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B –

Banishment of Carpathria, The – During the last days of the Dust & Garter Wars, even as Emperor Champion-of-Fifty lead a triumphant procession through the streets of Morbus, the Carpathria Family were trapped in their family estates, besieged by a thousands-strong mob of aggrevied Vari-Sap terraformers seeking restitution. Thanks to a deliberate leak somewhere within the ranks of the Urban Syndicate, the workforce had become aware that Julior Carpathria was guilty of a massive degree of nepotism, corruption and embezzlement. It seemed that he had been using their labours under the slave-mind protocols not to build the Common Orchids or Great Savannahs promised to them, but to maintain the production levels of his sisters scarinth spice farms While Julior's misdeeds are beyond defence, the siege's- and the accomanying riots and loooting- greatest impact was to bring the Variable-Sapience Terraformation Scheme and it'd participants into disrepute amongst the Genetic Nobility. Indeed, thanks to the brave but misguided honesty of the Recorders of the Universal City, the siege was shown in four-dimensional experiance chambers across the Grid- "Experiance a Civil War In Your Own Soul", as the adverts went- making it the first revolt to penetrate the consciousness of investors outside the Goth-worlds, exposing the Unification Wars to the outside universe.

To try quell the rioting of over sixteen-thousand bio-enhanced supermen, the Urban Syndicate passed the infamous verdict of True Exile against the Carpathria Family, sending them into the unterriformed lands with a mere team Level-3 life sustinance droids for protection. This sentance was many times stricter than any recieved by a noble ever before, and fell upon the entire family and their retainers. Once the dam had burst and the precedent been set, however, the loss of the Carpathrians became merely a foreshadowing of what was in store for the Genetic Nobles. With the Period of Exiles soon to come, the Banishment of Carpathria has become the perfect symbol of the end of Orlando Coriallis's Unification Alliance

– Merium Wexter

See also: Dust & Garter Wars, Variable-Sapience Terraformation Scheme