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[[Pathfinder_2:_Fist_of_the_Ruby_Phoenix|A character in the ''Fists of the Ruby Phoenix'' game]]
[[Pathfinder_2:_Fist_of_the_Ruby_Phoenix|A character in the ''Fists of the Ruby Phoenix'' game]]

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'''Crit:''' The target is off-guard until the start of your next turn.
'''Crit:''' The target is off-guard until the start of your next turn.

==Tactics & Banner==
Prepare per day: 3
Prepare per day: 3<br>
Drilled Reactions: Once per round, when you use a tactic, you can grant one ally of your choice benefiting from that tactic an extra reaction. This reaction has to be used for that tactic, and is lost if not used.
'''Commander's Banner'''<br>
As long as your banner is visible (such as by being affixed to your weapon or worn attached to a pole alongside your backpack), you and all allies in a 30-foot emanation gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves and DCs against fear effects. You pause or resume this effect as part of any action you would typically use to stow or retrieve your banner, such as Interacting to stow it. If your banner is destroyed or stolen, allies within 30 feet become frightened 1. This effect has the aura, commander, emotion, mental, and visual traits.<br>
Some abilities allow you to place your banner in a specialized manner; as long as you have placed your banner in this way, any banner abilities originate from your banner’s space instead of your own.

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===="Go Team!"====
===="Go Team!"====
1 Action<br>
1 Action<br>
Signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can Step as a free action. If any of your allies end this movement adjacent to an opponent, that opponent is off-guard to melee attacks from you and all other squadmates who responded to Pincer Attack until the start of your next turn.
Signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can Step as a free action. If any of your allies end this movement adjacent to an opponent, that opponent is off-guard to melee attacks from you and all other squadmates who responded to "Go Team!" until the start of your next turn.

===="I believe in you!"====
===="I believe in you!"====
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Choose a squadmate who can see or hear your signal. That ally immediately attempts a Strike as a reaction.
Choose a squadmate who can see or hear your signal. That ally immediately attempts a Strike as a reaction.

===="Do Your Best... Please?"====
===="Do your best... Please?"====
1 Action<br>
1 Action<br>
Designate a creature within 60 feet and signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each time you or your squadmates attack that creature and deal damage to it of a type the creature resists, they ignore an amount of that creature’s resistance equal to your level until the beginning of your next turn.
Designate a creature within 60 feet and signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each time you or your squadmates attack that creature and deal damage to it of a type the creature resists, they ignore an amount of that creature’s resistance equal to your level until the beginning of your next turn.
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1 Action<br>
1 Action<br>
Signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can immediately Stride as a reaction, though each must end their movement inside your banner’s aura.
Signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can immediately Stride as a reaction, though each must end their movement inside your banner’s aura.
Gain 4 versatile vials each day for use in ''Quick Alchemy''.
Create 4 infused alchemical consumables during daily preparations.
'''Caffeine Surprise'''<br>
You gain a +10 status bonus to speed for 1 hour.
'''Carrot Mocktail'''<br>
You gain darkvision for 24 hours.
'''Cure-All Snake Oil Tonic'''<br>
This snake oil remedy restores 5d6+12 Hit Points, and grants a +2 item bonus against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes.
'''Dire Cod Liver Oil'''<br>
Upon drinking this oil, you gain a +4 item bonus to Fortitude saving throws against diseases for 24 hours; this applies to your daily save against a disease’s progression.
'''Far Too Oversalted Beef Jerky'''<br>
You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The jerky deals 3d8 vitality damage and 3 vitality splash damage, and the target is enfeebled 2 until the start of your next turn.
'''Fortifying Ox-Tail Stew'''<br>
Upon consuming this stew, you gain a +4 item bonus to Fortitude saving throws against poisons for 6 hours.
'''Key Slaked Lime Pie'''<br>
You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The pie deals 3d6 persistent acid damage and 3 acid splash damage.
'''Ouchie-Ouchie Pepper Sauce'''<br>
You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The bottle of spicy sauce deals 3d8 fire damage, 3 persistent fire damage, and 3 fire splash damage.
'''Pickled Storm Crow's Feet'''<br>
You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The pickled foot deals 3d6 electricity damage and 3 electricity splash damage. On a hit, the target becomes off-guard until the start of your next turn.
'''Snake Wine'''<br>
For the next hour after drinking this rice wine which contains an entire dead snake (google it!), you gain a +2 item bonus to Will saves, which increases to +3 against fear.
'''Poison: Blightburn Resin'''<br>
Saving Throw DC 30 Fortitude; Onset 1 minute; Maximum Duration 6 rounds<br>
*Stage 1 6d6 poison damage (1 round)<br>
*Stage 2 7d6 poison damage (1 round)
*Stage 3 9d6 poison damage (1 round)
'''Poison: Enervating Powder'''<br>
Saving Throw DC 28 Fortitude; Onset 10 minutes; Maximum Duration 6 minutes<br>
*Stage 1 fatigued (1 minute)
*Stage 2 5d6 poison damage and fatigued (1 minute)
*Stage 3 6d6 poison damage, fatigued, and paralyzed (1 minute)
'''Poison: Nethershade'''<br>
Saving Throw DC 29 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds<br>
*Stage 1 2d6 void damage and 2d6 poison damage (1 round)
*Stage 2 3d6 void damage, 2d6 poison damage, and enfeebled 1 (1 round)
*Stage 3 3d6 void damage, 3d6 poison damage, and enfeebled 2 (1 round)

