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Original Spells

Necrotic Spell Growth

Level: Cha 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched, see text
Duration: Permanent until discharged
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Necrotic Spell Growth vs. Bestow Spell
This spell creates a magical necrotic growth that is capable of discharging the effects of a spell. Only characters with a Constitution score of 10 or more may receive a spell growth. A body can only support a number of spell growths equal to the character's Hit Dice. Once created, the spell growth can have one spell cast into it, by yourself or by any other caster (even the target of this spell). Spells with a verbal component cast into a spell growth cost one additional spell point.
Spells with the Language-Dependant or Mind-Affecting descriptors can be cast into a spell growth, but the bearer of the spell growth must supply these components accurately once the spell is discharged. Unless the bearer of the growth knows how to cast the spell in order to provide the verbal component required for the spell to succeed, the spell produced by the spell growth will have no effect.
The growth manifests at the designated location chosen by the caster and appears as a small pustule, bony protrusion, or tiny fleshy appendage. This does not inconvenience or pain the target of the spell, but because it is unsightly, a visible spell growth imposes a -2 circumstance penalty on all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks made by the bearer of the spell growth. Covering the growth negates this penalty.
As a standard action the bearer of the growth can remove it, thereby activating the spell stored within the growth. Upon activation, the spell growth produces the effects of the chosen spell. This happens as though the target used a spell-like ability that mimics the spell cast into the growth, with the removal of the growth serving as both the casting time and the somatic component (a verbal component is not required). The caster level of this effect is determined by the caster of the spell cast into the growth.
For example, you could cast this spell on an ally twice, creating two purplish, moist pustules on the back of her right hand. Into one of those pustules you could then cast acid splash by using one of your daily 0-level spells and spending 1 spell point for the spell's verbal component. Into the other you could cast a widened color spray by spending 5 spell points (3 of which are for the application of the Widen Spell metamagic feat). However, if the bearer of the growth doesn't know how to cast color spray, she won't know how to supply the verbal component of this Mind-Affecting spell. If she doesn't successfully complete the verbal component when she activates the spell growth, the cone of color it produces will have no effect on the minds of her targets. Regardless of her level or caster level, the spell effects produced will be at your caster level at the time you filled the spell growths.

Necrotic Spell Growth

Level: Cha 4
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched, see text
Duration: Permanent until discharged (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell allows you to bestow a spell and the abiliy to cast it onto another character. Only characters with a score of 9 or more in your caster ability may receive a bestowed spell. A character cannot bestow a spell of a level higher than the character's Hit Die total. To bestow multiple spells you must cast bestow spell multiple times.
To cast this spell, you pay the spell energy cost for both this spell and the spell you bestow upon the target, plus any other costs of the spell you bestow upon the target. Spell energy from bestowed spells is not recovered until the bestowed spell has been cast or until you "recall" that energy by dismissing the spell. Recalled spell energy robs the target of his bestowed spell and does not return to you until the next time you recover spell energy.
For example, bestowing a magic missle spell on an ally reduces your spell energy by seven points: four for bestow spell and three for magic missile. Your maximum amount of spell energy is reduced by one until the target actually casts the magic missle spell or until you recall that energy.
Characters with bestowed spells use them as spell-like abilities with a casting time equal to the bestowed spell's casting time.
Focus: The focus of this spell can be anything, but must be passed from the caster to the target when the spell is cast.
