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== '''Aranha''' == [[File: aranha.png|right]]
[[File: aranha.png|right]]
== '''Aranha''' ==  

'''Home Reality:''' [[Exceedingly_Exiled:Earth-4669|Earth-4669]]<br>
'''Home Reality:''' [[Exceedingly_Exiled:Earth-4669|Earth-4669]]<br>
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== Abilities ==
== Abilities ==
STR 8<br>
STA 7<br>
AGL 8<br>
DEX 4<br>
FGT 7<br>
INT 2<br>
AWE 2<br>
== Advantages ==
Agile Feint
Defensive Attack
Evasion 2
Improved Initiative

'''Strength:''' 12 (4pp)<br>
Skill Mastery (Acrobatics)
'''Stamina:''' 14 (8pp)<br>
'''Agility:''' 1 (2pp)<br>
'''Dexterity:''' 0<br>
'''Fighting:''' 6 (12pp)<br>
'''Intellect:''' 1 (2pp)<br>
'''Awareness:''' 3 (6pp)<br>
'''Presence:''' 1 (2pp)

== Defenses ==

'''Dodge (AGL):''' +6 (5pp)<br>
Uncanny Dodge
'''Fortitude (STA):''' +12<br>
'''Parry (FTG):''' +6<br>
'''Toughness (STA):''' +12<br>
'''Will (AWE):''' +6 (3pp)

== Skills ==
== Skills ==

'''Athletics (STR):''' +12<br>
Acrobatics 6 (+14)
'''Close Combat: Unarmed (FTG):''' +8 (2pp)<br>
'''Deception (PRE):''' +1<br>
'''Insight (AWE):''' +5 (2pp)<br>
'''Intimidation (PRE):''' +2 (1pp)<br>
'''Investigation (INT):''' +8 (7pp)<br>
'''Perception (AWE):''' +3<br>
'''Persuasion (PRE):''' +1<br>
'''Ranged Combat (Throw) (DEX):''' 0<br>
'''Stealth (AGL):''' 1

== Complications ==
Close Combat: Unarmed 5 (+12)
Deception 6 (+8)
Perception 6 (+8)

Persuasion 6 (+8)
* '''Acceptance''': Though Shard revels in the crystalline form's power, they are acutely aware of how monstrous they appear and do all they can to show the humanity that lies within.
'''Other Complications''':
* '''Monstrous''': Shard is a massive creature made of living crystal fragments that shift constantly. It can be a lot if you're not ready for it.
* '''Prejudice (Hidden)''': Though they don't know it, Shard is a mutant. Should this be revealed, they would face the hostility to mutants present in many parts of the multiverse.

== Advantages ==
Ranged Combat: Webspinners 6 (+10)

'''Benefit, Ambidexterity''' (1pp): No circumstance penalty for using an off-hand.<br>
Technology 1 (+3)
'''Fast Grab''' (1pp): Free action: make a grab check after making a successful unarmed attack.<br>
'''Improved Grab''' (1pp): Can grab using just one limb. Can maintain a grab while performing actions using other hand. You are not vulnerable while grabbing.<br>
'''Improved Hold''' (1pp): Opponents have a –5 circumstance penalty to escape your grab.<br>
'''Improved Trip''' (1pp): No attack penalty to trip and it does not provoke. Make opposed check w/ Athletics against your opponent's Acrobatics or Athletics (''you'' choose which).<br>
'''Instant Up''' (1pp): Stand from prone as a free action w/out an Acrobatics skill check.<br>
'''Interpose''' (1pp): Reaction (vs attack checks only): if an ally within range is hit by an attack, you can move between them and take the attack instead.<br>
'''Takedown''' (2pp): Free action: after rendering a minion incapacitated, take an extra attack against another minion (within your movement; does not need to be adjacent). Continue until you miss, use up movement, or there are no more minions.<br>
'''Ultimate Effort (Toughness)''' (1pp): Spend 1 hero point to get an automatic (non-natural) 20 on your die result.