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'''Diplomacy (M)''' +20<br>
'''Diplomacy (M)''' +20<br>
'''Lore: Academia (T)''' +18<br>
'''Lore: Academia (T)''' +18<br>
'''Lore: Cooking (E)''' +20<br>
'''Lore: Cooking (E)''' +20 (+21 when using sterling cooking toolkit)<br>
'''Lore: Herbalism (E)''' +20<br>
'''Lore: Herbalism (E)''' +20<br>
'''Lore: Scribing (T)''' +18<br>
'''Lore: Warfare (M)''' +22<br>
'''Lore: Warfare (M)''' +22<br>
'''Nature (T)''' +14<br>
'''Nature (T)''' +14<br>
Line 73: Line 137:
'''Society (T)''' +18<br>
'''Society (T)''' +18<br>
'''Stealth (E)''' +18<br>
'''Stealth (E)''' +18<br>
'''Survival (T)''' +14<br>

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and can immediately attempt a new saving throw against any one mental effect currently affecting them. Regardless of the result, any ally that attempts this save is temporarily immune to ''Wave the Flag'' for 10 minutes.
and can immediately attempt a new saving throw against any one mental effect currently affecting them. Regardless of the result, any ally that attempts this save is temporarily immune to ''Wave the Flag'' for 10 minutes.

'''8: Rallying Banner'''<br>
'''8: Officer's Education'''<br>
You become trained in two skills you’re not already trained in, become an expert in one skill you’re currently trained in, learn one common language you don’t already know, and gain any one general feat of 3rd-level or lower you meet the prerequisites for (Prescient Planner).
'''10: Rallying Banner'''<br>
1 Action. Once per 10 minutes<br>
1 Action. Once per 10 minutes<br>
''Banner, Emotion, Healing, Mental, Visual''<br>
''Banner, Emotion, Healing, Mental, Visual''<br>
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This effect draws upon your allies’ morale and adrenaline and has no effect when used outside of combat.<br>
This effect draws upon your allies’ morale and adrenaline and has no effect when used outside of combat.<br>

