mark" of some sort. This will have an in-game rule function drawback equivalent to a -2 or a drawback of some sort. Discuss this mark with the GM privately for approval/suggestions.

Mighty Blow [1 PP][edit]

Rather than rolling the damage dice on any successful hit or damaging magical attack of some kind you can elect to declare a mighty Blow, at the cost of 1 PP. A Mighty Blow deals the maximum possibly damage. This includes any bonus damage, such as that rolled for sneak attacks. A primitive or standard quality weapons always break irreparably when used to deliver a Mighty Blow. Even masterwork or magical weapons used to deliever a Mighty Blow has a 50% chance of snapping in two, though if it does it will usually be possible to use the broken pieces as some sort of improvised weapon. It is not completely destroyed and may be reforged. A Covenant Item used in this manner has even greater effect - focusing the power within to charge the attack with the power of a full Critical Strike (although you must roll to confirm). Because of this power the Covenant Iterm has a 25% chance to break and may be reforged by exalted effort (left to the GM).
Pyrrhic reprecussion: Losing the benefit of your weapon is one reprecussion. If a magic item or Covenant Item is used in this manner the effect is to be determined by the GM based on the situation. It could be anything from explosive results to a curse lashed back on the attacker. If magic/spells are used in this manner the magic or spell in question has a 50% chance to be more difficult to enact for the next 24 hours. Effectively treated as if a Red Mirror is working against you.


Anytime you would suffer non-magical tiring or fatigue effects you can spend a PP to ignore the effects until the end of the scene you're in. This effect allows you to muster the courage and energy to keep fighting when your body wants you to stop.
Pyrrhic reprecussion: Your effort was immense, the next time you rest and eat you need to double your normal needs for both rest and food/water. For each additional day you push through, your needs are doubled. Normal limits for food and water apply, if you go without food/water for too long you'll die following your push.

SURGE: [1-2 PP][edit]

Gain an additional non-attack action, anytime during your initiative. Using this action does not change you place in the initiative order. You can use a Surge to complete a full round action in conjunction with your normal actions for the round.
[2 PP] For two Pyrrhic Points you can Surge at ANY time during the round.
Pyrrhic reprecussion: On the following round you must make a Fortitude Save DC10 + your level. If you fail you are DAZED for that round. You may not use PP while Dazed.

WILL TO POWER: [2 PP][edit]

Gain an immediate additional saving throw from lasting effects such as Mind Controls, Paralysis, Stunning Effects, etc...
Pyrrhic reprecussion: The concentration of will to overcome the lasting effects has focused your mind away from Defensive needs. Your Base Defense is reduced -2 for the duration of the scene.

DESTINY: [1-3 PP][edit]

You can at any time spend PPs, with the agreement of the GM, to alter the world in some way. Essentially, this allows you the player to have some input into the story, over and above the actions of your character. This change must be one that is plausible, minor and not overwhelmingly beneficial to the player characters, including hints and GM suggestions or insight. It may well assist them to accomplish their goals but they must still accomplish those goals by their own strength and wits, not simply by spending Pyyhric Points! Another option for this use of PP is to alter your own character in some minor way, by revealing a new facet of their past. Uses of Destiny Pyyhric Points are more likely to be accepted if plausibly related to a character's own future destiny, as relected by their goals.
Pyrrhic reprecussion: The GM determines how many PP the effect should be worth. The GM also determines a counter effect that will happen regarding your destiny alteration. This may or may not come into effect immediately.