== Powers ==
== Powers ==

'''Malleable (Array): Ability to compress, extend, and otherwise re-form the crystalline fragments that comprise their form.'''
'''Spider-Movement:''' Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2); Speed 4 (30 MPH) [AE: Leaping 4 (500 feet)]  • ''9 points''
* '''Burrowing:''' 6 ranks (1pp)
<ul>60ft/rnd (4mph) / Limited: through material Toughness no greater than STR modifier)</ul>
'''Spider-Senses:''' Enhanced Advantages 4 (Evasion 2, Improved Initiative, Uncanny Dodge), Senses 1 (Danger Sense [mental]) • ''5 points''
* '''Elastic:''' Speed 2 ranks (1pp)
<ul>120ft/rnd (8mph) ground speed</ul>
* '''Flowing:''' Insubstantial 1 rank (5pp)
'''Web Ball:''' Ranged Cumulative Affliction 5 (Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized), Extra Condition, Limited to Two Degrees • ''15 points''
<ul>Flow through any opening or non-watertight restraint; can cushion falling target</ul>
* '''Stretching:''' Elongation 3 ranks (1pp)
* AE: '''Web Throw:''' Damaging Move Object 5 • ''1 point''
<ul>60ft, +3 grab</ul>
* '''Swinging:''' Movement 1 rank (1pp)
* AE: '''Psiweb Probe:''' Ranged Cumulative Effortless Mind Reading 5 • ''1 point''
<ul>30ft/rnd (2mph)</ul>
* '''Wall-crawling:''' Movement 2 ranks (1pp)
* AE: '''Psiweb Damper:''' Concentration Simultaneous Nullify (Mental effects) 5 • ''1 point''
<ul>30ft/rnd (2mph) along walls/ceilings/etc</ul>

'''Crystalline Defenses'''
'''Web Swing:''' Movement 1 (Swinging) ''2 points''
* '''Enhanced Stamina:''' 10 ranks (20pp)
<ul>Enhanced Trait: Stamina +10</ul>
* '''Immunity''' (20pp)
<ul>Environmental Conditions (all), Fatigue Effects, Life Support</ul>
* '''Impervious:''' 14 ranks (14pp)
<ul>Impervious (Toughness) 14</ul>

'''Crystalline Senses'''
== Offense ==
* '''Sonar:''' Senses 3 (3pp)
Initiative +12
<ul>Accurate: Hearing, Ultra-hearing</ul>

'''Crystalline Strength'''
Unarmed +12 Close, Damage 8
* '''Enhanced Strength:''' 10 ranks (20pp)
<ul>Enhanced Trait: Strength +10</ul>
Web-Shooters +10, Ranged, Affliction 5/Move Object 5/Mind Reading 5/Nullify 5
<ul><ul>* AE '''Shield:''' Create 10 (1pp)</ul>
<ul><ul>50/100/250ft range, 1000cuft volume, DC20 / Impervious, Innate, Tether; Diminished Range 2, Proportional</ul></ul></ul>
== Defenses ==
<ul><ul>* AE '''Spikes:''' Damage 6 (1pp)</ul>
<ul><ul>Reaction 3 (when attacked in close combat), DC21<br>
Dodge 12
Requires DC12 attack check; Noticeable (jagged crystal shards)</ul></ul>
<ul>* AE '''Spray:''' Cone 2 (1pp)</ul>
Parry 12
<ul><ul>60ft cone / Area Damage 10, DC20</ul></ul></ul>
Toughness 7
Fortitude 7
Will 7
== Complications ==
'''Good guy:''' Pedro is a nice guy, who would rather help people than punch them. He’s always trying to get a peaceful resolution, only resorting to violence as a last case scenario.
'''Motivation – Conflicted:''' Pedro was totally in it for the thrill of adventure, but the whole “multiverse in danger” thing has brought that with great power comes great responsibility. As a result, he’s torn between doing the job while enjoying himself.