'''10: Officer's Education'''<br>
===General Feats and Skill Feats===
You become trained in two skills you’re not already trained in, become an expert in one skill you’re currently trained in, learn one common language you don’t already know, and gain any one general feat of 3rd-level or lower you meet the prerequisites for (Prescient Planner).
'''BG: Natural Medicine'''<br>
You can use Nature instead of Medicine to ''Treat Wounds'', including higher Nature proficiency letting you attempt more difficult checks.
'''2: Group Impression'''<br>
When you ''Make an Impression'', you can compare your Diplomacy check result to the Will DCs of up to 50 targets you conversed with, with no penalty. The number of targets increases to 100 if you’re legendary.
'''3: Fleet'''<br>
Your Speed increased by 5 feet.
'''4: Cat Fall'''<br>
Treat falls as 10 feet shorter. If you’re an expert in Acrobatics, treat falls as 25 feet shorter and 50 feet if you’re a master. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, you always land on your tail and don’t take damage, regardless of the distance of the fall.
'''6: Glad-Hand'''<br>
When you meet someone in a casual or social situation, you can immediately attempt a Diplomacy check to ''Make an Impression'' on that creature rather than needing to converse for 1 minute. If you fail, you can engage in 1 minute of conversation and attempt a new check at the end of that time rather than accepting the failure or critical failure result.
'''7: Toughness'''<br>
Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. You reduce the DC of recovery checks by 1.
'''8: Shameless Request'''<br>
When you ''Request'' something, you reduce any DC increases for making an outrageous request by 2, and if you roll a critical failure for your Request, you get a failure instead. While this means you can never cause your target to reduce their attitude toward you by making a Request, they eventually tire of requests, even though they still have a positive attitude toward you.
'''B: Prescient Planner'''<br>
Cost: The price of the chosen item<br>
Requirement: You haven’t used this ability since the last time you were able to purchase goods.<br>
You take 1 minute to remove your backpack, then carefully remove an item you hadn’t previously declared that you purchased — you intuited that you would come to need the item and purchased it at the latest opportunity. <br>
The item must be a piece of adventuring gear (from the table on page 291 or other sources of adventuring gear), and can’t be a weapon, armor, alchemical item, magic item, or other treasure. It must be common with a level no
higher than half your level, and its Bulk must be low enough that carrying it wouldn’t have made you encumbered.
'''10: Hobnobber'''<br>
The ''Gather Information'' exploration activity takes you half as long as normal (typically reducing the time to 1 hour). If you’re a master in Diplomacy and roll a critical failure to Gather Information, you get a failure instead. There is still no guarantee that a rumor you learn with Gather Information is accurate.

'''11: Prescient Consumable'''<br>
When using Prescient Planner, you can procure a consumable item from your backpack, instead of a piece of adventuring gear. The consumable item must still be common with a level no higher than half your level, and its Bulk must be low enough that carrying it wouldn’t have made you encumbered.

250 GP

'''+1 Resilient Leather Armor'''
'''+1 Resilient Leather Armor'''
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'''Ring of Sustenance'''<br>
'''Ring of Sustenance'''<br>
You don’t need to eat or drink while wearing this ring, and you need only 2 hours of sleep per day to gain the benefits of 8 hours of sleep.
You don’t need to eat or drink while wearing this ring, and you need only 2 hours of sleep per day to gain the benefits of 8 hours of sleep.
'''Spacious Pouch'''<br>
50 bulk

'''Adventurer's Pack'''
'''Adventurer's Pack'''

'''Alchemist's Toolkit'''
'''Alchemist's Toolkit'''
'''Sterling Cooking Toolkit'''<br>
+1 item bonus


Latest revision as of 22:52, 17 January 2025

A character in the Fists of the Ruby Phoenix game


Ancestry: Nagaji (venomshield)
Class: Commander 11
Background: Herbalist
Languages: Common (Taldane), Draconic, Nagaji, Tien, Sakvroth, Senzar, Tengu

Ability Scores[edit]

STR +0
DEX +4
CON +3
INT +5
WIS +1
CHA +3


Speed 30
HP 142
Perception, Low Light Vision (E) +16 (+18 for Perception checks involving sight)
Class DC (E) 30

AC (E) 32
Fortitude (E) +19
Reflex (E) +20
Will (M) +19, When you roll a success gain a critical instead
Resist 5 poison
Saves +1 circumstance vs. emotion

Weapon: +2 Striking Rapier (E)
Attack: +21 (Deadly D8, Disarm, Finesse)
Damage: 2d6 + 2 P
Crit: The target is off-guard until the start of your next turn.

Tactics & Banner[edit]

Prepare per day: 3

Drilled Reactions: Once per round, when you use a tactic, you can grant one ally of your choice benefiting from that tactic an extra reaction. This reaction has to be used for that tactic, and is lost if not used.

