Gavin Melhuish: Difference between revisions

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(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|Girlfriend Clara Lai
|His company
|ICAC (British Police)
Line 127: Line 127:
==Motivations and Mental Disorders==
==Motivations and Mental Disorders==

Keep the men alive
Make a difference to this crazy place

Take the objective
Explore everything a new culture has to offer

=Skill Values=
{| class="wikitable"
|Accounting 10%
Alertness (70)
|Pilot 0%
Anthropology (0)
|Alertness 50%
|Firearms 60%
Appraise (10)
|Psychotherapy 10%
Archeology (0)
|Anthropology 0%
|First Aid 20%
Art (Type) (0)
|Ride 10%
Artillery (0)
|Archaeology 0%
|Forensics 50%
Athletics (70)
|Science 10%
Craft (Mechanics) (40)
|Art 0%
|Heavy Weapons 0%
Demolitions (20)
|Search 50%
Disguise (10)
|Artillery 0%
|History 10%
Dodge (50)
Drive (Car/Jeep) (60)
|Athletics 30%
Espionage Training (Type) (0)
|Stealth 30%
Firearms (70)
|'''Bureaucracy 50%'''
|Law 40%
First Aid (50)
|Surgery 0%
Foreign Language (French) (20)
|Computer Science 0%
|Medicine 10%
Harangue (30)
|Survival 20%
Heavy Machinery (10)
|Craft 0%
|Melee Weapons 30%
Heavy Weapons (0)
|Swim 30%
History (10)
|Criminology 40%
|Military Science 0%
Insight (30)
|Unarmed Combat 50%
Law (Type) (0)
|Demolitions 0%
|Navigate 10%
Medicine (0)
|Unnatural 0%
Melee Weapons (70)
|Disguise 30%
|Occult 0%'''
Military Science (Paratroop Officer) (60)
|Dodge 60%
Natural World (10)
|Persuade 40%
Navigate (50)
|Drive Auto 40%
Occult (10)
|Pharmacy 10%
|Cantonese 50%
Organizational Lore (Type) (0)
Persuade (40)
[[file:d0a.png|24px]] [[File:D0Ba.png|24px]]
Pilot (Type) (0)
Psychoanalyze (10)
Regional Lore (Type) (0)
Research (10)
Ride (10)
Scavenge (30)
Science (Type) (0)
Search (50)
Stealth (70)
Surgery (0)
Survival (Self-reliance) (50)
Swim (60)
Unarmed Combat (70)
Unnatural (0)
Use Gadgets (0)

=Physical Injuries and Ailments=
=Physical Injuries and Ailments=
Line 245: Line 215:
|M3 machine pistol
|Glock 17
|50 yds
|1-3 yds
|M1911 Colt
|20 yds
|20 yds
|Combat knife
|Mk 2 grenades (2)
|39 Yards
|4 yards
Line 288: Line 229:
=Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes=
=Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes=
Walter Straub grew up in Madison, Wisconsin, son of a local machine shop owner and his wife. After straight As through high school, he was all ready to major in history at the University of Wisconsin, when the war came along. Stirred by tales of the global struggle against fascism, and the heroic legacy of the Wisconsin volunteers from the Civil War, he volunteered - and joined up with the 101st Airborne. He's spent the two years since training and preparing for the 101st's historic mission. And his 22nd birthday is June 5th, 1944... <br>
Gavin Melhuish was seconded from the Metropolitan Police to help back up the efforts of the Independent Commission Against Corruption after a few scandals in the mid-1990s. New blood was thought to be a solution, and Gavin jumped at the chance. He's been assiduously studying Cantonese since he arrived, and just as assiduously getting his head round the local culture and local law enforcement. Some would say he's gone too far in going native rather than cracking down on the uppity locals, but he's certainly become a face about town in certain circles in a relatively short time.

Latest revision as of 18:43, 18 November 2024

Character Name: Gavin Melhuish
Player Name: pstjmack
Profession: ICAC Officer
Nationality: British (expat)
Sex (Age): Male (29)
Education: University


Stat Rolls

Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 11 55
Constitution 10 50
Dexterity 12 60
Intelligence 15 75 Sharp
Power 11 55
Charisma 14 70

Derived Attributes[edit]

Maximum Current
Hit Points (HP) 11 11
Willpower (WP) 11 11
Sanity (SAN) 55 55
Breaking Point (BP) 44 44

Damage Bonus: +0

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane[edit]

Violence O O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


Girlfriend Clara Lai 14
ICAC (British Police) 14

Motivations and Mental Disorders[edit]

Make a difference to this crazy place

Explore everything a new culture has to offer


Skill Values[edit]

Accounting 10% Pilot 0%
Alertness 50% Firearms 60% Psychotherapy 10%
Anthropology 0% First Aid 20% Ride 10%
Archaeology 0% Forensics 50% Science 10% Biology Art 0% Heavy Weapons 0% Search 50%
Artillery 0% History 10% SIGINT 0%
Athletics 30% HUMINT 40% Stealth 30%
Bureaucracy 50% Law 40% Surgery 0%
Computer Science 0% Medicine 10% Survival 20%
Craft 0% Melee Weapons 30% Swim 30%
Criminology 40% Military Science 0% Unarmed Combat 50%
Demolitions 0% Navigate 10% Unnatural 0%
Disguise 30% Occult 0%
Dodge 60% Persuade 40%
Drive Auto 40% Pharmacy 10% Cantonese 50%

Physical Injuries and Ailments[edit]

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment[edit]


Skill % Base Range Damage Lethality Kill Damage Kill Radius Shots Notes
Glock 17 60% 20 yds 1D10 17

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes[edit]

Gavin Melhuish was seconded from the Metropolitan Police to help back up the efforts of the Independent Commission Against Corruption after a few scandals in the mid-1990s. New blood was thought to be a solution, and Gavin jumped at the chance. He's been assiduously studying Cantonese since he arrived, and just as assiduously getting his head round the local culture and local law enforcement. Some would say he's gone too far in going native rather than cracking down on the uppity locals, but he's certainly become a face about town in certain circles in a relatively short time.