== Power Points ==
== Power Points ==

'''150''' (36 Abilities + 6 Skills + 8 Defenses + 10 Advantages + 90 Powers)
Abilities 80 + Powers 36 + Advantages 4 + Skills 18 + Defenses 12 = 150

== Backstory ==
== Backstory ==

'''Martin Thorn''' joined '''S.W.O.R.D.''' fresh out of grad school. He'd been angling for the FBI, but something in his test results spoke to S.W.O.R.D.
Swinging within the concrete canyons of Copacabana one late afternoon, seventeen-year-old Pedro Prado realized it had been a year since his life had changed in an amazing way.
''It seems like that weekend school trip happened yesterday'', he thought, letting go of the web and spinning in the air. Even after all this time, Pedro still found extremely cool that he was aware of where everybody part of his body was, and of how his body was moving through space.
''Me, who could never turn a cartwheel!''
He landed on top of a building right by the beach. Pedro took in the view of the ocean and the mountains. The boy loved that he got to see it from up there. As Pedro contemplated the scene, he found himself going down memory lane.
He remembered getting lost from his group during the visit to the national park. After wandering aimlessly through the woods, he had thought the only dangers he would face were going hungry and having to sleep in the forest.
''Boy, was I wrong!''
The monster had jumped out of nowhere and scared Pedro witless. Looking like a humanoid spider, it had bitten him in the arm and died. Terrified and in pain, Pedro had run as fast as he could, but soon after lost consciousness.
When he woke up, he was in a hospital back in Rio with uncle Ben and aunt Maia next to his bed. They smiled when he opened his eyes; theirs had tears of relief. They explained that Pedro had been found in woods the day before delirious and feverish.
According to the doctors, he had been bitten by a rather large spider or several of them, but had recovered astonishingly fast. They released him the very next day. It only took Pedro another 24 hours after that to realize things have changed in a very big way.
A coin rolled under the washing machine and, without thinking, he lifted it with one hand. And that was not all: he was fast, agile, could cling to walls and sense danger. Plus, he could shoot webs from his wrists!
''Thank god I’m not an anatomically correct “spider”!'' he thought, grinning.
The webs, he found out later, also let him read thoughts and can enhance his brainpower, but those abilities freaked Pedro out and he decided to use them sparingly.
Pedro did then what any teenager would do in that situation: became a super-hero. He cobbled his uniform together from different pieces, including a carnival mask he found in a cheap store.

Four months in, '''monsters''' rained from the sky. This happened from time to time—comics, everybody!—but the frequency was increasing of late. Marty's field team was dispatched to investigate an impact site near Tuscon. Amid devastating collateral damage, the extraterrestrial monster fought the known monster '''Rommbu'''. The latter defeated the creature before disappearing. Among the evidence the S.W.O.R.D. team found at the site were strange crystal fragments—at least, Marty thought there was something strange about them; to his partner, '''Elena Cortés''', they were simply sharp rocks.
At first, he tried a full-body suit, like American super-heroes, but Rio’s tropical weather soon dissuaded him from that idea. Now he wore his “Summer uniform” year round.

They'd just returned to the '''Peak''' when proximity alerts sounded—another wave of monsters was incoming from deep space! The space station was thrown off kilter as multiple monsters struck, its gravity systems unable to compensate fast enough. Anything that wasn't already secured went flying, including Marty and the case with the crystal fragments. The two collided and everything went black for Marty. Once S.W.O.R.D. personnel got things back under control, his unconscious body was discovered with a large crystal chunk embedded in his chest.
''I should check out that Maharesh symbiote suit, though. Where did I leave it?''

In the infirmary, '''Dr. Hank McCoy''' (aka '''Beast''') performed scans to see how the shard could be removed safely. He detected minute vibrations that soon grew stronger—suddenly the shard sprang from Marty's body and zipped from the room like a crystalline snake!
And so Homem-Aranha [Spider-Man] was born. At least, that’s how Pedro wanted to be called. He found out, though, that everybody -- including himself sometimes -- only referred to his super-hero persona as “o Aranha” [the Spider].

Beast was forced to remain behind to treat Marty's wound and make sure he was stable. S.W.O.R.D. security chased after the shard. They found it back in the hangar, absorbing the other crystal fragments. Swelling in size, the shard emitted a loud, strangely harmonious scream as it assumed a humanoid form.
As Aranha, Pedro saved people and fought criminals, while struggling to maintain his social and school life. The charade didn’t last long with Ben and Maia, who found out about their nephew’s extracurriculars a few months later.

Beast bounded in just then and the fight was on! Powerful as the shard was, this wasn't Beast's first rodeo. By the time he had the crystalline creature under control, Beast knew what he was dealing with. The crystal had somehow absorbed Marty's consciousness—Marty was the '''Shard'''!
They wanted him to stop, but Pedro made an impassionate plea for his case. Ben and Maia realized the boy had grown up a lot in those months. Once a carefree, happy-go-lucky kid seemingly aimless in life, now he treated his super-heroic exploits with focus and responsibility.