Commander's Banner
As long as your banner is visible (such as by being affixed to your weapon or worn attached to a pole alongside your backpack), you and all allies in a 30-foot emanation gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves and DCs against fear effects. You pause or resume this effect as part of any action you would typically use to stow or retrieve your banner, such as Interacting to stow it. If your banner is destroyed or stolen, allies within 30 feet become frightened 1. This effect has the aura, commander, emotion, mental, and visual traits.
Some abilities allow you to place your banner in a specialized manner; as long as you have placed your banner in this way, any banner abilities originate from your banner’s space instead of your own.


2 Actions
Signal all squadmates who can hear or see your signal; each can immediately Step up to three times as a free action. Each Step must take them farther away from at least one hostile creature they are observing, and can only take them closer to a hostile creature if doing so is the only way for them to move towards safety (such as if they’re surrounded).

"Go Team!"[edit]

1 Action
Signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can Step as a free action. If any of your allies end this movement adjacent to an opponent, that opponent is off-guard to melee attacks from you and all other squadmates who responded to "Go Team!" until the start of your next turn.

"I believe in you!"[edit]

2 Actions
Choose a squadmate who can see or hear your signal. That ally immediately attempts a Strike as a reaction.

"Do your best... Please?"[edit]

1 Action
Designate a creature within 60 feet and signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each time you or your squadmates attack that creature and deal damage to it of a type the creature resists, they ignore an amount of that creature’s resistance equal to your level until the beginning of your next turn.

"Maybe go over there?"[edit]

1 Action
Signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can immediately Stride as a reaction, though each must end their movement inside your banner’s aura.


Gain 4 versatile vials each day for use in Quick Alchemy.

Create 4 infused alchemical consumables during daily preparations.

Caffeine Surprise
You gain a +10 status bonus to speed for 1 hour.

Carrot Mocktail
You gain darkvision for 24 hours.

Cure-All Snake Oil Tonic
This snake oil remedy restores 5d6+12 Hit Points, and grants a +2 item bonus against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes.

Dire Cod Liver Oil
Upon drinking this oil, you gain a +4 item bonus to Fortitude saving throws against diseases for 24 hours; this applies to your daily save against a disease’s progression.

Far Too Oversalted Beef Jerky
You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The jerky deals 3d8 vitality damage and 3 vitality splash damage, and the target is enfeebled 2 until the start of your next turn.

Fortifying Ox-Tail Stew
Upon consuming this stew, you gain a +4 item bonus to Fortitude saving throws against poisons for 6 hours.

Key Slaked Lime Pie
You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The pie deals 3d6 persistent acid damage and 3 acid splash damage.

Ouchie-Ouchie Pepper Sauce
You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The bottle of spicy sauce deals 3d8 fire damage, 3 persistent fire damage, and 3 fire splash damage.

Pickled Storm Crow's Feet
You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The pickled foot deals 3d6 electricity damage and 3 electricity splash damage. On a hit, the target becomes off-guard until the start of your next turn.

Snake Wine
For the next hour after drinking this rice wine which contains an entire dead snake (google it!), you gain a +2 item bonus to Will saves, which increases to +3 against fear.

Poison: Blightburn Resin
Saving Throw DC 30 Fortitude; Onset 1 minute; Maximum Duration 6 rounds

  • Stage 1 6d6 poison damage (1 round)
  • Stage 2 7d6 poison damage (1 round)
  • Stage 3 9d6 poison damage (1 round)

Poison: Enervating Powder
Saving Throw DC 28 Fortitude; Onset 10 minutes; Maximum Duration 6 minutes

  • Stage 1 fatigued (1 minute)
  • Stage 2 5d6 poison damage and fatigued (1 minute)
  • Stage 3 6d6 poison damage, fatigued, and paralyzed (1 minute)

Poison: Nethershade
Saving Throw DC 29 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds

  • Stage 1 2d6 void damage and 2d6 poison damage (1 round)
  • Stage 2 3d6 void damage, 2d6 poison damage, and enfeebled 1 (1 round)
  • Stage 3 3d6 void damage, 3d6 poison damage, and enfeebled 2 (1 round)


Acrobatics (T) +16
Athletics (T) +12
Crafting (M) +22
Diplomacy (M) +20
Lore: Academia (T) +18
Lore: Cooking (E) +20 (+21 when using sterling cooking toolkit)
Lore: Herbalism (E) +20
Lore: Scribing (T) +18
Lore: Warfare (M) +22
Nature (T) +14
Performance (E) +17
Society (T) +18
Stealth (E) +18



1: Cold Minded
You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against emotion effects, and whenever you roll a success on a saving throw against an emotion effect, you get a critical success instead.

5: Hypnotic Lure
2 Actions, Once per hour
Concentrate, Enchantment, Mental, Nagaji, Occult, Visual
You stare at a creature within 30 feet. The target must attempt a Will save against the higher of your class DC or spell DC.

  • Success The target is unaffected.
  • Failure On its turn, the target must spend its first action to approach you. It can't Delay or take reactions until it has done so.
  • Critical Failure The target must use all its actions on its next turn to approach you. It can't Delay or take any reactions until it has reached a space that's adjacent to you (or as close to you as possible if it reaches an impassable barrier).

9: Hypnotic Glare
Once per day, when you use Hypnotic Lure, you can affect all creatures in a 30- foot cone, rather than one creature within 30 feet.


2: Alchemist Dedication
You put your alchemical interest into practice. You become trained in alchemical bombs, the alchemist class DC, and Crafting; if you were already trained in Crafting, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice.
You gain the Quick Alchemy benefits (page 174), creating up to 4 versatile vials during your daily preparations. Add the formulas for four additional common alchemical items to your formula book, in addition to those you gain from Alchemical Crafting.

4: Advanced Alchemy
You gain the advanced alchemy benefits (page 174), and you can create 4 alchemical consumables during your daily preparations.

6 (from class feat): Basic Concoction > Quick Bomber
1 Action
You Interact to draw a bomb, draw a versatile vial, or use Quick Alchemy to create a bomb, then Strike with the bomb.

6: Advanced Concoction > Improvised Admixture
1 Action, Once per day
Attempt a Crafting check. The DC is usually a standard-difficulty DC for your level (DC 28), but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The number of vials you regain depends on the result of your check (up to your maximum).

  • Critical Success You regain 3 versatile vials.
  • Success You regain 2 versatile vials.
  • Failure You regain 1 versatile vial.
  • Critical Failure You don’t regain any versatile vials.

8: Marshal Dedication
While you’re conscious, you’re surrounded by a marshal’s aura in a 15-foot emanation. Your aura has the emotion, mental, and visual traits and grants you and allies in the aura a +1 status bonus to saving throws against fear.

10: Inspiring Marshal Stance
1 Action
Attempt a Diplomacy check. The DC is usually an easy DC of your level (DC 26), but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check.

  • Success Your marshal’s aura grants you and allies a +1 status bonus to attack rolls and saves against mental effects.
  • Failure You fail to enter the stance.
  • Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can’t take this action again for 1 minute.

Commander Feats[edit]

Bonus: Shield Block
Reaction. While you have your shield raised, you would take physical damage from an attack.
Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

1: Plant Banner
1 Action
You plant your banner to inspire your allies to hold the line. Plant your banner in a corner of your square. All allies within a 30-foot burst immediately gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your Intelligence modifier. These temporary Hit Points last for 1 round; each time an ally starts their turn within the burst, these Hit Points are renewed for another round. While your banner is planted, you can signal your tactics abilities only with auditory signals (instead of your choice of auditory or visual). If your banner is attached to a weapon, you cannot wield that weapon while your banner is planted. While your banner is planted, any effects that normally happen in an emanation around your banner instead happen in a burst that is 10 feet larger (so a 30-foot emanation becomes a 40-foot burst).
You can use this action again while adjacent to your banner to retrieve it. An enemy adjacent to the square you planted your banner in can remove your banner as an Interact action, ending this effect and preventing you and your allies from gaining any of your banner’s other benefits until you have successfully retrieved it.
If you are at least 15th level, the temporary Hit Points granted by this ability are instead equal to your level + your Intelligence modifier.

2: Defensive Swap
Reaction. You or an adjacent willing ally are the target of an attack roll.
You and the required ally immediately swap positions with each other, and whichever of you was not the target of the triggering attack becomes the target instead.