Beast would need to do further tests to see whether the crystal had sapience of its own, not to mention to determine how—or even if—Marty's mind could be returned to his body.
They agreed to let him go on, as long as he kept his grades and didn’t get involved with anything too dangerous.

Unfortunately, that would have to wait as Earth was still under attack from waves of extraterrestrial monsters. The Peak was struck again by multiple monsters, including one that tore through the hangar in the direction of the station's power core. Marty—''Shard''—didn't hesitate. They dove down the jagged hole after it.
''That last one has been hard to keep…''

Shard tackled the monster as it tore its way to the core. The Peak had suffered fatal damage from multiple strikes, but at least the comms still worked. Although they heard '''Abigail Brand''' give the evacuation alert, Shard stayed where they were, doing everything in their power to keep it from reaching the core. They couldn't hold it off forever, though, and soon the monster ripped into the core with a giant paw to unleash the powerful fusion energies within. Shard sensed that it was absorbing the energy, growing more powerful—but it was too much for the monster to take. The last thing Shard saw was a brilliant flash as the core detonated, wiping out the monster and tearing the crippled Peak asunder.
Pedro eventually learned the “monster” who attacked him was actually an alien scout from the Inkabut clade of the Maharesh species. She was called Laro Dekus and had crashed on Earth looking for help in the clade war.

When Shard came to some time later, they were less surprised to be in an alternate reality than to even still be alive at all. Not to mention stuck in this strange crystalline form...
Laro had received a deadly dose of radiation from her ship’s damaged drive and, in her dying throes, confused Pedro with an enemy.

'''Unbeknownst to Marty...'''<br>
''Of course, I got mixed up in the war.''
It's unclear whether the core explosion sent Shard through a tear in reality, or they were plucked from '''Earth-608''' in the nick of time.

Speaking of Shard: The crystal didn't absorb Marty's mind. Rather, he's a mutant with "crystalkinesis." In the chaos of the moment, Marty threw his consciousness into the crystal. Theoretically, he could learn to command crystalline structures outside his current form and even possibly return to his human body.
But Pedro had other adventures this past year: he earned the enmity of a few super-villains, fought a powerful corporation, and gained a partner in super-heroics.

Back in Earth–608, Marty's body did make it off the Peak before the space station blew up. In fact, thanks to Shard taking on the monster, all the station personnel had enough time to evacuate. Unfortunately, the world is still under assault by strange monsters from beyond the stars...
''I wouldn’t give up being Aranha for anythi-Crap! Look at the time. Aunt Maia will kill me if I miss dinner!''

Latest revision as of 15:50, 1 January 2025


Home Reality: Earth-4669
Civilian Name: Pedro Prado (secret ID)
Origin: Accident
Power Level: 10
Gender Identity: Cisgender Male
Age: 17 years
Appearance and Demeanor:




Agile Feint

Defensive Attack

Evasion 2

Improved Initiative

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics)


Uncanny Dodge


Acrobatics 6 (+14)

Close Combat: Unarmed 5 (+12)

Deception 6 (+8)

Perception 6 (+8)

Persuasion 6 (+8)

Ranged Combat: Webspinners 6 (+10)

Technology 1 (+3)


Spider-Movement: Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2); Speed 4 (30 MPH) [AE: Leaping 4 (500 feet)] • 9 points

Spider-Senses: Enhanced Advantages 4 (Evasion 2, Improved Initiative, Uncanny Dodge), Senses 1 (Danger Sense [mental]) • 5 points

Web Ball: Ranged Cumulative Affliction 5 (Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized), Extra Condition, Limited to Two Degrees • 15 points

  • AE: Web Throw: Damaging Move Object 5 • 1 point
  • AE: Psiweb Probe: Ranged Cumulative Effortless Mind Reading 5 • 1 point
  • AE: Psiweb Damper: Concentration Simultaneous Nullify (Mental effects) 5 • 1 point

Web Swing: Movement 1 (Swinging) • 2 points


Initiative +12

Unarmed +12 Close, Damage 8

Web-Shooters +10, Ranged, Affliction 5/Move Object 5/Mind Reading 5/Nullify 5


Dodge 12

Parry 12

Toughness 7

Fortitude 7

Will 7


Good guy: Pedro is a nice guy, who would rather help people than punch them. He’s always trying to get a peaceful resolution, only resorting to violence as a last case scenario.

Motivation – Conflicted: Pedro was totally in it for the thrill of adventure, but the whole “multiverse in danger” thing has brought that with great power comes great responsibility. As a result, he’s torn between doing the job while enjoying himself.

Power Points[edit]

Abilities 80 + Powers 36 + Advantages 4 + Skills 18 + Defenses 12 = 150


Swinging within the concrete canyons of Copacabana one late afternoon, seventeen-year-old Pedro Prado realized it had been a year since his life had changed in an amazing way.

It seems like that weekend school trip happened yesterday, he thought, letting go of the web and spinning in the air. Even after all this time, Pedro still found extremely cool that he was aware of where everybody part of his body was, and of how his body was moving through space.

Me, who could never turn a cartwheel!

He landed on top of a building right by the beach. Pedro took in the view of the ocean and the mountains. The boy loved that he got to see it from up there. As Pedro contemplated the scene, he found himself going down memory lane.

He remembered getting lost from his group during the visit to the national park. After wandering aimlessly through the woods, he had thought the only dangers he would face were going hungry and having to sleep in the forest.

Boy, was I wrong!

The monster had jumped out of nowhere and scared Pedro witless. Looking like a humanoid spider, it had bitten him in the arm and died. Terrified and in pain, Pedro had run as fast as he could, but soon after lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he was in a hospital back in Rio with uncle Ben and aunt Maia next to his bed. They smiled when he opened his eyes; theirs had tears of relief. They explained that Pedro had been found in woods the day before delirious and feverish.

According to the doctors, he had been bitten by a rather large spider or several of them, but had recovered astonishingly fast. They released him the very next day. It only took Pedro another 24 hours after that to realize things have changed in a very big way.

A coin rolled under the washing machine and, without thinking, he lifted it with one hand. And that was not all: he was fast, agile, could cling to walls and sense danger. Plus, he could shoot webs from his wrists!

Thank god I’m not an anatomically correct “spider”! he thought, grinning.

The webs, he found out later, also let him read thoughts and can enhance his brainpower, but those abilities freaked Pedro out and he decided to use them sparingly.

Pedro did then what any teenager would do in that situation: became a super-hero. He cobbled his uniform together from different pieces, including a carnival mask he found in a cheap store.

At first, he tried a full-body suit, like American super-heroes, but Rio’s tropical weather soon dissuaded him from that idea. Now he wore his “Summer uniform” year round.

I should check out that Maharesh symbiote suit, though. Where did I leave it?

And so Homem-Aranha [Spider-Man] was born. At least, that’s how Pedro wanted to be called. He found out, though, that everybody -- including himself sometimes -- only referred to his super-hero persona as “o Aranha” [the Spider].

As Aranha, Pedro saved people and fought criminals, while struggling to maintain his social and school life. The charade didn’t last long with Ben and Maia, who found out about their nephew’s extracurriculars a few months later.

They wanted him to stop, but Pedro made an impassionate plea for his case. Ben and Maia realized the boy had grown up a lot in those months. Once a carefree, happy-go-lucky kid seemingly aimless in life, now he treated his super-heroic exploits with focus and responsibility.

They agreed to let him go on, as long as he kept his grades and didn’t get involved with anything too dangerous.

That last one has been hard to keep…

Pedro eventually learned the “monster” who attacked him was actually an alien scout from the Inkabut clade of the Maharesh species. She was called Laro Dekus and had crashed on Earth looking for help in the clade war.

Laro had received a deadly dose of radiation from her ship’s damaged drive and, in her dying throes, confused Pedro with an enemy.

Of course, I got mixed up in the war.

But Pedro had other adventures this past year: he earned the enmity of a few super-villains, fought a powerful corporation, and gained a partner in super-heroics.

I wouldn’t give up being Aranha for anythi-Crap! Look at the time. Aunt Maia will kill me if I miss dinner!