4: Wave the Flag
1 Action
Banner, Emotion, Flourish, Mental, Visual
Each ally currently benefiting from your commander’s banner reduces their frightened condition by 1 and can immediately attempt a new saving throw against any one mental effect currently affecting them. Regardless of the result, any ally that attempts this save is temporarily immune to Wave the Flag for 10 minutes.

8: Officer's Education
You become trained in two skills you’re not already trained in, become an expert in one skill you’re currently trained in, learn one common language you don’t already know, and gain any one general feat of 3rd-level or lower you meet the prerequisites for (Prescient Planner).

10: Rallying Banner
1 Action. Once per 10 minutes
Banner, Emotion, Healing, Mental, Visual
Your banner waves high, reminding your allies that the fight can still be won. Roll 5d6; you restore that many Hit Points to each ally affected by your commander’s banner. This healing increases by an additional 1d6 at 12th level and every 2 levels thereafter.
This effect draws upon your allies’ morale and adrenaline and has no effect when used outside of combat.

General Feats and Skill Feats[edit]

BG: Natural Medicine
You can use Nature instead of Medicine to Treat Wounds, including higher Nature proficiency letting you attempt more difficult checks.

2: Group Impression
When you Make an Impression, you can compare your Diplomacy check result to the Will DCs of up to 50 targets you conversed with, with no penalty. The number of targets increases to 100 if you’re legendary.

3: Fleet
Your Speed increased by 5 feet.

4: Cat Fall
Treat falls as 10 feet shorter. If you’re an expert in Acrobatics, treat falls as 25 feet shorter and 50 feet if you’re a master. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, you always land on your tail and don’t take damage, regardless of the distance of the fall.

6: Glad-Hand
When you meet someone in a casual or social situation, you can immediately attempt a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on that creature rather than needing to converse for 1 minute. If you fail, you can engage in 1 minute of conversation and attempt a new check at the end of that time rather than accepting the failure or critical failure result.

7: Toughness
Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. You reduce the DC of recovery checks by 1.

8: Shameless Request
When you Request something, you reduce any DC increases for making an outrageous request by 2, and if you roll a critical failure for your Request, you get a failure instead. While this means you can never cause your target to reduce their attitude toward you by making a Request, they eventually tire of requests, even though they still have a positive attitude toward you.

B: Prescient Planner
Cost: The price of the chosen item
Requirement: You haven’t used this ability since the last time you were able to purchase goods.
You take 1 minute to remove your backpack, then carefully remove an item you hadn’t previously declared that you purchased — you intuited that you would come to need the item and purchased it at the latest opportunity.
The item must be a piece of adventuring gear (from the table on page 291 or other sources of adventuring gear), and can’t be a weapon, armor, alchemical item, magic item, or other treasure. It must be common with a level no higher than half your level, and its Bulk must be low enough that carrying it wouldn’t have made you encumbered.

10: Hobnobber
The Gather Information exploration activity takes you half as long as normal (typically reducing the time to 1 hour). If you’re a master in Diplomacy and roll a critical failure to Gather Information, you get a failure instead. There is still no guarantee that a rumor you learn with Gather Information is accurate.

11: Prescient Consumable
When using Prescient Planner, you can procure a consumable item from your backpack, instead of a piece of adventuring gear. The consumable item must still be common with a level no higher than half your level, and its Bulk must be low enough that carrying it wouldn’t have made you encumbered.


250 GP

+1 Resilient Leather Armor

+2 Striking Rapier

Eyes of the Cat
These glasses grant grant you low-light vision and a +2 item bonus to Perception checks that involve sight.

Healer's Gloves, greater
1 Action, Once per Day
You soothe the wounds of a willing, living, adjacent creature, restoring 4d6+15 Hit Points to that creature. This is a healing vitality effect. You can’t harm undead with this healing.

Ring of Sustenance
You don’t need to eat or drink while wearing this ring, and you need only 2 hours of sleep per day to gain the benefits of 8 hours of sleep.

Spacious Pouch
50 bulk

Adventurer's Pack

Alchemist's Toolkit

Sterling Cooking Toolkit
+1 item bonus